Wordions Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wordions" Showing 1-30 of 143
“Yes, I value emotions deeply.
Call me sensitive, call me weak, call me outdated, call me anything you may, but tell me the truth, can you deny emotions give life to life.
If Emotions are an integral part of Being Human,
Why do people suppress feeling them ?
Does the bruising scare them ? Than I wonder who is weak ?”

“Never underestimate the empowering effect of human connection.
All you need is that one person, who understands you completely, believes in you and makes you feel loved for what you are, to enable you - to unfold the miraculous YOU.”
Drishti Bablani, Wordions

“Yes, I value emotions deeply.
Call me sensitive, call me weak, call me outdated, call me anything you may, but tell me the truth, can you deny emotions give life to life.
If Emotions are an integral part of Being Human,
why do people suppress feeling them ?
Does the bruising scare them ? Than I wonder who is weak ?”
Drishti Bablani, Wordions | Uns

“Yes, I value emotions deeply.
Call me sensitive, call me weak, call me outdated, call me anything you may, but tell me the truth, can you deny emotions give life to life.
If Emotions are an integral part of Being Human,
Why do people suppress feeling them ?
Does the bruising scare them ? Than I wonder who is weak ?”
Drishti Bablani, Wordions

Drishti Bablani
“Detachment is ...
Not lack of love,
but a lack of dependency.
Not lack of passion,
but a lack of attachment
to permanency.
Not lack of security,
but a lack of anxiety
in uncertainty.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Toughness is not  hardening, toughness is withstanding all the forces that want you to harden, whilst still retaining your sensitivities and your humanness.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“When you love someone you
protect them.
Protect them from not just others but
sometimes yourself too - from your own
sharp edges.
Such is the flow of the emotional current
that if they are hurt you feel as much pain.
And so, you either willingly smoothen your
corners or you turn yourself away so as to
save them from the bruises.
And perhaps that's how
Love makes you a better person.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Loyalty is not just a matter of reciprocation. Loyalty is a matter of personal character.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“The biggest blocker to happiness is "the fear of vulnerability". Happiness cannot enter a caged heart.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Our emotions, especially the negative ones, gather color and intensity from the difference between our perceptions of what is right or good and the reality.
The key to inner peace is not suppressing emotions but flexing perceptions.
The more accepting, tolerant and understanding we become towards other perspectives and possibilities, the more our perceptional flexibility increases and lesser power our emotions gain over us.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Understanding someone is the sign of true maturity, forgiving them is that of true wisdom.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Words are powerful, but truly strong relationships are not shaken by the spoken words, for the words in the heart are heard loud and clear, despite the temperamental poor choice of the word uttered.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“If you are feeling anxious, sad or depressed,
chances are you are thinking about something that either happened in the past or something you fear will happen in the future.
Stop your travel in time and bring your thoughts back to the now, you cannot change anything that has either happened or not happened yet.
You can only live in what is happening, and embrace the peace of your current moment.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“You don't fail when you fall.
You fail when you do not realize your contribution to the fall.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“At least once in your life, something will go terribly wrong, and oh by the way, it will be your fault (or at least seem to be). All the heads will turn to you.
This is your defining moment, hold yourself, hold the panic, hold the anger, hold the blames.

Accept the situation, remember this as a rule - "shit happens to everyone atleast once in their lifetime" so gather yourself and work to contain the damage, to fix what can be fixed and minimize the impact.

Success isn't never falling it is getting up from a fall and turning things around.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Trust is believing "I will be safe with you".
Love is striving to keep the trust.”
Drishti Bablani, Uns

Drishti Bablani
“You find Peace only in Love, you lose it there too !”
Drishti Bablani, Uns

Drishti Bablani
“We often look for kindness back in the same place we gave it, and mostly that is where we go wrong.
Kindness does not work that way, you put your kind deeds into the universe and the universe reflects back that energy into your life, from unexpected avenues at most appropriate times.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“As I look back at my life as a spectator
I smile at God's Plan as I see the dots connect,
I thank not just God but all those beautiful souls that served him to meet his grand plans for me,
I am proud that I did not give up when all seemed to be falling apart,
I am humble because I realize that I would have never been able to stand up without people who loved me,
believed in me and brought me up even higher.
I am happy and content because I have everything I should at this moment and will have all that accrues to me at the right time.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“I Believe people are genuinely kind-hearted and mean no harm to others.

I Believe the ultimate desire for all of us is Happiness.

I believe that we all take different paths to Happiness but True Happiness is derived from Love.

I Believe that people define and express Love differently.

I Believe we cannot expect to resonate with everyone's definition of Love.

I Believe Best Love happens when your definition of Love and relationships match.

I Believe no matter how much they Love you, people make mistakes and tend to hurt you.

I also Believe we all understand this but we just need a reminder sometimes.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“We were created to be
trusting and trustworthy.
Trust is normal,
It is living in doubt that is

We are the happiest when we are closer to our natural state.
Trust keeps us happy, it is the doubt the brings in sadness.
Trust keeps us calm, it is the doubt that brings in anxiety.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“On the winding roads in the journey to your dreams, Intuition needs faith to follow.
Sensing the invisible and believing in it while it’s yet unprovable.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Faith is born from desire. Deep desires manifest as strong faith.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Uncertainties are a certainty in life.
They boost up the air of negativity that suffocates.
In such times ...
Faith is the insulation
Hope the oxygen.
Faith in the Universe’s loving intentions.
Hope in their timely fulfilment.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Memories - Moments that passed,
Yet still alive.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Life has a secret calendar that we never get to see.
It's just revealed day by day.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“It’s all about the perspective.
Some saw it as pain and drowned in grief,
some saw it as 'hurt love' and healed in this belief.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Happiness has a lot to teach too only if we choose inward focus during happy times to capture the learnings.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“Responding to hurt with hurt only increases the chaos within. Inner Peace develops when you let your words and actions match you not them.”
Drishti Bablani

Drishti Bablani
“When attempting to understand people "Intention" is worth most attention.
When attempting to actualize goals "Intention" alone is worthless without skillful execution.”
Drishti Bablani

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