Some SERIOUSLY amazing recipes in here. None of it sounds like, "Errrrm. Health food." I really look forward to trying some of these recipes.Some SERIOUSLY amazing recipes in here. None of it sounds like, "Errrrm. Health food." I really look forward to trying some of these recipes....more
**spoiler alert** This was darker than the first two. I liked it, but it scared the hell out of me, truth be told.
I really like that Jim Butcher take**spoiler alert** This was darker than the first two. I liked it, but it scared the hell out of me, truth be told.
I really like that Jim Butcher takes a normal paranormal entity, like werewolves and ghosts, and really expounds on the myth. He doesn't half ass it, you really feel like this world exists that we can't see. The realism of how ghosts could exist is extraordinarily creepy.
Also loved the Fae portion of this. I was a little annoyed at this introduction of a godmother we didn't know about, or the threshold business we hadn't heard about in the first two books. But then I realized this is only Book 3, and he's got plenty of time for more Exposition.
I haven't cared for Susan in any of the books. I appreciate a strong woman who doesn't fawn all over Dresden, but she's fucking annoying. So the events of this one didn't upset me in any way. Though I am rolling my eyes at the thought of dealing with a "vampire cure" in the next 10 or so books. Aye.
The vampire part was intense, and not a little confusing. Looking forward to learning about a Wizard vs Vampire war. My eyes twirl at the thought.
Also, I can never say enough about Marsters' narrating abilities. Ever. God, I just love his voice. More than anything. I can't wait to meet him in January and complement his audiobook skills....more
Awww. Reading how Mallory and Jesse got their start in the BSC is too cute. Interesting way to handle the racism against Jesse, kind of one dimensionaAwww. Reading how Mallory and Jesse got their start in the BSC is too cute. Interesting way to handle the racism against Jesse, kind of one dimensional....more
Unlike other cookie cutter books, this one handled racism in a pretty good way. The issue wasn't resolved in a quick, easy way, where everyone learnedUnlike other cookie cutter books, this one handled racism in a pretty good way. The issue wasn't resolved in a quick, easy way, where everyone learned and grew. Very nice....more
So, the next one is the last one, yes? Because as much as I want to finish this series, I don't think I can go on much longer with it.
::My head hurts.
So, the next one is the last one, yes? Because as much as I want to finish this series, I don't think I can go on much longer with it.
Oh dear fucking god, there are EIGHT of these books? This series isn't even good enough to deserve that many. Oy.
The ending of this book is so convoluted, and I'm fairly certain it wasn't the real ending. In the next book, there's going to be a big reveal on how wrong they were, and how "A" manipulated and blah blah blah.
I'm not saying I'm not curious about how the series ends. But reading these is just brain numbing. The girls are so vapid, the situations they get into are too extreme. This shit doesn't happen in real life, to anyone. Plus, there's no effing way A can be in all of these places at once.
It's ext-ror-dinary. Maybe even extra-ordinary. It is NOT ex-traw-dinary. There is no "straw" in extrExtraordinary.
How do you pronounce extraordinary?
It's ext-ror-dinary. Maybe even extra-ordinary. It is NOT ex-traw-dinary. There is no "straw" in extraordinary. Goddamit.
But, uh, other than that...
Really great book. Her story telling is very well written and clever, and at certain parts, I was laughing very loudly in my car. Her stories of love are fleshed out, without dragging on to the point where you're begging NOT to hear about this guy anymore.
As for the recipes, Giulia is a girl after my own heart. The recipes sound amazing. I need to get my hands on the book, because it was impossible to follow the recipes strictly from the audiobook format.
These are not YA books, right? My library didn't mislabel them? Maybe the author made a few mistakes, sticking in bits about oOkay, so, I'm irritated.
These are not YA books, right? My library didn't mislabel them? Maybe the author made a few mistakes, sticking in bits about orgasms and sex-by-death beings, and fucking and petunia?!
Why does she have to do this? Why can't Mac just fight and battle? There can't be a war waging between Barrons and V'Lane over her abilities without their being lust and jealousy? REALLY?!
A little bit, I would be okay with. But for fuck's sake, every time I started getting excited about the action, there were bikinis and tongues being shoved down throats. GROW UP, KAREN MONING.
Kicking all of those parts out of the book, I have two chapters left. Which I loved and adored. The build-up to Halloween was fabulous. I was worried they were going to get the walls up and I was going to be left with a big doughnut hole of anticipation.
When the power went out in the entire city, I had to go back to work, and I shrieked with irritation. Excellent, excellent twist.
The ending was...intriguing. I do not recall any of this foreshadowing, so I suppose someone whose read the books multiple times would need to point it out to me.
I've got a pile of books to read, so I won't get to the next one for awhile. But I'm interested....more
It was on the new book list, I grabbed it just to look at it.
I don't like that the pictures in here are so graphic. The information is fairly good, bIt was on the new book list, I grabbed it just to look at it.
I don't like that the pictures in here are so graphic. The information is fairly good, but one would think that someone who knows how to explain this so well would know about a little thing called triggers. ...more
This was interesting from a True Crime point of view. Aside from John Wayne Gacy, and a moment with Ed Gein, she discussed serial killers I didn't Eh.
This was interesting from a True Crime point of view. Aside from John Wayne Gacy, and a moment with Ed Gein, she discussed serial killers I didn't have knowledge of, which was extremely interesting.
I also liked that she talked of her personal interviews with them. It's a little something extra that we don't often get with True Crime.
But there wasn't anything ground breaking here. She spends too much time fawning all over her research skills, with very little to show for it. Her big lightbulb moment? That serial killers are addicted to killing?
Two words: No. shit.
And it's not an addiction, it's a compulsion. Anyone whose had a problem with both of those things can tell you they're easily confused. But Christ, who doesn't know that serial murder is a compulsion?
Interesting, but not as groundbreaking as she thinks she is....more