Life Lessons Or Life Coach Quotes
Quotes tagged as "life-lessons-or-life-coach"
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“Be careful of the company you choose to keep around you. 90 Percent of perfect crime it is an inside job. People you know. People who are close to you. Are the ones telling criminals about you. How to get to you. They are the ones planning and plotting on how to rob, kidnap, rape, spike your drinks, steal your belongings, how to kill you, how to set you up or how to frame you. Choose what you share with other people and be careful what you share. Some are planning your downfall, meanwhile cheering for you.”
“Illegal, criminal activities, wrongful or bad things or behavior, and nonsense we choose to allow, accept, tolerate, and condone are the root of all the problems we face in life.”
“We are angry and hurt. We carry so much anger and hate in us that it is slowing us down or stopping us from reaching our goals and destinations. We inherit hate and hate on behalf of others. We hate people who made a mistake by hurting us. It was not their intention, but that doesn’t matter because we were already ready to hate on them.We hate people we don’t know, or we have never met. We don’t know if they did what they say they did. We don’t even care. We just want to hate. Some of us started organizations, groups, political parties, or social media accounts to fight the people we hate. This day reminds us that we should reconcile. The problem with hating others is that it consumes you too. It haunts you and will stop any joy, success, happiness, and progress. I don’t know what they did to you, but you need to reconcile. You are not doing it for them, but you are doing it for yourself. If not, you will be stuck in life. Hate is a heavy burden to carry.”
“Choosing to be someone you are not will never bring you peace, joy, or true happiness or get you to your destiny.”
“To lovers out there …
Never be in a relationship or marriage with someone you don’t love or like. It always ends badly. No matter what the benefits or circumstances are, It’s a heavy price to pay. Sometimes you end up paying for it with your own life. Everything feels like a sacrifice, burden or abuse, sentence or punishment. When you know that you are into that person. End the relationship or the relationship will end your life.”
Never be in a relationship or marriage with someone you don’t love or like. It always ends badly. No matter what the benefits or circumstances are, It’s a heavy price to pay. Sometimes you end up paying for it with your own life. Everything feels like a sacrifice, burden or abuse, sentence or punishment. When you know that you are into that person. End the relationship or the relationship will end your life.”
“The trick to conquer anything in life is never to panic. Always try to remain calm. If you learn to remain calm you can do anything. Once fear kicks in. You will lose every little battle even the easiest one.”
“Some of you don't know how to talk. That is why I don't read your WhatsApp or inbox messages, or answer your calls when I am on vacation or in a happy mood. Your messages or phone calls ruined a happy mood or vacation. You guys are brand ambassadors of sad, tragic, horrific, painful, sobbing stories, bad news, and negative things. You always play a victim when things don't go your way.”
“I had seen many promising talents and skills absorbed by arrogance, attitude, and entitlement.”
“A peaceful country is a rich country, but a fighting country that is always at war. It is a poor country because the money of the country will be used for weapons to fight than for citizens to live.”
“A peaceful country is a rich country, but a fighting country that is always at war. It is a poor country because the money of the country will be used for weapons to fight than for citizens to live. They will be constantly rebuilding rather than developing.”
“People who judge you will usually never support you. They never put their money where their mouth is. They just like seeing you being miserable. They want you to feel bad which makes them feel good about themselves. Especially if you do something they can never try or are afraid to pull off. When you have something, they can never acquire. They can just wish and dream about it.”
“I am a dangerous man now because I am in control of myself. I am not trying to please or impress anyone. I am not competing with anyone. I am not fighting or trying to hurt anyone. I am not trying to provoke or offend anyone. I don't need any validation or accreditation. I am just doing me.”
“Whoever you choose to be with or wherever you choose to be. Party responsible. Choose to be in a good place and surrounded by good people. Make the right choice because the last decision you make this year might be one of those decisions you make. It will decide if this is the last decision you make in your life or one of those decisions you make in life.”
“Most women would ask to be given a chance, and when they have that chance or opportunity. They then sexualize themselves. Instead of using their skills, talent, education, or experience. They would use their looks, bodies, and appeal. They will be flirting and being seductive to get the upper hand and to advance themselves. They would be naked to make it. Some would use the opportunity as their chance to be abusive, vile, mean, arrogant, and violent. They will be hurting others for no reason.”
“People who think they are smarter than everyone and can play anyone, who take advantage and manipulate others, who believe they have won by tricking others, but actually, they have lost. They have lost trust, respect, integrity, support, help, and morals. They have lost true friends, good, genuine, kind people. They have lost people with pure intentions and opportunities. They have lost good friendships, partners, and relationships. They have lost pure love and kindness.”
“Choosing to cut some people off. It doesn’t always mean they were toxic, and you are the right one. You might be the toxic one. You are cutting them off because they are calling you out on your bad behavior and you don’t want to change because you are benefiting from your bad behavior. Sometimes you cut them because they will call you out for making bad decisions and doing stupid things. Sometimes you cut them off because you want to change your life and do things they never thought you would do or become someone they know you are not.
Most people who are on the receiving end also choose to cut people off and cut communication. When they see they must give back or help you back, especially when they think you will want something from them that they can give or help with, but they have already decided that they will never give you anything.”
Most people who are on the receiving end also choose to cut people off and cut communication. When they see they must give back or help you back, especially when they think you will want something from them that they can give or help with, but they have already decided that they will never give you anything.”
“The reality is some people are addicted and attracted to pain, failure, a sad life, sobbing, stress, problems, and being lonely.
They push everyone who is good for them away and cut off people who bring positive change into their lives.”
They push everyone who is good for them away and cut off people who bring positive change into their lives.”
“No one is safe. No one will survive or live long. When war becomes content.
People will start, influence, and promote war if it gives them attention or engagement on their social media. They care more about money, the spotlight, and the attention they are getting rather than their own lives and the lives of others.”
People will start, influence, and promote war if it gives them attention or engagement on their social media. They care more about money, the spotlight, and the attention they are getting rather than their own lives and the lives of others.”
“Out of fear of what might happen, Most people lie or spread misinformation as a defense mechanism. Not knowing that their lies are the ones that will bring into existence or reality what they feared in the first place. Their lies manifest or create what they feared and what would have never happened or existed to happen.”
“Freedom is not free. It comes at a cost. It is either you pay or someone has to pay for it.”
“Sadly, some people are fighting so hard to do wrong things. To abuse and oppress others. To stop progress and development. To infect others with a virus or to kill others. They see themselves as gods of this earth who decide who should live or die and how people should live.”
“When rich people say they are helping, they mean they are helping themselves by assisting you. They assist you because they want to control you. They only spend to gain control. They are about profit, not loss, so they won't just give away their money for free.”
“If someone knows the truth and deliberately lies to mislead others, causing harm or damage, the responsibility lies with them, not those who believed the lie. Their karma is always waiting for them; whatever you sow, you shall reap. You may be believable and convincing to people, but the truth won't change because you altered the facts. The truth will eventually come out, exposing the monster you are. The truth you know will haunt you and is waiting for you.”
“People often say that social media posts shouldn't be taken seriously or to heart. Yet, the same people will judge you based on what you post. They create life-threatening situations based on social media posts. You would think everyone knows that social media doesn't represent reality or what's happening in real life.”
“When you strongly want to believe in something or someone and have already made up your mind, you may choose to ignore the truth and facts when they are presented to you .”
“If you are being biased because you are trying to protect one of your own, those you are protecting will eventually do to you what they did to others.”
“Some people are naturally jealous and envious. Once they see you with something, they want it for themselves. They always undermine other people's intelligence, efforts, abilities, and skills. Seeing you do it or have it makes them think it is easy, and they can also do it or have it. They don't pursue what they truly want; instead, they only desire what others have. They want easy money and a fancy lifestyle without putting in any effort, making any sacrifices, or doing any work.”
“Choose to use your own logic and common sense. People are often paid to say and do things they don't believe in, just to manipulate you. There are smear campaigns and promotional campaigns designed to promote certain agendas, narratives, things, people, behaviors, and lifestyles. Don't just follow the crowd or majority, because you might get lost. Always choose to do and say what is right. Choose to ignore the noise and negativity.”
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