Worshipping God Quotes

Quotes tagged as "worshipping-god" Showing 1-17 of 17
“The worship of God should be done without expecting anything in return”
Sunday Adelaja

“There is no worship for God without the honor of fellow man”
Sunday Adelaja

“The best way to worship God is to honor His people”
Sunday Adelaja

“The worship of God shouldn’t be done in church alone, but in all our actions and our attitude towards His creation”
Sunday Adelaja

“The worship of God is in our attitude to people”
Sunday Adelaja

“Worship without honor is meaningless”
Sunday Adelaja

“Worship of God is not restricted to believers alone”
Sunday Adelaja

Abhijit Naskar
“Slavery is bad, but even worse is blind discipleship to hallucinations.”
Abhijit Naskar, 7 Billion Gods: Humans Above All

Gift Gugu Mona
“It is not our worship that makes God, so great. It is because He is so great, that we worship Him.”
Gift Gugu Mona

“Heart worship is what God is looking for; those who will worship Him in Spirit and truth (John 4:24). Don’t fool yourself? Don’t deceive yourself? This is very serious and should not be taken lightly. Check Your Motive, before praising and worshipping your Heavenly Father God. He knows the reason why you are doing something or behaving in a specific way.”
Shelena Griffiths, A Real Desire To Praise God Devotional

“A pure heart is nothing more than being real with God, and not pretending to honor and adore Him. Will you do this? Give God praise freely?

The decision is yours. Only you can change your attitude towards worshipping God.”
Shelena Griffiths, A Real Desire To Praise God Devotional

“Love wants to be "Loved" not just worshiped.”
Syed Sharukh

“Skeletal Remains Found

Deep in the jungles of America, I find skeletal remains of bodies strewn about some bowed in the pretense of what was and others with lifted arms as if department store mannequins posed to look lifelike drawing in others towards this lifeless worship called the church no breath of the spirit can be found for skeletal prayer has left behind bodies decomposing among all the skeletal remains of a godless church”
John M Sheehan

Gift Gugu Mona
“Worshipping God is like quenching your thirst, from a fountain that never runs dry.”
Gift Gugu Mona, Daily Quotes about God: 365 Days of Heavenly Inspiration

Michael Bassey Johnson
“If you shun the transient things of this world and devote yourself to serving God wholeheartedly, God will place you right where you are meant to be.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Susanne Whitlock
“Worship changes the atmosphere around wherever it occurs and worship is a catalyst that brings revelation. Worship stirs up our spiritual gifts to minister. In short, the sum of all this is worship ushers us into God's Presence, where all kinds of things are possible for those who believe (Mark 9:23).”
Susanne Whitlock, Engaging the God Who Sees You: God Wants You As His Own

“Being true to oneself is the highest form of worshipping God.”
Shiva Negi