Insprational Quotes

Quotes tagged as "insprational" Showing 1-30 of 57
Ernest Hemingway
“Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be.”
Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls

Rionna Morgan
“A true friend finds a way to celebrate—even in the worst moments of life—and forces it upon you.”
Rionna Morgan, The Wanting Heart

“That´s right. Only a name. A name given to us by circumstances beyond our control. Now we have to reclaim it. [...] "We are still humans", I say. "We are not only refugees. We are like everyone in the world. We can do something, achieve something. We didn´t choose to leave our homelands. We didn´t choose the name refugee. [...]”
Yusra Mardini, Butterfly: From Refugee to Olympian, My Story of Rescue, Hope and Triumph

“Impossible only means that you haven't found the solution yet”

أسماء الحمادي
“ما تَعثرتُ ارتباكاً يا حَصى
أو جُنوحاً لاختصارِ الألفِ ميلْ

ليس ذنبي أنّ دربي ما استوى
!.كان ذنبي ثوبُ أحلامي الطّويلْ”
أسماء الحمادي

“Know your worth even if other people don’t.”
Ghassan Shahrour MD

Lauren Oliver
“Do a good thing and something bad happens. Do a bad thing and something good happens . Do nothing and everything explodes.”
Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall

Oğuz Atay
“Demek insanları gerçek ve doğru biçimde yorumlamak için onların ölmelerini beklemek gerekiyordu.”
Oğuz Atay, Bir Bilim Adamının Romanı: Mustafa İnan

Marie Lu
“Tomorrow, i will take on all of these things. I will be u-n-s-t-o-p-p-a-b-l-e.”
Marie Lu, The Young Elites

Raj Kosaraju
“Don't chase movies let movies chase you.”
Raj Kosaraju

Janette Oke
“Treasure the moments, her heart whispered. If you don't learn to treasure the moments, you'll never be able to treasure the memories.”
Janette Oke, Like Gold Refined

“know your limits .. and then break it”
saeed alteneiji

Christopher McDougall
“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you're the lion or a gazelle-when the sun comes up, you'd better be running.”
Christopher McDougall , Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen

“Untukmu sepatumu, untukku sepatuku”
Iwan Esjepe

Tracy  R.L. O'Flaherty
“~ The sun does not judge upon who receives the light ~”
Tracy R.L. O'Flaherty, LOVE from the Grand Universe ~ Wisdom from the Heavens ~ Gift Book

Victoria Addino
“Always keep in mind that those you choose to surround yourself with can become a strong influence in your path...”
Victoria Addino, Facets

Caroline Ringskog Ferrada-Noli
“I mörkret finns ett ljus som man förstår när allt försvinner.”
Caroline Ringskog Ferrada-Noli, Rich boy

Adiela Akoo
“The best thing about being a writer is having my words touch the heart of another living being”
Adiela Akoo

“The world doesn’t make sense without the ocean, like how my life doesn’t make sense without you.”
Raihan Zubir

Vittorio Leonardi
“And the laugh will set them free.”
Vittorio Leonardi

“Give me this day, show me the way.”
Darice Carins

“Don’t be over polite, over gentle
to anyone. Be what you are actually.
Be yourself. That’s more easy
and permanent.”
mehak vc

“Success will come on your way when you put in sincere hard work”

“Regardless of your beliefs, death is inevitable, so for the sake of your mental health, do all that you can do to make your last years of life the most enjoyable they can be.”
Kendra Cherry, Essentials of Psychology

Janna Cachola
“Prioritise the important things inside, then the outward will follow through.”
Janna Cachola

“The joy of solitude is being nobody for anybody.”
Danielle Light

Mithun Prakash
“Poets are often those who build their own universe,”
Mithun Prakash, Muse

Betsy Vail
“Silk threads of reflection spin from the mind entombing uncertainty; but soon you’ll emerge from your chrysalis of doubt spreading wings and sharing your beauty.”
Betsy Vail, Imagine It Better

Aitzaz  Imtiaz
“Novice seeks fame, gets insecurity; authority floods to obscurity.”
Aitzaz Imtiaz

“В края на листа има кратък текст: „Порастването винаги боли... стигналите до ръба на детството са благословени и обречени… защото след дванайсет следва безкрайност...”
Кристина Терзийска, "Слънчогледови деца"

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