For Women Quotes

Quotes tagged as "for-women" Showing 1-2 of 2
C. JoyBell C.
“Dear young woman, do not place your sense of beauty and self worth, upon the plastic pedestal called "what other people say to you", "what other people think about your photo", "how many 'likes' your pictures get", "how many guys tell you that you look sexy", "how skinny can you be?". A plastic pedestal that is but the dismal shadow of the real one. Dear young woman, place your sense of self worth and beauty upon the Roman marble pedestal that will exist even when all other people are no longer there. If you were the very last person on this planet, you should still be able to know within your heart that you are worthy, you are beautiful, you are wanted. Even if you become the very last person on Earth, you should be fully wanted. Want yourself. Know yourself. See yourself as beautiful, see yourself as worthy.”
C. JoyBell C.

C. JoyBell C.
“Dear child, it matters not if the boy loves you. It only matters if you love the Sun, and the Rain, and the Donut, and the Cat, and the colour Purple. It only matters if you love having this one precious life. It doesn't matter if the boy doesn't love you.”
C. JoyBell C.