Krystyna Skarbek Quotes

Quotes tagged as "krystyna-skarbek" Showing 1-6 of 6
Clare Mulley
“Christine did not live, or love, as most people do. She lived boundlessly, as generous as she could be cruel, prepared to give her life at any moment for a worthy cause, but rarely sparing a thought for the many casualties that fell in her wake.”
Clare Mulley, The Spy Who Loved: The Secrets and Lives of Christine Granville

“May be you find out I could be useful getting people out of camps and prisons in Germany - just before they got shot. I should love to do it and I like to jump out of a plane even every day.”
Christine Granville

Clare Mulley
“For a once renowned woman who loved telling tales of dodging bullets, wielding grenades and subverting dogs trained to kill, Christine's story is, surprisingly, little known today.”
Clare Mulley, The Spy Who Loved: The Secrets and Lives of Christine Granville

Clare Mulley
“She could do anything with dynamite, except eat it.”
Clare Mulley

Clare Mulley
“When he came he first covered me with his revolver', Christine write in her official report, but it was not long before Waem put the gun down on the table between them.”
Clare Mulley, The Spy Who Loved: The Secrets and Lives of Christine Granville

Clare Mulley
“Obsessed with Christine to the end, his last statement as he left his cell was, 'to kill is the final possession'. But Muldowney was wrong. He had never possessed Christine; the resistance burning within her was too great.”
Clare Mulley, The Spy Who Loved: The Secrets and Lives of Christine Granville