Branding Quotes

Quotes tagged as "branding" Showing 211-240 of 850
Pooja Agnihotri
“For getting those customers, you need to first let them know about your business, your product and how your product is exactly what they are looking for. And for that very purpose, you have to advertise your product.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Pooja Agnihotri
“An effective ad brings long-term positive residual effects for your business.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Pooja Agnihotri
“Post-purchase dissonance is when the customers regret the product that they have just bought.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Pooja Agnihotri
“When a value is communicated well, it gives your potential customers an option to choose you over others and to stick to your brand.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Laura Busche
“You can 'hypergrow' all you want. Without roots, you won't stand a storm.”
Laura Busche

“Generally, when someone is unhappy or lacking meaningful sustenance in their life or business, it’s because their internal self isn’t in harmony with their external self.”
Alan Philips, The Age of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential

“In simplest terms, you won’t be able to unlock your creative potential, achieve sustainable success, or even be fundamentally happy unless you align your internal and external worlds—unless you’re true to yourself. Therefore, to begin the journey of discovering your purpose, you must focus on what matters to you internally, not externally. And the first step in this process is to eliminate obstacles that prevent you from hearing the signal above the noise. These obstacles include things such as commercial concerns, financial motivations, comparing yourself to someone else, and other manifestations of ego.”
Alan Philips, The Age of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential

“Quite often, the discussion of purpose in an organizational setting is diluted by groupthink, as most people don’t feel comfortable giving their honest opinion, especially when doing so could impact their employment or financial status. Therefore, organizations must work to find ways to create safe environments for honest sharing and empower key stakeholders to make decisions that aren’t always popular—because to do something truly special, you must be as honest, defined, and differentiated as possible.”
Alan Philips, The Age of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential

Maxim Behar
“The essence of our industry is to be able to present something to somebody in the most concise form and in the quickest way possible.”
Maxim Behar, The Global PR Revolution: How Thought Leaders Succeed in the Transformed World of PR

“If your brand lacks sensuality, it has got no power.”
Lebo Grand

Bernard Kelvin Clive
“The most critical aspect of feedbacks is how you interpret them.”
Bernard Kelvin Clive

Walter Kirn
“I know of no pleasure more reliable than consuming a great American brand against the backdrop featured in its advertising. Driving a Ford pickup down brown dirt roads. Swigging a Coke on the beach in Malibu. Flying Great West over central Colorado. It's a feeling of restfulness and order akin, I suspect, to how the ancient Egyptians felt watching the planets line up over the Pyramids. You're in the right place, you're running with the right forces, and if the wind should howl tomorrow, let it.”
Walter Kirn, Up in the Air

“Who we are to the outside world and whether we are able to manifest our purpose is the result of work done when no one is looking. Every decision we make has positive and negative implications for our future and therefore must involve a strong framework, one that guides our choices and focuses our energy.”
Alan Philips, The Age of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential

“While making inexpensive furniture may be what IKEA does prac- tically, the vision of “creating a better everyday life” for people has emotional resonance we can rally behind. These are the words of a movement, and I would argue that without them, Ikea would be much less successful. Combine commitment to a meaningful purpose with flawless execution and it makes the difference between the world’s largest furniture retailer and a local purveyor of cheap junk.”
Alan Philips, The Age of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential

“Your purpose is the emotional and spiritual energy that surrounds the commercial aspects of what you do; it can’t be to make a lot of money or sell a lot of widgets. While generating a significant financial return may be a result of pursuing your purpose, it can’t be why you do what you do. Money isn’t what the journey’s about. We aren’t here to survive; we’re here to self-actualize and thrive.”
Alan Philips, The Age of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential

Alan Philips, The Age of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential

“Before humans started messing around with the system, nature existed in harmony for millions of years—a beautiful symphony of seasonal change, birth and death, creation and destruction. This same harmony that drives the natural world applies to the intangible, emotional world of humans. We, too, must achieve harmony between all the elements of our lives, between the internal self and the external world.”
Alan Philips, The Age of Ideas: Unlock Your Creative Potential

“Spread your brand like a virus”

Loren Weisman
“In painting a palette with a wide array of information, before painting the picture of your brand...

it allows for the tone, temperature and clarity of your brand, the messaging and the process architecture to all come together in harmony at the same time.”
Loren Weisman

Richie Norton
“Managers will be forced to become entrepreneurs and directly responsible for above the line branding and below the line profits...or they will be fired.”
Richie Norton

“When marketing or selling a product, you are "Yoda" and your customer is "Anakin Skywalker". You aid them in their adventures through your product so they can attain victory.”
Abdul Malik Omar, Triumph: Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur

“Defining a clear persona helps you guide your brand and business efforts so that they meet your customer's needs.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“Companies are built on logic
Brands are built on emotion!”
Muheet Mehraj

Laura Busche
“Brands can only stand out if they know where they stand. Values matter.”
Laura Busche

A.D. Aliwat
“Of course there is no such thing as heaven. There is only the reality of one’s perception and the planet Earth and that is where the human story ends. If there is a soul, it only exists during life: it’s more like a person’s brand. And as for love, it is nothing more than chemicals in the brain.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Loren Weisman
“Nourish your audience with authentic content that highlights your authority instead of feeding them cheap click bait.”
Loren Weisman