Encontre este libro porque hubo un evento en la feria del libro en Lima este año para niños. Luego del evento mi hija queria comprar el libro de CecilEncontre este libro porque hubo un evento en la feria del libro en Lima este año para niños. Luego del evento mi hija queria comprar el libro de Cecilia Zero y leemos en voz alta. La protagonista encuentre con monstruos por el otro lado de su pueblo y se da cuenta que no son nada malos pero los autoridades habian cortado los lazos con los habitantes originales. Sin embargo, la mayoria del libro habla mucho del higiene de los dientes de la niña que al aparecer, va al dentista por primera vez cuando ya tiene por lo menos 8 o 9 años. Bueno, agradezco la campaña de cuidar bien a los dientes. La moraleja del libro es que todos merecen tener respeto no importa sus caracteristicas fisicas y mi hija le gusto escucharlo....more
I laughed out loud and started crying while reading this out loud to my daughter. It was to the point that my kids asked me if I was ok. The part wherI laughed out loud and started crying while reading this out loud to my daughter. It was to the point that my kids asked me if I was ok. The part where Greg's friend's halloween costume is modified by his mother so that he is safer and looks more like the marshmallow man than a knight had me dying. His brother's band's name as well. I think it was the truth and banality of of lot of Greg's situations that make me like this book so much. Childhood is full of silly, awkward and hilarious moments and I appreciate that. I honestly felt like I was reading a journal of a pre-teen boy. My daughter enjoyed it too and I look forward to reading more of the books in this series with her. ...more
I read this book to my kindergarten class and they loved it because not only did it use vocabulary that they were learning, it was also a bit silly. AI read this book to my kindergarten class and they loved it because not only did it use vocabulary that they were learning, it was also a bit silly. A frog getting dressed to go out in the winter? Froggy, go back to bed and wait until the spring!...more
This was a great fast read. I remember really liking it when I was younger too. The story follows Stanley Yelnats who is cursed by his no-good-dirty-rThis was a great fast read. I remember really liking it when I was younger too. The story follows Stanley Yelnats who is cursed by his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing great great grandfather and because of string of bad luck he ended up at Camp Greenlake which is a camp for juveniles who did bad things. They are forced to dig one hole a day in the dried up lake to build character or so they think. The warden is trying to find something, maybe treasure!
Louis Sachar did a wonderful job switching between the current protagonist's situation and the story of the lake and its inhabitants a century before. Stanley is a likeable character and he does learn a lot from being at Camp Greenlake even if he shouldn't have been there in the first place.
I really liked this book and I can't wait to read it to my kids one day....more