Eyelashes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "eyelashes" Showing 1-15 of 15
C.S. Pacat
“Then, in the spirit of benevolence, "Your face is well balanced." She slapped him encouragingly on the back, "You have very long eyelashes. Like a cow.”
S.U. Pacat, Captive Prince: Volume Two

Kasie West
“Your eyelashes make mine want to commit suicide from shame.”
Kasie West, Pivot Point

Alan Kinross
“As the High Priestess looked down upon the child, she was struck by her holy perfection. She was a tiny person in miniature, and her beautiful eyes, little hands, and long eyelashes were sublime.”
Alan Kinross, Longinus The Vampire: Babylon

Valentine Glass
“Like a blushing virgin unaware of what this older man had in mind, I fluttered my lashes, a pout on my lips.”
Valentine Glass, The Temptation of Eden

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Wearing things such as makeup and fake hair is some people’s subconscious way of showing God where they are adamant He made a mistake.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Makeup often makes a woman seem like two women.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Makeup often makes a man look like he is cheating, not behaving himself, by making his woman look unlike herself.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Enock Maregesi
“Watoto hupenda vitu vinavyong’aa ambavyo havijatulia na vilivyopangiliwa vizuri. Hivyo ndivyo macho ya binadamu yalivyo: yana unyevu na yanaakisi mwanga, hayajatulia, na yana rangi kadha wa kadha ikiwa ni pamoja na kope na vigubiko vya macho ambavyo pia hazijatulia. Mtoto mchanga hasa yule anayeona vizuri huangalia macho pale anapopata nafasi, kwa maana ya kuyashangaa. Vilevile, huangalia macho kwa maana ya kupokea molekuli ya maadili au homoni inayorahisisha maisha kutoka kwa mama yake iitwayo ‘oxytocin’. ‘Oxytocin’ husisimua ubongo wake na kuutayarisha kupokea neno lolote litakalosemwa na mama yake mzazi au mama yake mlezi.”
Enock Maregesi

Josef Winkler
“The long, damp eyelash hairs of his open left eye grazed his eyebrow, the long, blood-caked eyelash hairs of his closed right eye grazed his freckle-dotted cheek.”
Josef Winkler, Natura morta

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Makeup often seems to be used to deceive others into thinking that the woman is not, or is no longer, sane.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Makeup often makes a woman look like another woman; and/or like she is another woman.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Makeup often makes a woman look like she has lotioned her face with a roll-on deodorant.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“A writer is someone who feels the feelings and journals through words from despair into dreams to create a world where every loss turns to a stepping stone every betrayal to a lesson learned and the darkness turns to the gold of morn, a writer is someone, who feels passion and trembles with words, to create the wine of soul, a writer is someone who lowers her eyelashes, yet, says her story to this world.........

.........Jayita Bhattacharjee”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Eleanor Davis
“This is my favorite part of you, your eyelashes when the light hits them like that. This is my favorite part of you, right where your ear meets your jawline. No, this is my favorite part, the little crease under the tip of your nose.

Well, I only like the tip of your nose. If you didn’t have such a great nose-tip, it would be over between us.”
Eleanor Davis, The Hard Tomorrow

Eleanor Davis
“This is my favorite part of you, your eyelashes when the light hits them like that. This is my favorite part of you, right where your ear meets your jawline. No, this is my favorite part, the little crease under the tip of your nose.

Well, I only like the tip of your nose. If you didn’t have such a great nose-tip, it would be over between us.”
Eleanor Davis, The Hard Tomorrow