Breton Quotes

Quotes tagged as "breton" Showing 1-7 of 7
André Breton
“Le coeur humain, beau comme un sismographe.”
André Breton, Nadja

“Equally, the surrealists consider words as witnesses of life acting in a direct way in human affairs. To use words properly it was necessary to treat them with respect, for they were the intermediaries between oneself and the rest of creation. To abuse them was immediately to set oneself adrift from true being. Words need to be coaxed to reveal a little of their true nature, so as to close the breach that exists between the writer and the universe. The world is not something alien against which man is in conflict. Rather man and cosmos exist in reciprocal motion. We are not cast adrift in an alien or meaningless environment. The universe is intimate with us and, as Breton insisted, it is a cryptogram to be deciphered.”
Michael Richardson, Dedalus Book of Surrealism 2: The Myth of the World

“O God, thy sea is so great and my boat is so small.”
Old Breton fisherman s prayer

Jennifer McKeithen
“My legion has won many victories. And since you are my dearest friend, we will fight that much harder." His intense, dark eyes locked with hers. "I swear to you: Ker-Ys will not fall.”
Jennifer McKeithen, Atlantis: On the Shores of Forever

Jennifer McKeithen
“She ran. Deeper, deeper into the mysterious Broceliande forest...”
Jennifer McKeithen, Atlantis: On the Shores of Forever

“Les enquêtes effectuées en 1830 démontrent, qu'en Basse-Bretagne, 70% de la population parle breton. Les grandes villes sont bilingues, le total des monolingues bretons s'élève à 80% des locuteurs, une grande partie de ces bretonnants sait lire et écrire le breton. Cette situation va perdurer jusqu'à la veille de la première guerre mondiale, à l'exception des villes dont la francisation s'est fortement accentuée. On évalue le nombre de locuteurs à 1300000 en 1914.
Patrick Le Besco, Parlons breton: Langue et culture

“Si cette population avait transmis sa langue aux générations suivantes dans des conditions de développement normales, cela ferait maintenant quelques quatre ou cinq millions de bretonnants : les langues vernaculaires ayant moins de cinq millions de locuteurs sont nombreuses : l'hébreu (4,6 millions), le norvégien (4,4 millions), l'albanais (2,5 millions), l'islandais (220 000) etc.
Patrick Le Besco, Parlons breton: Langue et culture