I am still in my What the fuck did I just read zone.
A few phrases/words come to mind.
I am being Jedi mindfucked What in the Stranger things is fucking I am still in my What the fuck did I just read zone.
A few phrases/words come to mind.
I am being Jedi mindfucked What in the Stranger things is fucking happening here (note not because of the tv show because i've never watched it don't come for me) Holy shit Kink Unlocked Why am I scared and was that a noise I heard (note I was alone at night reading and for whatever reason my mind was going) Seriously what in the scooby do p*rnhub edition is happening here. And that motherfucking ending ...more
M Robinson knocks it out of the park with El Diablo. I fell completely in love with Cruz Martinez. The sonOhhhh dayummmmm. This book was magnificent.
M Robinson knocks it out of the park with El Diablo. I fell completely in love with Cruz Martinez. The son of El Diablo was destined to walk in his father's shoes and the circumstances that lead him to becoming El Diablo are tragic and make for a hell of a romantic suspense.
There wasn't a single moment that I wasn't fully engaged in this book. So completely consumed that there's one thing about this book that didn't even register until the end and when I realized what that was my immediate reaction was DANG M Robinson is a G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She entertained me, thrilled me, had me swooning over a "villain", she kept me at the edge of my seat and even at the end she had me not wanting to leave these characters or this story.
I can safely say that El Diablo II may just be my favorite read from M Robinson and that's saying a lot considering I have pretty much every single one of her books sitting on my bookshelf.
RVD are you effing kidding me right now !!!! Yeah that was my reaction at 9% in.
Rachel went straight for the jugular, right at the beginning. ScandaloRVD are you effing kidding me right now !!!! Yeah that was my reaction at 9% in.
Rachel went straight for the jugular, right at the beginning. Scandalous Prince is one of those reads that will sweep you up in everything that is happening. And most of the time you'll be screaming exactly that, WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE !!!
This next generation of Mafia is addictive, consuming and dare I say they are making their parents look like amateurs.
With so many secrets Scandalous Prince will have you savouring every single word just to make sure you don't miss a thing.
The relationship between Breaker and Violet is endearing, captivating and full of twists and turns that will have you not wanting to put this book down at all.
This world, it's dangerous, scandalous and at times seriously questionable, I mean MAFIA right but RVD has this way of making you want to live in it.
Buckle up folks and prepare to get engrossed in this story of the inner struggles between love and obligation. I’m obsessed with this next generation Buckle up folks and prepare to get engrossed in this story of the inner struggles between love and obligation. I’m obsessed with this next generation of mafia royalty.
And to think this is just the beginning…
This book will have you reaching blindly for your popcorn. The visuals brought forth by RVD so captivating that you won’t want to look away from the pages as the scenes play out in your head.
That’s literally how I feel typing out this review as I sit here going through the moments. And those moments guys had me fully engaged. You couldn’t have ask for a better way to be introduced to a set of characters. Love them, hate them at times but one thing is for sure you will want more of their lives.
A choice between obligation to the family vs obligation to one’s own heart. Which was more important? which was more deserving? Could you have both or were you meant to lose it all? And I was present for every moment.
This is just one of those books that you sink into. And maybe I’m not explaining it well but you know when you find a tv show that has you completely hooked. It’s got madness and betrayal and you don’t know when you have all these theories about what’s what, who’s really who. It’s dramatic, its morally questionable at times. I mean who lives like this, cause it’s insanity and why in the hell do I want so badly to be a part of it.
When you read a book like that and you make to the last word and you’re so satisfied because the book was so good yet you’re pissed because you’re not ready for this world to stop and you want to keep going.
Well that’s what I call a damn good read. And RVD delivered, she reeled me in and now I’m sitting here wanting her to have mercy on me and give me more.
This book hangover is real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...more
From beginning to end, Forbidden Fate will wreak havoc on your emotions.
OMFG, I'm DEAD !! Completely DEAD !!!! MCG killed me with this one. From pageFrom beginning to end, Forbidden Fate will wreak havoc on your emotions.
OMFG, I'm DEAD !! Completely DEAD !!!! MCG killed me with this one. From page to page this story hit me right in the heart and had me shouting so many expletives I wanted to wash my own mouth out with soap.
I can't even begin to tell you what I felt reading this. Never have I read a book where I literally at one point or another wanted to kill every single character. This book doesn't have a peak because it's literally peaking the entire damn time.
This story is heart stopping and has to be the angstiest book I've read so far this year. Easily a top read for me.
Grayson and Story !!!! Their love is so hard, it's just so hard guys and I hurt for them. I screamed for them and I screamed at them as they tried to navigate all the SHIT they have to deal with. Some of it self inflicted some of it not. They both have everything stacked against them with no clear ending in site it seemed.
I won't say much more than this. What I will say is that MCG did not hold back, she threw so many punches with this story. She took risks and I absolutely applaud her for that. Forbidden Fate is absolutely gut wrenching and by gawd I lived for every single moment of it.
An absolute MUST READ.
Honestly, do yourself a huge favour and pick up this series if you haven't already.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this book.
Amo Jones has this way of writing a story that is so captivating. She has this signature style thatI'm still trying to wrap my head around this book.
Amo Jones has this way of writing a story that is so captivating. She has this signature style that I love. There are always so many layers to them. Crowned by Fate is full of WTF moments, twist and turns and it's utterly entertaining.
Basically her stories are BADASS !!!! She's a master at giving you that anti-hero that you would willingly follow down the dark path even when you know in your head that it's not what you should do. Dirty and delicious is one way I would describe her male characters. Fierce and strong is how I would describe her heroine in this book..
This book was suspenseful and so complex with so much happening that you need to pay attention to the details. You need to take your time with this story and not miss a beat. Truly enticing, it had me enraptured.
I also may or may not be wishing and hoping that one of the secondary characters in this gets a book of his own.
Just WTF !!!!!!SCREAMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMFG Amo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you google Amo Jones, google will say Did you mean: Mindfuck
Malum is full of debauchery, fuckery. It teases and shocks and throws you for loops. My mind was going crazy reading this book, I was on the edge because I just knew that lurking around the corner or in this case the next page or next chapter something was going to have me FREAKING out.
I love the journey The Elite Kings take you on. They are not to be fucked with and damn are they all hot as hell. Yes it's a book, yes I can't actually see these characters but Amo's words have my mind full of imagery and I'm loving it.
Nate Riverside-Malum GOD DAYUMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's more asshole then sweet, and it's definitely the asshole that will have your heart pounding with exhilaration. I don't want to go into any details with this book. All you need to know is that it will have you reading well into the night, you aren't going to want to put it down.
Good gawd !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rebirth is just fantastic.
The suspense, the drama, the craziness of everything that happens in this book. This is a do not pGood gawd !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rebirth is just fantastic.
The suspense, the drama, the craziness of everything that happens in this book. This is a do not put down type of read. I was consumed. I mean this has got to be one of the most anticipated reads in romancelandia right now and Belle Aurora doesn't disappoint.
We've all been waiting for Twitch to come back and I'll be honest when I say it's almost like he left me and not just Lexi. I don't want to go into details with this book whatsoever because you all deserve to experience it, in all it's Raw glory but man oh man this is gonna give you the feels.
Each moment in this pivotal and gripping. I could almost hear my heart pounding leading up to that moment that I know everyone has been waiting for. I will call it the reunion and shit it's emotional.
If you have not read this series, then go, go right now. It's so worth it.
Holy shit !!! I mean I know I’m like four years late on this one bit better late then never.
Raw is just a sheer insane book that fucked me so good. THoly shit !!! I mean I know I’m like four years late on this one bit better late then never.
Raw is just a sheer insane book that fucked me so good. Twitch is the anti hero of all anti hero’s. Because sometime falling for the villain just satisfies this urge.
Yes this book is goes against everything your taught as a young girl, find a nice man with a good career that will give you the white picket fence. Boring boring boring. With Raw you get the oh my gawd is this really fucking happening right now and more importantly why the hell am I living for this.
Twist and turns and heartbreak is what you get when you read Raw and that ending !!! Fook me !! What a doozy. Yup this is definitely going on my read or die list. An absolute fav. ...more
What do I even say about this book and this series !!!!!!!! I was blown away by Book 1, literally blown away.
This entire story has been completely capWhat do I even say about this book and this series !!!!!!!! I was blown away by Book 1, literally blown away.
This entire story has been completely captivating !! The writing in this is just special, that's all I can think to say and it's crazy that this is a debut. Because if this series is any indication of things to come from S.K. Rose then we are all in for some very amazing books.
This story is dark and haunting almost. It truly tells the story of ultimate survival, and sometimes surviving isn't enough, Tessa shows us that you can be there physically but you've shut yourself out from the good that you don't think you might deserve.
Emotional, Gripping, and with writing that weaves a picture that is haunting yet beautiful, this is MUST read series that everyone should absolutely read. ...more
Hands down one of the most emotional and angstiest (not sure if that's even a word) books I've ever read.
Heartbreak Warfare is adequately titled. ThiHands down one of the most emotional and angstiest (not sure if that's even a word) books I've ever read.
Heartbreak Warfare is adequately titled. This book is the very definition of Heartbreak Warfare. It will literally make you feel like your insides are being torn out. I feel so attacked right now.
From the get go I could tell that this book would pull at my emotions. Just at page three I could already feel the tears at bay. But I don't think I was fully prepared, in fact I wasn't prepared at all for the onslaught of emotional grenades that were thrown at me in this story.
If you've read the blurb you will have an inclination that this book deals with a few sensitive subjects. War and the effects of war. My heart, my heart is still in pieces and I'm still trying to come to terms with everything that happened in this book.
This read was raw, and absolutely gut wrenching and at times I could feel myself shaking as I read this. But I love books that make me feel and man oh man did I feel EVERYTHING. Every touch, every tear, every scream, EVERYTHING. The heartbreak, the worry, the anger, the despair and it's been awhile since a book has utterly CONSUMED me.
Scottie, Briggs, Gavin and Noah they CONSUMED ME. They gutted me. This is one of those books where I didn't know how I wanted it to end. At times I wanted one way, and at other times I wanted it a different way. I went back and forth. I'm still going back and forth now typing this up.
I could go on and on and potentially write a short story about what this book did and I will probably tell everyone I come in contact with to read this story.
Ohhhhhh Tijan has me all book buzzed with this one.
Tijan literally calls to my high school drama with a side of debauchery loving soul.
This is a bitOhhhhhh Tijan has me all book buzzed with this one.
Tijan literally calls to my high school drama with a side of debauchery loving soul.
This is a bit of a slow burn romance and I will say it takes a minute to get into some action but Tijan sets the stage so nicely at the beginning. She takes her time setting up this storyline and my curiosity is peaked early on. I think one of the main reasons for that is because we have a female who is a bit of an anti hero. It's clear that Bren, the female heroine in this story has led a bit of a rough life, she is part of what's known as a crew. They are not quite a gang but they aren't your typical high school clique either. They don't necessarily cause mayhem but they don't follow rules either.
Bren's character is a bit badass, she doesn't take crap from anyone, she's fierce and at times unpredictable. At times I was like dayummm girl !!!! Now she's part of a crew with three others, all who happen to be guys, Jordan, Zellman and Cross. They are a very tight knit crew, loyal AF and they back each other up no matter what. Cross and Bren are best friends as well, and as this storyline continues, the feelings between these two start to heat. There's just one rule, no couples in the crew.
I couldn't stop reading this, it focused on everything happening to the four of them, high school life, crew life as well as the relationship between Cross and Bren. Cross was one of those characters that was silent, quiet not too outspoken but he just has this aura about him that oozes bad boy brings you to your knees kind of personality.
I'm a fan and I can't wait for more from this new series from Tijan. Crew sort of straddles the line between YA and NA but does it so well. It's got action, suspense, slow burn romance and a kick ass heroine. I absolutely loved it. ...more
The Way We Burn is a deliciously enticing romance that took me by surprise and had my mouth gaping at one point in shock.
Holy hannah, this book. It'sThe Way We Burn is a deliciously enticing romance that took me by surprise and had my mouth gaping at one point in shock.
Holy hannah, this book. It's one of those books that will immediately grab your attention. But the kicker with this one is that when you least expect it, when you think that all the twists and turns and WTF's that continously happen in this story are done. BAM you are hit with the motherload of revelations that changes absolutely everything you thought you knew and it makes this story even better.
Not only that it will make you replay, rewind everything you read up until that certain point just to see what you might have missed. As far as romantic thrillers goes this is one of the best.
M. Leighton writes some strong characters in this one and lays it all out there for you to absorb.
From almost the get go when Noah walks into the diner you can feel the chemistry but at the same time you are immediately intrigued with where this story will go.
"She has no idea what the sound of my name on her lips does to me, and I have no intention of telling her."
Noah has a tortured past, it's filled with tragedy and you feel his losses even though you might now know the entire story. You just know he's hurting.
Poppy is drawn to him and even though your not sure the why or the how you can feel that these two have something between them and I was just dying to find out where things would go.
"...I realize that there will be no planning with this man. No planning for him. Thre will be no preparations I can make, no precautions I can take. No rehearsed lines or reactions or maneuvers. He will take me by storm, like a hurricane, and that's that. So I give up, I give in. To it, to him And I let go. It is my time to risk falling. And pray for the flying."
This book is exciting, it's thrilling, it's curious and it's shocking. And I absolutely loved this. It was a completely different read for me then what I've been reading these last few days and it was just what I needed as I've been in a bit of a reading funk.
This is the way we burn, baby. We burn together, or not at all."
With multi layered characters, twists, turns and one hell of a plot twist The Way We Burn is an amazing and a definite must read if you love romantic suspense....more
The Wrong Blaze is a love/hate, enemies to lovers roller coaster ride of WTFs. This book will have your heart racing, your blood pressure sky rocketing and your inner whore screaming. Alec, OH ALEC !! This man was intensity, brash and seemingly unapologetic. He gave no fucks to going after what he wanted but man at the same time his methods wanted me to reach into this book and smack him senseless. And good lord did this man have a way with words.
"When you have a man, when he's yours... "You'll feel it everywhere. You'll heat at the thought of him, melt from his words, and you'll fucking burn when he touches you. When he's yours, he'll fuck you till you're spent, and still...you'll beg for more. Crave more. Always more."
I'm telling you if you love an intense alpha male you will LOVE this book. If you like storylines that are more then meets the eye you will Love this book. If you like intense scenes that will have you saying OMG you will Love this book.
You'll be tempted to throw that kindle a few times with this one.
Amazing read. I loved every bit of it. The first time I read it, the second time I read and I'm certain I will love it the next time I read it.
S.K. Rose comes out swinging with this rollercoaster of a debut. Full of angst, heartbreak and it will have yoDAYUMMMMMM !!!! OH MY DAYUMMMMMMMNNNNNNN
S.K. Rose comes out swinging with this rollercoaster of a debut. Full of angst, heartbreak and it will have you on the edge of your seat.
This book had me reeling and had my jaw dropping at 13%. I'm not kidding this book has tore me apart at 13% and I thought to myself OH GOOD GAWD what am I in store for.
And let me tell you it's one of those stories that will have you falling in love from the beginning with the idea of the perfect fairytale only to rip you apart and then take you on a journey of WTF moments. To the point where you are cursing and screaming and ready to pull your hair out because of everything happening. And I honestly can't see how anyone is not going to feel something after reading this book.
The storyline is gripping, and with every turn of the page I gobbled it up.
This is a phenomenal debut !!!!! If you love romances that will have you all up in knots and your heart racing then this is definitely a MUST READ. ...more
Absinthe of The Heart was an angst filled read that had me hooked from the end of the prologue.
Right of the bat I knew that this book would be filledAbsinthe of The Heart was an angst filled read that had me hooked from the end of the prologue.
Right of the bat I knew that this book would be filled with emotional angst. Monica James does what I think she does so very well and that’s give you those hit you in the gut feels.
When a book can elicit a physical reaction out of me well I’m in book bliss and this one definitely did. The storyline has a Romeo and Juliet feel with the two main characters who basically were born to hate one another. Coming from families who consider each other enemies these two definitely emulate that hate growing up.
The bickering, the verbal sparring all of it had me engaged and completely engrossed. The sexual tension at times so palpable between the two of them and all I could think to myself was oh my god please please act on it.
This book takes place over a span of time and as the storyline continues I could feel my pulse start to increase as the suspense builds. It’s clear that not everything is black and white and it almost seems as though family history could very well be repeating itself in an unsavoury way.
There are some things that come to light that I honestly didn’t see coming not even from a mile away while there were also other things that I think my mind thought might happen although it didn’t lessen the punch that it packs when some truths are revealed.
This book will definitely grip you, it’s angsty with turmoil and moments that will have you giddy and excited. I can’t wait for the next book. ...more
I am completely exhausted after reading this book now don’t get it twisted I’m exhausted in a good way. I feel as though I just gone through a gauntleI am completely exhausted after reading this book now don’t get it twisted I’m exhausted in a good way. I feel as though I just gone through a gauntlet.
EL Pecador was a complete roller coaster of a book. From beginning to head this story is nothing but intense, emotional and full of drama and suspense.
Now if you have not read book 1, El Santo then stop reading this right now and go read El Santo. Otherwise please continue while I sing M Robinson’s praises for a book that will have you throwing F bombs basically the entire way through.
Damien and Amira their story is just all too much. It’s powerful and draining and emotional and full of love, lust, anger and every other emotion you can think of.
These two are fire together. They hate and love with such an intensity that you find yourself completely engrossed. And as I said this book is full of land mines seemingly going off every two seconds. I couldn’t cope with it all and I couldn’t stop reading.
With “truths bombs” that will have you absolutely shook. M Robinson proves exactly why she is called the Queen of Angst. And I will say this at just over halfway through this book something happens that has me absolutely losing my mind. And the way it’s written is so clever and perfect that it isn’t until a bit later on you realize exactly what she did and the first thought that popped in my head was oh wow well played Monica well played. Brilliant just Fucking brilliant.
This book doesn’t stop giving even at the very end when you think oh my gawd no way wow that’s it that the real kicker WRONG !!!!!!! It keeps going and dishes out more bombs that will leave you saying oh my Fucking god !!!!!! WTF
This duet was amazing and an absolute must read. EL Santo left me hooked and and entranced EL Pecador left me speechless. ...more
This is one of those books that I’m going to say very little about in terms of the storyline and the characters. Why because it’s a story I think thatThis is one of those books that I’m going to say very little about in terms of the storyline and the characters. Why because it’s a story I think that everyone should read without knowing much about it.
What I will say is that it’s a beautiful story of love. What obstacles love can face, what love can endure, and what love can overcome.
Ella Fields writes a powerfully gripping story that reaches into your core, it makes you feel and think, and it holds you captive.
So my TBR is so out of control I’ll be dead before I get through it all. It’s just one of those impossible tasks. I try to keep a schedule but every oSo my TBR is so out of control I’ll be dead before I get through it all. It’s just one of those impossible tasks. I try to keep a schedule but every once in awhile a book will catch my attention and I’ll read it as soon as humanely possible.
Rising was one of those books. I started seeing the buzz about it and it peeked my interest. Well let me just say HOLY SHIT, this is a debut !!! GTFO !!!!
Hooked, obsessed, engaged, and desperate for more. This book just grabbed a hold of me. Now this is a slow burn book and the intensity builds and builds with this storyline so much so that I could feel myself getting worked up as I continued to read. I almost feel as if I devoured this too fast because I was just so greedy for more immediately. I’ll be rereading this the first opportunity I get to because I don’t want to let go yet of this.
It’s gonna be one of those books that I can feel myself living in for awhile especially since there is more to come. Damn !!!!! What a debut !!! With an intense storyline and characters that you become desperate for more of Rising is a fantastic read.
Seriously I’m still sitting here thinking. This is her debut !!!! Na uh !!! No freaking way !!! She’s lying !!!
Well facccckkk me I Dare You is sinfully and devilishly good. Now I will tell you when I found out that Shantel was writing this book I thought to mysWell facccckkk me I Dare You is sinfully and devilishly good. Now I will tell you when I found out that Shantel was writing this book I thought to myself OHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT !!! I am such a huge huge fan of books with deplorable behaviour. Give me characters that I want to maim and yell and scream at and I'm in book heaven.
Cole Reynolds was just that character for me. He gave no fucks, NOT ONE. He and the GWS or Great White Sharks (his band of brothers who also happen to be on the swim team together) seem to rule the school but through fear. This book pretty much dives right into what these guys do when no one is looking and let me tell you it's suspenseful, intriguing and intense.
Cole is a shark all right, he smells blood and he pounces. And woah the way he does it. You want to kill him and love him all at the same time.
"I like to take pretty, innocent things and destroy them."
The amount of highlighting I did in this book was unreal. Cole just drips hate and the things he says will make you shiver, but not only in fear but in lust. Well for me he did and maybe I'm twisted but I loved every second of it.
"I wanna make you a beautiful, broken doll"
"All mine to play with."
"All mine to fuck"
"All mine to destroy"
But here's what I also love about this book and that's Austin can hold her own. In fact there's a bit of twisted debauchery in her as well and Cole is the match that seems to light her fire and its hot as fuck.
This book also has its fair share of other villains in it. Ones that seem to come out of the woodwork. Shantel really sets out to destroy and does she do a good job of it. Cruel Intentions meets The Purge. It almost seems like every man for himself. ...more