MEDIUM RARE is here! It's the eighth installment in the Haunted Hearts series of MM paranormal romance stories. Pre-order now to get your copy on OctoMEDIUM RARE is here! It's the eighth installment in the Haunted Hearts series of MM paranormal romance stories. Pre-order now to get your copy on October 21!
I had the exceptional opportunity to read this early as an ARC.
As a debut novel from a new author, this is a great read. Body diversity is something wI had the exceptional opportunity to read this early as an ARC.
As a debut novel from a new author, this is a great read. Body diversity is something we don't see often in the MM world, and it's about time. The trials and tribulations these boys went through in order to get to their HEA is representational of so many in the community, especially in the 90s and earlier.
There were some pacing issues, and at times I was yelling at the characters but if nothing else, the author pulled emotion out from me - so WELL DONE!
I know Cannon is penning more stories that continue to represent the Bears in the community - and I am here for it!
I love Laura John's books. Knox and Gunnar are probably one of my favorites so far. John writes very easy, accessible romances that are fun and steamy.
II love Laura John's books. Knox and Gunnar are probably one of my favorites so far. John writes very easy, accessible romances that are fun and steamy.
If you haven't picked one of her books up yet, do so! You won't be disappointed.
Merged review:
I love Laura John's books. Knox and Gunnar are probably one of my favorites so far. John writes very easy, accessible romances that are fun and steamy.
If you haven't picked one of her books up yet, do so! You won't be disappointed....more
I love Glenn Quigley's writing. It's so immersive. The characters live rent-free in my head - especially Vince. But that's another story.
If you have noI love Glenn Quigley's writing. It's so immersive. The characters live rent-free in my head - especially Vince. But that's another story.
If you have not picked up Quigley's books or shorts, I highly recommend them. The characters are relatable - they're real - we all know people like them. The boys are burly, and it's hard not to fall for them. The architecture is clearly envisioned, with wonderful descriptions peppered throughout the story, and the clockwork (think steampunk) mechanics are mind-blowing.
The world Quigley has built for both The Moth and The Moon series, and The Knights of Blackrabbit is clever, whimsical, and romantic (and a little tawdry too). I said in a previous review that these works will have you walking down old plank docks, smelling of seawater and kerosene-dipped wood. The barnacles are right there for the touching.
The story (Nope, I'm not telling you any of it because it would spoil everything), is clever and had me turning the pages quicker and quicker to find out what happens to our Sailor returned home, Felix, the bar he inherits from his gangster Uncle, and the unlikely friendship he develops with Vince, the captain of the Knights Watch.
Please bring me more. And don't ever stop writing. Thank you for the amazing opportunity to read this ARC....more
This is my very first A.J. Truman book - and it certainly won't be my last.
The setup - true to MM Romance form - a well-known trope(s) - two characterThis is my very first A.J. Truman book - and it certainly won't be my last.
The setup - true to MM Romance form - a well-known trope(s) - two characters you love (or love to hate), and away you go. In The Falcon and The Foe, two gay dads, both who harbor incorrect assumptions about the other, are fierce rivals...until...they get to know one another. Truman did such a fantastic job with the tension between the main characters of Ross and Cal that I didn't think it would be possible for them to ever mend fences. But in true Enemies-to-Lovers trope, and with a "One Bed Only" variation during a camping trip - Truman managed to pull off the unthinkable. Cal and Russ are heart-warming characters and I enjoyed getting to go on their journey of self-discovery learning how to date and love all while being frantic single parents. Bonus Points: Cal is a bear - big and cuddly, and furry. Ross is more of an exercise enthusiast - muscled and furry - and yet the body positivity abounded. YAY!...more
A superhero comic featuring a gay bear? OMG - Yes Please!
This first installment is a quick introduction to the series. It sets the stage for the adventA superhero comic featuring a gay bear? OMG - Yes Please!
This first installment is a quick introduction to the series. It sets the stage for the adventures to come. It looks like several stories will be told at the same time. The artwork is stunning, and the creator has not shied away from intimate images and fantastic depictions of muscle bear hotness!
I loved this short read and will be searching out the other issues....more
This is my first Alex Silver book. It was so sweet! Perfect read for a fairy-tale romance set with all the magic of the Christmas season. One thing I wThis is my first Alex Silver book. It was so sweet! Perfect read for a fairy-tale romance set with all the magic of the Christmas season. One thing I wasn't expecting was the asexual component and Silver did a fantastic job at not only depicting the ace spectrum but also using the story as a means to teach those who may not understand or know what being asexual is all about. Well done! Completely enjoyable....more
This was my first read from Mr. Satoria. The story was super cute and rather steamy.
This book gets into the "littles" kink, a relatively new concept foThis was my first read from Mr. Satoria. The story was super cute and rather steamy.
This book gets into the "littles" kink, a relatively new concept for me. I'm on the small size of average myself, and I love those guys you see who are absolute beasts. You know the kind, barrel-chested, 6" 4' and full of muscles, thick beards, and fur poking out everywhere? Yeah, that's a 'dear god I'm melting' scenario.
So now imagine yourself - a small little bear (a 'pocket bear' if you will) - finding yourself with one of the beasties - and snuggling in...there - you got yourself a little scenario.
Satoria takes it one step further by adding in some age regression scenes as well. This sent up some potential taboo flags, but Satoria danced the line extremely well. While we were exploring tea parties with teddy bears and protectionism vs caretaking, I never got the impression of this verging into inappropriate well done!
If you like the idea of massive arms wrapping themselves around you, cute fluffy teddies, and surprisingly adorable goats (yes, there are goats!), then get yourself a little and a monster bear. Cuddle up with your best stuffie, and a blanket, and relax into a sweet adorable read. ...more
Quigley has done it again! If you haven't read The Moth and Moon series - you really should. These Young Wolves is a spin-off from the earlier books - rQuigley has done it again! If you haven't read The Moth and Moon series - you really should. These Young Wolves is a spin-off from the earlier books - revolving around one of my favorite characters, Vince Knight. In this tale, we see the once-criminal mastermind take on the role of law enforcement, and slowly begin some personal growth. The endearing gruffness begins to melt away as we are treated to the softer parts of Vince. The plot is twisted, and Quigley ensures you never really see what's coming, all while world-building in such a way as to allow the reader to be steeped in a historical fantasy world.
Honestly - I kinda want to live in this world. Take me away! You won't be disappointed with this book....more
I'll start off by saying I have not read anything by Mr. Quigley that I haven't found to be completely endearing and utterly delightful.
Use as WallpapI'll start off by saying I have not read anything by Mr. Quigley that I haven't found to be completely endearing and utterly delightful.
Use as Wallpaper is no exception.
It's a quick, contemporary M/M Romance short story that is easily consumed in one sitting, and yet, Quigley's words are bound to stay with you for days later. Stuart is a hapless reporter, stumbling over his own recent breakup, and attempting to create a documentary on Otar's polyphonic Georgian choir.
The ensuing clash between personalities, cultures, and expectations warms the heart, makes you laugh, and will ultimately have you wishing for more.
And in fact, I did reach out to the author and made a special request for more on this story - time will only tell if that comes to fruition.
In the meantime - do yourself a favor and pick this up for a ridiculously low price and discover an undersung author whose words paint glorious worlds.
Because it was so real. Looking back to my time as a single, gay guy, out and about, Dereham's progressI was completely enchanted with this short.
Because it was so real. Looking back to my time as a single, gay guy, out and about, Dereham's progression of the story unfolded in such a way that reminded me of my youth. Wild, horny, carefree, and on the hunt. Accurate and spot on!
A couple of words on the main characters. Gary and Angus seemed to be just two regular guys getting into stuff guys get into (Steamy hot, sweaty hot). Although the story is told from Gary's perspective - the entire tale has a hidden undertone - and no I'm not telling you. As much as it's about a one-night's good time encounter, there are underlying issues colouring Gary's every move.
Having read The Lookout by Dereham, I can attest he has a way of weaving in the reality of life into his extra spicy stories...and I love it because it's real. It's down to earth. As much as MM Romance or Erotica should take you away and leave you breathless (or breathing hard, or just plain hard), there's that extra magic when an author takes the fantasy and makes it real. When you can make me believe that these sizzling encounters might actually be more than just a fantasy, you've got me hooked.
Read Dereham's works. You won't be disappointed....more
Dereham is a 'new to me author', and when I saw an advertisement on Instagram featuring three men on the cover, I was intrigued. I justHoly hot damn.
Dereham is a 'new to me author', and when I saw an advertisement on Instagram featuring three men on the cover, I was intrigued. I just finished major edits to my latest novel which is M/M/M and I thought...I should read someone else's.
So I picked up Dereham's book. Now, he did warn me that the content could be triggering. But I thought to myself, damn, I write about demons, and monsters, and blood and gore, violence...what could possibly be so triggering.
OMG. Just...I almost couldn't. I was CRUSHED.
Crushed as in...Polyamory isn't represented real well. Society has engrained this version of love as two people in a committed relationship (well, okay, most of the time it's far more heteronormative, but let's be more open-minded than that, shall we?) The concept of three guys coming together and not only being sexually attracted to one another, but also able to have a loving, supportive, and healthy relationship shouldn't be an odd thing. Listen, if you find your one and only and you're happy with that, fantastic! You go, gurl. But for some folks, there's enough space in their hearts for more than one. I think that's beautiful. I won't romanticize throuplehood either - hell, I'm a guy who's been in a long-term, committed relationship with a fantastic man for 24 years. Intimate relationships with one other person has challenges. The dynamics that flow with three people? Exponentially more tough to navigate - I would think.
Now, I'm not gonna lie - the concept of sharing your bed each night with two others is also hot as hell. Dereham does not shy away from this, and as listed in the Genre category in the header of this post I have stated this is erotica. There is boundless amounts of sex. Hot, wet, spicy, furry, gay sex. OMG.
I read most of this on the train to and from work and I had to - *ahem* - settle, before I could walk off.
So, if you're looking for scalding hot, get your fan out, and a cold drink - cause you gonna need it - then the first two-thirds of this book is for you.
And then...
Remember when I said polyamory isn't always represented really well? That it's tough to find stories of throuples where jealousy doesn't rear its ugly head, ultimately destroying the relationship? I thought for sure this is where Dereham was taking this. And it got played out...for pages...and I kept turning every page we go...this is where it all falls to shit.
And then Dereham completely gutted me. I hate writing reviews where the reviewer ends up spoiling the plot twist - and I do not want to do that here. All I'll say is this...
The demise of the throuple had nothing to do with jealousy, or the inability of three people to have a loving, committed relationship. It had everything to do with mental health. Absolutely gutted. I went from holy fox dens this is hot to what the fuck just happened?
I almost cried. Seriously. I'm a tough old bitch. It takes a lot to take me there. Even writing this, I'm still aghast. Reflecting back on the events in the story, it was all there, right in front of your face. The mental health issue was done so well. You just didn't see the signs until it was all too late. I lived with someone many, many years ago who was (I believe and will always believe), textbook, undiagnosed bi-polar. I'm not a doctor, it could have been many other things...but reliving that period of my life through this book...damn. Just damn.
Dereham has a full-length novel, Hound, and I've already bought it.
I'm going to leave off the review with this message that the author gave to me, and one I support a hundred and ten percent: “What I wouldn’t give to be there, to beg him to come down, to pull him into my arms and make him believe it’s worth staying.”
Many of us have grappled with depression and thoughts of self-harm. If this is you, please remember you are not alone. The phone numbers below are available 24/7. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help. I’m rooting for you—Colin Dereham.
AUSTRALIA: Lifeline 13 11 14 USA: National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1800 273 8255 CANADA: The Canada Suicide Prevention Service 1833 456 4566 UK: Supportline: 01708 765200 ...more
4.5 -1/2 star for overuse of the word Flutter. OMG, not everything flutters. But beyond that - WOW - YES - please dear god, more. Spicy. Hot. Full revi 4.5 -1/2 star for overuse of the word Flutter. OMG, not everything flutters. But beyond that - WOW - YES - please dear god, more. Spicy. Hot. Full review to come....more
You may have noticed that this busted out of my Heat Level scale. Let me start by saying that as a general rule I'm not iOh my god, is it hot in here?
You may have noticed that this busted out of my Heat Level scale. Let me start by saying that as a general rule I'm not into submission and dominance, but I don't mind reading about it. I mean, when I concoct sexual fantasies my mind doesn't immediately gravitate towards restraints, collars, obedience, and spanking, but hey - give me a well-written, plot-driven story with some of these elements and I'm good! But Steel and Thunder took the S/M scene into a completely different arena - and certainly one I wasn't expecting.
I mean, I was fanning myself from the beginning of this book until the end.
But here's why it was such a page-turner.
Ashen took a typical Dungeons and Dragon's like quest and turned it on its ear. I was expecting a little monster f**king given the cover of the book, but what I wasn't prepared for was the immense world the author created. Our main character ends up in a hidden city populated predominantly by Orcs - complete with green-tinged skin and tusks for canines. There are also other humans in this city, and elves, and other typical humanoid races that you think of when you think "fantasy". I listed Anthropology in the tags, here's why.
Ashen not only tells the story of our captive main character, David, but slowly introduces us to the Orcish way of life, culture, rituals, language, food - and we find out that its no different than our human expectations of civilized society - and in fact, in many ways, it's far more advanced. Most notably the Orcish society is more accepting and open regarding attraction, sexual activities, and choice of partner(s). Our naïve explorer who stumbles upon an ancient rune with his ragtag party winds up being arrested based on a misunderstanding, thrusted into a new way of life, and turns his imprisonment into a life adventure and journey of self-discovery.
Okay, sounds less like an erotica book and maybe more intelligent than a fist-pumping, one-handed read, right? That's because it is. Kudos to Ashen for giving me a story I wanted to continue to spend time in, and maybe even personally experience.
At the very beginning, there is a scene that is very much steeped with dubious consensual sex. Normally, that is something I would steer clear of - but the way it was presented, and then explained - through some underhanded dealings of other characters, and with language barriers front and center, the consent issue for me was well taken care of.
I also loved how Ashen took the reader by the hand and slowly introduces me to the world of submissives and dominants. Regardless of whether or not the rules laid out in Steel and Thunder are in line with this type of role-play in our world, the gradual introduction, and then pages filled with hot and steamy sexy fun times kept me reading this book at a hot and furious rate.
If you're up for something completely different, with a little spank and tickle and green skin, you have GOT to give this book a read. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Side note - there's a second book coming and I personally CANNOT WAIT!...more