Writing Quote Quotes

Quotes tagged as "writing-quote" Showing 1-30 of 42
Julie Wright
“A book acts as the getaway car when you need to escape.
Even when you're the one writing it.”
Julie Wright

Carla H. Krueger
“I lose it when I can't write. I feel sad and confused and fucked off.”
Carla H. Krueger

Carla H. Krueger
“Every book contains a secret – even the writer doesn't always know what it is.”
Carla H. Krueger

“I’m addicted to words. The only way to get my fix is to write and read.”
K.D. Green

Sahara Sanders
“I left my novels for better times, when I could dedicate the energy and enjoy the inspiration I feel while planning them; like the most delicious cherries on a cake one left for later so they can be savored to the utmost.”
Sahara Sanders, Indigo Diaries: A Series of Novels

Andre Dubus
“Talent is cheap. What matters is discipline.”
Andre Dubus

Jack Dann
“For me, writing is exploration; and most of the time, I'm surprised where the journey takes me.”
Jack Dann

Christina Strigas
“I love words as food. It fills up my appetite with parsley, mint, and species. It has a way of keeping my immune system stronger - my senses alert, my feet tapping, and my soul smelling the aroma of imagery.”
Christina Strigas, A Book of Chrissyisms

Christina Strigas
“If writing hurts you're doing it right.”
Christina Strigas, A Book of Chrissyisms

Robin McKinley
“A writer who isn't writing isn't really alive.”
Robin McKinley

Carla H. Krueger
“When I write, I write obsessively. I try to pace myself, but some fires are too hot to put out.”
Carla H. Krueger

“I’m a writer. Therefore, I am not sane.”
K. D. Green

Sahara Sanders
“As they say, it’s possible to kill and to revive someone using a proper speech. I agree with the statement because I know for sure it is true.”
Sahara Sanders

Gudjon Bergmann
“Authors, such as William Zinsser, Steven Pinker, Natalie Goldberg, and Stephen King, who have all written exquisite books on the art and craft of writing, have reminded me that it is the commitment to the craft that matters the most; the longing to get better and the countless hours of work that go into writing and rewriting. To them I am eternally grateful.”
Gudjon Bergmann

Carmen DeSousa
“‪If the overuse of adjectives is frowned upon in writing, why are expletives—the ones commonly used as adjectives—embraced?”
Carmen DeSousa

Douglas Adams

Writing isn’t so bad really when you get through the worry. Forget about the worry, just press on. Don’t be embarrassed about the bad bits. Don’t strain at them, give yourself time, you can come back and do it again in the light of what you discover about the story later on. It's better to have pages and pages of material to work through and often maybe find an unexpected shape in that you can then craft and put it for good use, rather than one manically reworked paragraph or sentence.
But writing can be good. You attack it, don’t let it attack you. You can get pleasure out of it. You can certainly do very well for yourself with it...!”
Douglas Adams

Mark Lanegan
“I turn back to the page to obsessively invent still more damaged and heroic versions of myself before the fire dies out or the well runs dry, constructing imaginary worlds.”
Mark Lanegan, Devil in a Coma

“A writer can never escape the labyrinth of words inside his mind.”
K.D. Green

“You will always find me writing and reading as long as I have the breath of life within me.”
K.D. Green

“If you want to write, write. It’s as simple as that.”
K.D. Green

“A writer may not know the way at first; but if he endeavors to complete his task, he carves a path with his story, a knowledge shortcut.”
Susan J. McIntire

“When writing feels like jumping a cliff, grab the nearest pen!”
Susan J. McIntire

“Words are action, and sentences represent a person’s mental action and aspirations.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“All experiences change us and personal writing is one of the most powerful agencies of change. The person who wrote these personal essays no longer exists. This unbosoming script swallowed the shadow of my former persona.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“My soul speaks. So I write!”
Chinonye J. Chidolue

“You may initially find yourself at a point of re-convincing that there could be a positive twist, and that's okay. Suspense naturally becomes sweeter when we let our faith save our favorite character.”
Chinonye J. Chidolue

Erin Summerill
“Writing a novel is a trek.”
Erin Summerill, Ever the Hunted

“I've always been a pantser when I write. Planning detail with what happens at every turn isn't me. I'm not a plotter. I like to make the characters and turn them loose in the scenario and the world I create for them.”
Jul Winters

Marguerite Duras
“Jag har en känsla av att lidandet inte kommer att upphöra förrän det finns i en bok... först då kommer det att vara slut. Först då kommer det att vara utplånat. Jag upptäcker det med den här historien som jag har med er: att skriva, det är antagligen, det också, att utplåna. Ersätta.”
Marguerite Duras, Emily L.

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