Knowledge Religion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "knowledge-religion" Showing 1-30 of 135
C.S. Lewis
“No nation, and few individuals, are really brought into [God's] camp by the historical study of the biography of Jesus, simply as biography. The earliest converts were converted by a single historical fact (the Resurrection) and a single theological doctrine (the Redemption) operating on a a sense of sin which they already had... The "Gospels" [came] later, and were written, not to make Christians, but to edify Christians already made.”
C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

“If you love God but hate His people, well then, you're not the Lord's people.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

Laurence Galian
“The Way does not consist of gather more knowledge. Abu Madyan Shu'ayb Ibn al-Husayn al Ansari said: 'Worship saves you from the tyranny of formal knowledge.”
Laurence Galian, The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis

“I have the word of God and my bible is very interesting, this book was conceived in battle, Jesus Christ our Saviour was conceived in brokenness, out of barenness to redeem a people who were in bondage to their sin. I know exactly where to go when the people start getting confused, trading lies for truth, buying injustice for justice and even when the media starts to show me the prospectives of the world that I am living in, I have my prospective from the word of God.”
Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder

“I am so happy that I grew up knowing the word of God, the spirit of discernment in me is 24hrs activated, I can differentiate between light and darkness. I put on the amour of God even when the whole world is going to hell, I refuse to join them. The light in me shall overshadow every power of darkness.”
Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder

“All of my life God has allowed me to share prospectives with people who are different. You cannot lead people whose prospective you are not willing to understand.”
Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder

“Surrounded by enemies, surrounded by evil, surrounded by darkness, injustice......."don't be afraid , those who are with us are more than those who are with them"
2 Kings 6:16”
Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder

“There is a remedy and there is a hope but the remedy is not in the political party or in places that will take you away from hope. You better run to God, that is the only place you can find both.”
Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder

“I didn't come from a success lineage but I am so glad that my earthly lineage is not my final story because when I gave my life to Jesus twelve years back, God interrupted my story.”
Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder

“Parents never you make church and studying the word of God optional for your children. If they are in your house, get them up, teach them the word of God, the greatest awards, PhD or achievements any child could have is to grow up in the word of God. I and my family are living witness and it is extending to our third generation.”
Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder

“I am amazed upon the many battle that we engage in, be it money, control or matters of the heart, only very few of us knows how to fight in the right way or understand who we are really fighting against. To win any battle you' ve got to have the right strategy and resources because victories don't come by accident.”
Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder

“Of what use is my going to church every day and still come home and remain the same? Of what use is my attending the mosques and the next day I enter the mall with knives and start slaughtering people in the name of religion.
God is a God of variety. He was not stupid creating all of us different with our uniqueness.
His creating us different shows the level of His creativity. He didn't make you white to hate black or vice versa. He made it so that we can cherish and love each other irrespective of our differences just as He loved us with all our flaws and our short comings.
Can we forgive those who have offended us? Yes and some will say no but never forget that you are not worthy but God still forgives you even till the last hour of your life.
If God can love us against all our atrocities why can't we learn to love one another.
Take a look around you, you can only see sad faces. Was that really God's intention for us on earth? Absolutely not. But we have remoulded God's creativity to suit our taste and lifestyles and now we are reaping the fruit of our labour. You should not expect to reap love when you sowed the seed of hatred. What a man sows that he reaps. We sowed on weapons of war and we are yielding war in return. We have sowed on weapons of destruction so why are we asking for peace.
If you ask me....I will say let's go back to our source. He has never lost any battle. I am a living witness.”
Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder

“Frankly, and factually - people are just screwed up. Am I? Perhaps as much as you, more or less. But not that much as religious nuts. Thank God, I am just nuts.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Those who have the light of knowledge see better in a dark world”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas
“Al-Qur'anu'l-Karim berkali-kali menegaskan perbezaan antara ilmu (al-ilm) dan dugaan (zann) atau tanggapan, dan pendapat atau rekaan sendiri (hawa) dan hasil pendapat-pendapat yang cuba untuk menafikan kebenaran sesuatu sehingga menimbulkan shak (mira).”
Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, Risalah Untuk Kaum Muslimin

“Knowledge, not any knowledge, but that of the infinite and eternal oneness of all that is, will set you free. Not isms or ideologies. Especially not your inherited or imbibed ones. Be free of them, and you're done. Welcome infidels, to the land of the free!”
Fakeer Ishavardas

“Learning never ends. Wisdom rarely descends. Such is life. Akin being married, without a wife. Then we die. Most a fool, a rare one wise.”
Fakeer Ishavardas

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