Pandemic Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pandemic-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 71
Kate Bowler
“But no matter how carefully we schedule our days, master our emotions, and try to wring our best life now from our better selves, we cannot solve the problem of finitude. We will always want more. We need more. We are carrying the weight of caregiving and addiction, chronic pain and uncertain diagnosis, struggling teenagers and kids with learning disabilities, mental illness and abusive relationships. A grandmother has been sheltering without a visitor for months, and a friend's business closed its doors. Doctors, nurses, and frontline workers are acting as levees, feeling each surge of the disease crash against them. My former students, now serving as pastors and chaplains, are in hospitals giving last rites in hazmat suits. They volunteer to be the last person to hold his hand. To smooth her hair.
The truth if the pandemic is the truth of all suffering: that it is unjustly distributed. Who bears the brunt? The homeless and the prisoners. The elderly and the children. The sick and the uninsured. Immigrants and people needing social services. People of color and LGBTQ people. The burdens of ordinary evils— descriminations, brutality, predatory lending, illegal evictions, and medical exploitation— roll back on the vulnerable like a heavy stone. All of us struggle against the constraints places on our bodies, our commitments, our ambitions, and our resources, even as we're saddled with inflated expectations of invincibility. This is the strange cruelty of suffering in America, its insistence that everything is still possible.”
Kate Bowler, No Cure for Being Human: And Other Truths I Need to Hear

Santosh Kalwar
“When life is born onto this planet, its purpose isn't defined, nor is it written.”
Santosh Kalwar, Where the Pandemic Started

Santosh Kalwar
“Problems arise from the most ordinary of all circumstances, and in a world such as we live in, these problems are generally overlooked.”
Santosh Kalwar, Where the Pandemic Started

Santosh Kalwar
“It is almost laughable to ponder upon where it all started and nearly grim and shameful when we realise as humans that we are reckless, careless, and foolish.”
Santosh Kalwar, Where the Pandemic Started

Santosh Kalwar
“Life in China was not as tricky as the western media portrayed it to be, nor was it as simple as people thought it was.”
Santosh Kalwar, Where the Pandemic Started

“In Covid Pandemic, I have learned a new language to show compassion to the pandemic citizens of lost world.”
Qamar Rafiq

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Dear God,

We have failed you, we have failed you miserably. From eating animals to becoming animals, from cutting trees to cutting our conscience we have failed you. Your Kindness saved us time and again and You out of your most benevolent mercy tried to show us that Humanity means Humility, that we Your dear creation is capable of so much of Love and Grace after all You made us with your Light, that this world can always come back to Love, that Fear can always be overcome by Kindness, that Strength is always embedded within, that Courage lies in Forgiveness, yet did we listen in with our hearts? Perhaps, perhaps not.
You sent us a pandemic to teach us the value of lives and how You United this world and healed this Earth through suffering yet did we learn the value of lives? No, we failed.
There is a war going on in a beautiful country, and an economic meltdown in another, and so many other nations are fighting their own unknown battles just like every human being, and yet we fail to tickle our conscience, we fail to see how we have literally ruined this world and made demons out of your beautiful creation of humankind succombing to greed, lust and anger, oh how we have failed!

We have failed in absolute disgrace where we don't see the tears of children, the lost smiles of our fellow neighbours and the numb dreams of almost everyone because we have locked the doors of our heart in false pictures of camouflaged pleasures, we indeed have failed you, we have failed us.

Yet Your kindness knows no bound, your Love is infinite and your Grace is eternal, forgive us, dear Father and grant us, this Humankind the knowledge and understanding to act as Humans again.
Fill those angry hearts with healing, those hurt souls with the grace of forgiveness and above all let your world know your true Nature by giving the strength of Courage in those hearts who walk in your Light, to stand by what is right without the shackles of Fear.
Oh, the Kindest of All, may You strengthen the Truth and lead the Light bearers of Love ahead through Your Mercy to win over a world that is slowly crawling into a deep cavern of Hate, a world that was once created to nourish and nurture the different faces of Love, a world that is failing and falling frail in every passing moment, You alone are our only Hope.

We know we have failed you miserably and as we keep failing you, I know more than ever that Your Grace will find us through and once again You will save us, because we may fail as children but You won't fail your children as the most Loving Father.

- a soul traveling through this beautiful Universe of your making.”
Debatrayee Banerjee

“In more recent history, we learn from other viruses, including Measles, Ebola, Rabies, Herpes, how important it is to respond immediately to prevent the spread of infection. I was shocked when I learned more about the influenza pandemic, otherwise known as the Spanish Flu of 1918–1919. It began in the US, swiftly traveled across the world, and killed more people than any disease before or since.”
Donna Maltz, Conscious Cures: Soulutions to 21st Century Pandemics

“There are more Soulutions than there are problems.”
Donna Maltz, Conscious Cures: Soulutions to 21st Century Pandemics

Mitta Xinindlu
“The positive thing about being Masked Up is that it saves us from witnessing all the fake smiles that are aimed at us.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Tanya Masse

I choose the remain magical, spiritual, peaceful, kind, loving, joyful, compassionate, sovereign, and FREE.”
Tanya Masse

B.K. Sweeting
“2020: Feet grounded, same space. Feeling lost, at a glacial pace. You're not alone...”
B.K. Sweeting

“Covid Pandemic circus is on. It is unlimited. It is borderless. It is free. It must be fun living in a circus that never stops performing.”
Qamar Rafiq

“What a story to tell the world how Cornavirus has become impotent and friendless to reward ultra rich with more rights.”
Qamar Rafiq

“It should be no surprise that Covid-19 has placed health care systems on bedrest with no respite.”
Qamar Rafiq

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Poverty is a pandemic disease that must be cured, sooner or later.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Donations and charities are the vaccines against the disease of poverty. But they aren't effective, because free stuff isn't meant to last any longer. Self-reliance is the only solution and the only cure.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“You don't qualify to be called poor if you are able to feed yourself and you are satisfied with your daily life.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“When it comes to generosity, the pros outweigh the cons, given that you don't trust expectations and you are a lover of humanity.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“I thought everything has been said, until I had the inspiration to write six books in less than three years.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“We currently live in the generation where men wish to become women and vice versa. Involution or dystopia of man.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“My deepest thanks goes to technology for ending slavery and bringing gender equality, between men and women, within our society.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“What sets Elon Musk apart from the rest of CEOs is that he cares about what an individual can do, rather than what he learned in school or college.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Purpose is simply the art of knowing what you are supposed to do. Action over words. Focusing on concrete objects.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Wisdom is an abstract word. This is not seen in words, but in actions. So only winners are wise.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“Through the novel coronavirus hoax, which literally was inspired by a novel, the owners of the world have flexed their muscles and the whole planet has reacted. - On the Novel Inspired Virus”
Lamine Pearlheart, Awakening

“Many people believe that the most frequently washed body part in 2020-21 was the hands, but in reality; it was BRAIN.”
Bhushan Mahadani

Shawn A. McCastle
“It is a fallacy to believe a vaccine will restore organizations to pre-pandemic settings and globalization patterns.”
Shawn A. McCastle, The Vaxxed: Culture War in the Workplace

Shawn A. McCastle
“COVID-19 has exposed many so-called leaders for what they truly are: parvenus, copying, following, and pasting their way through the business world.”
Shawn A. McCastle, The Vaxxed: Culture War in the Workplace

“Men jag vet inte om det hjälper att man är en bra person. Det är det värsta med sjukdomar, de stannar inte upp och frågar innan de drabbar en.”
Callum Bloodworth, Berätta tre saker

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