Jaded Quotes
Quotes tagged as "jaded"
Showing 1-30 of 49
“The heart can get really cold if all you've known is winter.”
― Last Night I Sang to the Monster
― Last Night I Sang to the Monster
“When the darkness gets easier, you know you're sinking deeper, becoming dead yourself.”
― Stolen
― Stolen
“On a second note, though, I have something to say about pain. There are lots of kinds of pain. Pain of smashing your fingers in a car door, pains of loosing a baby, pain of failing a test. But in their own little ways, these pains are all agonizing. Which is sad, and yet, happy, if you really think about it. If we never lost our car keys, or stepped in gum, or had a bad hair day, what kind of people would we be? In a word? Boring. We wouldn't be passionate; we wouldn't know it was exciting to get pregnant, or score an A on a final. So that's why, today at least, I am grateful for pain. Because it's part of what makes me the whacky, goofy, jaded, person that I am. Peace.”
“You can get used to horror, he thought. When it has lost immediacy and is no longer pungent and has become a steady diet. When it has degraded to a chain of mind-numbing events. (“Lover When You're Near Me”)”
― Collected Stories, Vol. 1
― Collected Stories, Vol. 1
“I'll always choose a teacher with enthusiasm and weak technique over one with brilliant strategies but who is just punching the clock. Why? An enthusiastic teacher can learn technique, but it is almost impossible to light a fire inside the charred heart of a burned-out teacher.”
― Teach Like a PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator
― Teach Like a PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator
“The farther I travel, the less I wonder at anything: a few days reconcile one to a new spot, or an unseen custom; and men are so much the same everywhere, that one scare perceives a change in situation.”
― The Letters of Horace Walpole
― The Letters of Horace Walpole
“I love sleeping. Waking is more and more hateful the older I get. I say this as if I've lived too long. I'm twenty-two.”
― Mr. Fox
― Mr. Fox
“A month ago, Gavin had given his employer four weeks' notice. "I'll get a job around here," he'd told her. "Something low-stress, part-time, maybe. We're not paying rent, and Dad's left us plenty. You should quit, too." A year earlier this news would have filled her with delicious, full fat, chocolate-coated joy. But now, after a grueling routine of shitty work, shitty- weird home life in a house where the shadow of a dead boy walked more solidly than the grownups, shitty headaches, shitty worry about a husband who couldn't keep his dick out of other women, the golden offer just weirded Laine out. She didn't trust it.”
― The Dead Path
― The Dead Path
“I could neither laugh with nor at the solemn utterances of men I esteemed ponderous asses; nor could I laugh, nor engage in my old-time lightsome persiflage, with the silly superficial chatterings of women, who, underneath all their silliness and softness, were as primitive, direct, and deadly in their pursuit of biological destiny as the monkeys women were before they shed their furry coats and replaced them with the furs of other animals.”
― John Barleycorn: Alcoholic Memoirs
― John Barleycorn: Alcoholic Memoirs
“He said he loved her, but love, as she well knew, was unreliable. Like Christmas, it came with expectations.”
― The Christmas Sisters
― The Christmas Sisters
“May you feel love unclouded and unjaded by experience.”
― Four Paws: A Poetry Anthology by The Quillective Project
― Four Paws: A Poetry Anthology by The Quillective Project
“I look to the USA government for reliable advice during a pandemic, but instead I got President Trump’s jaded and unreliable personal opinions.”
“I've met people who say they don't want relationships; but it's not the relationships that they don't want: it is the mundane dynamic that is named the "relationship", which they despise. The struggle for control; the humdrum motions recycled by a billion other couples; the low rhythm that seems to cycle, repeating its monotonous hymn through the myriad crowds. They want to find someone and feel every vein in their body connect to that person, they want to fly with someone, they want what's natural; they want a partner. It's a partner they want. Not a "relationship"; but a partner. A whole other person who wants to stay with their own whole person. They want something meant for them, or nothing at all.”
“I mean, it’s AWESOME, but it’s also a little bit “New York awesome,” you know?
How do I explain how I felt about it? I guess ... well ... in New York City people spend ten years making something amazing happen, something that captures the essence of an idea so perfectly that suddenly the world becomes ten times clearer. It’s beautiful and it’s powerful and someone devoted a huge piece of their life to it. The local news does a story about it and everyone goes “Neat!” and then tomorrow we forget about it in favor of some other ABSOLUTELY PERFECT AND REMARKABLE THING. That doesn’t make those things unwonderful or not unique ... It’s just that there are a lot of people doing a lot of amazing things, so eventually you get a little jaded.”
― An Absolutely Remarkable Thing
How do I explain how I felt about it? I guess ... well ... in New York City people spend ten years making something amazing happen, something that captures the essence of an idea so perfectly that suddenly the world becomes ten times clearer. It’s beautiful and it’s powerful and someone devoted a huge piece of their life to it. The local news does a story about it and everyone goes “Neat!” and then tomorrow we forget about it in favor of some other ABSOLUTELY PERFECT AND REMARKABLE THING. That doesn’t make those things unwonderful or not unique ... It’s just that there are a lot of people doing a lot of amazing things, so eventually you get a little jaded.”
― An Absolutely Remarkable Thing
“One of the greatest goals of all is to recognize the commonality of the grand that only appears uncommon because it is missed by the ignorance of our souls turned sour.”
― The Eighth Page: A Christmas Journey
― The Eighth Page: A Christmas Journey
“Have we forgotten how to laugh? If so, we have forgotten how to live. And that is certainly nothing to be laughing about.”
“No one stays young forever. And me? I lost my youth in the battlefield. If I have my way, I'll never leave this country again. Hell, I'll never leave the county. And if you think I'm the kind of man who'd leave Amelia, you never knew me at all.”
― Salt Magic
― Salt Magic
“Love is just a trite four-letter word. People use it for every fucking thing.”
― Dysfunctional
― Dysfunctional
“Maybe the greatest thing that I can be thankful for is the fact that God set aside a generous slice of eternity in order to create a world with brimming with amazing things to be thankful for. And because He did, we have fooled ourselves into believing that we had to create the art of being jaded just to cope.”
“Maybe the greatest thing that I can be thankful for is the fact that God set aside a generous slice of eternity in order to create a world brimming with amazing things to be thankful for. And because He did, we have fooled ourselves into believing that we had to create the art of being jaded just to cope.”
“I guess it had to do with dating. Every time I gave a new guy a chance, something fell apart. He usually found out how fucked up I was, or made an excuse not to commit. I was convinced after a while that there was no one left for me and that I would have to give up searching. Then I would dream of you.”
― Prince of Dreams
― Prince of Dreams
“In a jaded world, it takes a certain type of person to remain a romantic - someone with resolute faith in goodness.”
“If there are not times in our life when we laugh so hard that we cry, we have become far more serious than life ever asked us to become.”
“Apathy is convincing ourselves that we can’t change things. Oddly enough, faith is convincing ourselves of the same thing. However, the defining difference is that apathy places the onus of change on us, while faith places the onus of change on God working through us.”
“If the battles of life overshadow the joys of living, I’ve focused far too much on the battle and far too less on the fact that I’m alive enough to fight it.”
“These rich kids, their attention span is as thick as a thread. Their empathy, as thin as their worries. They disconnect just as quickly as switching a phone to airplane mode.”
― Tajrish
― Tajrish
“She thought about how her biggest wish as a child was to grow up. But growing up hurt like hell in a world that actively preyed on innocence and demanded conformity. Now that she was a jaded adult, she would give anything to be a wild kid again.”
― Paragon Seven
― Paragon Seven
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