Perfect Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "perfect-life" Showing 1-16 of 16
“Once you hit rock bottom, that's where you perfectly stand; That's your chance of restarting, but restarting the right way.”
Justin Kanayurak

Katherine Center
“I'd tried so hard to make a perfect, untouchable life for myself. But trouble finds you. Tragedy finds you. And we keep trying anyway. We hope for the best. We believe we can make something for ourselves- something good that will last- even though, at the exact same time, we know we can't.”
Katherine Center, The Lost Husband

Kami Garcia
“I used to believe that everyone gets one perfect day sometime in their lives—if they were lucky. But I had it all wrong. We don’t get one perfect day. We get a lifetime of imperfect days, and it’s up to us to decide what we want to do with them. Some days are hard, and they leave us feeling like we just got our asses kicked. That’s the way I felt after Reed pushed me and wrecked my knee—broken and battered, with a life that would never be as whole as the one I had before. But broken and battered can become broken and beautiful.”
Kami Garcia, Broken Beautiful Hearts

“Just because your life isn't as awful as someone else's that doesn't mean it doesn't suck. You can't compare how you feel to the way other people feel. It just doesn't work.
What might look like the perfect life - or even an okay life - to you might not be so okay for the person living it.”
Michael Thomas Ford, Suicide Notes

Sophie Kinsella
“Then, on impulse, I scroll back through my previous Instagram posts, looking at the photos of London cafes, sights, drinks, and smiling faces (mostly strangers). The whole thing is like a feel-good movie, and what's wrong with that? Loads of people use colored filters or whatever on Instagram. Well, my filter is the “this is how I'd like it to be” filter. It's not that I lie. I was in those places, even if I couldn't afford a hot chocolate. It's just I don't dwell on any of the not-so-great stuff in my life, like the commute or the prices or having to keep all my stuff in a hammock. Let alone vanilla-whey-coated eggs and abnoxious lechy flatmates. And the point is, it's something to aspire to, something to hope for. One day my life will match my Instagram posts. One day.”
Sophie Kinsella, My Not So Perfect Life

Anthon St. Maarten
“The highlights you see on social media is not real life. Everyone you know faces their own challenges and struggles. Nobody’s life is perfect, so it’s pointless to compare or judge. Instead, be kind to yourself and others as often as you can.”
Anthon St. Maarten

“A sensual lifestyle defies the productivist logic, it has time.

I love this illustration by Anthony DeMello:

A rich entrepreneur from the North was horrified to find the southern fisherman lying lazily besides his boat, smoking pipe.

“Why aren’t you out fishing?” said the entrepreneur. “Because I have caught enough fish for the day,” said the fisherman.

“Why don’t you catch some more?”
“What would I do with them?”
“You could earn more money,” was the entrepreneur’s reply. “With that you could have a motor fixed to your boat and go into deeper waters and catch more fish. Then you would make enough to buy nylon nets. These would bring you more fish and more money. Soon you would have more money to own two boats... maybe even a fleet of boats. Then you would be a rich man like me.”

“What would I do then?” asked the fisherman.
“Then you could really enjoy life.”
“What do you think I’m doing right now?”
Lebo Grand

Sophie Kinsella
“No one’s life has to be perfect... Don’t put so much pressure on yourself... Whoever started the rumor that life has to be perfect is a very wicked person, if you ask me. Of course it’s not!”
Sophie Kinsella, My Not So Perfect Life

Jyoti Patel
“Perfect life is just an illusion and to spend hours scrolling down the Facebook feed means you are making the fantasy world part of your own somehow.”
Jyoti Patel

Toni Morrison
“Just Imagine. No illness. Ever. No pain. No aging or frailty of any kind. No loss or grief or tears. And obviously no more dying, not even if the stars shattered into motes and the moon disintegrated like a corpse beneath the sea.”
Toni Morrison

Nathacha Appanah
“C'est une vie magnifique que d'être un baobab sur une plage.”
Nathacha Appanah, Tropique de la violence

“We’re not sensual because life is perfect but because we want to turn each day into a special occasion.”
Lebo Grand

“It is easier to dream about a perfect life.
But it is not easy to make a perfect one.”
Ojingiri Hannah

Klaudia M.
“Perfect life doesn't exist. Problems - smaller or bigger - will always be present, but you can't let them dominate you. They come and go. When you learn this, life will become perfectly imperfect. You'll be happy.”
Klaudia M., Perfectly imperfect: The sequel to Imperfectly perfect

J A Croome
“I’ve come to understand that in this world, there are those who, in their untouchable privilege, believe that they’re entitled to a perfect life, and the perfect life they get is because they’re so deserving, so good, and true. Their crippled souls are blinded by a naivety that can only understand their life, their pain, their truth. These are the ones who look at us—the mermaids, the fairies, the unicorns—and see only that we don’t fit into their little box of what beauty and truth are. They make token gestures of kindness that are not about what we need, but about what they need to look good in their own eyes, and in the eyes of the world they have moulded to their shallow, selfish limits, leaving us—the magical, the different, the dreamers—feeling less than them; feeling unheard, unseen, and unloved.”
J A Croome, The Sand People: a collection of magical realism and other stories

“Reality of life is just a dream, and living the dream is just reality that never comes true
and when you say to me you have a perfect life, I have no idea what you are talking about”
Kenan Hudaverdi