Insightful Quote Quotes

Quotes tagged as "insightful-quote" Showing 1-30 of 116
Lindy West
“Loving yourself is not antithetical to health, it is intrinsic to health. You can't take good care of a thing you hate.”
Lindy West, Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman

Sherrilyn Kenyon
“Jo? Look at me. I’m about to do something really f**king stupid. When I do this, I need you to remember three words for me. Omni rosae spina.” Thorn
“Every rose has its thorn?” Jo
“Good, you understand Latin. Yes. Commit those words to memory in the event I lose control. Okay?” Thorn”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Son of No One

W. Somerset Maugham
“Nothing is more tedious than to talk with persons who treat your most obvious remarks as startling paradoxes and Edward suffered likewise from that passion for argument which is the bad talkers’ substitution for conversation. People who cannot talk are always proud of their dialectic. They want to modify your tritest observations and even if you suggest the day is fine, insist on arguing it out.”
W. Somerset Maugham, Mrs Craddock

“a memory, any memory, is something about yesterday that you happen to need today.”
Dael Akkerman, Noema

Emeran Mayer
“The human microbiota is a fundamental component of what it means to be human.”
Emeran Mayer, The Mind-Gut Connection By Emeran Mayer & How to Build a Healthy Brain By Kimberley Wilson 2 Books Collection Set

“Peace is not the answer to every question, nor is it the solution to all problems،
Peace is the meaning that gives everything its true, clearly visible meaning .
peace don't treat your sadness to change it to happiness ,
peace make you see the meaning of your sadness , and Through this insight, you will smile in the middle of your sadness , and you will find out how to heal yourself . and you will stand again, with peace State , with new Attitude, which is waiting eagerly for all the waves of life to embrace them with love and peace.And you are sure, that in the depth of these waves, you will pick up the pearls of life for yourself . Because Who is afraid of diving into the depths of the sea , He will not find pearls , Who is afraid of climbing mountains , It will always be in the pits.
Only peace gives a vision of everything in its true sense .”
Elhachemi Sabi

“You will start to see the reality of all the walls you have built around yourself and how they kept you from living.”
Morgan Harper Nicholas

Lorraine Nilon
“Honour your awareness of truth.
It is your awareness that enables you to be insightful and introspective.
Evolution stems from self-reflection.”
Lorraine Nilon, Spirituality, Evolution and Awakened Consciousness: Getting Real About Soul Maturity and Spiritual Growth

“Knowing your weakness is a strength.”
Dr Toyin Omofoyefoye

“...a more interesting question is whether we just ate dinner or a round of tapas, or appetizers?”
Gillian Roberts, Philly Stakes

“History has taught us that those who acquire power corruptly, often don't want their power subverted by dissenting truth-tellers. Censorship is often the harbinger of truth. In the allegorical story of Genesis, Adam and Eve are prohibited from eating of the Tree of Knowledge. Amongst other things, one of the lessons that this story teaches us is that truth is often hidden by prohibition. If one wants to know the truth, one must discern which prohibitions ought to be violated so that the truth can be revealed.”
Jermaine Thomas, PsyD, The Examined Life: A Journal of Questions and Quotes

“Do things that will make you feel embarrassed in later life not ashamed or regretful.”
Anant Negi

Henry      Adams
“No-one is tolerant. The tolerant are intolerant of intolerance.”
Henry Adams

Henry      Adams
“Those who are the most successful at rejection are the most successful”
Henry Adams

Henry      Adams
“Don’t do yourself down,” said Clementine, wishing Malcolm would get some of the confidence that people with absolutely no talents or knowledge tended to have. The Dunning-Kruger effect was such an interesting bias.”
Henry Adams, Titus the Germ's Journey through Purgatory

Deepak Kripal
“Primary function of an answer is to empower the question.”
Deepak Kripal, Sense of a Quiet

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Despite their grim predictions, I am hopeful. I can no longer pretend that things won’t be fine. I am already seeing the bees waggle dance. Spring isn’t so far away now.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Sonya Renee Taylor
“There was something about his refusal to apologize for what he saw as taking up the space he needed that, if wielded authentically, might change how we move through the world. Why are we consistently apologizing for the space we inhabit?”
Sonya Renee Taylor, The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love

Soufiane El Alaoui
“You don’t get what you want in life. You get what you are.

You may want your financial freedom. But if you’re lazy and uncommitted, you’ll be in a job doing something you don’t want to do for someone you don’t like.”
Soufiane El Alaoui

G.H. Babaglio
“the more you grow in wisdom and joy, the stronger your light will be”
G.H. Babaglio, Grace of the Monarchs & her Miraculous Journey

“Why most find it difficult to let go. For it is held within the confines of the heart and not in the grasp of the hand”
Anthony Superina

“And when the pain becomes too much, and the heart weighted; what remains is silence”
Anthony Superina

“The more elevelated you become, the more people want your time.”
Jackson Taviri

Sophie Kinsella
“I don’t want to be someone who doesn’t look outside of the window.”
Sophie Kinsella, The Undomestic Goddess

Miriam Toews
“She (mom) yelled from upstairs, Those are books that help me to live! Those books are my life!
Get down here! I yelled back. I'm your goddamn life!”
Miriam Toews , Fight Night

J.L. Witterick
“او می گوید: (( اگه انتخاب می کنید که کار درستی انجام بدید تو وهله ی اول این یه تصمیم آگاهانه ست. بعد به دومین ماهیت تبدیل می شه. مجبور نیستید به این فکر کنید که چه چیزی درسته چون انجام دادن کار درست شما رو تبدیل به کسی می کنه که هستید. عملکردتون تو طول زمان شخصیت شما رو شکل می ده.))”
J.L. Witterick, My Mother's Secret

J.L. Witterick
“سوال آخر او این است: (( هلنا اگه بخوای یه چیزو انتخاب کنی کدومه؛ زیبایی خیره کننده، دانش یا ثروت؟)) با این سوال او سعی می کند پی ببرد من چه جور آدمی هستم. خیلی مهم است که جواب مناسبی بدهم اما چیزی را می گویم که بیشتر به آن باور دارم: (( پول رو انتخاب می کنم.)) به نظر متعجب شده و معلوم است فِردا از پاسخ صریخم خوشش نیامده. انگار نه انتظار این پاسخ را داشته و نه این که متقاضیان دیگر این پاسخ را داده اند. کوالسکی کمی گلویش را صاف می کند و می گوید: ((پول رو انتخاب می کنید؟ چرا؟))

((خب زیبایی همیشگی نیست، داشتن دانش هم خوبه اما پول شکم گرسنه رو سیر می کنه. من اگه پول داشته باشم می تونم هر چیزی رو که می خوام یاد بگیرم. می تونم کتاب و معلم داشته باشم. پول به شما حق انتخاب می ده، بهتون آزادی عمل می ده و توانایی این رو می ده که از دیگران مراقبت کنید. آره من پول رو انتخاب می کنم.))”
J.L. Witterick, My Mother's Secret

J.L. Witterick
“هلنا سه نوع آدم توی دنیا وجود دارن. گروه اول افرادی ان که گربه رو می بینن اما هیچ قدمی براش بر نمی دارن. گروه دوم گربه ی کوچک رو می بینه و با خودشون می گن: (( وای حیوونی)) بعد به راهشون ادامه می دن. گروه سوم اما اونایی ان که درد و رنج رو می بینن و قدمی برای کمک بهش بر می دارن. این تویی، تو که گربه رو رها نمی کنی تا از بین بره. من افتخار می کنم که تو دخترم هستی. فکر می کنم جهان جای فوق العاده ای می شد اگه همه اینطوری بودن.))”
J.L. Witterick, My Mother's Secret

“Predators fear becoming the prey they devour”
Linda Shirey, Wolves Among Us: Biblical Principles to Identify and Expose Spiritual Predators

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