Ethics And Science Quotes
Quotes tagged as "ethics-and-science"
Showing 1-30 of 33
“Direct engagement, which can be harsh and emotionally draining, simply doesn't happen that much on the technical side of intelligence, and almost never in computing. There is a depersonalization of experience fostered by the distance of a screen. Peering at life through a window can ultimately abstract us from our actions and limit any meaningful confrontation with their consequences.”
― Permanent Record
― Permanent Record
“I thus declare the return of Evolutionary Ethics.”
― Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Manifesto
― Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Manifesto
“Within the company, Dodgson presented himself as a researcher, even though he lacked the ability to do original research, and had never done any. His intellect was fundamentally derivative; he never conceived of anything until someone else had thought of it first. He was very good at “developing” research, which meant stealing someone else’s work at an early stage. In this, he was without scruple and without peer.”
― The Lost World
― The Lost World
“Belki eskiden bilginler ve
araştırmacılar çok önemli sorunları çözmekten başka amaç gütmüyar
ve kendilerini başka hesapların içine girmekten koruyordu.
Şüphesiz bu bazı kişiler için hala geçerli; ne var ki, artık akademik
araştırmaların çok büyük bir kısmı küçük ve önemsiz ayrıntılara
saplanıp kalıyor; çünkü önemli sorunlar zaten ele alınmış ve ya çözülmüş
ya da aşırı zor oldukları anlaşıldığı için bir kenara itilmiş
durumda. Dolayısıyla, araştırmacılar çok işlenmiş alanlardan uzaklaşıp
ele alacakları her şeyin yeni olduğu, ama önemli sorunlarla
ancak çok uzaktan bağlantılı olan yepyeni alanlara giriyorlar. Yukanda
gördüğümüz gibi, araştırmacılar, sık sık, daha önce birçok defalar
benzer araştırmaların yapılmış olduğunu kabul ediyor, ama
bazı küçük değişiklikler yaptıklarını belirtiyor ve genellikle raporlarını
"daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır" cümlesiyle
― Animal Liberation
araştırmacılar çok önemli sorunları çözmekten başka amaç gütmüyar
ve kendilerini başka hesapların içine girmekten koruyordu.
Şüphesiz bu bazı kişiler için hala geçerli; ne var ki, artık akademik
araştırmaların çok büyük bir kısmı küçük ve önemsiz ayrıntılara
saplanıp kalıyor; çünkü önemli sorunlar zaten ele alınmış ve ya çözülmüş
ya da aşırı zor oldukları anlaşıldığı için bir kenara itilmiş
durumda. Dolayısıyla, araştırmacılar çok işlenmiş alanlardan uzaklaşıp
ele alacakları her şeyin yeni olduğu, ama önemli sorunlarla
ancak çok uzaktan bağlantılı olan yepyeni alanlara giriyorlar. Yukanda
gördüğümüz gibi, araştırmacılar, sık sık, daha önce birçok defalar
benzer araştırmaların yapılmış olduğunu kabul ediyor, ama
bazı küçük değişiklikler yaptıklarını belirtiyor ve genellikle raporlarını
"daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır" cümlesiyle
― Animal Liberation
“Might does not make right; self-interest—even desperate self-interest—does not justify exploiting others.”
― Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
― Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
“International trade in primates flourishes because we exploit primates for science.”
― Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
― Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
“What megalomania led us to believe it would be morally acceptable to exploit individuals from other species for scientific experimentation?”
― Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
― Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
“Increasingly we come to understand that any difference between human and nonhuman primates does not necessarily show humans in a complimentary light.”
― Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
― Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
“Humans are not the pinnacle of evolution we imagine ourselves to be.”
― Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
― Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary
“You could clone Elvis Presley and, while the clone would look identical, it would not have the utterly unique life experiences that made The King who he was. After all that time, effort and expense, the clone might choose to be a gardener instead of a singer! There's also the ethical dilemma of recreating all the genetic problems Elvis had due to his maternal grandparents being first cousins.”
“Energy has no ethical polarity, only potential, ethics of energy lie in the hands of its wielder.”
― The Gentalist: There's No Social Work, Only Family Work
― The Gentalist: There's No Social Work, Only Family Work
“My First Love (The Sonnet)
My first love was not science,
My first love was theology.
Then what got me hooked on science,
Was the spark of electronic circuitry.
Eventually through happy and sad accidents,
Everything fell into its proper place.
Science, theology, and much more
got mixed up, and I ended up pioneering
the empire of humanitarian science.
I am a better scientist because of theology,
I am a better theologian because of science.
Hand in hand they found fulfillment,
When with poetry I built a heartfelt alliance.
I have no gift, it's just that, expansion is my lifeblood.
In a world run by narrowness, the smallest act
of expansion seems like an act of God.”
― Divane Dynamite: Only truth in the cosmos is love
My first love was not science,
My first love was theology.
Then what got me hooked on science,
Was the spark of electronic circuitry.
Eventually through happy and sad accidents,
Everything fell into its proper place.
Science, theology, and much more
got mixed up, and I ended up pioneering
the empire of humanitarian science.
I am a better scientist because of theology,
I am a better theologian because of science.
Hand in hand they found fulfillment,
When with poetry I built a heartfelt alliance.
I have no gift, it's just that, expansion is my lifeblood.
In a world run by narrowness, the smallest act
of expansion seems like an act of God.”
― Divane Dynamite: Only truth in the cosmos is love
“What is Science? Science means Sapient Conscientious Investigation of Eternity with No Compromise on Empathy.”
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
“Stay Behind (The Sonnet)
While mine owners' kids are packing,
Their mittens to colonize Mars,
How about you stay behind,
To give light as an earthly human star!
I am not here to teach you how to code,
I am here to show you why code.
I am not here to teach you science,
But to humanize the scientific road.
Okay if they don't know the role of science,
You for one, don't walk in their dirtsteps.
You are wise, brave, and above all, human,
Be the practitioner of humanitarian science.
Science is superpower, always use it wisely.
Little science does much harm if used recklessly.”
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
While mine owners' kids are packing,
Their mittens to colonize Mars,
How about you stay behind,
To give light as an earthly human star!
I am not here to teach you how to code,
I am here to show you why code.
I am not here to teach you science,
But to humanize the scientific road.
Okay if they don't know the role of science,
You for one, don't walk in their dirtsteps.
You are wise, brave, and above all, human,
Be the practitioner of humanitarian science.
Science is superpower, always use it wisely.
Little science does much harm if used recklessly.”
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
“Science is Service (The Sonnet)
Extraordinary technology brings extraordinary recklessness,
Because the human mind hasn't matured like technology has.
We may have developed technology that defies human limits,
Evolutionary predispositions of the mind haven't disappeared.
That's why I say, bigger the power the smaller the mind.
For a wielder without backbone, silicon is but plaything.
Even an ounce of science can do unimaginable harm.
To fathom it you gotta step out of the glare most blinding.
Science 'n society go together, can't have one without the other.
Where there is love for science, there is love for society.
If this simple thing doesn't penetrate the skull of us thickies.
We would be better off without all the scientific glory.
Science is an act of service in the course of lifting all humanity.
Science without accountability is no different from a conspiracy theory.”
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
Extraordinary technology brings extraordinary recklessness,
Because the human mind hasn't matured like technology has.
We may have developed technology that defies human limits,
Evolutionary predispositions of the mind haven't disappeared.
That's why I say, bigger the power the smaller the mind.
For a wielder without backbone, silicon is but plaything.
Even an ounce of science can do unimaginable harm.
To fathom it you gotta step out of the glare most blinding.
Science 'n society go together, can't have one without the other.
Where there is love for science, there is love for society.
If this simple thing doesn't penetrate the skull of us thickies.
We would be better off without all the scientific glory.
Science is an act of service in the course of lifting all humanity.
Science without accountability is no different from a conspiracy theory.”
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
“Science without accountability is no different from a conspiracy theory.”
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
“Science 'n society go together, can't have one without the other. Where there is love for science, there is love for society.”
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
“Ethics & Prototypes (The Sonnet)
Take morality out of science and,
All you've left is one big conspiracy theory.
Abundance of facts doesn't make something right,
If it has no regard for the supreme fact of humanity.
Just because we can innovate, doesn't mean we should,
Science can no more be measured by the query of could.
In future we'll be able to pre-edit a newborn baby,
But just because we could, doesn't mean we should.
Only a true scientist will realize the truth in this,
A mind that can look past the pomp into the purpose,
While counterfeit tech giants try to turn the world,
Into a giant lifeless robot made of bolts and nuts.
So better keep radical designs hidden from public eyes.
Some prototypes must never ever be commercialized.”
― Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence
Take morality out of science and,
All you've left is one big conspiracy theory.
Abundance of facts doesn't make something right,
If it has no regard for the supreme fact of humanity.
Just because we can innovate, doesn't mean we should,
Science can no more be measured by the query of could.
In future we'll be able to pre-edit a newborn baby,
But just because we could, doesn't mean we should.
Only a true scientist will realize the truth in this,
A mind that can look past the pomp into the purpose,
While counterfeit tech giants try to turn the world,
Into a giant lifeless robot made of bolts and nuts.
So better keep radical designs hidden from public eyes.
Some prototypes must never ever be commercialized.”
― Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence
“More to Technology (The Sonnet)
Some prototypes must never be commercialized,
Not till we learn to look beyond monetary value.
Write some fiction instead without revealing schematics,
If you want the possibility to survive through.
Technology is a stupidly predictable phenomenon,
What one person can imagine another can rig together.
All it takes is an infinite supply of persistence,
Voila - fiction of today turns reality centuries later!
So I say again, ask the question of "should" not "could",
If you want some tech to bring light not silent regress.
Because once you put the schematics out into the world,
All your brilliance will fall short to undo the damage.
There's more to technology than startups 'n entrepreneurship.
Power without responsibility causes disparity not uplift.”
― Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence
Some prototypes must never be commercialized,
Not till we learn to look beyond monetary value.
Write some fiction instead without revealing schematics,
If you want the possibility to survive through.
Technology is a stupidly predictable phenomenon,
What one person can imagine another can rig together.
All it takes is an infinite supply of persistence,
Voila - fiction of today turns reality centuries later!
So I say again, ask the question of "should" not "could",
If you want some tech to bring light not silent regress.
Because once you put the schematics out into the world,
All your brilliance will fall short to undo the damage.
There's more to technology than startups 'n entrepreneurship.
Power without responsibility causes disparity not uplift.”
― Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence
“Take morality out of science and all you've left is one big conspiracy theory.”
― Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence
― Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence
“I am not here to teach you science, I am here to point out how to use science humanely.”
― Mukemmel Musalman: Kafir Biraz, Peygamber Biraz
― Mukemmel Musalman: Kafir Biraz, Peygamber Biraz
“Where there is love for science, there is love for society.”
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
“Neoliberalism has, to a great extent, succeeded in replacing in-depth, critical, and independent social science with research funded by corporations to serve corporate interests. We are seeing a sharp decline of independent writers and researchers and a sharp rise of UX (user experience) jobs that are often narrow in scope, and solely focused on understanding users not to create a more informed and critical society, but simply to increase numbers, get users to consume more, and to increase profits for the few at the top.”
“SCIENCE means Sapient Conscientious Investigation of Eternity with No Compromise on Empathy.”
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
― Corazon Calamidad: Obedient to None, Oppressive to None
“We Are The Scientists
(Sonnet 1214)
Justifying human rights violation as
necessary evil may be habit of politicians.
Scientists must be wiser than that, otherwise,
Science is just a weapon of mass destruction.
Scientist without humanity is anything but scientist,
Science without humanity is anything but science.
Civilized scientists work for the progress of humanity,
Primitive scientists work for the progress of science.
Progress of science is not necessarily progress of humanity,
Particularly when science advances trampling human life.
World leaders may brush off such matter as collateral,
To a scientist with spine nothing is higher than human life.
Whole world is in our care, beyond all law and politics.
We are capable, we are accountable - we are the scientists!”
― Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science
(Sonnet 1214)
Justifying human rights violation as
necessary evil may be habit of politicians.
Scientists must be wiser than that, otherwise,
Science is just a weapon of mass destruction.
Scientist without humanity is anything but scientist,
Science without humanity is anything but science.
Civilized scientists work for the progress of humanity,
Primitive scientists work for the progress of science.
Progress of science is not necessarily progress of humanity,
Particularly when science advances trampling human life.
World leaders may brush off such matter as collateral,
To a scientist with spine nothing is higher than human life.
Whole world is in our care, beyond all law and politics.
We are capable, we are accountable - we are the scientists!”
― Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science
“Whole world is in our care, beyond all law and politics. We are capable, we are accountable - we are the scientists!”
― Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science
― Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science
“SCIENCE means Sapient, Conscientious, Infinite Exploration, Never Compromising Empathy.”
― Insan Himalayanoğlu: It's Time to Defect
― Insan Himalayanoğlu: It's Time to Defect
“The insights we can get from this unprecedented access to data can be a great thing: we can get new understanding about how our society works, and improve public health, municipal services, and consumer products. But as individuals, we aren’t just the recipients of the fruits of this data analysis: we are the data, and it is being used to make decisions about us—sometimes very consequential decisions.”
― The Ethical Algorithm: The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design
― The Ethical Algorithm: The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design
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