Read this Kindle non-fiction book about dogs. Gave it 4 stars.
Margaret Lee was single when she moved from Texas to the Pacific Norhtwest. Her birth fRead this Kindle non-fiction book about dogs. Gave it 4 stars.
Margaret Lee was single when she moved from Texas to the Pacific Norhtwest. Her birth family was not close, and a couple members most likely had undiagnosed mental issues.
Margaret, the author, was never permitted to own a dog. She wanted a dog for the first time as an adult. She recounted her witty and poignant story of love for her dog pack. And what they taught her- unconventional love & to calm herself at times.
The author rescued 5 special needs dogs. Lenny, a gentle dog who had a history of dogs biting him. He was prone to seizures. Ruby @ 70 pounds felt most comfortable w/ Panzer. Panzer became large and sturdy and disliked young kids. Cowboy was sweet and goofy and scared at times, and Panzer disliked him. Moose was a puppy thrown out of a truck in a garbage bag & and a woman turned the dog into police. The author heard Moose cry out in an outdoor kennel, in his own feces, & no food or water. The vet said he had mange and worms.
The author learned the quirks of each dog IE Ruby was obsessed w/ her food and forbade other dogs touching it. Moose was fearless IE he challenged a bull and another time a horse, nearby his country home. Moose was scared & refused to walk on linoleum & preferred to walk or grass. He could be aggressive at times with the other animals & his pack. He jumped her 4 foot fence, so she had a 6 foot fence installed instead. And also an invisible fence.
Margaret relied on her first spouse, then her second to help her w/ the care & playtime of the dogs and to to resolve tension between dogs. She felt Tommy & Corday were the best of her dog trainers. And her animal- loving neighbors Angela & Stan helped in many ways.
Margaret was told Moose might have some pit bull heritage. She feared he would be put down by the police if he bit another animal or person. So she had his DNA tested, likewise for the others in the pack. Moose was part Lab & part Russell Terrier.
Margaret visited Texas to help arrange care for her ailing, elderly parents, along with being a police detective herself.
Margaret wanted all her dogs to thrive and to be safe. She spoke of animals and people reading each others' emotions. But she had a special place in her heart for Moose....more
Regency England. Kisses only. This covered a serious subject matter but had some humor too.
Lady Verity, of the beautiful auburn hair, was a widow. SheRegency England. Kisses only. This covered a serious subject matter but had some humor too.
Lady Verity, of the beautiful auburn hair, was a widow. She, her hard to please mother & younger sister Fannie were invited to stay w/ Daniel, Earl of Huxley & his visiting mother @ Arden Castle. Daniel doubted himself & didn't want the earl responsibility. Daniel over imbibed at times. (Verity & her relatives lived @ Lamouth Park which new earl Daniel had yet to claim).
Fannie liked a familiar: environment and people, but disliked crowds or noise. She kept a rigid schedule & wasn't keen on any variation of it. Verity mostly helped sis adjust to unexpected guests or changes. In modern times we'd call Fannie on the autism spectrum. She was logical and mostly listened to reason. But some people didn't understand her occasional anxiety attacks and thought Fannie a lunatic. Verity feared their mother would place Fannie in an asylum. Verity wanted to wed a man w/ intestinal fortitude to protect both sisters.
Daniel bonded w/ Verity & her sister over Fannie's love of animals. He became protective of both ladies. I en- joyed the recounted clever incident of Fannie and the hunting dogs. We saw the MCs fall in love and the deep, loving bond of the sisters.
Daniel did not plan on marriage but Verity attracted him w/ her beauty, smarts, kindness and selflessness. Daniel modified his alcohol consumption after he examined the why of his drinking. An unusual story.
Regency England 1818. This had sex about 3/4 into the story, had 2 baddies & felt too long. The heroine did not listen. MCs were being chased, then thRegency England 1818. This had sex about 3/4 into the story, had 2 baddies & felt too long. The heroine did not listen. MCs were being chased, then thought themselves safe, & skinny-dipped which lead to... Gave this 2.5 stars.
Lily, a beauty, lived in a household of ladies: her mother, aunt and cousin, with money woes. Her late father had no financial plan in place for his dependents. She expressed an interest in Edward, a wealthy non-gentry man. He needed more manners & strung along Lily about their future. He stood out in a negative way.
At a masked ball, Lily, met Major Dereck Knight, who served in the regular army in India. He kissed her but she refused to share her name. Their interactions were hot/ cold in the story. Lily made assumptions & could act prissy. She claimed Derek wanted to return to India for "fortune & glory." No one ever questioned his honor before. Lily needed to grow up.
Derek was brave and attractive. And the first romance hero in forever who expressed: he "wanted to know real love (of a woman.)" His brother Gabe spiked my interest too.
My favorite scene? when Derek rescued a mare being abused....more
Received a 1990 RITA under original title. IMO a keeper!
England 1817. This story of 2 lost souls has held up to several re-reads. Per the copyright pReceived a 1990 RITA under original title. IMO a keeper!
England 1817. This story of 2 lost souls has held up to several re-reads. Per the copyright page, the original title was "The Rake & the Reformer." Gave this 5 of 5 stars.
This had 3 love stories. 1) Allie & Reggie: 30 & 37 respectively. 2) her beautiful ward Merry and a young man. 3) his valet & a woman betrayed by another man.
Reggie an earl's heir, adjusted when his cousin, former army officer, Richard, became earl instead. Reggie, orphaned at age 8, was sent away to school by his uncle. Richard informed Reg that his mom bequeathed him a 3K acre Dorset property yrs ago. (Where Reg lived as a child.) Reg always considered being a horse breeder.
The earl assumed Reggie's Dorset property's steward of 4yrs, was a man. Actually Alys "Allie" turned this place around & put the property solidly 'in the black.' She added several small businesses to benefit tenants & ex-soldiers. Reggie praised her for her accomplishments & allowed her to keep her position. Allie had 3 wards living w/ her, including Merry.
Allie thought she was too tall (nearly 5'10') & unattractive. The color of her eyes didn't match. She kept a secret. Reg showed his gentleman side which belied his rake moniker. He denied his alcohol problem. The author sensitively explored his struggle with this. MCs drew closer together after facing many challenges. Both MCs exchanged witty convos, but some convos: not so calm.
The author had many interesting side characters. I liked Mac the valet, best. Merry was as kind as she was beautiful. The vicar needed to reflect on his judgmental ways.
My fav. scene? Reggie used reverse psychology on his friend Jullian's upset sire. A well done story!
England 1834. This had too much drama. Gave this 2 stars.
Adrian Spence, an earl, wed country girl, Lilliana "Lillie" Dashell, as revenge against his England 1834. This had too much drama. Gave this 2 stars.
Adrian Spence, an earl, wed country girl, Lilliana "Lillie" Dashell, as revenge against his brother Benedict. Ben 1st showed interest in Lillie, but they had no commitment to each other. Once wed, Adrian and Lillie didn't mesh well together, except in bed. For years the hero seldom showed his feelings.
Adrian and his sire had too much verbal conflict. Ditto for brother & brother, husband and wife, & friend & friend(s). This acrimony detracted from the love story, and left me w/ a headache....more
Regency England. IMO, the first half was better than the second. This had sex scenes. Gave this 3 stars.
Sebastain, responsible bro & marquess, went toRegency England. IMO, the first half was better than the second. This had sex scenes. Gave this 3 stars.
Sebastain, responsible bro & marquess, went to St. Giles looking for his gambling, younger bro Justin. Instead he found a young woman bleeding in the street. He assumed she was a thief or a soiled dove and he told her so, when she felt better.
Seb took Devan to his Mayfair home. He learned 2 men robbed her, 1 stabbed her, she stabbed the man back and accidently killed him in self-defense. The MCs slowly got to know each other. Yrs ago a titled man got her governess mom 'with child' and then abandoned her.
Things I liked: * the fast pace **some good dialogue *** the H taught the h how to read & write **** Devon met someone special
Things I disliked: * H insulted her, said sorry and then repeated ** H was preoccupied with her 'glorious breasts' *** Devon cried too often....more
England 1814. Gave this 3 stars. The hero, a good man, was moody & unpredictable, and at times overreacted. This hadWinner of the 2020 Holt Medallion.
England 1814. Gave this 3 stars. The hero, a good man, was moody & unpredictable, and at times overreacted. This had behind closed doors intimacy.
Her Grandpa raised Phyllida "Philly" in the country. Upon his death, she was taken in my her Uncle Edgar, a London financier & his widowed sister Mrs. Vale. Mrs. V. spoke down to & criticized shy Philly. Who preferred to wear her old clothing when dog-walking. Philly's female cousins acted quarrelsome and subjected her to too-blunt comments.
Philly had auburn hair, one blue eye and one brown and creamy skin. Some thought her an unconventional beauty. Arthur Heywood, former army Captain, met w/ Edgar & other men in London, concerning a poss. business venture. He had a limp and was an earl's 2nd son. While talking business, in walked Philly with her 4 rescue dogs (the one she carried was lame). The MCs subsequently ran into each other a few times in the park.
Her uncle gifted 23 year old Philly with one social season. A duke, about 60, was attracted to and waltzed w/ her. On another outing, she noticed he was mean to his dogs. Long story short, the duke & Uncle Edgar arranged an engagement contract w/o telling her. She rejected the duke. She asked Art to adopt her dogs but he proposed a MOC instead.
Art had war-related nightmares. Later he shared w/ Philly he was moody before the war & moodier after it. I doubt Art's father would've brought his mistress to newlywed Art's country home, w/ Philly there.
My fav. scene? When Philly and Art's scheming former intended, spoke privately....more
James Herriot was the pen name for a new veterinary surgeon who went to work at Siegfreid Farnon's vet surgeon practice in 1937-ish in Yorkshire, EnglJames Herriot was the pen name for a new veterinary surgeon who went to work at Siegfreid Farnon's vet surgeon practice in 1937-ish in Yorkshire, England. They treated mostly farm animals: horses, donkeys, cows, pigs & some pets: dogs, cats, bunnies. Gave this Kindle bk 4.5 stars.
I streamed All Creatures Great and Small 2020 version before I read this bk. James was fresh out of vet school in the series and the book. In the series Siegfreid was widowed & 40ish, neat as a pin & drank in moderation. But he was single, aged 30, fond of spirits & wore shabby clothes in the book. We saw his younger brother Tris reckless + lived 'for the day' in both. The series depicted Mrs. Hall as 40ish and the glue which kept the practice humming. The book portrayed her as 60, stout, and a minor cog in the wheel. The series and book had Helen as her smart, hard-working, charming, beautiful self.
James showed the rewarding aspects of his job, the sadness & the humor. And his compassion. My favorite stories: 1) the bed-bound older lady who lost her elderly dog & died soon after. James showed sensitivity toward her & her dog. & 2) James relieved a nearly dead cow of an abscess & discovered the same cow gained weight & thriving a few weeks later.
James praised the hard work of the farmers. However some farmers w/ means refused to pay their vet bill! Ironically a 'gypsy' family pd James 10 quid up-front to pay for the treatment of their ailing pony. I love irony....more
In winter 1987 in small town Spencer in NW Iowa, a library director, Vicki Myron, found a small kitten in the library drop-box, forced opNon-fiction.
In winter 1987 in small town Spencer in NW Iowa, a library director, Vicki Myron, found a small kitten in the library drop-box, forced open by an extra book. The kitten was shaking and had frost bite on his paws. He limped. She gave the kitten a bath, took him to the vet, and named the 8 week old orange kitten, Dewey. Vicki had an old dog at home.
Dewey lifted the spirits of library patrons who had financial issues or lost farm or manufacturing jobs. The library had job listings/ resources. Vicki obtained one computer for the library, to start. Library staff took turns feeding/ playing with Dewey on Sundays. He spent library holidays w/ single mom, Vicki. He got to know kids who visited the library & showed extra sensitivity to those physically or developmentally disabled.
Some book reviewers seemed to dislike the author's take on the small town. I considered it an integral part of the story. She also noted her health struggles and those of her birth family. Vicki worked fulltime @ the library while earning her Master's degree in Library Science.
Dewey had his likes (yarn, rubber bands, warm copier machines, warm laps, boxes to sleep in) and dislikes (a bath, a trip to the vet, other animals, loud noises). He was particular about food & charmed nearly everyone.
Vicki featured library cat Dewey in a library journal, soon the media chimed in. Visitors traveled from other states & countries to see Dewey. Two documentaries had Dewey and other cats too.
The patrons and townspeople were saddened by Dewey's physical decline after 19 years. His energy decreased and he no longer greeted folks at the library door. Interesting how Dewey's little soul impacted so many. A sweet story, but sad toward the end....more
Kisses-only Georgian era anthology. The men were manly, also considerate & tender. I enjoyed all stories.
Story #1. Charlotte & her Grandma went to viKisses-only Georgian era anthology. The men were manly, also considerate & tender. I enjoyed all stories.
Story #1. Charlotte & her Grandma went to visit Grandma's friend in Norfolk. The host (her son, a baron) William, was busy with lambing season. Wm made a discovery. Charlotte showed keen observation skills & bravery.
Story #2 Sebastian managed the home-farm, as secret heir to his Grandsire, the Laird. Cordelia and sister had parents who exceeded their means and moved from London to the Scottish countryside. Cordelia accidently injured Seb when they met. Seb adopted an orphan lamb who followed him everywhere. Delia discovered she preferred country living. She felt tranquility w/ Seb.
Story #3 Martha's Mom sent her to her cousin Eliza's in the country x 6 wks for rejecting 2 marriage proposals. Eliza + spouse had 10 kids. Martha still considered it a respite from ton expectations & drama. Martha met farm laborer Benjamin. Who later decided to share that he was "the Earl of Nothing & No One." He had no tenants & enough funds to squeak by. The scene w/ the missing piglets: just priceless. Benj loved Martha first. This grounded couple made everything fun or adjusted to any challenge....more
This was an insta-love Regency. The hero's main attraction to the h was her shyness, love of dogs, & her looks.
Aubrey was a student @ finishing seminThis was an insta-love Regency. The hero's main attraction to the h was her shyness, love of dogs, & her looks.
Aubrey was a student @ finishing seminary, and Andrew, "Drew" a duke, lived across the street. She found his dog 'Axel' and suggested he be renamed 'Patches.' Drew considered courting Lady Abigail, but she'd called him cold & hard & interested only in his hunting dogs. Should he court the h?
Aubrey's bro, Herbert, a baron, was obnoxious b/c most folks tolerated him. My favorite scene? When shy Aubrey stood up to Herb! Later the H helped Herb adjust his attitude.
Two people sneered at Drew, doubtful for this era, b/c they would not want to alienate this powerful duke. Everything fell into place too perfectly....more
23 romance writers authored a short story, for this collection, gratis, as a fund-raiser for the animal rescue organization All Kisses-only anthology.
23 romance writers authored a short story, for this collection, gratis, as a fund-raiser for the animal rescue organization All Seated in a Barn. I read all stories, but a few.
Each story involved an animal who was favored: IE horses, dogs, cats, or made a pet IE a chicken, a cow, or rescued IE a lion (from the Royal Menagerie) and a fox. A chicken remembered the baddie & kept the humans safe! Hard to believe- yes!
These were my favorite stories- 1) The Wolf of Heathclove Manor. Farm animals and dogs went missing, the hero suspected wolves were 'in heat.' True? The hero had 'white leprosy' & different skin tones on his face after previous surgeries. 3) The Connecting Door. A husband/ earl took for granted his wife of nearly 30 yrs and wanted to rekindle their emotional intimacy. 4) Pride and Pedigree. A man who disliked people, bred fox terriers, and was snobbish about animal and also people bloodlines. 13) A Heart's Quest. Had a spiritual touch. A MOB lady arrived to find a messy house & her future spouse's young dtr refused to speak (due to grief) & had a pet chicken she took nearly everywhere. 14) Sir Jack & Lady Jill. A grieving man neglected his wife. He fell off his horse, hit his head/ developed amnesia. She proceeded to lie to him: they had a love match, he gave up port, they ate meals to- gether. But when his memory returned.... 15) The Duchess Contract. A bespoke perfumer/ lady was maneuvered into a MOC by her sire. MCs later rescued a lion (realistic?). The H became enamored, of the lady, not the lion. 16) Falling for Felicity. A friend took another look at a bestie's sister. The MCs rescued a fox the night before a fox hunt. 21) Miss Bird's Desperado. (Some spiritual). MCs both had Scottish heritage. 'Nearly an invalid,' Ms Bird's health improved w/ travel + fresh air. "Rocky Mt. Jim" Nugent, former Indian scout + outlaw, now a trapper & mt. guide refused to guide the h to Long's Peak in the Rockies. They went anyway & he saved her life. His comforts included dog Ring & his whiskey. Would he: give up whiskey for the lady?? be tempted to be an outlaw again?? Was he tough? He previously wrestled a grisly bear ! in self-defense & lost an eye.
Dante in his youth took every job available, including coal mining. He worked in a textile mill and eventually wed the bossVictorian era house party.
Dante in his youth took every job available, including coal mining. He worked in a textile mill and eventually wed the boss's dtr. Widowed Dante, with 2 kids, now operated 3 textile mills, staffed mostly by women & teen girls (because he thought they were more reliable & less likely to imbibe). Dante constantly worked, studied reports and charts or read articles or profiles about prospective investors. He could not relax. Who had ownership of his 3 mills+ 3 homes?
Lady Joan, dtr of a marquess, was desperate for a seat on the train. Dante's dtr shamed him into giving Joan a train seat with his family ie 2 kids + his sister Margaret "Margs." The author later hinted 25 YO Margs loved a man, too. Joan's avocation was dress designing.
Joan fled a dishonest man who later tried to blackmail her. Dante was headed for a house party, hosted by Balfour (an earl & former physician). Dante hoped to obtain wealthy mill investors there. Joan accompanied Dante and family to the house party & ran into her brother Tye and his wife, both surprised to see her.
I liked the MCs +Margs & Hector best. IMO other characters did not add much to the story....more
England 1845. The story lagged in places. I gave it a 3.5 & rounded up.
Lizzie an orphan since age 4, resided with her religious aunt, uncle and beautiEngland 1845. The story lagged in places. I gave it a 3.5 & rounded up.
Lizzie an orphan since age 4, resided with her religious aunt, uncle and beautiful cousin Betsy, betrothed to prizefighter Benedict (who had savings etc.) Ben, a middle son, thought Liz plain, prickly+ holier than thou. Aunt and uncle hosted a dinner party. An item went missing, all eyes turned to Ben, a non-church goer w/ time spent in prison. Liz witnessed and named the thief. All claimed her mistaken. Her family evicted her the next day. Ben and Betsy broke up.
Did Ben randomly choose Betsy, then Liz? Ben and Liz wed, in a MOC-with benefits. Ben had mixed feelings IE he wanted revenge on her b/c of her superior attitude vs he admired her veracity. They went on a road trip. Unknown to Liz, Ben & his 2 brothers boxed (mostly Ben) during the 9 month festival circuit in various locales. They charged admission & took on all challengers in the ring. The bros & some audience men bet on matches. The bros really missed Ben during his prison stint. During their travels, Liz claimed a large, loyal dog. She stood up to Ben's bossy Grandma, who made too many assumptions.
Neither Betsy nor Liz, seemed a good fit for Ben. Ben wanted marriage b/c most people did? But as readers got to know him better, we saw he wanted a more legitimate life IE wife, kids, home. He explored alternate vocation options & refused to let his sire or brothers dictate his life.
The MCs acted like oil + water, at other times seemed in sync. Ben went into protective mode, but showed Liz tenderness too. I thought the author a tad vague about the MCs future way of living....more
This was a mostly light-hearted Regency road-trip.
Lt. William "Will" Mayhew met Willemina "Willie" Culpepper on a public coach. He was a son of a barThis was a mostly light-hearted Regency road-trip.
Lt. William "Will" Mayhew met Willemina "Willie" Culpepper on a public coach. He was a son of a baron (a non heir) & she, dtr of a late Army Colonel & later diplomat. She 'followed the drum' & traveled all over with her late sire.
Will had 2 kittens in a basket for his niece & nephew. Willie assisted him in their care. After their 30 minute break to eat, the coach left without them. Then they encountered nearly every challenge. Willie planned to meet a diplomat, his wife and daughters and they'd all sail to Vienna. The longer she knew Will, the less she thought of her upcoming Vienna job.
I liked these 2 together & don't normally 'buy' the idea of love at first sight. Both had these traits in common: flexible, intelligent, thought on their feet, and laughed at absurd events. The sweet kittens stole scenes and thankfully survived the trip....more
This featured Adrian (a duke) who thought he married Jeanette, identical twin of Janette, who went by "VioRegency. This required suspension of logic.
This featured Adrian (a duke) who thought he married Jeanette, identical twin of Janette, who went by "Violet."
Adrian showed himself to be a slow-top. He had all the clues that his wife was really Vi: she had shyness & a reserved nature. She rescued animals & showed servants respect, enjoyed reading, wore specs. Jean was opposite: vivacious, self-absorbed, a complainer, had tantrums, wanted to spend $ on herself. And reportedly had sexual experience.
Regency. I gave this 3.5 stars. It had 1/3 love story, 1/3 cat story & 1/3 baddie's story. Wish it had more love story.
Lord Devon & Wilhelmina "Nina"Regency. I gave this 3.5 stars. It had 1/3 love story, 1/3 cat story & 1/3 baddie's story. Wish it had more love story.
Lord Devon & Wilhelmina "Nina" met when she heatedly complained his stables sold a horse w/ an ulcerated hoof to a drayman. Devon reminded his groomsman the plan for old horses to be transferred to his country estate.
The antagonist underfed and overworked old horses, many of whom had physical ailments. Nina & friends snooped around in his stables. She & friends wanted England's Animal Rights Act of 1822, to be enforced. Her published newspaper letter about baddie seemed dangerous (to her safety) and a tad OTT.
Devon was dazzled by beauty Hermione (whose sire needed an infusion of cash.) Devon's new cat showed his dislike of this beauty. Devon knew Nina was a vocal animal rights advocate. And animal rescuer. He saw her charm & goodness. The baddie later pulled a trick on Nina.
Devon set a patient, invisible trap for the baddie. Who ultimately suffered a down-turn socially & business- wise. But the love story suffered with all the other goings on. I still enjoy this writer....more
England 1870. Included oral sex & implied sex IE "they took flight together."
This featured Weston Weston, Earl of Hawkridge (and heir to a dukedom) &England 1870. Included oral sex & implied sex IE "they took flight together."
This featured Weston Weston, Earl of Hawkridge (and heir to a dukedom) & American Evelyn Thorncraft. Her wealthy sire died & his three dtrs now lived in reduced circumstances in Boston. The twin sis of the H, Brynne, contrived to have the H transport the h from London to his country house party. The MCs briefly met once before. She left her maid behind: natch. West didn't believe in love- we readers know the drill.
The MCs had an attraction, and an adversarial relation- ship. For much of the story, West let Evie twist in the wind emotionally. +decided calm, non-demanding Lady Martha would make 'a satisfactory countess.' Evie made clear to the H she'd be no one's 2nd choice. At the house party, Evie became friends with Brynne who pined for Lord Lachlan Campbell.
The MCs rescued a baby lamb, but no way would it be allowed inside an inn or abode. Grumpy West shared more lectures than love. Did readers consider West a prize when he talked down to Evie for much of the story?...more
This couple Merry & Jason (a duke) fell in love, inside a few weeks, but we readers did not see the Victorian romance. Before/ near Christmas season.
This couple Merry & Jason (a duke) fell in love, inside a few weeks, but we readers did not see the glue which held them together. Jason considered Merry a challenge, but what else?
Merry felt more comfortable relating to (& rescuing)farm animals and pets than most humans. Her time with her 3 BFFs, who offered insight and humor, was well spent....more
"A Ring of Gold" by Nichole Van. Kisses only. This 2nd story was by far my fav. Scotland 1843. Viola (prone to asthma attack3 Victorian love stories.
"A Ring of Gold" by Nichole Van. Kisses only. This 2nd story was by far my fav. Scotland 1843. Viola (prone to asthma attacks) wrote mostly sermonizing novels: the variety her Da preferred & Ethan wrote poems. They corresponded. Then her curate Da was a guest preacher in Scotland, near E's home. Not subtle on his part but stunning Vi was in her early 30s. So Vi & Ethan met, but E had less depth than she imagined. An empty suit. She met a 2nd man & their souls connected. Vi felt shy in crowds and guarded against anxiety which led at times into her asthma problems. Her Da was too controlling.
I like Ms Van's style. This is the 3rd story I read by her.
Stories #1 and #3 did not hold my interest as well. The gentry bro and sister in #1 seemed too calm learning that their old friend (son of their family's steward) wanted to change the Corn Laws & become a MP....more