Even though I knew how Captain Cook's life ended and something about his voyages, there was so much more than that in this book. It really is a page tEven though I knew how Captain Cook's life ended and something about his voyages, there was so much more than that in this book. It really is a page turner....more
This book is more than a biography of Buster Keaton. Dana Stevens includes a lot about others in the film industry, especially those of the silent eraThis book is more than a biography of Buster Keaton. Dana Stevens includes a lot about others in the film industry, especially those of the silent era.
Stevens spends the first half of the book telegraphing Burster Keaton's increasing alcoholism and coming downfall as if that is how most people view Keaton. Stevens went out of her way to keep bringing up his drinking even before it became a real problem. I was familiar with some of his films, especially The General which was filmed near where I live, and wanted to learn more about how they were created.
Youtube is a great companion to this book. Much is gained by stopping to watch each movie Stevens describes. ...more
This was much different from the regular formula for Nero Wolfe mysteries. Published in 1954, it is in the genre of cold war thriller. I found it hardThis was much different from the regular formula for Nero Wolfe mysteries. Published in 1954, it is in the genre of cold war thriller. I found it hard to picture Nero Wolfe hiking through the hills in Yugoslavia so never escaped reality by falling into the mystery.
On the plus side, it got me to look into what was happening in Yugoslavia in the early 1950's. I was 6 in 1954 so not following it then....more
This book is made up of articles that originally appeared in The New Yorker over a period of years. Each one has an added final paragraph telling whatThis book is made up of articles that originally appeared in The New Yorker over a period of years. Each one has an added final paragraph telling what happened to the featured person since the article was written. Some of the pieces were quite interesting (Hardy Rodenstock, Mark Burnett, Judy Clarke) but others were a real slog....more
The conception and development of Stanford University was not what I expected at all. Learning about how it came to be was the most fascinating part oThe conception and development of Stanford University was not what I expected at all. Learning about how it came to be was the most fascinating part of the book for me. Jane and Leland Stanford cofounded a "junior university" to honor their dead son. Then Leland died and Jane used mediums to have her husband and son direct decisions around the university.
And, yes, Jane Stanford clearly was murdered and it was covered up. Lots of people had an interest in her dying from natural causes, so someone got away with murder. ...more
This is a history book about the history of discovering the history of the how Polynesia was populated. That sounds like a boring description of all tThis is a history book about the history of discovering the history of the how Polynesia was populated. That sounds like a boring description of all the men who got it wrong before the most recent academics (probably) got it right. In a way that is what it is, but written in a way that humanizes everyone involved. This was a very engaging read....more
This is not the book I hoped to read. It is more a history of major twentieth century black centered events (Marcus Garvey, Scottsboro Boys, Tuskegee This is not the book I hoped to read. It is more a history of major twentieth century black centered events (Marcus Garvey, Scottsboro Boys, Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Emmett Till, Freedom Riders) than a biography of these three women.
Tubbs is in her mid thirties. I am in my mid 70s. It seems to me that Tubbs viewed these woman through today's lens, layering on them her own thoughts from a 21st century perspective. I really doubt that the mothers of Malcom X and James Baldwin had lots of children because white people wanted them to have few children. They had a lot of children because birth control was expensive and unreliable and abortion was illegal. My college educated middle class white mother used multiple birth control methods and still had three "oops" children in the 1940's and 50's. Yes, they loved their children, just as my mother did, but back then children were often not by choice, they just happened.
This is a book I never would have discovered without goodreads. I often enjoy memoirs so clicked to enter for this book in the giveaway section. Ms. CThis is a book I never would have discovered without goodreads. I often enjoy memoirs so clicked to enter for this book in the giveaway section. Ms. Cordell pulled me right in with descriptions of cases in the different courts (small claims, traffic, family, juvenile, probate, criminal) where she has served. Along the way she points out flaws in the justice system and wraps up with a list of real world workable solutions to many of the issues she so clearly illustrates with her case descriptions. ...more
It probably seems odd to give five stars to a book I have put on my did-not-finish shelf. However, that is the truth. I skipped some battle scenes andIt probably seems odd to give five stars to a book I have put on my did-not-finish shelf. However, that is the truth. I skipped some battle scenes and some sections on early internal conflicts at the CIA over if bin Laden was a serious threat. What fascinated me was the descriptions of bin Laden's family life. He kept his wives and many children with him throughout his jihad efforts. Two of the wives had the equivalent of PhDs and were involved with his decision making. One had a degree in Koranic Grammar which I assume is deep into the weeds on what the Koran means.
This is a fascinating look into both the life of bin Laden and into fundamentalist religious beliefs....more
It might seem unfair to give 5 stars to a book I marked "did-not-finish" but my library needs it back today to lend to someone else. I skimmed the lasIt might seem unfair to give 5 stars to a book I marked "did-not-finish" but my library needs it back today to lend to someone else. I skimmed the last third which has a lot of information I was already familiar with. What struck me is that the Sackler Family was lying about side effects associated with their drugs from the get go. Arthur Sackler managed to stonewall congress when he testified in the 1950s. The pattern was set early on....more
Ms. Glaser does an excellent job of describing how maternity homes in the United States functioned through the heart wrenching story of one birth mothMs. Glaser does an excellent job of describing how maternity homes in the United States functioned through the heart wrenching story of one birth mother and her son.
I read The Autobiography of Malcom X when it first came out over 50 years ago. Oddly the events of Marcom's childhood that seemed a bDecember 20, 2020
I read The Autobiography of Malcom X when it first came out over 50 years ago. Oddly the events of Marcom's childhood that seemed a bit like ancient history when I was 20 now seem very recent now that I am 72. In the late 1960's I thought the United States had been transformed by the civil rights movement.
I will have to return this library book tomorrow. I will get in line to finish it.
April 9, 2021
It took 3 months to get a 2nd turn at one of the library copies, but it was well worth the wait. Les Payne and Tamara Payne produced a detailed portrait of Malcolm X which is detailed without ever getting boring....more
I didn't care much for this book. My husband enjoys the series so I picked this one up for him. I'd read one book in the series a few years ago ( The I didn't care much for this book. My husband enjoys the series so I picked this one up for him. I'd read one book in the series a few years ago ( The Highwayman) so thought the series worth a try. The biggest plus was that I learned a little more about Custer at Little Big Horn and that Vincent Van Gogh was probably murdered, but I kept getting pulled out of the story by minor plot points that just are not true. I can't believe that Longmire was prepared to send a pile of money to the IRS without even looking for heirs. The IRS is not who would get it. In Oregon it would be held by the state until someone claimed in. I can't believe that Wyoming is the sort of state that would just opt out of a program like that and send it to the feds if locals say the deceased hasn't been in touch with relatives for decades....more
The title grabbed my interest on hoopla so I downloaded it. Unfortunately, it was not what I was looking for. This is a very small book for such a hugThe title grabbed my interest on hoopla so I downloaded it. Unfortunately, it was not what I was looking for. This is a very small book for such a huge topic so can't go into much detail. It you leave out the index and the table of contents, it is only about 40 pages long which includes a number of very nice pictures. However, if you know absolutely nothing about the topic, it could be a good introduction. ...more
I was surprised at how much I learned from a book in graphic novel style about Japanese internment as seen from the point of view of a small child. InI was surprised at how much I learned from a book in graphic novel style about Japanese internment as seen from the point of view of a small child. In the 1960s, I worked with a couple people who had been in these camps so I thought I knew something about them. George Takai and his co-writers found a way of telling the story that is excellent for both adults and children. The simple black and white artwork by Harmony Becker really made the story come alive....more
I've had this book out of the library for almost 3 weeks but didn't start it until a few days ago. It is entertaining and looks like a fun book to pokI've had this book out of the library for almost 3 weeks but didn't start it until a few days ago. It is entertaining and looks like a fun book to poke through. Unfortunately I have read less than 1/3 of it and my library wants it back, I intend to take it out again later. Assuming I do, I will write a real review then. ...more
Shane Bauer alternates between prison history and his own experience as a guard in a private prison. I knew being a prisoner was no bed of roses, but Shane Bauer alternates between prison history and his own experience as a guard in a private prison. I knew being a prisoner was no bed of roses, but had not thought much about what life must be like for the guards. Whatever the situation on publicly run prisons, it is clear that private ones are a lot worse. The wage for first line guards was just $9 an hour which Bauer worked there. Publicly run prisons in Louisiana stated people at $12.50 with more benefits. Not surprisingly, there was huge turnover and constants short staffing.
The whole book is a bummer, but it is information that we should have. This situation needs to change. ...more
The author jumps around covering a lot of different topics, some only loosely related to blood. Some are interesting. Some seem like filler. I admit tThe author jumps around covering a lot of different topics, some only loosely related to blood. Some are interesting. Some seem like filler. I admit to starting to skip through after reading about 20%. Some chapters engaged me. (Read the one on leeches.) Others I just read the first couple pages and can't remember much about them....more
This is a carefully written memoir. It felt like Michelle Obama worked hard to avoid offending anyone. I would love to read the memoir Michelle Obama This is a carefully written memoir. It felt like Michelle Obama worked hard to avoid offending anyone. I would love to read the memoir Michelle Obama might write at 85 when she no longed needs to pull any punches. Unfortunately, I would be 101 then so I suspect I will just have to be satisfied with this one.
She comes off as most authentic when writing about her childhood and family history. That alone makes the book well worth reading....more