Branding Quotes

Quotes tagged as "branding" Showing 91-120 of 850
Tetsu Kariya
“Main ingredients: rice, distilled alcohol, brewing saccharides...' what's that all mean?"
"During the second World War, something called sanbaizōshu was created as a way to make sake from a small very small amount of rice."
"Essentially, you take sake made the proper way but then dilute it until it's three times its original volume.
Besides water, the main additive is distilled grain alcohol, followed by malt syrup, glucose, and MSG to fix the flavor."
"What? You add a completely different alcohol that wasn't created during the brewing?!"
"Monosodium glutamate? I can't believe they'd add such a thing to a drink!"
"You're right. This isn't real sake. Although we now have an abundant supply of rice, the big beverage companies still make sanbaizōshu since it's an easy way for them to make a profit."
"But I trusted them because they're popular brands..."
"It's the other way around. Most of the large companies with huge advertising campaigns on TV and whatnot use this method."
"Then what about this bottle with "Junmaishu" on it?"
"It's from a small brewery in the countryside, a sake made from nothing but rice, kōji, and water.
This is the kind of sake that should have an ingredient label so that people can see that it's truly pure. It's a tragedy that we have it the other way around here in Japan.
Is there any other country in the world that's degraded their traditional drink like this?It's an important part of our culture and it's almost been destroyed.”
Tetsu Kariya, Sake

“Your right people will hear you differently.”
Melissa Bolton

“Confidence walks into a room differently.”
Melissa Bolton

“Don't seek popularity, seek integrity and authenticity. Everything else will follow.”
Melissa Bolton

“When I was working on Young Guru's team, I learned just how important it was to become a part of the solution in reference to the digital divide. At the time we were working on getting Guru more exposure for Era of the Engineer, and diving into the case studies, let me know that if we don't do something now and something quick, so many black and brown children will be wheezing in the background in the tech space.”
Shana Digital

“We Create

Incredible Digital Products.
We serve businesses, start-ups, and organizations to engender fresh initiatives. and create customer-friendly branding, websites, tools, and apps.”

“We assist enterprises, start-ups, and organizations in developing innovative
concepts and developing websites, digital products, applications, and branding

We have a solid commitment to customer satisfaction and strive to exceed our
customer's expectations with every new project.”

June Stoyer
“The customer may not always be right but the negative press it can result in for a brand can be costly. It is easier to try to find a way to make things right to keep things positive.”
June Stoyer

June Stoyer
“When it comes to social media, a lot of companies still don’t get it. They opt to use a “cookie cutter social media” approach instead of treating their accounts with the same respect as they would their corporate lines of credit or anything else that is critical to the business. They treat their social media as though it is something that can be mass produced and processed. This is the wrong approach to social media!”
June Stoyer

“Aquarium and fishery products marketing and advertising

We Are Branding Solution And Advertising Agency
Professionals Advertising Solution perfectly for your business

Together we Explore your Business

The intensity of the internet gives an awesome chance to assist the agony and cost of promoting and we exist to use this chance to help cut publicizing costs for individuals from our expansive network. We know about the opposition in this industry and we plan to be among the best by always enhancing our administration quality. We consider client input important and we consolidate them in our persistent enhancement technique.

RKGDEAL advertisement agency is the market place for buying, selling and trading! Find cars, houses, all kinds of items for sale, and a lot more...!”

“Your brand is the way your business is personified in the minds of consumers.”
Melissa Bolton

“Whatever makes you unique is your greatest asset.”
Melissa Bolton

“Successful brands are an experience, not an entity.”
Melissa Bolton

“You can say all the right things, for all the right reasons, but if you're talking to the wrong people, it will never matter.”
Melissa Bolton

“Make your customer the hero of your brand story.”
Melissa Bolton

“Your niche isn't a person you serve, it's a problem you solve.”
Melissa Bolton

“Be worth knowing, not just well-known.”
Melissa Bolton

“Serve a niche, not a nation.”
Melissa Bolton

“Make authenticity part of your growth strategy.”
Melissa Bolton

“The most memorable people are the ones who don't remind me of anyone else.”
Melissa Bolton

“Don't be something for everyone. Be everything for someone.”
Melissa Bolton

“Your purpose: Find something more important than you are, and dedicate your life to it.”
Melissa Bolton

“Maybe that person you don't understand is just a lesson you haven't learned yet.”
Melissa Bolton

“When you're true to yourself you're going to lose some people. Let them go.”
Melissa Bolton

“Don't borrow lessons you haven't learned or experiences you haven't had, and try to write them into your own success story. It doesn't work.”
Melissa Bolton

“If you find yourself explaining your worth, you've already forgotten your value.”
Melissa Bolton

“To truly succeed, one must first be distinctive.”
Melissa Bolton

“The place you're used to isn't necessarily the place you belong.”
Melissa Bolton