Crash Quotes
Quotes tagged as "crash"
Showing 1-30 of 84
“After being bombarded endlessly by road-safety propaganda it was almost a relief to find myself in an actual accident.”
― Crash
― Crash
“What the fuck happened to you? [...] You look like you lost a fight with a lamprey. Hickey, hickey...bruise, bruise, bruise...bite. I thought that thing on your neck the other day was just a fluke. I guess not--looks like you get off on picking up a few souvenirs when you...get off. ~Crash”
― Camp Hell
― Camp Hell
“We thought everything would be
forgotten, but I still remember your
claws running down my back.
I wonder if you still think about us,
the way I do.
How our legs would crash
into each other in the middle
of the night, and how we ended
up creating the moon in the
confines of our beds.”
― The Sky Is Purple
forgotten, but I still remember your
claws running down my back.
I wonder if you still think about us,
the way I do.
How our legs would crash
into each other in the middle
of the night, and how we ended
up creating the moon in the
confines of our beds.”
― The Sky Is Purple
“She had felt a collision with him and known that she had wanted this her whole life: to crash for just one moment into another person at such a velocity as to fuse with him.”
― The Girl With Glass Feet
― The Girl With Glass Feet
“And though this story does have its monsters, I’ve found that it is not one that can be so easily cleaved into the good and the bad. In the end, this was a story about people and their different shades of desperation, crashing up against each other. But there was one person who was good until the very end. And his name was Sal Singh.”
― A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
― A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
“When your drive is moving your purpose, focus must hold the wheels else your might miss the way. And do you know what that means? Avoid Crash!!!. Stay focused!”
“Wisdom, itself, is often an abstraction associated not with fact or reality but with the man who asserts it and the manner of its assertion.”
― The Great Crash 1929
― The Great Crash 1929
“What does brace mean, anyway? Brace. Such an odd word. It comes from the Latin brachium, meaning arm. It means, as its heart, to embrace. It was a hug. A hug good-bye.”
― Flight 232: A Story of Disaster and Survival
― Flight 232: A Story of Disaster and Survival
“In their eyes I must have appeared like some kind of nightmarish totem, a domestic idiot suffering from the irreversible brain damage of a motorway accident and now put out each morning to view the scene of his own cerebral death.”
“The crash did not cause the Depression: that was part of a far broader malaise. What it did was expose the weaknesses that underpinned the confidence and optimism of the 1920s - poor distribution of income, a weak banking structure and insufficient regulations, the economy's dependence on new consumer goods, the over-extension of industry and the Government's blind belief that promoting business interests would make America uniformly prosperous.”
― Anything Goes: A Biography of the Roaring Twenties
― Anything Goes: A Biography of the Roaring Twenties
“My relief dissipates as James Blunt's yowling voice is overwhelmed by the scream of locking brakes:eieeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...
My head lurches into darkness.”
― Bloody Flies
My head lurches into darkness.”
― Bloody Flies
“Life without God is like an aircraft without a Captain. Anytime, it is bound to crash.”
― Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration
― Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration
“One of the most common sense things about real world progress is that progressivism must never steer into its own dogmatism. One can be sure, at least every so often, that there eventually comes a point either to stop, to turn around, or to make a turn; lest a wall is pummeled, a cliff is tumbled, or a mere cycle is tunneled forever.”
“Do kraja boravka u bolnici, nisam više video doktorku Helen Remington, ali sam, dok sam ležao na praznom odeljenju, neprekidno razmišljao o sudaru koji nas je spojio. Izmedu mene i te ožalošcene mlade žene javio se snažan osecaj erotske privlacnosti, gotovo kao da sam podsvesno želeo da nas dvoje u
njenoj materici ponovo zacnemo njenog mrtvog muža. Ako bih ušao u njenu vaginu, tu na odeljenju za rendgensko snimanje, medu metalnim ormaricima i belim kablovima, nekako bih prizvao njenog muža iz mrtvih, stvorio bih ga iz spoja njenog levog pazuha i hromiranog postolja za rendgenski aparat, iz
sjedinjenja naših genitalija s fino izradenim poklopcem za objektiv.”
― Crash
njenoj materici ponovo zacnemo njenog mrtvog muža. Ako bih ušao u njenu vaginu, tu na odeljenju za rendgensko snimanje, medu metalnim ormaricima i belim kablovima, nekako bih prizvao njenog muža iz mrtvih, stvorio bih ga iz spoja njenog levog pazuha i hromiranog postolja za rendgenski aparat, iz
sjedinjenja naših genitalija s fino izradenim poklopcem za objektiv.”
― Crash
“Avrei potuto parlargli di come sia un miracolo che il nostro pianeta non venga colpito da un asteroide di grandi dimensioni, considerata l’enorme mole di rocce che gravitano nello spazio. Di come immaginiamo l’universo vuoto quando in realtà è pieno di pietre e granelli di ogni tipo, di come i finestrini della Stazione spaziale internazionale si ricoprano di continuo di polvere e di quanto sia facile vedere da lassú una «stella cadente», un meteorite che impatta con l’atmosfera. Che è tutto in un equilibrio instabile e magico attorno a noi, che nonostante sfreccino oggetti a velocità incredibili a un passo dal nostro naso, siamo ancora qui, a goderci il sole e il mare, e di come qualcuno ritenga che siano stati proprio i grandi impatti del passato a regalarci quest’inaspettata villeggiatura sulla Terra, perché potrebbe essere stato un urto a far inclinare l’asse terrestre (che ci fa apparire il pianeta un po’ abboccato su un lato) cosí da permettere al globo di essere raggiunto nel suo insieme dal Sole. È grazie a questa inclinazione se esistono le stagioni. Ed è stato sempre un impatto a far sparire i dinosauri e a permettere quindi l’entrata in scena dei mammiferi e dell’uomo. Questo dovrò tentare di spiegare un domani a mio figlio: che la vita riparte sempre e che gli scontri a volte portano anche qualcosa di buono.
Certo, lo andassero a spiegare ai dinosauri.”
― Inventario di un cuore in allarme
Certo, lo andassero a spiegare ai dinosauri.”
― Inventario di un cuore in allarme
“There are many things that I hope readers take away from this book. This is one of the most important: if you are drowsy while driving, please, please stop. It is lethal. To carry the burden of another’s death on your shoulders is a terrible thing.”
― Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
― Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams
“The confidence you get from knowing about every crash, anywhere in the world, is crucial to delivering a high-quality product that needs to be used in the wild. In the consumer software business, you can't rely on your customers to tell you about crashes—many of them may not be technical enough, and most of them won't bother to take time off of their own important work to give you a useful crash report unless you make it completely automatic.”
― Joel on Software
― Joel on Software
“If you want your trip to be both entertaining and successful - bring a Greek.
But bring two - you will either crash, or end up in heaven.”
But bring two - you will either crash, or end up in heaven.”
“Do kraja boravka u bolnici, nisam više video doktorku Helen Remington, ali sam, dok sam ležao na praznom odeljenju, neprekidno razmišljao o sudaru koji nas je spojio. Izmedu mene i te ožalošcene mlade žene javio se snažan osecaj erotske privlacnosti, gotovo kao da sam podsvesno želeo da nas dvoje u
njenoj materici ponovo zacnemo njenog mrtvog muža. Ako bih ušao u njenu vaginu, tu na odeljenju za rendgensko snimanje, medu metalnim ormaricima i belim kablovima, nekako bih prizvao njenog muža iz mrtvih, stvorio bih ga iz spoja njenog levog pazuha i hromiranog postolja za rendgenski aparat, iz sjedinjenja naših genitalija s fino izradenim poklopcem za objektiv.”
― Crash
njenoj materici ponovo zacnemo njenog mrtvog muža. Ako bih ušao u njenu vaginu, tu na odeljenju za rendgensko snimanje, medu metalnim ormaricima i belim kablovima, nekako bih prizvao njenog muža iz mrtvih, stvorio bih ga iz spoja njenog levog pazuha i hromiranog postolja za rendgenski aparat, iz sjedinjenja naših genitalija s fino izradenim poklopcem za objektiv.”
― Crash
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