Spiritual Gifts Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spiritual-gifts" Showing 1-30 of 33
C. JoyBell C.
“One of the best gifts you can give to someone, is a wider perspective. It's also one of the best gifts you can receive. So if you have given someone a wider perspective, don't feel bad about it (about taking their blindfolds off and having to watch them cringe in the newfound sunlight); I know it's hard, but you're doing them a lasting favor. And a wider perspective can be difficult for you yourself to accept, in the beginning (during the time that you squint while the sunlight stings your own eyes), but later you'll find yourself coming back to it, even if you abandoned it as something worthless; you'll look for it, one day. Or it will grow on you. Perspective.”
C. JoyBell C.

Brother Yun
“Do not be satisfied with God's calling or His gifts in your life. Be satisfied with Jesus Christ Himself.”
Brother Yun, The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun

Watchman Nee
“God will not give me humility, or patience, or holiness, or love as separate investments of His grace. He has given only one gift to meet our need, His Son Christ Jesus.”
Watchman Nee, The Normal Christian Life

Russell D. Moore
“In the New Testament, we don't find our gift through self-examination and introspection and then find ways to express it. Instead, we love one another, serve one another, help one another, and in so doing we see how God has equipped us to do so.”
Russell D. Moore, Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families & Churches

“Deep in our bones lies an intuition that we arrive here carrying a bundle of gifts to offer to the community. Over time, these gifts are meant to be seen, developed, and called into the village at times of need. To feel valued for the gifts with which we are born affirms our worth and dignity. In a sense, it is a form of spiritual employment - simply being who we are confirms our place in the village. That is one of the fundamental understanding about gifts: we can only offer them by being ourselves fully. Gifts are a consequence of authenticity; when we are being true to our natures, the gifts can emerge.”
Francis Weller, The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief

Thomas Merton
“We must approach our meditation realizing that 'grace,' 'mercy,' and 'faith' are not permanent inalienable possessions which we gain by our efforts and retain as though by right, provided that we behave ourselves. They are CONSTANTLY RENEWED GIFTS. The life of grace in our hearts is renewed from moment to moment, directly and personally by God in his love for us.”
Thomas Merton, Contemplative Prayer

Thomas Merton
“True contemplation is not a psychological trick but a theological grace. It can come to us ONLY as a gift, and not as a result of our own clever use of spiritual techniques.”
Thomas Merton, Contemplative Prayer

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“God never loses sight of the treasure which He has placed in our earthen vessels.”
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English Standard Version

Jack Deere
“Sometimes, when you have spent a long time rejecting the gifts of the Spirit and come to believe in them, you almost feel as if you are being born again. You feel as if you have a whole new Bible. By that latter statement I mean that the Gospels and Acts come alive for you in a way that they never have before. Things that you had relegated to the first century now become a possibility for today's church.”
Jack Deere, Surprised by the Power of the Spirit: Discovering How God Speaks and Heals Today

Yong Kang Chan
“Intuition has always been my greatest gift. It has provided me with many ideas for my creative work and saved me from a lot of trouble. It’s just that when I feel stressed and desperate, I forget this gift.”
Yong Kang Chan, The Emotional Gift: Memoir of a Highly Sensitive Person Who Overcame Depression

Watchman Nee
“There is nothing stereotyped about God's dealings with His children. Therefore, we must not by our prejudices and preconceptions make watertight compartments for the working out His Spirit, either in our own lives or in the lives of others. We must leave God free to work as He wills and to leave what evidence He pleases of the work He does.”
Watchman Nee, The Normal Christian Life

Marta Mrotek
“There is no greater gift than realizing the constant presence of the Divine and His Absolute Power to create and restore all things.”
Marta Mrotek, Miracle In Progress: A Handbook for Holistic Recovery

Watchman Nee
“We all have the same Christ dwelling within, but revelation of some new need will lead us spontaneously to trust Him to live out His life in in that particular.”
Watchman Nee, The Normal Christian Life

Praying Medic
“When healing gifts are exercised, the faith of both the one healed and the one healing is built up and becomes stronger. Faith not only in God, but faith in one’s ability to do the works Jesus did, as He said we would. Many who might otherwise move powerfully in the gifts of the Spirit are not lacking faith in God to want to do them, but in themselves and their own ability to be instrumental in ministering the gifts.”
Praying Medic, Divine Healing Made Simple

Craig S. Keener
“Spiritual giftedness does not guarantee that we hear from God rightly on every point.”
Craig S. Keener, Gift and Giver

A Psycho-Spiritual- Author- Certified-Meditation, Laughter, & Kundalini Tantra Yoga Teacher.
“In the Kabbalah, when you are in touch with the Shekhinah within you, you are entering the dwelling place of a Divine Presence.”
Serena Jade, Eros and Psyche: An Ancient Soul Mate/Twin Flame Story

“In his sermon on the baptism of the Spirit, Chamberlain points out Peter's focus in Acts 2. The amazing work of enabling the apostles to speak languages in which they had not been trained drew the attention of the crowd so Peter could address them. No doubt, they wanted an in-depth explanation. But Peter uses this incident to point to Christ and uses the attention he has to fully explain the Gospel – NOT to sensationalize a gift of the Spirit.”
Daniel Chamberlain

Watchman Nee
“The author sees Joseph of Genesis as a type of Christ's Pentecostal power. He who was thought dead has been raised in power, and the power is evident in the chariot he sends for his own.”
Watchman Nee, The Normal Christian Life

Craig S. Keener
“Many of us who affirm and practice spiritual gifts would feel more comfortable among anticharismatics who are at least grounded in Scripture than among such flaky charismatics.”
Craig S. Keener, Gift and Giver

David     Platt
“God's glory is most majestically displayed not through you were through me, but through US. God raises up the Church, and says to all Creation in the heavens, on the Earth, and under the Earth, this is the bride and body of My Son, bought and purchased by His blood to be My people and receive My power, and enjoy My presence, and declare My praise forever and ever.”
David Platt, Follow Me: A Call to Die. A Call to Live.

Mark Batterson
“There are spiritual gifts like mercy, faith, or generosity that enable people to set the standard, so to speak. But just because you don't have that spiritual gift doesn't mean you aren't held to any standard at all. Even if you aren't gifted in that way, you're still called to live mercifully, faithfully, and generously. You might not set the standard, but you need to meet the standard. There is a baseline that all of us are called to. When the opportunity presents itself, we need to show mercy, exercise faith, and give generously. In the same sense, all of us are called to take risks. If it doesn't involve risk, it doesn't exercise faith.”
Mark Batterson, All In: You Are One Decision Away From a Totally Different Life

Aaron Niequist
“God has given a spiritual gift to the church in you, and you dare not keep it to yourself.”
Aaron Niequist, The Eternal Current: How a Practice-Based Faith Can Save Us from Drowning

“Every gift of God is empowered by LOVE and expressed by FAITH.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

Robin S. Baker
“I want you to understand that we are also our own guides. We have access to extraordinarily sacred powers that our most enlightened self has known about during the entirety of our existence.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism

Gary Patton
“Jesus gives each of his Followers, not just his first Apostles, authority & power to heal every sickness, raise the dead, and expel demons plus perform other miracles in His name as He wills in any situation. He did so in Matthew 10:8 via His follow-up command to His early Followers in Matthew 28:19 ~ © gfp '42™”
Gary Patton

Lisa Bedrick
“Some people are only “believers” because they want God to give them things; a thrill, money, spiritual gifts etc. but they never think twice about what THEY can give to God. They are Christian parasites, always wanting more, rather than Christian servants, who are always willing to give.”
Lisa Bedrick, On the Charismatic Movement

“Where everyone is accepted equally as a brother or sister in Christ, and where there is an open forum without a set program and format, believers will be in an environment where their gifts will develop and manifest naturally.”
Henry Hon, ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose from House to House

“...the gifts and callings God places inside us are irrevocable, and there is no force on earth or in heaven that could come against or stop His love.”
Kim Walker-Smith, Brave Surrender: Let God’s Love Rewrite Your Story

Phillip B. Chute
“Dreams can be very powerful gifts and guides if remembered by people with open minds who accept what they see and feel.”
Phillip B. Chute, The Silver Thread of Life

Phillip B. Chute
“Everybody has different spiritual gifts and our spiritual guides are here to help us use them.”
Phillip B. Chute, The Silver Thread of Life

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