Thanos Quotes
Quotes tagged as "thanos"
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“Even devils should beware when bargaining with Thanos of Titan.”
― The Infinity Crusade: Volume 2
― The Infinity Crusade: Volume 2
“Now we take the ship, the planet and the galaxy back...and shove it all right up Thanos' ass.”
― Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 1
― Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 1
“The AIDS obsession doubtless arises from the fact that the exceptional destiny of the sufferers gives them what others cruelly lack today: a strong, impregnable identity, a sacrificial identity -- the privilege of illness, around which, in other cultures, the entire group once gravitated, and which we have abolished almost everywhere today by the enterprise of therapeutic eradication of Evil [le Mal]. But in another way, the whole strategy of the prevention of illness merely shifts the problem [le mal] from the biological to the social body. All the anti-AIDS campaigns, playing on solidarity and fear -- `Your AIDS interests me' -- give rise to an emotional contagion as noxious as the biological. The promotional infectiousness of information is just as obscene and dangerous as that of the virus. If AIDS destroys biological immunities, then the collective theatricalization and brainwashing, the blackmailing into responsibility and mobilization, are playing their part in propagating the epidemic of information and, as a side-effect, in reinforcing the social body's immunodeficiency -- a process that is already far advanced -- and in promoting that other mental AIDS that is the Aids-athon, the Telethon and other assorted Thanatons -- expiation and atonement of the collective bad conscience, pornographic orchestration of national unity.
AIDS itself ends up looking like a side-effect of this demagogic virulence. `Tu me préserves actif, je te préservatif' ['You keep me active, I condom you']: this scabrous irony, heavy with blackmail, which is also that of Benetton, as it once was of the BNP, in fact conceals a technique of manipulation and dissolution of the social body by the stimulation of the vilest emotions: self-pity and self-disgust. Politicians and advertisers have understood that the key to democratic government -- perhaps even the essence of the political? -- is to take general stupidity for granted: `Your idiocy, your resentment, interest us!' Behind which lurks an even more suspect discourse: `Your rights, your destitution, your freedom, interest us!' Democratic souls have been trained to swallow all the horrors, scandals, bluff, brainwashing and misery, and to launder these themselves. Behind the condescending interest there always lurks the voracious countenance of the vampire.”
― The Perfect Crime
AIDS itself ends up looking like a side-effect of this demagogic virulence. `Tu me préserves actif, je te préservatif' ['You keep me active, I condom you']: this scabrous irony, heavy with blackmail, which is also that of Benetton, as it once was of the BNP, in fact conceals a technique of manipulation and dissolution of the social body by the stimulation of the vilest emotions: self-pity and self-disgust. Politicians and advertisers have understood that the key to democratic government -- perhaps even the essence of the political? -- is to take general stupidity for granted: `Your idiocy, your resentment, interest us!' Behind which lurks an even more suspect discourse: `Your rights, your destitution, your freedom, interest us!' Democratic souls have been trained to swallow all the horrors, scandals, bluff, brainwashing and misery, and to launder these themselves. Behind the condescending interest there always lurks the voracious countenance of the vampire.”
― The Perfect Crime
“I believe you will discover the horizons of my imaginings far wider than you would suspect, Lord Chaos. You address omnipotence. Tread carefully.”
― The Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus
― The Infinity Gauntlet Omnibus
“The profoundly negationist character of information, the demand for which has no concern for any historical reality or any moral meaning. Shoah or no Shoah, if Hitler were alive he would be on all the screens.
Might Network Man be the model for the disabled person of the future? It is perhaps to him, rather than to the paralytic, that we shall have forcibly to restore the use of his body.
An illness that breaks out opportunely just before the departure date and ends exactly on the day the trip was scheduled to end.”
― Cool Memories V: 2000 - 2004
Might Network Man be the model for the disabled person of the future? It is perhaps to him, rather than to the paralytic, that we shall have forcibly to restore the use of his body.
An illness that breaks out opportunely just before the departure date and ends exactly on the day the trip was scheduled to end.”
― Cool Memories V: 2000 - 2004
“However, we must not look on this domination of the Virtual as something inevitable. Above all, we must not take the Virtual for a 'reality' (definitely going too far!) and apply the categories of the real and the rational to it.(...)”
― The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact
― The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact
“Diante dos seus olhos apareceu então a imagem minúscula e claramente iluminada de Adolf Hitler dirigindo-se ao servis lacaios que deviam constituir o Reichtag por finais dos anos 30. Der Führer estava então com o seu ar sarcástico, jovial e zombeteiro. Aquela cena famosa ― que todos os homens de Yancy conheciam de cor― era aquela em que Hitler respondia ao requerimento que lhe fora feito pelo presidente Roosevelt para que garantisse as fronteiras de uma boa dúzia de minúsculas nações europeias. Uma a uma Hitler enunciava as nações que constituíam tal lista, a voz ia num crescendo ao ler o nome de cada uma, e de cada vez, as marionetes articuladas exultavam com o crescendo de troça do seu líder. A emotividade de tudo aquilo ― der Führer, possesso de um divertimento titânico perante aquela lista tão absurda (mais tarde iria invadir, sistematicamente, quase todas as nações então referidas), os rugidos daqueles loucos… Joseph Adams escutava, observava, sentia ecoarem dentro de si esses berros, sentia um divertimento sarcástico em consonância com o de Hitler ― e ao mesmo tempo sentia um receio pura e simplesmente infantil de que aquela cena tivesse alguma vez ocorrido realmente. O que de fato acontecera. Aquele segmento, do primeiro episódio do documentário A, era ― por estranho que tal pudesse parecer, dada a sua natureza de tal modo demoníaca ― autêntico.”
― The Penultimate Truth
― The Penultimate Truth
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