As always, Stark delivers a dark, terse crime story that will make you hunger for more.
Like he did in the first Parker novel, he gives you vivid imageAs always, Stark delivers a dark, terse crime story that will make you hunger for more.
Like he did in the first Parker novel, he gives you vivid images of a gritty criminal underworld, and ends it in a way that makes you need to read the next.
I own all the Parker novels, and have to force myself not to binge them as I have others I should read first.
The prose is as dark as an alley during winter solstice. The characters, Parker in particular, are some of the coolest ever putThis book blew me away.
The prose is as dark as an alley during winter solstice. The characters, Parker in particular, are some of the coolest ever put on paper. This is how a crime noir is supposed to read.
If you've ever seen the Director's Cut of Payback, with Mel Gibson, you know what you are getting in to. After I saw that movie, I had to take a peek at this book, and after I took a peek, I bought the rest of the series.
If you don't have fun reading this, watch your back....more