If you've read this author before, you know what to expect. If not, it's a good series to start with, you'll definitely pFun, relaxing series. [image]
If you've read this author before, you know what to expect. If not, it's a good series to start with, you'll definitely put this name down on the 'to always try' pile. It's a fun, easy, fast-paced series. It's something perfect to read when you're looking for something light and enjoyable. Just like you'd get a pizza if you don't know what to eat and aren't in the mood to think too much about it. [image]
The characters are well-built and the plot is interesting. There's not much of a world-builder, but it's not something you'd expect from this type of series, it's just too short and fast-paced for that.
All in all, it's worth reading (or at least giving it a try)....more
First off, I gave it 4 stars not 3 because it was better than I expected. So maybe it wasn't all that memorable or edgy, but it was cut3.5 Yay! [image]
First off, I gave it 4 stars not 3 because it was better than I expected. So maybe it wasn't all that memorable or edgy, but it was cute and fun. Even more, it made me smile from time to time. I know, I know, these are not reasons to give a book 4 stars, but I can't help it, I feel the need to reward it for making me curious. [image]
Anyway, it's a pretty normal romance. I can't say I liked it at first, the female MC was pretty annoying, but I grew to love (ok, more like "like") her. Fast, cute, fun read. Give it a try, prove me wrong. [image]
Merged review:
3.5 Yay! [image]
First off, I gave it 4 stars not 3 because it was better than I expected. So maybe it wasn't all that memorable or edgy, but it was cute and fun. Even more, it made me smile from time to time. I know, I know, these are not reasons to give a book 4 stars, but I can't help it, I feel the need to reward it for making me curious. [image]
Anyway, it's a pretty normal romance. I can't say I liked it at first, the female MC was pretty annoying, but I grew to love (ok, more like "like") her. Fast, cute, fun read. Give it a try, prove me wrong. [image]...more
I loved this book, it's a really great start of a series.
Never read this author before, I wasn't expecting too much,Ohh, what a gem I found! [image]
I loved this book, it's a really great start of a series.
Never read this author before, I wasn't expecting too much, so I got the best surprise when I found something I adored. Amazing work, Colin Darney, you're on my 'to read author' list from now on. [image]
There's great worldbuilding at play here and the characters are exactly the type I could fall in love with. Fast-paced story and interesting plot, exactly what I'm looking for in a HF.
Definitely worth giving this series a try! ...more
4.5 stars, It made me cry so much, couldn't help not giving it 5 stars. [image]
Hats off, this was a great end of the series. I would love to see more 4.5 stars, It made me cry so much, couldn't help not giving it 5 stars. [image]
Hats off, this was a great end of the series. I would love to see more of this universe though, so I really hope that Benedict Jacka will give us more.
It was a fun, witty, great, amazing series, with a very complex set of characters and a great plot. What I loved most was the mash of good and bad in the characters, the real struggles they felt when taking ethical decisions, and how hard it was sometimes to do the right thing. Loved the 'realness' of it all....more
I randomly found this book somewhere on my Kindle and started reading it without seeing the blurb. I'm really glad I did, it'Ohhh this is fun! [image]
I randomly found this book somewhere on my Kindle and started reading it without seeing the blurb. I'm really glad I did, it's fun and catchy and with a lot of potential.
The plot seems interesting and the characters are very well written so far, I'm really curious where this will go.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed, it can turn into a really good series. ...more
So, I kept hearing about this author, but at a glance, all his series are kinda short.
Like, 4, 5 books? How much can you grow a fantasy world in 4, 5So, I kept hearing about this author, but at a glance, all his series are kinda short.
Like, 4, 5 books? How much can you grow a fantasy world in 4, 5 books?
Boyyy, was I wrong! [image]
This is a very good start of a series. I admit, it took me a while to understand and get involved, it started a bit strange, but bit by bit I got to see why everyone loves Power so much.
The writing style is amazing, I adore the world, and I'm very curious to see how this goes on. Huge potential though....more
You definitely gotta read the previous book if you wanna understand something and not give up on this read after 20 pages.
Ok, so what can I sYou definitely gotta read the previous book if you wanna understand something and not give up on this read after 20 pages.
Ok, so what can I say about this series (I went up to book 4, so writing this review as an overall sort of thing).
It's confusing at times, and annoying at others. There are moments when the MCs are idiots and I wanna kick them. Also, there are parts of the plot that make absolutely no sense and are lacking a logical flow of things.
For some reason, it was a fun read. Yes, I skimmed some stuff, and it was difficult for me to get into the writing style of the author, but after that happened, and as soon as I started ignoring the annoying parts, I started liking it. [image]
It's fast-paced and the characters are fun (at times).
It's a series that I'll forget about soon enough, nothing too memorable about it, and not interesting enough to recommend, but it's a very nice pizza type of read (you 'eat' it, you enjoy it, you forget you ate it next week and won't really know where you bought it from)....more
The team is split again, and there are certain timelines that I enjoy more than others, but I can't wait to see what's next.
I really like the charactThe team is split again, and there are certain timelines that I enjoy more than others, but I can't wait to see what's next.
I really like the character growth, and I love that I see this from all of them, not only the MC. Like, you see them all becoming better versions of themselves, both as people and as powers.
The story is fast-paced; there are moments when I would have loved to see more, but eh. It's still an amazing series. ...more
I'm starting to see new abilities and get a general feel of the overall plot.
Things are starting to get interestingIt gets better and better. [image]
I'm starting to see new abilities and get a general feel of the overall plot.
Things are starting to get interesting, we're seeing new characters introduced, and everything is growing. I've never read this author before, and I'm impressed by the writing style.
**Be careful, the series doesn't really end here**
Ok, so I enjoyed the end of the part with the Asarlai. It was a bit too rushed, yeah, and I would ha**Be careful, the series doesn't really end here**
Ok, so I enjoyed the end of the part with the Asarlai. It was a bit too rushed, yeah, and I would have loved it to have some more pages, but it's what we're expecting, at this point, for this author. Everything happens at a 1.5 speed.
Love the character growth and where the story is going.
Yes, I expected the series to end here (it was supposed to be a trilogy, right?), but I'm happy that it doesn't. It goes on with Traitor's Folly.
You'll definitely want to read that as well!...more
I really liked this series, overall. I read it after finishing a pretty long, complex SF series, so something lighVery fun, fast-paced series! [image]
I really liked this series, overall. I read it after finishing a pretty long, complex SF series, so something light and fun was exactly what I was looking for.
I really liked the MC; she's fun and quirky with a very good sense of humor. There's character growth, fun moments, and cute situations. It's a really nice series, a welcome break from something heavy or just something light to read during the summer holidays.
There's not too much world-building, but this series is part of a bigger universe, so that's probably why.
Overall, a good series to read if you want something relaxing....more
I really wasn't expecting such a great start to a series. This is the type of SF book that I adore: it's really fastWoohooo! [image]
Well, this is fun!
I really wasn't expecting such a great start to a series. This is the type of SF book that I adore: it's really fast-paced, a lot of action, the world-building develops over time, and the characters are really impressive. [image]
I've never read this author before and wasn't expecting too much, so more than anything, this was a great discovery. So happy I gave it a try! ...more
It's better written than I would have expected and the world builder is better than in most RHs. It's mI'm starting to like this series more and more.
It's better written than I would have expected and the world builder is better than in most RHs. It's more a fantasy than a typical RH now, and I like that.
And I'm starting to really like these characters, I'm actually able to distinguish between the males, and that doesn't happen too often in RHs.
Like all Buroker books, this was incredibly fun! [image]
I love how she builds her characters and the plot and would recommend this to anyone who's lookLike all Buroker books, this was incredibly fun! [image]
I love how she builds her characters and the plot and would recommend this to anyone who's looking for a fun, fast-paced, well-written series. You see the characters evolve with every book, the plot keeps you wanting more, and the writing is great enough so you don't feel the pages go. You'll just be sad it's ending and wondering when you'll see the characters again.
If you've never read a Buroker book, this is a good series to start with....more
I read a different series with a blacksmith, and from the blurb, they seemed similar, so I wasn't expectiWell, this was better than I expected. [image]
I read a different series with a blacksmith, and from the blurb, they seemed similar, so I wasn't expecting too much, to tell you the trust.
What a great surprise it was to actually find a new author and a new series with a totally new plot and a lot of potential. Yay, I love such surprises!
It's a fast-paced, UF/Fantasy type of series (I'm writing the review after having finished it), with a surprisingly fresh plot. The characters are fun and I really liked their development and growth, so that's another plus.
It's a series I'd recommend to any UF lovers, it's definitely worth a try. ...more
I'll say it again: this is a series worth reading when you are out on a beach and are looking for a fun, fast-paced, relaxing series. Is it memorable?I'll say it again: this is a series worth reading when you are out on a beach and are looking for a fun, fast-paced, relaxing series. Is it memorable? Not really, but that doesn't lessen its ability to destress you and make you wanna read on.
It's an easy, fast read, with a fun plot and nice characters.
4.5 Really great end of the series. Maybe it doesn't deserve 5 stars, but eh, I'm feeling generous. [image]
This is a fantasy/UF series that's definitel4.5 Really great end of the series. Maybe it doesn't deserve 5 stars, but eh, I'm feeling generous. [image]
This is a fantasy/UF series that's definitely worth a try. It's not exactly a HF, but it's not 100% UF either, it has the perfect combination of both.
Not the huge world-builder of a HF, but an incredible one by any UF standards. The characters have a very nice development and the action keeps you on your toes, making this series hard to put down.
Well done, author! I'll start looking into your series a bit more. ...more
I ended up really loving the characters, all of them! And I always love it when underdogs get to be victors! [imageOk, this series was amazing!
I ended up really loving the characters, all of them! And I always love it when underdogs get to be victors! [image]
Oh, and let's not forget all the plot twists, the action-packed books, and the really amazing world-building intertwined with action and characters and AWESOMENESS!
Yes, if you like fantasy, this author is amazing. If you're more into UF, this is a series that you should be curious about (UF type of fast-paced-ness but the amazing world building of the Fantasy, all brilliantly written). If you're into SF, this is still worth a try ;)...more
Now I can honestly say that the story is getting better and better. [image]
I enjoy the big, amazing, world building. I'm starting to really like the Now I can honestly say that the story is getting better and better. [image]
I enjoy the big, amazing, world building. I'm starting to really like the characters and their stories and really be involved in the overall series.
Jacob Peppers is one of my favorite Fantasy authors because of the dynamic of his books. Usually, High Fantasy books involve a lot of world description, at least at the beginning, and it takes way too many books to get to the action.
Well, what Peppers is doing is getting to the heart of matters really fast without losing the world-building and the amazing universe that he needs to create. He's one of the few (that I discovered so far) who does that, so I always end up loving his work. [image]