Pschology Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pschology" Showing 1-14 of 14
“His [(Rumpelstiltskin)] feeling that his name, which is his identity, must be kept secret, or else he'll be revealed to the world as the hunchbacked, shriveled, ridiculous creature he knows himself to be. And if that happens, he'll disappear.”
Joan Gould, Spinning Straw into Gold: What Fairy Tales Reveal About the Transformations in a Woman's Life

Joe Dilley
“Nobody feels ashamed of going to the dentist; it’s socially appropriate to take care of your teeth, even preventively. In short, it’s more normal to take care of our dental health than our mental health . . . it’s more acceptable to care for our mouths than our minds.”
Joe Dilley, The Game Is Playing Your Kid: How to Unplug and Reconnect in the Digital Age

Sam Harris
“The intention to do one thing and not another does not originate in consciousness -- rather, it appears in consciousness, as does any thought or impulse that might oppose it.”
Sam Harris, Free Will

Mahiraj Jadeja
“No one desires to end their happiness by sadness!
But who can defy nature’s illusion?
We being materialistic keep on taking birth to love,
Which is temporary in this world full of darkness?
Get your mind out of this worldly short term pleasure,
We born out of sand will go in sand!
Everything goes but why this bloody lust doesn’t go?”
Mahiraj Jadeja, Love Forever

“Lost somewhere,
Found no(w)here”
Gurshinder Dhesi

Anoir Ou-chad
“Don't fight against negative emotions-It’s exhausting. Try to embrace them instead.”
Anoir Ou-Chad

“And so it begins.”
Leon Dale

“No one was ever given an award for making a bad situation worse.”

Darrel Ray
“Islam began as a tribal religion, whereas Christianity began more as an individual or family religion. Christianity struck out from Palestine, converting one person or one family at a time. After the initial successes and conquests by Mohammed and his tribe, conversions were as much military as spiritual. Mohammed was both a political and military genius and used his success and charisma to convince the superstitious tribes around him that he had Allah on his side. As such, the sword was the instrument of persuasion.”
Darrel Ray, Sex & God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality

“Untuk memotivasi seorang pria, tanyakan dengan 'mau' atau 'maukah' untuk mendapatkan tanggung jawabnya”
Allan&Barbara Pease

“Jika seorang wanita tidak berbahagia dalam hubungan keluarganya, dia tidak dapat berkonsentrasi pada pekerjaannya. Namun jika seorang pria tidak bahagia dalam pekerjaannya, ia tidak memusatkan perhatiannya pada hubungannya.”
Allan&Barbara Pease

“The loss of the object of love is, for the human unconscious, so much worse than the damnation of the Being, hence the fragmentation of consciousness resulting from this possibility. The persistence of the ego, in these conditions, must be given by the recognition of the ego as an extension of the totality of the world of life, or, of the transcendence of the Self, that is, it is beyond the instant, conditions or materiality - the immortal soul of ancient religions or, the non-duality of Buddhism.”

“The loss of the object of love is, for the human unconscious, so much worse than the damnation of the Being, hence the fragmentation of consciousness resulting from this possibility. The persistence of the ego, in these conditions, must be given by the recognition of the ego as an extension of the totality of the world of life, or, of the transcendence of the Self, that is, it is beyond the instant, conditions or materiality - the immortal soul of ancient religions or, the non-duality of Buddhism.”
Jeff Ampolini

“Es ist für die Heilung nicht relevant, was wir früher erlebt haben. Wir müssen auch nicht versuchen, uns daran zu erinnern, Das, worunter wir leiden, erschaffen wir uns tagtäglich, in jedem Moment neu. Es handelt sich dabei um einen unbewussten Mechanismus, mit dem wir ständig Distanz zu anderen Menschen, aber vor allem auch zu uns selbst herstellen, indem wir unbewusst glauben, dass von jemandem, der uns nahekommt, grundsätzlich eine Gefahr ausgeht.”
Gopal Norbert Klein