Two sisters get ready for the Korean New Year. They put on traditional dresses, and make delicious mandoo pork dumplings. Everything must be ready befTwo sisters get ready for the Korean New Year. They put on traditional dresses, and make delicious mandoo pork dumplings. Everything must be ready before their family all arrive to celebrate. The sisters get everything ready for the Yutnori game and make special greeting cards for their grandparents. But they forgot to write a special poem to share with the family! Quickly, the two sisters put their heads together and write a poem. When they recite the poem for the family, everyone claps in delight and they all celebrate their favorite traditions together.
This is such a sweet book! I love that we get to learn about Korean traditions at the New Year, but the focus is on family togetherness and enjoying the time together. The pencil illustrations are really pretty, and I love seeing how the sisters work together.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review. All the opinions stated here are my own true thoughts, and are not influenced by anyone....more
You should never invite a pirate to your party, because their parrot will steal the presents, and you might have to walk the plank. You should never lYou should never invite a pirate to your party, because their parrot will steal the presents, and you might have to walk the plank. You should never let a dragon into your party, because they are not house-trained. Then don't let the unicorn in, because they hate messes and they will accidentally step in what the dragon did. Especially don't ever let aliens come to your party, because they will eat everything in sight! However... you don't want a boring party all alone either. Maybe if they promise to behave, they could come back to the party and you could all celebrate together!
This book is so hilarious and fun! The party keeps getting more and more out of control as each guest demands more food, or they want a special bath to clean up, or they accidentally make a big mess and get tangled up in the streamers. I love all the party shenanigans! I especially loved that each guest returns at the end of the book with a sincere apology for their previous behavior, and they learn to do better. All party guests should learn good manners.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher/author in exchange for a free and honest review. All the opinions stated here are my own true thoughts, and are not influenced by anyone....more
A strong lion grandfather reassures his little grandchild cub that the cub is always safe and loved. They spend their days together playing and explorA strong lion grandfather reassures his little grandchild cub that the cub is always safe and loved. They spend their days together playing and exploring, and when a storm comes, the grandfather keeps the cub safe and warm.
The artwork is so beautiful! I love how the atmosphere of affection and caring is shown through the warmth of the art. The text is really sweet and joyful. You can feel the special connection between grandfather and grandchild as they interact. The rhymes are excellent and feel good to read out loud because the rhythm also fits. Each sentence rolls off the tongue, making this the perfect book to read out loud at bedtime. There is also a QR code that you can scan to hear the audiobook.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher/author in exchange for a free and honest review. All the opinions stated here are my own true thoughts, and are not influenced by anyone....more
A child befriends a wonderful creature, but be warned... it's NOT a polar bear. It's a roller skating bear, a viola-playing bear, a bumper cars, skiinA child befriends a wonderful creature, but be warned... it's NOT a polar bear. It's a roller skating bear, a viola-playing bear, a bumper cars, skiing, train driving bear. This bear can do acrobatic dives into the pool. You can play with puppets together, blow bubbles, eat jiggly desserts together, and he might even save you from a fire-breathing dragon. You could go to space, research important books, dance to disco music, and you might even find buried treasure. But this bear is NOT a polar bear. You will have to think up a good name for your bear.
This is such a fun book! I love that all the activities the bear and child are doing together include rhyming text that rolls of the tongue as you read aloud. This book is full of whimsy and imagination. I love the silliness and warmth of the friendship between the child and bear.
The illustrations are hilarious and colorful! Every page is full of fun! There is also a QR that you can scan to hear the audiobook.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
There are many different people who work in the medical field, from doctors and nurses and medical receptionists to microbiologists and researchers. TThere are many different people who work in the medical field, from doctors and nurses and medical receptionists to microbiologists and researchers. This book tells a little bit about what each job entails and how you can prepare to work in medicine. Even as a kid, you can volunteer, study hard in school, and practice showing patience and good communication. We learn a little bit about the history of medicine, and what type of training medical students receive. There are whole sections about different types of surgeons, about doctors who care for pregnant women and babies, and doctors who only treat older people. No matter what area of medicine you are interested in, you can learn about it in this book!
I really liked the colorful pages and the way the information was organized in easy-to-read paragraphs. This book could really inspire children to study medicine someday, or at least give them a better appreciation of the medical field and all we have to be grateful for with modern medicine to keep us healthy.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
Do sharks kill a lot of people? Are sharks always really big? Do sharks have no predators who eat them? Do all sharks live in shallow seas? Do all shaDo sharks kill a lot of people? Are sharks always really big? Do sharks have no predators who eat them? Do all sharks live in shallow seas? Do all sharks lay eggs? Are sharks dumb? Do sharks die if they stop swimming? This book gives you all the answers about everything you have heard about sharks.
The first chapter is about the myth that "sharks haven't changed for millions of years." It really gets on my nerves when scientific books talk about the earth being millions of years old as if it were a fact. They can't prove that. There is no empirical evidence. It's a theory. One theory among many regarding the origins of the universe. So why can't they just state clearly that it's a theory? You would think that scientists would care about presenting clear information. It makes me wonder what other theories they are presenting as fact, and they don't bother to tell the reader that it's only a theory.
I really like the colorful illustrations in this book, and the way the information is organized in sections to answer all your questions about sharks. We learn about all the different species of shark and what makes them each so unique. We learn about how sharks affect the ecosystem by keeping fish populations in check, and how they hunt and breed. It's all really interesting!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
A little boy gives thanks for the sun and the moon. He gives thanks to his boots for knowing the way, and to the tree for its shade. He thanks his hatA little boy gives thanks for the sun and the moon. He gives thanks to his boots for knowing the way, and to the tree for its shade. He thanks his hat for keeping his thoughts safely inside his head. He thanks blue and yellow for making green. He thanks his toothbrush for his smile, and thanks the bathtub for the bubbles. He wanted to thank the elephant, but can't remember what for. He thanks his cat for purring, and thanks his bike for being fast. When he has finished giving thanks to everything he can think of, he starts giving thanks again from the beginning.
This book is so cute and adorable! I love the positive messages of being grateful for the little things in life. There is something so joyful and peaceful in this book full of happy things to be thankful for. I love the warm illustrations! You can really feel the vibrancy and energy in every page. I love that the little boy is so thoughtful to take the time to find things to be grateful for, no matter how small.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
On the way to the birthday party, a little girl asks her father, "If we were cats, how would get to the party?" And the father makes up all sorts of hOn the way to the birthday party, a little girl asks her father, "If we were cats, how would get to the party?" And the father makes up all sorts of hilarious scenarios of how they would get to the party if they were cats, birds, frogs, ghosts, rhinos, or aliens. What if they were witches but had lost their brooms? They would cast a spell on a storm cloud to carry them. What if they were aliens in disguise as green bushes but a dog barked at them? They would pee on the dog, he says, "right on his snout." They finally arrive at the party, and the little girl imagines that all those creatures come in to play too.
I thought the thing about peeing on the dog was pretty weird. I guess dogs pee on bushes, so now an alien that looks like a bush would pee on the dog? Still weird.
The illustrations are so vibrant and colorful! I loved all the crazy imaginings of what they would do if they were different creatures. It's so clever and unique for each scenario!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
When the prince of the kingdom is kidnapped by an evil lady cyclops, Daniela and her pirate crew race to the rescue! But when they arrive on the islanWhen the prince of the kingdom is kidnapped by an evil lady cyclops, Daniela and her pirate crew race to the rescue! But when they arrive on the island, the cyclops traps them in a cage. They will have to be very clever if they want to escape with the prince. Daniela squeezes through the bars of the cage and finds the key to release all her friends! The cyclops discovers that they are escaping and runs after them, grabbing their pirate ship and shaking it like a toy. But Daniela has befriended some mice and she asks them to run up and down the cyclops's back, tickling her until she agrees to let them go. Daniela returns the prince to his kingdom and they celebrate and receive a large reward from the king!
This is such a fun adventure! I love that Daniela and her crew win the day through their resilience and clever tricks. They stick together through thick and thin like a loyal crew ought to do. The illustrations are really cute and I like the comedic style that brings even more hilarity into the story.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
Charlie wants to be a superhero! He devises the perfect superhero costume with an "F" on the front that stands for "fly". He trains hard all day, runnCharlie wants to be a superhero! He devises the perfect superhero costume with an "F" on the front that stands for "fly". He trains hard all day, running everywhere and racing up and down the stairs to build his muscles. But it's exhausting and he falls asleep in the middle of dinner. When he is attacked by a big dog, he runs and runs, wishing that he could really fly in order to get away. But Charlie the Superhero is defeated by the dog... with lots of slobbery dog kisses.
This is such a sweet book! Charlie is hilarious and adorable. He's such a weird little kid, living in his own imagination. I like that he takes being a superhero very seriously, enlisting the help of his best friend who is an expert on comic book super heroes. Together they explore every aspect of superhero life, and have a lot of fun along the way.
The illustrations are really cute, and every page is full of color and energy!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
Triangle walks a long way over to Square's house to play a trick on him. He stands outside Square's door and hisses like snakes, because he knows thatTriangle walks a long way over to Square's house to play a trick on him. He stands outside Square's door and hisses like snakes, because he knows that Square is scared of snakes. At first, Square is really scared, but then he hears Triangle laughing, so he chases Triangle back to Triangle's house. He can't get in the triangle-shaped door, so he gets stuck there blocking the door. But now it is Triangle's turn to get scared. Square is blocking out all the light from the door, and it is very dark inside the house. Triangle is afraid of the dark! Triangle gets a taste of his own medicine.
I am also scared of snakes, so I felt like Triangle's trick was really mean. I was cheering for Square to chase him. They are both so mean to each other, but it was also really hilarious! There is something so unique and expressive about Jon Klassen's artwork. I love it so much!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
In this lift-the-flap picture book we explore the fairy wood, discovering hidden animals and elfin folk. The bear cubs look for raspberries to eat, thIn this lift-the-flap picture book we explore the fairy wood, discovering hidden animals and elfin folk. The bear cubs look for raspberries to eat, the squirrel has misplaced her nuts, the little dormouse can't find her baby brother. They are all looking for something hidden in the leaves and plants of the forest. The owl tells a story and several animals gather around to hear. A little wild piglet has gone missing, and we can find him, maybe hiding under a pile of leaves or beside a fairy's toadstool.
I love the warm illustrations in this book! The text is simple and peaceful, just like a tranquil day in the woods. The fairies are adorable and I love all the cute animals! The best part of this book is discovering all the little things that are hidden behind the flaps. It's always something delightful and sweet like a basket of strawberries or an elf child sleeping. So cute!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
We explore the woods at night, first following a cheeky raccoon until we see a boreal owl. A twilight goanna is a lizard that likes to hunt at night. We explore the woods at night, first following a cheeky raccoon until we see a boreal owl. A twilight goanna is a lizard that likes to hunt at night. The fangtooth moray eel comes out at night to eat small fish and shrimp on the ocean floor. The ocelot is a wild cat that hunts monkeys and birds. Night monkeys have to be alert at night to stay away from predators. Yellow-winged bats swoop through the trees using sonar to find their way. A pangolin is covered in scales and can curl up into a ball to protect itself. The slow loris is a type of primate that has a venomous bite. All these creatures have adapted to live in the darkest time of night!
I love the colorful illustrations in this book! You can really see what makes each creature unique and weird. At the back of the book are factoids with further information about each creature, so that you can learn even more about these fascinating nocturnal animals.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
We dive deeper and deeper into the ocean, and the further we go, we discover more and more weird creatures. First we follow a leatherback sea turtle tWe dive deeper and deeper into the ocean, and the further we go, we discover more and more weird creatures. First we follow a leatherback sea turtle that can dive further than any other turtles. Then we see giant oarfish "as long as a school bus", and a little vampire squid, and a goblin shark whose jaws jut out from its body. Diving really deep we encounter a sperm whale that is hunting for giant squid. We see anglerfish with its lightbulb glowing off its forehead, and little dumbo octopus, and finally a snailfish. All these creatures have adapted to live in the deepest parts of the ocean!
I love the colorful illustrations in this book! You can really see what makes each creature unique and weird. At the back of the book are factoids with further information about each creature, so that you can learn even more about these fascinating sea creatures.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
A little child shares about how they feel when they are surrounded by loving people. They feel safe and strong, like they can tackle the world with thA little child shares about how they feel when they are surrounded by loving people. They feel safe and strong, like they can tackle the world with their loved ones by their side! Even when they are alone, they can still feel that love. It makes the world a brighter place!
This is such an adorable book! I love the cute illustrations and the sweet little monster characters. The best thing about this book is how the character recognizes that they can show love and receive love in many different ways with their friends and family. They play together and laugh together, cuddle, or give gifts. All these different things can show love.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
A little child shares about how they feel when they are happy. They feel liked dancing and flying. They want to play and laugh and make music. They waA little child shares about how they feel when they are happy. They feel liked dancing and flying. They want to play and laugh and make music. They want to read and watch the birds and jump up and down.
This is such an adorable book! I love the cute illustrations and the sweet little monster characters. The best thing about this book is how bubbly and vivacious the happy character is! You can really feel the happiness shining out of their soul.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
A little child shares about how they feel when they are scared and frightened of everything. They imagine that there are things under the bed, or theyA little child shares about how they feel when they are scared and frightened of everything. They imagine that there are things under the bed, or they hear a strange sound, or see a weird shadow. But when they check with their flashlight, they realize that there is nothing to be scared of after all.
This is such an adorable book! I love the cute illustrations and the sweet little monster characters. The best thing about this book is how vulnerable and honest the narrator is about their scary feelings. It's really relatable and teaches the reader to be brave and think things through logically so that their imagination doesn't run away with them.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
A little child shares about how they feel when they are angry. Sometimes they just want to throw things and break things and knock things down. But ifA little child shares about how they feel when they are angry. Sometimes they just want to throw things and break things and knock things down. But if they take a minute to breathe, and think of nice things, then they feel better and they can let go of their anger.
This is such an adorable book! I love the cute illustrations and the sweet little monster characters. However, I wish that we could see the angry character apologizing for their bad behavior at the end. They just go back to playing with their friends and it's sort of implied that they must have apologized, but I think it would be a better lesson for the reader to see the angry child making things right after their temper tantrum is over.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
A little child shares about how they feel when they are surprised by something unexpected. Sometimes they like surprises, but sometimes it's too much A little child shares about how they feel when they are surprised by something unexpected. Sometimes they like surprises, but sometimes it's too much and their heart jumps. Even unpleasant surprises like rain can turn into something fun if you focus on the positive and roll with it!
This is such an adorable book! I love the cute illustrations and the sweet little monster characters. The best thing about this book is the little character that is wearing headphones to minimize sensory overload. They can enjoy a surprise in their own way! It's really relatable and teaches the reader to be kind to themselves and others when unexpected things happen. So sweet!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more
A little child shares about how they feel when they are sad and fed up with everything. They don't want to play or be around people. But if they shareA little child shares about how they feel when they are sad and fed up with everything. They don't want to play or be around people. But if they share their feelings with someone and realize that people care about them, they start to feel better!
This is such an adorable book! I love the cute illustrations and the sweet little monster characters. The best thing about this book is how vulnerable and honest the narrator is about their deepest feelings. It's really relatable and teaches the reader to be kind to themselves when they are feeling down and find ways to cheer up by opening up to the people who care about them. So sweet!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a free and honest review....more