Rey Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rey" Showing 1-30 of 31
“Snoke's escape shuttle is gone," the general replied.
Kylo considered that. Rey had recovered first. She must have realized he was at her mercy, yet she'd left him alive.
Almost as if she cared for him.”
Jason Fry, The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition (Exclusive Edition)

“I know everything I need to know about you," she countered, taken aback.
"You do?" he asked, and peered at her, eyes intent. "You do, You have that look in your eyes from the forest, when you called me a monster."
He came within a meter or two of Rey, and she wondered what would happen if she refused to move and they intersected. Would she find herself in his mind again, and have to endure his presence in hers? Could they actually touch, across a galaxy?
"You are a monster," Rey said, remembering the terror of her paralysis on Takodana.
She stared back at him -- and found his. eyes full of hurt. Hurt -- and conflict.
"Yes, I am," Kylo said, and there was no menace in his voice -- only misery.”
Jason Fry, The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition (Exclusive Edition)

Rebecca Roanhorse
“Rey's face fell, and Leia could see the pain etched there.The girl cared about Ben, and he had disappointed her.”
Rebecca Roanhorse, Resistance Reborn

“Kylo had rummaged through these hopes and fears, things he had no right to. But as he searched, something had changed. Even as he callously rifled through her mind, he had somehow revealed his own. Rey found herself in his mind even as he invaded hers. She felt his rage, like a ruinous storm that filled his head, and his hatred, and his lust to dominate and humiliate those who wronged him. But she also felt his hurt, and his loneliness. And his fear -- that he would never prove as strong as Darth Vader, the ghost who haunted his dreams.
Kylo had retreated at finding Rey in his head -- had practically fled from her. But that had not been the end of that strange, sudden connection. She had seen more -- far more. Somehow, almost instinctually, she knew how he accessed some of the powers at his command -- even though she didn't understand them. It was as if his training had become hers, unlocking and flinging open door after door in her mind.
But now Rey couldn't shut those doors -- and she feared what had been set loose.
Kylo had urged her to let him be her teacher -- had pleaded with her, almost.”
Jason Fry, The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition (Exclusive Edition)

“Kylo Ren knew who was in the escape pod even before it opened with a hiss of vapor---her presence had been a steady pulse from the Force the moment his junk-heap freighter once again somehow heaved itself out of hyperspace without disintegrating. The stormtroopers behind him stood ready, but he just smiled at the sight of Rey crammed into the pod's tight confines.”
Jason Fry, Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Rebecca Roanhorse
“Leia studied her face. The girl was close, so close to something big. Bigger than Leia, maybe even Luke, if that was possible. But Leia knew that she wasn't the one to ultimately get here there, that would be someone else.”
Rebecca Roanhorse, Resistance Reborn

Alan Dean Foster
“Yes, there's a lot of sand here. Beebee-Ate? Okay. Hello, Beebee-Ate. My name is Rey. No, just Rey.”
Alan Dean Foster, Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Yuri Herrera
“Es nuestro padre y un Rey
Y por esta que es muy bueno
Bajo su brazo es de ley
Cumplir los trabajos del reino”
Yuri Herrera, Trabajos del Reino
tags: ley, narco, rey

Pet Torres
“Voy a ser la esposa del Rey, el mismo que golpea a las mujeres y nadie puede hacer nada para cambiar eso. Todo porque él es un emperador y un emperador nunca debe ser contrariado. ¡Qué hermoso destino que voy a tener por delante! ¡En mi cabeza una corona de oro y un esposo abusador! Si esto se puede llamar un futuro iluminado, prefiero que el mío sea apagado.”
Pet Torres, La Corona de Clavos

Pet Torres
“Olvidándose de todo, él se acercó a sus labios y la besó sin miedo. Él necesitaba partir con el gusto de su amada en su paladar. Eso le daría la fuerza para moverse en el campo de batalla y si acaso él muriese en el enfrentamiento, él moriría feliz.”
Pet Torres, La Corona de Clavos

Alan Dean Foster
“There was a freshness about her that the surrounding harsh landscape had failed to eliminate”
Alan Dean Foster, Star Wars: The Force Awakens

“His apprentice had barely moved since delivering Rey, but his emotions had been simmering when he arrived, and begun to boil when Snoke revealed that he was the creator of Kylo's mysterious connection with Rey.
Or at least they had boiled until a moment ago. Then the tumult had ceased, replaced by an eerie calm and focus. Snoke had been surprised, but pleased. Master and apprentice had work ahead of them, and Kylo -- that endlessly conflicted mixture of light and dark -- had finally found himself.”
Jason Fry, The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition (Exclusive Edition)

Rebecca Roanhorse
“Oh, me? I haven't slept much these past few days," Rey said quietly. "Too much on my mind.”
Rebecca Roanhorse, Resistance Reborn

Rebecca Roanhorse
“This is... Rey!" the girl said suddenly. "And we're out of the..." She paused and then, "...Han system! We're carrying medical equipment supplies to the southern region." She grinned excitedly, clearly extemporizing. "We're expected!”
Rebecca Roanhorse, Resistance Reborn

Rebecca Roanhorse
“Poe hesitated before he asked, "So the two of you aren't..."
Finn looked puzzled at first, but then his expression shifted to amusement. "No, nothing like that. Just friends."
"And Rose?"
"Oh." Finn shook his head no. "We talked about it, and Crait was... a moment. But that's it. Friends there, too."
Poe laughed. "I can't keep up with your 'just friends,' man.”
Rebecca Roanhorse, Resistance Reborn

“Jakku had trained her to do two things better than anyone else could.
The first was to salvage broken things.
The second was to wait.”
Jason Fry, Star Wars: The Last Jedi

“Rey found herself in his mind even as he invaded hers. She felt his rage, like a ruinous storm that filled his head, and his hatred, and his lust to dominate and humiliate those who had wronged him. But she also felt his hurt, and his loneliness. And his fear - that he would never prove as strong as Darth Vader, the ghost who haunted his dreams”
Jason Fry, Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Stacey Halls
“El rey no es partidario de las mujeres que intentan buscarse la vida como pueden: ayudando al prójimo, ahuyentando las enfermedades e intentando mantener a sus hijos con vida. Y mientras no lo sea, yo tampoco lo seré de él.”
Stacey Halls, The Familiars
tags: rey

William Shakespeare
“El gusano no es el único emperador de la dieta; nosotros cebamos a todos los demás animales para engordarnos, y en nosotros mismos para cebar a los gusanos. El rey y el escuálido mendigo no son más que servicios distintos, dos platos, pero de una misma mesa, aquí el fin de todo.”
William Shakespeare, Hamlet

William Shakespeare
“Nada, sino mostraros cómo un rey puede hacer un viaje de gala por las tripas de un pordiosero.”
William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Albert Camus
“como un rey destronado, iba errante por los caminos...”
Albert Camus, The Possessed

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Quien cree en las palabras de un dictador es el rey de los tontos!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Rebecca Roanhorse
“He wanted me to join him, but I couldn't. I thought I could help him, but he only wanted me to become like him."

Rey's face fell, and Leia could see the pain etched there. The girl cared about Ben, and he had disappointed her. "Ben has made his choices," Leia said. "No one can save Ben but himself. And I don't know if that is what he wants.”
Rebecca Roanhorse, Resistance Reborn

Alan Dean Foster
“Halting an arm's length away, he studied her face from behind his mask. When he finally spoke, he sounded at once impressed and surprised. "You would kill me. Knowing nothing about me."
Finding that her mouth and lips worked, she replied defiantly. "Why wouldn't I kill you? I know about the First Order.”
Alan Dean Foster, Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Alan Dean Foster
“Alone . . . alone . . . It echoed in her mind as she sat there. Under the weight of the loneliness Han's voice seemed to fade, and Maz Kanata's as well, until there was nothing surrounding her but a silence as deep and profound as the distant reaches of space itself.”
Alan Dean Foster, Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Alan Dean Foster
“You've been so lonely," he murmured as he searched for what he needed. "So afraid to leave." A thin smile crossed his face. "At night, desperate to sleep, you'd imagine an ocean. I can see it . . . I can see the island.”
Alan Dean Foster, Star Wars: The Force Awakens

“-No es fácil, Valtario... No lo es.
-Mi padre siempre decía que las cosas siempre son fáciles, y que lo difícil es convencerse de ello.
-Tu padre no fue rey.
-Podría haberlo sido. Cualquier noble godo puede serlo.
El silencio es ahora fuego. Ambos se miden con la mirada.”
José Soto Chica

R.L. Merrill
“Anger rolled off Rey like the crashing waves that had battered the Santa Cruz coastline to the point that many houses were in danger of toppling into the ocean. Rey’s fury was in danger of toppling him over the edge.”
R.L. Merrill, Sundowners
tags: rey

Almudena Grandes
“― Pero... ―María frunció el ceño―, no lo entiendo. ¿Eres republicano y te gustaría ser conde?
― Sí, me encantaría ―hizo una pausa medida, risueña, para asegurarse de concentrar su atención―. Porque entonces podría pedir una audiencia, y me la concederían, y yo me iría a ver a Alfonso y le diría, toma, cabrón, métete el condado por donde te quepa.”
Almudena Grandes, El corazón helado

William Shakespeare
“Que si al rey la comedia no le gusta...
será, supongo yo, que le disgusta.”
William Shakespeare

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