Not for me. Not quite sure why this one didn't work for me. I love this author's work usually. Maybe my headspace just didn't didn't fit with the humoNot for me. Not quite sure why this one didn't work for me. I love this author's work usually. Maybe my headspace just didn't didn't fit with the humour. ...more
This should have been right up my alley. I've really enjoyed other books by William Boyd. Admittedly I was doing it as an audiobook from the library aThis should have been right up my alley. I've really enjoyed other books by William Boyd. Admittedly I was doing it as an audiobook from the library and that may be why I wasn't hooked. I couldn't keep track, got distracted. Had to go back and listen over and it wasn't holding my attention. Walked away. I do have a paper copy in my library so might give that a go in the future. Ah well. ...more
I got about 30 pages in and walked away. Too many others waiting in the wings for my attention and this wasn't grabbing me at all. I got about 30 pages in and walked away. Too many others waiting in the wings for my attention and this wasn't grabbing me at all. ...more
Ok. That's it. I've tried three times to get to the halfway point and now I walk away. I completely adored the last book by Chris Whitaker I read, butOk. That's it. I've tried three times to get to the halfway point and now I walk away. I completely adored the last book by Chris Whitaker I read, but this one I cannot. No connection, can't hold my attention. And that cover is so good too! ...more