Dialog Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dialog" Showing 1-21 of 21
Connie Brockway
“And enigmatic smile is worth ten pages of dialog.”
Connie Brockway, The Bridal Season

Megan Whalen Turner
“The Lord of Rags and Tatters.”
Megan Whalen Turner, The Thief

Christian Simamora
“Kamu bener-bener selalu ngedapetin apa yang kamu mau ya?" | "Nggak semuanya. Karena aku belum memiliki kamu lagi." - Good Fight”
Christian Simamora

Martin Buber
“Dialogic is not to be identified with love. But love without dialogic, without real outgoing to the other, reaching to the other, the love remaining with itself - this is called Lucifer.”
Martin Buber, I and Thou

Shannon L. Alder
“The most spiritual people I’ve ever met were not “givers” they were communicators. You don’t give people crumbs. You give them the whole piece of bread when that is what they are asking for, in order to be healed. Christ was never about hiding behind a Facebook page, an email, a prayer circle, a bible, or a church. He was about talking, listening and healing-- face to face. He walked among sinners and ate with them. He devoted his time to people that were brokenhearted, difficult to like and fake as the religious beliefs they clung to. So, why is it that so many people profess to believe in Christ, yet they have forgotten what real love is----communicating?”
Shannon L. Alder

Goenawan Mohamad
“Yang penting adalah percakapan dengan kebebasan. Juga kemerdekaan untuk mencari sendiri apa yang benar dan yang adil - dengan sikap ingin tahu, ragu, juga gigih.”
Goenawan Mohamad, Catatan Pinggir 7

Doug Mack
“I wore only black socks, because I had heard that white ones were the classic sign of the American tourist. Black ones though,- those'll fool 'em. I supposed I hoped the European locals' conversation would go something like this:

PIERRE: Ha! Look at that tourist with his camera and guidebook!
JACQUES: Wait, but observe his socks! They are...black!
PIERRE: Zut alors! You are correct! He is one of us! What a fool I am! Let us go speak to him in English and invite him to lunch!”
Doug Mack, Europe on 5 Wrong Turns a Day: One Man, Eight Countries, One Vintage Travel Guide

Michael J. Kannengieser
“Discover everything about your characters that you can before you write your story. If you get stuck at any point, they will write your dialog for you.”
Michael J. Kannengieser, The Daddy Rock

Maxence Fermine
“Sniegam ir piecas pamatpazīmes.
Tas ir balts.
Tas sastindzina dabu un pasargā to.
Tas nemitīgi pārvēršas.
Tas ir slidens.
Tas pārtop par ūdeni.
Kad Juko par to ieminējās tēvam, viņš tajā saskatīja tikai negatīvo, it kā dēla dīvainā kaisle uz sniegu viņa acīs ziemas sezonu padarītu vēl biedējošāku.
-Tas ir balts. Tātad neredzams un nav pelnījis būt redzams.
Tas sastindzina dabu un pasargā to. Lepnais. Kas viņš tāds ir, lai apgalvotu, ka spēj sastindzināt pasauli?
Tas nemitīgi pārvēršas. Tātad tas nav uzticams.
Tas ir slidens. Kurš gan gūst baudu, paslīdot sniegā?
Tas pārtop par ūdeni. Lai vairāk mūs appludinātu atkušņu laikā.

Bet Juko savā sabiedrotajā saskatīja piecas citas īpašības, kas pilnībā apmierināja viņa māksliniecisko talantu.
-Tas ir balts. Tātad sniegs ir dzeja. Neizsakāmas tīrības dzeja.
Tas sastindzina dabu un pasargā to. Tātad sniegs ir glezna. Vissmalkākā ziemas glezna.
Tas nemitīgi pārvēršas. Tātad sniegs ir kaligrāfija. Ir desmittūkstoš veidu, kā uzrakstīt vārdu sniegs.
Tas ir slidens. Tātad sniegs ir deja. Uz sniega ikviens var sajusties kā virves dejotājs.
Tas pārtop par ūdeni. Tātad sniegs ir mūzika. Pavasarī tas pārvērš upes un strautus baltu nošu simfonijās.

-Sniegs Tev nozīmē to visu? - jautāja priesteris.
-Vēl vairāk.”
Maxence Fermine

Lev Grossman
“I call the right axe Sorrow," she said. "You know what I call the left one?"
"Sorrow. I can't tell them apart.”
Lev Grossman

Anthony Horowitz
“Breakfast, Noah muttered.
Greasy and disgusting, said Matt.
You don't want to eat it?
I wasn't talking about breakfast. I was talking about you.”
Anthony Horowitz, Raven's Gate

“Perihal Langit Malam:
aku teringat sebuah kisah,
tentang bulan dan bintang
yang tak pernah menyoal
siapa sejatinya yang pertama hadir,
atau siapa yang harus lebih dulu ada;

tiba-tiba langit bergemuruh,
katanya demikian:
mereka hanya bergerak,
sekali tempo menjauh,
dua kali mendekat,
hingga mereka bertemu,
suatu saat nanti.”
Epaphras Ericson Thomas

Svenja Flaßpöhler
“Doch ist Sensibilität nicht gleichbedeutend mit Progressivität. Vielmehr kann Sensibilität in Regressivität zurückschlagen, wenn sie verabsolutiert und glorifiziert wird.”
Svenja Flaßpöhler, Sensibel: Über moderne Empfindlichkeit und die Grenzen des Zumutbaren

Judith Butler
“Perhaps also part of what dialogic understanding entails is the acceptance of divergence, breakage, splinter, and fragmentation as part of the often tortuous process of democratisation.”
Judith Butler, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
tags: dialog

Stephen        King
“My mother, God rest her, didn't approve of profanity or any such talk; she called it 'the language of the ignorant.' This did not, however, keep her from yelling 'Oh shit!' if she burned the roast or nailed her thumb a good one while hammering a picture-hook in the wall.”
Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

“lha wong yang kamu lakukan itu cuma demi kepentingan sepihak kok, ndak kolektif, makanya sampean sampai ndak bisa ngguyu ngakak-ngakak huahahaha...”
Puguh Santoso
tags: dialog

Albert Sánchez Piñol
“Dem Anschein nach führten wir einen Dialog, doch in Wirklichkeit waren es Monologe, die sich kreuzten.”
Albert Sánchez Piñol

Jenny Erpenbeck
“Wenn man verstehen will, was einer meint oder sagt, muss man im Grunde das, was er meint oder sagt, immer schon wissen. Ist dann ein gelungener Dialog nur Wiedererkennen? Und das Verstehen nicht etwas ein Weg, sondern vielmehr ein Zustand?”
Jenny Erpenbeck

“Das Leben ist zu epiphänomenal, um darüber angesichts eines klaren Nachthimmels sul serio zu sprechen.”
Peter Rudl

Lovisa Wistrand
“Rådäckad betyder utslagen. Att jag slaggade djupt, fattar du?”
"Varför sa du inte det?"
”Jag är en varjägare, ingen jävla engelsklärare.”
Lovisa Wistrand, Equidae

Peter Kreeft
“Reader: Why would an unbeliever read you?/
Author: For the same reason a believer should read an unbeliever. If you know only what you know, you don't even know that. You understand things only by contrast. Why should a Republican listen to a Democrat? Why should people who disagree dialog with each other?”
Peter Kreeft, Making Sense Out of Suffering