Seeds Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "seeds-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 72
“A seed refuses to die when you bury it, that is why it becomes a tree.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“A tree is a seed that never gave up on its dream to flourish.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“There is a seed inside of every tree and a tree inside of every seed.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“A seed is its own world, a garden is its own universe.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“It is better to plant seeds than to mourn bad weather.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“It is better to plant good seeds than to mourn bad weather.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“A seed, through patience, increases in value and becomes a tree.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Champions, like seeds, only gain strength when you bury them.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Mladen Đorđević
“The seeds of evil blooms in the fields of negligence.”
Mladen Đorđević, Svetioničar - Pomračenje

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Just as it is considered useless to plant the seeds without reaping and so it is a curse for people to live without dying.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“A seed refuses to die when you bury it; that is why it becomes a tree.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Fruitfulness comes from within. The to nurture Your seeds to bring forth fruits that will meet the needs of humanity.”

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Just as every tree starts as a seed and the baby an embryo. Your plans must follow the same steps if you truly wish to see them successful at the end.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“She holds seeds of wishes
that are starting to bloom.”
Chrisy Ann Martine

Carlos Wallace
“Intentions are the seeds, but actions are the harvest; what you sow is what you reap.”
Carlos Wallace, Why Sell Lies When The Truth Is Free

Carlos Wallace
“Each seed of goodness we plant grows roots deep enough to hold the world steady.”
Carlos Wallace, Why Sell Lies When The Truth Is Free

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