OVERALL: Plot-18/20 Characters-19/20 Creativity-20/20 Writing-18/20 Pace-9/10 Ending-10/10 =94/100 AMore of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
OVERALL: Plot-18/20 Characters-19/20 Creativity-20/20 Writing-18/20 Pace-9/10 Ending-10/10 =94/100 A ★★★★★/5
REViEW: Oh my goodness. This book is one everyone should read. Not because it holds a deep life-shaking message, but rather because of how much it made me laugh and smile. The plot wasn't deep, but it's meant to be that way! This is a book based solely on character and crazy situations and things. Like a tampon factory. And 19 girls named Katherine. Deep stuff right? Everything about this story was perfect. It was kind of outlandish, but while reading it, it seemed realistic. The one thing that made this book go a little slow for me was all the math and historical references that Colin makes. It is really unique and cool that there are footnotes and an appendix at end of book, but I felt like after awhile it was just meaningless history allusions, which bored me a little. I wanted to speed right through to Colin and Lindsey's relationship.
John Green's characters are so amazing. Each of them has a distinct personality. Colin was the heartbroken braniac. Hassan, his best friend, was a goofball and freaking hilarious. His dialogue often had me cracking up during study hall. Lindsey was intriguing. I wanted to understand her relationship with the other Colin, and with our Colin. Every other secondary character was also memorable. My favorite scenes were watching how each of these personalities got along.
The ending was spot on perfect. I was so pleased! Ahh it was so cute! At first I was like oh my gosh, John Green did not just trick us! But then at very end, I was like awww just the way things should be. To understand what I mean please go buy this book right this minute! It's awesome sauce. This book had everything from appendixes, to footnotes, to romance and to humor.
My Favorite Part: All the humor and the nerd references hehe!...more
OVERALL: Plot-18/20 Characters-19/20 Creativity-19/20 Writing-19/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-10/10 =95/100 More of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
OVERALL: Plot-18/20 Characters-19/20 Creativity-19/20 Writing-19/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-10/10 =95/100 A ★★★★★/5
REViEW: This is the kind of book you just HAVE to read the book before you see the movie! I'm so glad I spent my last pennies on this book. I devoured it in 3 days, it was that intriguing. It isn't your normal YA book because it is written in letters to "a friend". Normally, I don't like that kind of book, but I loved the way this book read. I feel like there are many ways to get involved with this book because it incorporates other novels and songs into the plot. This book is ten times more fun if you listen to the same songs Charlie is listening to. The plot involves every aspect of high school. I really enjoyed that. It has everything I'm going through in it. This is definitely a great book to get you thinking about all the things that go on in school and really helps you to think about living in the moment. It really isn't a light book to read, it has many dark themes, which some readers may find disturbing. Personally though, this book was one of my best investments. I enjoyed it thoroughly and may even re-read it in the near-future.
The characters were so flipping amazing! Charlie was so adorable and an awesome narrarator. I loved getting inside his head. I really felt deeply connected to Charlie and all his experiences. He's a lost soul, trying to find his place. His friends, Sam and Patrick, are the kind of friends you want to have! They are so fun and loyal. Oh my... I wish I had a Patrick in my life. He's such a deep character and I felt that the letter format really enabled me to really get to know each of the minor characters. They seem just as vivid as Charlie. Sam...Oh my, she really needs to go out with Charlie. They are so meant to be in my mind. I also really liked Bill and all the books he gave to Charlie to read. I'm planning on reading those same classics soon. Participation!! :D
The ending was so incredibly surprising. I was so sad that the book was over, but the ending was just plain wow... It definitely that WOW factor I always look for in a book. I feel so bad for Charlie and the ending really does make a lot of sense. I just wish this book was longer. I loved all the characters and really wish I could see how far they've come and what else happens in their lives.
My Favorite Part: The plot of all the "firsts" of high school and the quote about "being infinite".
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Absolutely, it's a great book to read before the movie! ...more
OVERALL: Plot-20/20 Characters-20/20 Creativity-20/20 Writing-19/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-9/10 =98/100 AMore of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
REViEW: This book... Oh my was it a crazy ride. The plot with the rehab clinic and the suicide attempts really opened my eyes. So many people think of suicide it's not even funny. I feel like at one point or another in all of our lives, we want to die. I really think this book should be read by everyone, but especially those with suicidal thoughts because it shows that you are not alone. Someone is thinking just like you. Don't let the size of this book stop you. Sure it's long, but honestly I read this book faster than most 300 pagers. It is that good and her writing is poetic so it flows beautifully. This book is graphic and realistic, but it exposes the truth of pain and depression and the psychology that goes behind every little thing we feel. This book has everything so please go out and read it.
The characters were flawless. Every single one of them had their own backstories. Most of them weren't exposed until the very ending and let me ell you, I never saw them coming. Hopkins put so much thought into this book. Vanessa, Tony, and Connor all had their struggles and their pain, but all of that could be explained and solved. It was a very realistic journey with them. They resisted rehab and lied to some therapists, but they learned to open up. Reading all about their progression to happiness was heartachingly beautiful.
This ending...Ohhh this ending...It makes me want to bang my head against a brick wall. Did I like it? No, I LOVED it. It was perfect, horribly, morbidly perfect. It evoked strong emotions within me, which I loved. I was so surprised by the ending and it was just epic. I feel horrible that that is the way it ended, but it worked. It made sense. Ahhh, you have no idea how many the feelings I have for this ending. I really wish this book didn't end. I was crying and screaming by the very last page. That last line, broke my heart, but was so amazing at the same time. Definitely give this book a try, you won't regret it.
My Favorite Part: The entire freaking book was fantastic. Go buy it, GO BUY IT NOW!
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Well, absolutely!!! ...more
OVERALL: Plot-19/20 Characters-20/20 Creativity-20/20 Writing-19/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-10/10 =98/100 More of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
REViEW: This was a powerful, poignant novel. This was the first book by John Green that I have read, and I'm sure it won't be the last. I usually have difficulty reading books by a male author, but this book went beyond my expectations. Green nailed the female perspective and added some wit and humor. This book is definitely not your typical "cancer book". Instead of being completely sad and hopeless, the characters in this book brought life to this book and made light of a serious situation. The writing was an honest, realistic view of teens living with cancer.
The Fault in Our Star's characters were perfect. I know some people who have been living with cancer for their entire life and John Green nailed every little bit of these characters' attitudes. Hazel was such an inspiration. She was tough and strong and I really admired that. It's sometimes hard to find such a strong female protagonist in YA these days. I really loved how she didn't want to hurt anyone around her, it showed her soft side. Augustus was also so great. He was so compassionate and tough. I really loved seeing where their relationship would go. I really became close to all of the characters throughout the book. It killed me when one of them was hurt. They were more than just descriptions on a page.
The ending... ah it made me cry. I really didn't want this book to end. It was a beautiful novel from the first sentence to the last word. Honestly, I think that everyone should read this book just because it gave me a new meaning of life. The characters with cancer in this book were happy and normal, but they were thankful to be alive. I know that I appreciate life much more after reading this book, and I hope that it's the same way for you.
My Favorite Part: The powerful emotion. I laughed, I cried, I fell deeply in love with this book.
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Yes, it's super amazing!
Thank you all for reading! I really hope this book touched your heart as much as it did mine....more
OVERALL: Plot-20/20 Characters-19/20 Creativity-20/20 Writing-20/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-10/10 =99/100 More of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
REViEW: Ahhhhh!!! This book still has me excited! Gosh, I'm even excited to share this review with you! So let me begin by saying how big of a mystery fan I am (by the way, if you know any good mystery books please leave me a comment!), my entire childhood consisted of reading Nancy Drew. I haven't read a real mystery book since then. This book was so much more than I imagined it would be. The mystery in this book was not cliche and kept me guessing who did it throughout the entire book. Ms. Harrington did an AH-MAZING job at writing a mystery. This book is quite short (only 200+ pages!) but it seemed so much longer because of the detailed story-line. This book didn't seem rushed, yet still kept to the point of the mystery, with a touch a romance.
The characters were also great! Clare was such a great character and narrator. Her point of view was really intriguing to the mystery and made this book enjoyable. I also really liked how family tied into this book. Her relationship with her mom and Perry was really interesting. All the suspects all had a motive for committing the murder, which constantly made me wonder if I was right about the culprit. I felt as if I was watching the murder unfold right before my own eyes while reading this book. I loved watching how Clare connected all the pieces of the puzzle. This book made the saying that 'everyone has secrets' ring true. Every characters secrets were exposed through this book, which added some more little, amazing things to this book.
The ending of Clarity was so shocking. I loved how the identity of the culprit was concealed till the very last page. Through the entire book, I was so sure I knew who did it, but I was always wrong. Wow, I'm still amazing how Ms. Harrington hid the culprit, yet at the end it still made sense. There are still a lot of answers left to be answered, which makes me already excited for the sequel. I'm definitely going to but the next book soon, because this is definitely a new favorite of mine and allows me to relive my old Nancy Drew days the YA way! I could honestly go on and on about how great this book is, but I won't put you through that. Let's just say that if you like a mystery go pick up this book now!
My Favorite Part: The mystery. So suspenseful!
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Yes of course! It was definitely an exciting read!
Will I be reading the sequel? Yes! I can't wait to buy it! ...more
OVERALL: Plot-19/20 Characters-20/20 Creativity-20/20 Writing-19/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-10/10 =98/100 More of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
REViEW: I absolutely adored this book! This was the first mermaid book I have read and I surely wish that I would have picked this up sooner! I actually don't think I would've read this book if I hadn't received it as a present. The reason for that is because of the sort of cliche title and the chick-lit-y summary. I mean mermaid princess? Come on. I'm happy to report that this book had so much more depth and humor to it then it appears to contain. I absolutely loved all the little sea-life jokes Ms. Childs includes in this book. It added a bit of flow (no pun intended) to this novel. I really hope you consider giving this book a try, because it is much more mature then the summary and title makes it out to be.
The characters were amazing! Lily was a relatable, likable character. Although, I wish she could have seen Quince for how he was sooner, I understood her attraction to Brody. The mini love-triangle was a great component to making this book enjoyable and more relatable for me. Now on to the man-candy: Quince was the ultimate character that I have come across. He was so hilarious and nice and just plain awesome. I really wish he was real. The entire relationship, love and hate, between Quince and Lily was fluently written and ideal to the plot. I definitely enjoyed it!
The ending was just as good as the rest of the book. I was happy with the way it ended. I was satisfied enough to wait to buy the sequel, but intrigued enough to put the sequel on my Top Priority wishlist. Overall, this was a light, quick, fun read that really made me smile. It's a favorite of mine and now I can't wait for more adventures with Lily and Quince.
My Favorite Part: The scenes with Quince, his humor really added a lot to the fast pace.
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Absolutely! This is such a great, quick, fun summer read! Will I be reading the next book? Yes! I actually already have! I'll post that review soon! ...more
OVERALL: Plot-19/20 Characters-17/20 Creativity-19/20 Writing-19/20 Pace-9/10 Ending-10/10 =93/100 AMore of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
OVERALL: Plot-19/20 Characters-17/20 Creativity-19/20 Writing-19/20 Pace-9/10 Ending-10/10 =93/100 A ★★★★★/5
REViEW:This book was simply breathtaking. The story was deep, yet intriguing. The plot, although at first it seems simple, is really complex. I didn't know what was going to happen on the 7th day until it happened. Ms. Oliver tells this story with a really realistic teen voice. Her writing was so flawless and perfect for the narrator. This was a sad book, but I enjoyed it. At first I thought that I was not going to like this book because of the main character being so popular (more on this in next paragraph!), but this story was told so beautifully and the ending was so perfect that I fell in love with this book. I will definitely remember Samantha's story for a good while. It's one of those books you can't stop thinking about.
The characters, specifically Samantha, were stuck-up, little brats. I instantly didn't like Samantha and her friends because of this. Being an average girl, I usually don't relate well with the popular. From the start you are given hints as to there being more to Samantha than meets the eye. I thought that whole concept would come into play fairly early on. It didn't, but towards the last few chapters when she changed, wow. I really love how she had a change of heart. Aside from Samantha, all the other characters had a lot more depth too. Kent was probably my favorite in this book. He was sweet and nice and totally boyfriend material. I really felt for him, especially towards the end of this book.
The ending was ah, just heartbreaking and amazing. It was simply beautiful. I can't say I saw that coming. I had to re-read the ending two times to fully grasp what happened because it was that much of a shock. I'm still breathless over it. By the ending, I really felt bad for Samantha. She gained a lot of respect from the beginning of this book.
My Favorite Part: The ending. I'm still thinking about it...
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Yes, it's a very enjoyable, deep read. It's hard to believe this is Ms. Oliver's first book. ...more
OVERALL: Plot-19/20 Characters-18/20 Creativity-19/20 Writing-19/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-9/10 =94/100 More of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
OVERALL: Plot-19/20 Characters-18/20 Creativity-19/20 Writing-19/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-9/10 =94/100 A ★★★★★/5
REViEW: Cupcakes and ice-skating, what could be better? I tore through this book like a sugar addiction. (Sorry that was a lame pun, but I tried.) Seeing that I have been taking figure-skating lessons, I really enjoyed having skating as a central idea to the plot. For all those people who don't like sports out there, don't worry. This book didn't center completely on skating or hockey. Instead, it was just a great contemporary novel that had every aspect of realism. Even though it was nearing 400 pages, this book was so intriguing that I finished it pretty quickly, enjoying every minute of it.
The characters in Bittersweet were great. Hudson, the main protagonist, was fairly likable. Sure she did some things (like abandoning her best friend) that ticked me off, but they did seem realistic for this plot line. Dani was a great best friend. She reminded me of my bff. The guys on the hockey time, whom Hudson has to help coach, were so great. They all had distinct guy-ish personalities. They seemed like the array of personalities that would be on a hockey team. Will was the popular, cool, captain of hockey team guy. He seemed to be shallow at first, but I think there's much more to him. On the other hand, Josh was the ultimate guy in this novel for me. He was sweet and enjoyable. The one big criticism I had for this book was how the romance occurred. It wasn't anything new. Just the usual girl meets boy. Girl meets another boy. Girl thinks guy 2 has a girlfriend. Girl ends up with wrong guy.
The ending was pretty good. A little bit on the cliche side, but I was satisfied. I think I like the way everything turned out. It was a very easy book to read, and the ending just added to the easy, happy go lucky feel of the book. All in all, I liked it. A few things made me think "what was she thinking?" but overall I really enjoyed reading this book, and it is now a favorite of mine.
My Favorite Part: The cupcake recipes that were the chapter titles! Too cute!...more
OVERALL: Plot-20/20 Characters-19/20 Creativity-20/20 Writing-19/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-10/10 =98/100 More of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
REViEW: Die for Me was made up of everything that a good young adult book should have. When I began reading this book, I expected that this book would be a typical paranormal romance. I am so glad that this book was unique from all the others that I have read. The plot entranced me from the start with its historical backstory and beautiful writing. Paris, the setting of this book, was vividly portrayed throughout this book. The setting definitely evoked a romantic feel. Instead of the usual vampire and werewolf books that are dominating the shelves of Barnes & Noble, this book stars a new kind of supernatural being, the revenant. I spent the entire book trying to uncover the mystery of what a revenant truly is. Plum's writing was intriguing as she gradually relayed details on revenants throughout the novel.
The characters in Die for Me were equally as amazing. Kate, the strong protagonist, was the narrator of this tale. Her perspective was enjoyable and relatable. I really enjoyed that fact that she made decisions on her own and had her own distinct personality. Most female characters nowadays are weak and depend on their romantic interest, but in Die for Me this was not a problem. Vincent, the revenant heartthrob of the book, blew me away. His wit and humor made me smile. Being from a different century, Vincent had that gentleman kind of charm. I can certainly see why Kate had her eyes on him.
The ending was suspenseful and kept me on the edge of my seat. The action read like a movie. I could picture all of the fighting and all the different characters reactions to it. I especially liked Kate's role in the ending. I do not want to say too much to give anything away, but definitely give this book a chance. Whether you like mystery, paranormal, or romance books, this is a refreshing read that you should pick up.
My Favorite Part: The entire idea of revenants.
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Yes, it's amazing! Will I be reading the next book? Of course! It's fantastic!...more
OVERALL: Plot-18/20 Characters-17/20 Creativity-19/20 Writing-20/20 Pace-9/10 Ending-9/10 =92/100 A ★More of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
OVERALL: Plot-18/20 Characters-17/20 Creativity-19/20 Writing-20/20 Pace-9/10 Ending-9/10 =92/100 A ★★★★★/5
REViEW: I am so sorry I was a lazy bum and did not write this review in the summer. I know it's fall and you all probably don't want to be reminded of the Heaven that is summer vacation. I just really wanted to write this review! If you read my reviews for the other two books in the Summer series, you'll know that although I know these books aren't perfect, they are still amazing books to read. I loved The Summer I Turned Pretty and then really liked It's Not Summer WIthout You. This book was my ultimate favorite of the series though. I can't decide exactly why, because I did have some problems with this book. First off the plot surrounding Belly and Jeremy wanting to get married was really intriguing. I loved all the different reactions from Belly's mom and from Jeremy's family. They made this book feel really realistic. It made the book really go fast for me. I really liked the romance and the drama surrounding the love triangle. Ms. Han really did a great job at portraying young love in this book.
The characters were a little bit irritating at times. Well not all of them, just Belly. I think she was a reckless, blinded by love girl. I think she made some rash decisions to get married at such a young age. I also really hated how through it all I knew who she truly loved, even when she didn't. I don't understand why Belly didn't just think about her choice at the very beginning, but I guess that wouldn't make for a good book. On a happier note, I once again loved the guys in this novel. I did get frustrated with Jeremy at some points, but overally I think his character was consistent thorughout all of this series. Same with Conrad. I understood why he did some of the things he did and felt for him. I just wish he would have showed Belly that he actually loved her sooner. Minor characters like Belly's mom were fantastic. I loved how Belly was a typical teenager thinking her mom would be cool with Jeremy and her getting married, when in reality her mom was furious. I loved the honest portrayal of this situation.
The ending was a perfect conclusion to a even more wonderful series. I really thought Belly ended up with what she really needed and I loved how much she grew up in the ending. It was really great. I definitely feel like this ending really fulfilled all my hopes for Belly's life. It made me happy.
My Favorite Part: I don't know why, but what is coming to mind is how Belly was conflicted between the two brothers.
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Yes, I really enjoyed it! This is an amazing series! ...more
OVERALL: Plot-20/20 Characters-20/20 Creativity-20/20 Writing-20/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-9/10 =99/100 AMore of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
REViEW: I loved this book! Absolutely, positively LOVED it! I picked up this book not believing all the hype it was getting. I thought it was just a Hunger Games rip-off, but boy was I wrong! I devoured this book in a really short amount of time. It was a long book, but I tore right through it. The plot was a lot different from the Hunger Games and very unique in the dystopian genre. Everyone is divided into one of the 5 factions, which can separate them from their families. This unique concept was truly intriguing throughout the whole book. In reality, this book had something for everyone. It had romance, action, blood, sacrifice, and amazingly vivid characters. This entire book read like a movie. I really cannot stress how much I loved this book, just go out and read it for yourself!
The characters were awesome! Roth did an amazing job at creating every type of character. Tris, the strong, tough protagonist, was super likable and enjoyable to read the book from. I really loved how much Tris loved her family. You don't see that in YA all that much. It was really realistic how she put her family before herself, even though it is "faction before blood." However, my favorite character did end up being the swoon worthy Four. There was a lot of mystery surrounding Four's history of which faction he came from. I understood Tris and Four's difficulty with being with each other. Their budding romance was a big factor of what made this book so great. The minor characters like Christina and Will were also good. Christina was a really good friend to Tris. I also liked the cut-throat competition to be #1. Peter, Molly, Drew, and even Al all had determined personalities and were quite violent. This book had a very vast array of characters.
The ending was WOW, just plain WOW. It was surprising, but practical. It was actually kind of creepy. It was violent, but not gross. It was entertaining in a gruesome kind of way. There were some deaths, but it hit me more emotionally then anything. I felt for Tris and what she was going for. All in all, I thought it was a very creative ending that made me super excited for the sequel. I really think I'm going to buy Insurgent later today!
My Favorite Part: The mix of action and romance, especially what Four brought to the book.
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Yes, it's AH-MAZING! Will I be reading the next book? ABSOLUTELY! ...more
OVERALL: Plot-18/20 Characters-18/20 Creativity-18/20 Writing-8/20 Pace-9/10 Ending-10/10 =92/100 A ★More of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
OVERALL: Plot-18/20 Characters-18/20 Creativity-18/20 Writing-8/20 Pace-9/10 Ending-10/10 =92/100 A ★★★★★/5
REViEW: I can't believe it has been a year since I posted my If I Stay review. It was my first book review! I am happy to announce that this book was almost if not as good as the first. This time Adam took the stage as narrator, which I was afraid wouldn't be able to compare to the amazing Mia. Luckily, Adam was just as good of a main character as Mia. Ms. Forman did an exceptional job at capturing the male perspective. All of his thoughts seemed fitting for his character. At first I didn't really like his narration because he just seemed like a stuck-up rockstar, which made the book a little hard to read at first. But by the 3rd chapter or so, once he met up with Mia, the story's pace really picked up and I couldn't stop reading!
The characters were pretty good. Adam's drastic personality change aside, he was a really good character. I liked hearing his story and how the breakup had really affected him. Mia was a tortured soul in this book. I felt for her. I didn't particularly like who she had become, but I understood it because of the story and how much she went through. She's really strong nonetheless. The characters are really intriguing and Adam and Mia's relationship was very well executed in this book.
The ending was perfect. Probably one of the best conclusions I have read. It made me so happy. I loved this book. It made me feel sad then happy. It was an emotional rollercoaster, which was suiting because Mia has had one heck of a life. If you are looking for a heartwarming, serious book. Check out If I Stay and Where She Went. You won't be disappointed.
My Favorite Part: Mia and Adam's heartwarming journey.
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Ohmigosh yes. It's so emotional and amazing. ...more
OVERALL: Plot-20/20 Characters-19/20 Creativity-19/20 Writing-20/20 Pace-9/10 Ending-100/10 =97/100 More of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
OVERALL: Plot-20/20 Characters-19/20 Creativity-19/20 Writing-20/20 Pace-9/10 Ending-100/10 =97/100 A ★★★★★/5
REViEW: Haha it's been 4 years since I have read Vampire Academy and still haven't finished the series. I know, I'm insane. It's not that I didn't want to, it's just that I have so many books to read and have trouble keeping up with series. That's why I'm trying my best to catch up on every series I like! I'm not going to lie this is a long series, but it is totally worth it. The writing is so perfect I literally laughed out loud at serveral parts. The plot is so crazy and exciting, it's kind of addicting in a way. This book is amazing, especially after that slowish plot in Blood Promise.
The characters in this book were spot on. Rose is so tough and I really wish I had her in my life. I kind of hope I'm like her in some ways. Her dialogue was so hilarious because she's powerful and she knows it. Lissa is the ultimate good-girl. I love her so much too! She really demonstrated her strength in this book, which was really great. I loved seeing her character evolve. Adrian was also awesome! I really love how different his character is and his family's status fits into the plot. And lastly, Dimitri... Ah how his story is so epic... That's about all I can say without spoiling all this epicness.
Did you not see the 100 in the ending criteria? The ending was fantastic! It had that extra special WOW factor that really knocked my socks off. I'm still in awe of how it ended. It's that kind of ending that makes you feel like you'd do anything to get the next book. I'm definitely going to have to start Last Sacrifice very soon! All in all, BUY THIS SERIES! You won't regret it. The action is priceless, the romance is steamy hot, and the plot twists and turns are jaw-dropping. My Favorite Part: The ending, I so can not wait to finish this series!
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Heck yeah! If you haven't already READ THIS SERIES!! Will I be reading the next book? DUH!!!
OVERALL: Plot-19/20 Characters-19/20 Creativity-20/20 Writing-20/20 Pace-10/10 Ending-10/10 =98/100 More of my reviews at http://itisabookthing.blogspot.com/
REViEW: Wow... This book was intense. I truly am in love with the book, specifically Patch. Ms. Fitzpatrick does a wonderful job at writing a angel based YA novel with a unique twist in this book. After reading an angel book that left me feeling disappointed, I was leery to start reading this book. I am definitely glad I decided to read it though! The suspence and the constant wonder of who's the bad guy was really exciting. The writing made this book flow and did not seem cliche at all. The plot was so thrilling and easily intriguing that I did not want to stop reading! I cannot wait to start the next book!
The characters were AH-MAZING! Nora was a great main character and made the story very enjoyable to read. The only criticism I have about her is that she had rapid mood changes when it came to love. One minute she was in love with Patch, then she's get freaked out about him. After a while I wanted to scream at her to just stay away from him. But that would mean less Patch... Patch, oh how I loved him. I do see where Nora was coming from with the fear and all, but he is such a funny, amazing character that I would absolutely forgive him. His dialogue made this book for me. His witty comebacks and humor made me laugh out loud. Patch kept the tone light when scary things were on the way.
The ending of Hush, Hush was pretty great too! It was a nice conclusion to this novel, yet still left some questions for the next book. I really want to read more of Nora and Patch, so I plan to read the sequel very soon. I cannot wait to find out all the secrets behind Patch and all the details of who Nora and Patch really are.
My Favorite Part: No doubt Patch's humor! Oh my, he made my heart skip a beat and made me laugh at the same time!
ALL iN ALL: Do I recommend this book? Yes, I loved it and think it's super amazing so you should go buy it RIGHT NOW!!
Will I be reading the sequel? Of course! What kind of question is that! Did you read my review? ...more