Useful Idiot Quotes

Quotes tagged as "useful-idiot" Showing 1-2 of 2
Andreas Malm
“Social democracy as we now know it underwent its moment of speciation when Eduard Bernstein began to question the orthodoxy of revolution. His essential postulate was the absence of crises. The Steven Pinker of socialism, he pointed to the empirical fact that no serious crisis had rocked the capitalist economy for the past two or three decades, which invalidated the Marxian prophecy of a system trending towards collapse. Since it was not prone to malfunctioning, the idea of seizing power, smashing decrepit capitalism and installing a completely different order had become redundant; instead social democracy could continue to grow in strength, extract piecemeal reforms and gradually lift the working class out of the mire. Rosa Luxemburg very famously objected that the crisis tendencies had merely been postponed. In the near future, they would burst forth with even more dreadful violence. Ignoring her prognosis, the social democrats in the making went ahead and presently gave their first demonstration of how they dealt with catastrophe: by expediting it through consent.”
Andreas Malm, Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency: War Communism in the Twenty-First Century

Criss Jami
“You might be called crazy and a madman over what you believe is right, but that's what people do. In turn, give them that permission in order for you to take back your power: let the useful idiots and know-nothings mock a courage they'll never possess.”
Criss Jami