After writing this, I realized I got into some soft spoilers in this review, not about the ending and how everything is resolved, but I mention some pAfter writing this, I realized I got into some soft spoilers in this review, not about the ending and how everything is resolved, but I mention some points of the plot that happen at around 40-50%. Just so you know, before you continue reading this.
This book has a lot of things I love: romance, holidays and lots of cats. And yet, it was one of the worst books I read this year. It just wasn’t for me. I loathed the female MC and a lot of the other characters most of the time and I had to take breaks from reading because I just couldn’t go on.
The writing was okay, I don’t have anything to complain about in this regard. The characters however were so unlikeable and I was getting angrier the more I read.
I don’t even know where to begin with my complaints about Kara. When she first meets Ben, they talk about animals and pets and he shares that he doesn’t have any and Kara can’t get over it, that he doesn’t want that sort of companionship and for that, he has to be distrusted and then she basically bullies him into fostering a kitten, which he just saved and which he never had done before, without any real advice what a young kitten needs and how it behaves. Another low point was when Ben told her that he loves audiobooks for various reasons and she tells him she doesn’t consider audiobooks as reading.
I basically didn’t like most of the other characters, except maybe Ben. Most of these characters don’t seem to know the word boundaries. Especially Kara's best friend and Ben's family. I forgot her name but the best friend was so annoying, always meddling with Kara's life, knowing everything better and being overprotective of Kara.
But the one point that I hated the most was Ben’s family and the whole drama with Ben and Boone. Boone, Ben's brother by the way with whom he was inseparable until recently, got together with Ben’s Ex-Fiance and not after a long period of time after they broke up, immediately after they broke up. When the fiance brought back the ring, she was already dating (and I think they were already engaged) his brother. And this didn’t happen years ago, no, it happened all in the same year that this story is set. And everyone is bullying Ben into trying to forgive Boone, how Boone and his wife (yep, they already married after only a few weeks of dating) aren’t to blame for falling in love and how this is better for Ben anyway. Give that poor man a break, he moved to a different state to get over it and his brother has the audacity to want to move to the same city and even shows up in Ben’s house. No, not at his house, in. Even though he KNOWS he’s not welcome there, he follows Kara (who at that point doesn’t know anything about this situation, so that’s one small thing I don’t blame her for) into his brother's house and is surprised that he doesn’t want to talk to him. It doesn’t end there but I don’t want to get into more spoilers. I’m still angry about this whole situation and how toxic everyone was and how little sympathy there was for Ben in all this.
There is of course a lot other stuff going on with Kara, Karas past that seems to be haunting and coming back to her, the café and of course the romance, but honestly, most of the time I couldn’t even be bothered to read more, I wasn’t interested in the slightest.
Something I love in fiction is time travel and specifically time loops. I don’t know why, it’s just something I really enjoy. Something else I enjoy, Something I love in fiction is time travel and specifically time loops. I don’t know why, it’s just something I really enjoy. Something else I enjoy, especially at this time of year, is a Christmas rom-com. So, when I heard that there’s a mix out of these two things, I thought it has to be the perfect fit for me and jumped right into the story.
There were a lot of characters in this book and I still don’t know if I liked any of them or not. I just felt very indifferent all of the time. I didn’t feel a connection between our MC Mae and the love interest and at about 60% still wasn’t sure if I was supposed to root for them or not. There was no real chemistry and all the characters felt very flat.
The time loop itself came up way too short. We don’t get many repeats and after ⅓ of the book it is mostly forgotten. We don’t get an explanation for it or a real solution, it just gets more and more into the background of the story.
For me, this book wasn’ bad, but it wasn’t good either, it was just there. I didn’t mind reading it, but I know that in a few weeks I’ll have forgotten about it completely. I’m a fan of some other books of the authors, so I’m sure I’ll still pick another one from them soon. ...more
This book left me very unsatisfied. We not only didn’t get a lot of answers to our previous questions, we also got a lot more unanswered questions andThis book left me very unsatisfied. We not only didn’t get a lot of answers to our previous questions, we also got a lot more unanswered questions and a cliff-hanger, which I’m mostly not a fan of. Lucky for me I have the third and last book in the series on my phone and can start listening to it, as soon as I finish this review.
I didn’t completely like the writing. The way the characters were written and the way their inner monologue and dialogue was written gave me the feeling they were much younger than they were supposed to be.
There is a little more spice in this book than in the first one, which I enjoyed. I think the scenes were well written and implemented in the story.
Another great thing about this book was Persephone, especially her discovering and growing into her powers....more
Now my journey with these characters comes to an end (at least for now), I finished ‘The Promise of Hades’ and finally learned why Persephone’s memoriNow my journey with these characters comes to an end (at least for now), I finished ‘The Promise of Hades’ and finally learned why Persephone’s memories and powers were taken from her.
This book just flew by, it may be because I picked up the ebook instead of listening to the audiobook. I learned that I can read much faster than I can comprehend while listening (and doing other stuff).
What I liked most about this book was Persephone and Minthe and how their relationship developed and what it stood for. That even if two female characters compete, they still can have respect for each other.
I liked the writing more in this book, it felt a little more grown-up than the last two books, also this book was way more smuttier, which I enjoyed reading.
I really don’t know how to even start this review. I love the movie Anastasia and when I heard that Sophie Lark was publishing a book and rewriting thI really don’t know how to even start this review. I love the movie Anastasia and when I heard that Sophie Lark was publishing a book and rewriting the story, I was ecstatic.
The story doesn’t necessarily focus on Anastasia though, another reviewer said that this was more a story about the country and its history and that Russia is the main character and that nails it. That wasn’t something I expected going into this book.
At around 60% the story picks up and we get to see more action and romance and after that point I was really into the story, but up to that point I wasn’t bored but the historical aspect didn’t interest me that much.
The whole book was beautifully written and that was the only reason I was hanging on. I think this is an awesome book, it just wasn’t the perfect fit for me. ...more
I’m a sucker for books about Greek mythology, especially everything that handles the story of Hades and Persephone. When I stumbled upon the Hades triI’m a sucker for books about Greek mythology, especially everything that handles the story of Hades and Persephone. When I stumbled upon the Hades trials while browsing Audible, I knew I wanted to give it a go.
In this book Persephone is a human, who doesn’t remember being a former god or Hades Ex-wife. She doesn’t even know that the world of the gods really exists until she meets Zeus, who pressures her to take part in the Hades trials. She’s the human underdog in these games and she doesn’t even really want the prize - marrying Hades, all she wants is not dying and going back to her old/new life in New York City.
Persephone was a little irritating, which actually is more than understandable, considering her situation. Nevertheless, it took me some time to like her, but over time she won me over. She was clever and faced every challenge bravely, it was quite admirable. I liked Hades from the beginning (yes, I’m biased), it was clear that he and Persephone shared something in the past and that he still really cared for her.
Annoyingly enough no one really answers Persephone's questions about her past and we’re not even told why no one can give us any answers. It left so many unanswered questions and I think at least a few more insights of the world we were visiting would have been nice and made it easier to immerse in the story.
I definitely will continue this series, though. I still want to know what’s going on and if/how Persephone and Hades will find a happy end for both of them. ...more
After finishing the third book of the One night series earlier this month and seeing that the fourth and hopefully not last book was published in NoveAfter finishing the third book of the One night series earlier this month and seeing that the fourth and hopefully not last book was published in November as well, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it.
In ‘Desires we keep’ we follow Hudson, or Pyro as he is called by his friends. He is unhappy in love and didn’t realize it until his best friend had to agree to an arranged marriage and is now happily married and in love with his wife, or so it seems. A night in some sort of a sex-club brings Hudson closer to Owen and his wife Aurora and closer to an unconventional form of love and relationship that Hudson didn’t think he could hope for.
Pyro must be my favorite of the bunch. I liked him in the first three books whenever we got to see him, even though it was always a short period of time, but I was looking forward to his story. It didn’t disappoint. I liked the spicy bits just as much as the rest, even though of course there wasn’t too much plot involved like with all the other books in the series. My only complaint would be that I would have liked it to be a little longer. ...more
Finally, the last book in this series and the book I had the most issues with.
The 3rd person POV which I was struggling with ever since reading AntonFinally, the last book in this series and the book I had the most issues with.
The 3rd person POV which I was struggling with ever since reading Anton is featured in this book as well. This book is a direct follow up to Luca and is set way earlier than Anton timewise. Why is this book the last book in this series?
I hated that the male MC was called Black, I know it’s his last name, but it didn’t fit the tone most of the times. And because this book was written in 3rd person, I had to read that stupid name so many times… And I really, really, really didn’t like Black. I didn’t like him in the previous book and I don’t like him in this book.
The story itself around Holly and her boss for the political campaign wasn’t too exciting and predictable.
The romance at least felt genuie and it wasn’t completely insta-love, because the characters already knew each other and had a history.
I definitely will read more books by Sophie Lark, as I’m sure her newer books will be much better. Anyone has to start somewhere, it’s just so brutal in this series, because the earlier works are the books, that are last in the series. ...more
Did I think for one second going into this book that this would turn out as my favorite of the series? Not at all, but here we are.
The main characterDid I think for one second going into this book that this would turn out as my favorite of the series? Not at all, but here we are.
The main characters are Keira and Dmitri, we meet them both throughout the series and I didn’t really like either of them. Imagine my surprise when I fell more and more in love with both of them and their story.
Keira is so much stronger and cleverer than I would have imagined. How she handles things and how she tries to make everything right to not endanger her family and her growing into the woman she is at the end of the book, was so uplifting and entertaining. Keira was still grieving and couldn’t cope with the loss of her brother, and she never got any real help from her siblings, even though it was clear that she had serious issues. Dmitri, I don’t even know what to say, he took my heart in storm and reading about him, seeing him caring for Keira and seeing her as his equal and not just a trophy, it warmed my heart. And watching these totally different characters falling in love despite everything, I could read it all over again and wouldn’t be bored for a second.
I will reread this series soon, even if I just want to catch all the interactions with Dmitri and/or Keira. ...more
From all the O’Malley siblings I was most interested in reading the book about Aiden. Now the head of the house, more or less, he always comes of as cFrom all the O’Malley siblings I was most interested in reading the book about Aiden. Now the head of the house, more or less, he always comes of as cold and scheming. His brothers and sisters treat him like his father and tell him that he’s just as bad, even though he made a lot of sacrifices from a young age on.
That made Aidens POV really interesting. In this book we not only get his side of the story, I feel like we witness the outcome from past events, like Devlins death, the most. How it affected the family and each character differently. Charlies outside perspective as a new character only adds another great layer to this. I enjoyed reading about her and her past. And we meet some characters from the past, that I wouldn’t have thought meeting again.
This books’ ending doesn’t feel rushed, like it did with the other books, but that’s maybe only because I had the next book in the series on hand and could continue right away. Throughout the whole book we get little sneak peeks of what’s to come in the last book with Keira and Dmitri and both books blend into each other perfectly, so I would recommend reading them back to back. ...more
In the fourth book of the O’Malley series, we get a very different setting from the other books. Sloan tries to break away from her family and is willIn the fourth book of the O’Malley series, we get a very different setting from the other books. Sloan tries to break away from her family and is willing to leave everything and everyone behind to get out of Boston.
I really admired Sloan as the main character. She didn’t see herself as strong and capable as her sisters and Calli and I had a different feeling about her than about the others. But she was strong and clever in her own way. She was determined to make her new life work and not taking anything from anyone, not even from her brothers when her old life inevitable caught up with her.
With Jude as the main male character, we meet someone totally new, and I enjoyed reading about and him and finding out his backstory. We also get a closer look at some events from the past, that were only mentioned briefly in previous books, which I found highly entertaining.
The love story between these two characters wasn’t as strong as the previous ones, but I still liked it. In all these books the ending felt rushed, and it wasn’t any different in this one, especially with the ending Sloan and Jude got. I would have loved to read a little more about them. ...more
Continuing my journey with the O’Malley family I dove right into the next book in this series, ‘An indecent proposal’.
This book mainly focusses on CiContinuing my journey with the O’Malley family I dove right into the next book in this series, ‘An indecent proposal’.
This book mainly focusses on Cilian and Olivia. Cilian is struggling with his life. He can’t forget his brother Devlin and how guilty he feels about his death. His self-hatred and hate for the family and their business continually grows. We also meet Olivia, who has a dark past herself which she tries to escape. I loved seeing both falling for the other throughout all the obstacles thrown their way.
One thing I enjoy the most about these books is that it not only focusses on the main characters. Of course, they are the main plot, and we follow them most of the time, but we also always get to see a little more of the other siblings, how they cope and survive. I’m living for the family dynamics and seeing how they change and that the different events from past books really change things and still have an impact.
I don’t think I’ve said it in one of the other reviews, but I also enjoy Katee Robert’s writing style. I think it’s easy to read and has a good flow to it. I was flying through those books. ...more
The second book in the O’Malley series deals with the aftermath of the events in the first book. Not only the now strained relationship between the twThe second book in the O’Malley series deals with the aftermath of the events in the first book. Not only the now strained relationship between the two families, but also the O’Malleys dealing with the loss of Devlin.
Even though the book mainly focusses on Carrigan and James, we also get glimpses at the other siblings and how they handle things now.
Carrigan and James met (if you can call it that) in the first book and now hate each other. Carrigan is in the process of picking a husband of which her father approves, to gain more power for the family. She feels trapped in her world and knows she can’t escape without some serious consequences. She was strong even though she felt so powerless, and the struggle felt so real to me. I also liked getting to know James more and how he tries to handle things with his new-found power since his father was imprisoned and the fight with his brother for said power.
As a bonus we meet Dmitri for the first time in this book. This series slowly makes it way to the top of my favorite series list and I’m not a bit sorry about it. ...more
It seems that my obsession with Mafia romance books isn’t over yet. And when I saw that Katee Robert has a series that strikes these criteria quite weIt seems that my obsession with Mafia romance books isn’t over yet. And when I saw that Katee Robert has a series that strikes these criteria quite well, I knew I had to give them a try. And I wasn’t disappointed to say the least.
In each book of the O’Malley series, we follow one of the O’Malley siblings and how they maneuver life in one of Bostons big three Mafia-families. The first book focusses on Teague and his arranged marriage to Calli, the daughter and only child of one of the two other families in Boston.
I really liked the characters, especially Teague and Calli since most of the book focusses on these two. Calli is strong, determined and knows what she wants. Teague also was a very interesting character. He struggles more with the whole world of crime they live in and everything that comes with that.
There are some spicy scenes but not too much, which I enjoyed reading. The only real concern for me is, that it was over way to soon and the ending felt a little rushed. I would have hoped to get a little more story after the main conflict was solved. Overall, though, I loved it. The writing, the characters and everything that came with it. ...more
The plot in this series is SO thin, it's bsically see-through. Like for real, there is 2% plot and 98% smutty smut. I really enjoyed it though, maybe The plot in this series is SO thin, it's bsically see-through. Like for real, there is 2% plot and 98% smutty smut. I really enjoyed it though, maybe even a little more than I enjoyed the first one. It's a really fast read but if you're looking for something with substance, you shouldn't pick up this book (or this series). ...more
After I was so surprised by ‘The Dragons Bride’ I wanted to continue the ‘A Deal with a Demon’ series as soon as possible.
The story and the book itseAfter I was so surprised by ‘The Dragons Bride’ I wanted to continue the ‘A Deal with a Demon’ series as soon as possible.
The story and the book itself was good, I liked reading about the world and the characters Katee Robert created.
Thane was struggling a lot with things that happened in his past and he doesn’t want anyone getting near to him, especially not Cataline, who he just took to keep appearances up. Catalina was a little hard for me to read, she struggled with a lot of mental health issues that were never really treated, that made her parts not as easy to read at times.
Overall I enjoyed the book and I will continue the series once the next book gets released. ...more
I don’t think I’ve ever read something like this before and I didn’t think I would, because it doesn’t really feel like it’s my cup of tea, but it’s KI don’t think I’ve ever read something like this before and I didn’t think I would, because it doesn’t really feel like it’s my cup of tea, but it’s Katee Robert and who could prove me wrong if not her?
I actually enjoyed reading this book. I’m still unsure about the dragon-thing to be honest, it wasn’t something that I think was too hot, but the smutty scenes were still good and didn’t bother me too much.
I liked the softness that came with Briar and Sols relationship and how they both coped with their own pasts and how their past manifested in their characters. It was really interesting to read about and watch them fall in love. Also, the world building was cool, I liked that a lot.
I’m excited to see how this story continues. ...more