Really worth you money. It keeps on coming. A real page turner. This is Paranormal Romance to the Max!
In this installment we finally get Khloe and KeeReally worth you money. It keeps on coming. A real page turner. This is Paranormal Romance to the Max!
In this installment we finally get Khloe and Keenans story! And Suzanne Wright’s did an amazing job! Although the chemistry between te 2 lead characters was not totally natural written. The storybuilding and events make up for the bump on the romantic part (not the bed stuff between Khloe and Keenan, those where HOT!) . Suzanne Wright writes the true Paranormal Romance genre.
The story started off a bit slow, but maybe that's just me, it always takes me a while to get into these books. And then once I am get into i4.5 stars
The story started off a bit slow, but maybe that's just me, it always takes me a while to get into these books. And then once I am get into it I don't want to stop reading and just keep on reading to find out what's going to happen next.This series is closely tied together with the Demonized series and at times it can be hard to remember everything that happens. This is a series that I would love to re-read one day with the books close together so I can really see all the connections. In short: This was another great read in this series. It's fast paced with plenty of action and lots of things going on....more