Re-read and STILL amazing<3 Now we just need the third one to actually be published! --------------------------------------
This second and the third boRe-read and STILL amazing<3 Now we just need the third one to actually be published! --------------------------------------
This second and the third book in this series was a pre-order as SOON as I finished the first one (how Mr. Hall got a pre-order that early will have to be Voodoo or spells or some other form of other-worldly hugga-baloo!) [image] I pressed the one-click-buy so fast that I cracked my keyboard (and then I poured in a cup of coffee, but you know... I was really excited:-)
This book is everything it's "inspiration", the genre 'bildom riff' is not. Ardy is not doormat-y, he IS strong and opinionated and interesting, though he is YOUNG! So very very young. However I believe that Mr. Hall was true to the characters and their individual development (more Ardy's than Caspian's, because holy fuck that dude C. is slow on the uptake and quite idiotic!) and that Ardy grew up, slowly but steady (-ily???).
Also can we just applaud that when Ardy baby is decribed as clumsy, it fucking means that he is clumsy! He stumbles and falls like a new-born giraffe and it made me happy that he is quite 'all-over the place', and in line with his description and his personality throughout. [image] I think I liked this book even better than the first, since the smexy times are getting 'there', Ardy is more personable and getting to know what he wants, while Caspian's story is more fleshed out too. It does not have a HEA or even a HFN as Mr. Hall has already put out there, so hopefully I am not spoiling anything! But even if I am, I think it's important that you know, so the ending will not come as a surprise.
I was quite angry when I finished though... Like the 'heat-from-a-thousand-suns-angry', and I do hope that Caspian and his FUCKING horrible decision-making (view spoiler)[along with Nathaniel and Lancaster (hide spoiler)] step on ten thousand legos while their bacon is burning and they have an itch that they cannot reach! FUCKING ASSHOLES! [image] But the discovery and the growing-up Ardy is experiencing, is necessary I think, since he is still quite childish?insecure?naïve?Young! Caspian also has a LOT of things to figure out and work on, making me impatient for book 3; I really wanna see how this wraps up!
And even though I did not care for the ending I think it was satisfying in that this IS Ardy's journey (also Caspian's but I hate him right now, so he doesn't get my optimism). And Ardy needs to stand on his own and grow up (not said in that nasty mean-girl-way), while Caspian needs to forgive himself and come to terms with his history. I am still angry though; HOLY SHIT Caspian needs a wake-up-call or two! *side-eyeing my trusty frozen fish for douchebags*
All in all this is pure Alexis Hall, and I might be biased, since it is no secret that he is one of my favourites. But I do think he took a 'tired' trope and made it his own; character-development, drama, humour and love galore<3 I, for one, cannot wait for the last book! And hopefully Caspian has gotten the note that we need grovelling! Lots and LOTS of grovelling... If he does what's right, I might remove the Viking-witch-curse I have called upon him... Maybe... [image]
Merged review:
Re-read and STILL amazing<3 Now we just need the third one to actually be published! --------------------------------------
This second and the third book in this series was a pre-order as SOON as I finished the first one (how Mr. Hall got a pre-order that early will have to be Voodoo or spells or some other form of other-worldly hugga-baloo!) [image] I pressed the one-click-buy so fast that I cracked my keyboard (and then I poured in a cup of coffee, but you know... I was really excited:-)
This book is everything it's "inspiration", the genre 'bildom riff' is not. Ardy is not doormat-y, he IS strong and opinionated and interesting, though he is YOUNG! So very very young. However I believe that Mr. Hall was true to the characters and their individual development (more Ardy's than Caspian's, because holy fuck that dude C. is slow on the uptake and quite idiotic!) and that Ardy grew up, slowly but steady (-ily???).
Also can we just applaud that when Ardy baby is decribed as clumsy, it fucking means that he is clumsy! He stumbles and falls like a new-born giraffe and it made me happy that he is quite 'all-over the place', and in line with his description and his personality throughout. [image] I think I liked this book even better than the first, since the smexy times are getting 'there', Ardy is more personable and getting to know what he wants, while Caspian's story is more fleshed out too. It does not have a HEA or even a HFN as Mr. Hall has already put out there, so hopefully I am not spoiling anything! But even if I am, I think it's important that you know, so the ending will not come as a surprise.
I was quite angry when I finished though... Like the 'heat-from-a-thousand-suns-angry', and I do hope that Caspian and his FUCKING horrible decision-making (view spoiler)[along with Nathaniel and Lancaster (hide spoiler)] step on ten thousand legos while their bacon is burning and they have an itch that they cannot reach! FUCKING ASSHOLES! [image] But the discovery and the growing-up Ardy is experiencing, is necessary I think, since he is still quite childish?insecure?naïve?Young! Caspian also has a LOT of things to figure out and work on, making me impatient for book 3; I really wanna see how this wraps up!
And even though I did not care for the ending I think it was satisfying in that this IS Ardy's journey (also Caspian's but I hate him right now, so he doesn't get my optimism). And Ardy needs to stand on his own and grow up (not said in that nasty mean-girl-way), while Caspian needs to forgive himself and come to terms with his history. I am still angry though; HOLY SHIT Caspian needs a wake-up-call or two! *side-eyeing my trusty frozen fish for douchebags*
All in all this is pure Alexis Hall, and I might be biased, since it is no secret that he is one of my favourites. But I do think he took a 'tired' trope and made it his own; character-development, drama, humour and love galore<3 I, for one, cannot wait for the last book! And hopefully Caspian has gotten the note that we need grovelling! Lots and LOTS of grovelling... If he does what's right, I might remove the Viking-witch-curse I have called upon him... Maybe... [image]...more
In this instance I can say with 100% accuracy: "it was definitely me!" [image] Hah, not really "unique" though, but I have found my squeak-limit and it In this instance I can say with 100% accuracy: "it was definitely me!" [image] Hah, not really "unique" though, but I have found my squeak-limit and it begins with the 'Oreo O's', goes through tickling, giggling, apple juice boxes and ends with a piggy bank for a rich hockey player, where he stashes his allowance *blushes furiously*.
I am all for expanding my horizons, and this was a pre-order as soon as Ms. Dee announced that it was up for grabs. The writing, the people, the 'town' of Camassia Cove and the smexy times were PURE Ms. Dee, and that wasn't really the problem.
The problem was that I squirmed a LOT, but this was not the fun kind of squirming. No, this was the kind where you're covering your own eyes, you're having a hard time finding a comfortable seat and every time they did something 'Daddy-Little-like' I found myself looking around the room thinking of decorations for the walls. And I just want to make it absolutely clear: I am in no way kink-shaming! If you find yourself in a loving, consensual relationship (or if you're single or poly or whatever else you can be, the operative word being 'consensual') where you're the 'Little' (is that an upper case thing?) and your Daddy Dom takes care of you, I will defend your right to do so, I will support you and I will not judge anything you do, however I might be blushing like crazy every time something DD/l happens (?? What's with the difference in lower and upper cases for these titles?). [image] I just got a wee bit too squeaky when reading this, though not in an awful way, it was just not to my overall tastes.
I do have another smaller issue with this series. And that is the amount of names of family members and friends, that are mentioned in every other chapter. It IS a stand-alone book, but there are just too many people dragged into this, and it yanks me out of the story every time I try to place who, what, where? I only read MM (which is my own choice/fault), but these people take up a lot of space in this book/series, and it's a wee bit too much -IMO.
As for solutions: the lovely Susan told me she ignored the names, so that's a possibility and the wonderful Ele pointed me towards this Family Tree for the Camassia Cove-people. I just thinks it's crazy that I need to have a FAMILY TREE on hand to figure out who's who. [image] Which brings me to another 'issue' with the DD-thing: when Abel said Daddy and Dad (about Lincoln) in almost the same sentence, it was quite... Weird?Squirm-inducing?Eye-opening? Real!
I didn't really have any issues with the scene towards the end, that have been mentioned on other reviews (Ele and Rene's I think). But I want to mention it, just to be on the safe side, since this might be a 'no-no' for some, in regards to extras in the bedroom (view spoiler)[Abel and Mad bring in Gray one night, and I think the reasoning behind it was okay. The way Gray and Abel talked through touch 'made sense' and I wasn't eeked-out or angry about it. It fit into Abel's story I think. (hide spoiler)]
My last niggle was the progression of the relationship. Abel confesses his love --> Mad rejects him --> they don't talk for a year --> Abel asks Mad to 'mentor' --> suddenly Mad gives in on the whole 'shebang'. It was a little jarring, and I felt like there was a disconnect somewhere, from where Mad decided he would be Abel's mentor, to his decision to go all-out with the DD/l-thing (Seriously??) I don't know if I missed something, but I felt it came out of the blue.
However in the end my biggest issue was that I couldn't see the "child-like" behaviour for what it was. And that is definitely on me. I am not finished with Camassia Cove or Ms. Dee though, and I am looking forward to Gray's story a whole hell of a lot....more
Okay: it is no secret that I have a special place in my heart for T.S. McKinney. I know that my friends here at GR have VERY differing opinions on herOkay: it is no secret that I have a special place in my heart for T.S. McKinney. I know that my friends here at GR have VERY differing opinions on her stories, and that's cool, because we can't all agree on everything (said in the least condescending way and tone:-) But her humour and her *cool* characters make me laugh every time, and Overtime was a really important book for me. I can't really pinpoint why, just that Jagger did something for me! (Though not in a sexy way, you pervs...) [image]
So, the "bad" things first, or: why this is not a 5-star read:
- The 'EVIL' guys... *sigh* This happened in Gasping for Air as well. The 'EVIL' guys are REALLY evil and sadistic, and they leave a HORRIBLE ache in my stomach, because at both instances, I was not prepared for it. In this one we have: slit throats, the 'EVIL' guy casually talking about getting rid of his toys (PEOPLE, we're talking about FUCKING, people) in his basement, to have room for Landry and the casual way abuse is mentioned, though not specified-specified. And it's not that I have anything against 'dark' reads as such, it is just... Mckinney writes a REALLY good, horrible character, BUT sometimes it is unnecessary cruelty, and I read to escape the cruelty of this world (amongst other things) AND
- The 'bad' guys don't get what I feel they deserve! In this one (view spoiler)[the EVIL guy, dies in an 'accident'. Where I would have LOVED to see a disclosure to the public of ALL of the shit he has done, instead of his wife just walking away, and him just being dead. This guy KILLED and abused and dealt in children and he's just dead, while the wife walks? This is ALSO important in regards to Sage and his brother! I FUCKING hope the brother is not dead, like there is NO reason for this story, to be this cruel! (hide spoiler)] Naaaaaaah, I need me some revenge for this shit... [image]
- We skipped a scene towards the end, that I felt we needed, where Brookes had a chance to redeem himself. Not that he did something horrible, but this dude was sketchy-ish *still side eyeing him*
- There was a LOT of sex in this one. In my mind I would have loved to experience some of the dates instead, since the 'dark' stuff got heavy, and even though the sex was SIZZLING, I think I needed something light to balance the heavy dark issues and the heavy sex scenes.
BUT now for the good stuff:
- Mckinney is definitely developing as an author, and she is getting better and better IMO. There were a few editing-things (missing words and minor spelling-things) and at one point 'Jade' was mentioned, which I think might be a name, it was definitely a mistake?? But as for the rest of it, it was tight.
- The HUMOUR was great, and Landry had so much SASS and SPUNK (of the personality-kind), that I couldn't help but adore him<3
- And a heads-up for those of you who hate differing POVs. We weren't in "I-form" but we got to see things from both Jagger, Colton, Riley, Rory, Brookes and Landry's POVs, which I loved.
Especially visiting with Jagger and Colton again... Maaaaaan, those two make me laugh and smile like an idiot, because they are still figuring stuff out, but in the BEST possible way<3 [image] I loved the friendships and the bickering and the love amongst the good guys. This definitely made everything 'lighter'... So a fun read, with a few things that made me uncomfortable, but not so much that it dragged the whole story away from the SIZZLE and the laughs....more
*Sidenote: this is still free at the time of the review.
This was so SO good and well thought-out and, especially in regards to the recent discussion o*Sidenote: this is still free at the time of the review.
This was so SO good and well thought-out and, especially in regards to the recent discussion of representation, an amazing story of an Islamic, gay man struggling with his sadomasochistic urges. I LOVED Garrett and even though he pushed, he wasn't being a dick about it, but he was very clear in what he wanted and NEEDED and I thought they complimented each other very well. I also want to mention that the women in this one were so so good! Dharini especially, was quite epic<3
This was almost a 5-star read for me, and I have pre-ordered book 2, hoping for more with this kind of tone and storyline. I cannot wait to read how Syed will get through this and hopefully Dashiell will get his kink on as well, even though he pretended not to be interested... We see you AND your bulge D;-)
As for Aayan and Garrett I enjoyed this immensely, and even though a few things could have been elaborated on, I was quite happy with their development and Aayan's take-charge attitude, as well as the BDSM elements, I thought it was so well-done. [image]...more
It's not that this book was bad, it just sort of read like a soap with spanky-times. [image] So Oliver has been harboring a desire for a hardcore power It's not that this book was bad, it just sort of read like a soap with spanky-times. [image] So Oliver has been harboring a desire for a hardcore power exchange as long as he can remember. However since he is a self-made billionaire, and not out (among other things due to his family, *shiver* that was gruesome to read), he has not had a chance to explore his desires. That is until circumstances point him in Caleb's direction. Caleb is a Dom (with a really big D *snicker*) he is also in the closet due to his circumstances, and since his last sub can bring about Caleb's 'downfall', he is not ready to take on a new sub.
But Oliver offers Caleb the ONE thing he cannot walk away from (also they have definite chemistry when they meet). Oliver offers Caleb a D/s relationship, with NO safewords, and almost no limits. [image] Thus begins some really smexy get-togethers, like seriously smexy. Caleb did not think that Oliver was really submissive, but Oliver proves him wrong big time.
We do have the 'normal' crisis between the MCs, some angst (because of the need to keep their affair secret) and a side-plot with one of Oliver's friends (view spoiler)[who can end up, blowing their affair wide open. (hide spoiler)] Again, it's not that this was a bad book, BUT I had some concerns with the 'no safeword', especially because Oliver is BRAND NEW in the scene, and he is already exposed because of his need to stay hidden. Also it sort of read like a soap at times, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it was just predictable....more
I think this story might very well be the longest one I have ever read; the funny thing is, it didn't feel long AT ALL. I guess this is what you call aI think this story might very well be the longest one I have ever read; the funny thing is, it didn't feel long AT ALL. I guess this is what you call a true slow-burn, and it was so close to being perfect, that I'm pretty sure it will be read again, even though it took me 2-3 days to get through it. Luckily I started this on a friday, or else I would have been fucked, I could not put this book down. [image] So Ryder is hired as a bodyguard for Luca. Luca's mother is an important defense contractor, and people have been hunting Luca for years, to get a one-up over Luca's mother. Luca was sent to boarding schools in Europe after his father's death, when Luca was 12 (or 13), and Luca has been 'on his own' since.
Let us just agree that Luca is a perfect example of what happens when a rich, spoiled brat is left 'unsupervised'. After Luca is kicked out of school for the 3rd time for sexual misconduct, his mother sees no other solution than to bring him home, and up his security. For people with hardcore morals and issues with younger people having sex, this book could be a problem. I thought it worked really well, since we follow Luca's development, and I kind of loved Luca most of the time, even though he was kind of... All over the place, both sexually and personally in the beginning. [image] His new bodyguard is Ryder. Ryder was promoted from 'normal' bodyguard to team leader, but something fishy is going on with his promotion. When Luca and Ryder meet the attraction is instantaneous, BUT Ryder is a good guy with strong morals, and even though he is attracted to Luca, he does not want to act on it. Luca does a LOT of shit, both to get Ryder's attention, but also to stay in control, and Luca is not a very 'loveable' character, and yet I could not help but adore him.
Amidst Luca's attempts to get Ryder's attention, somebody is stalking him AND trying to kidnap him. So not only do we have a promiscuous, flawed MC, we also have a mystery, and a bodyguard trying to remain morally superior amongst the car chases and come-ons from Lucas. And then it becomes even BETTER when they get their freak on! 'Normal', vanilla sex is, of course, not enough for these two, and we have some pretty HOT, kinky smexy times. Also I LOVED that Luca was the 'Dom', it fit seamlessly into the story and the characters, that Luca and Ryder are. Even though both Ryder and Luca have sex with other people on-page, it is before they get together, and it worked for the story. But for people who hate their MCs to be involved with someone else, just beware that it's there. [image] Lastly I was really impressed with Kingsbridge's use of a psychiatrist to help Luca. I loved their sessions, and Luca's development throughout this book was very realistic and mature.
The reason this is NOT a 5-star read for me was the lack of an epilogue or something. This book is almost 900 pages long, and it annoys me that we don't get a HEA after struggling through Luca and Ryder's relationship over that many pages. In my head, she could have written 40 pages more, it wouldn't make a difference, and we could have had a HEA. (view spoiler)[Also we never got an: 'I love you' from either, which... It didn't take away from the story for me, but I noticed it missing. (hide spoiler)]...more
This book is a nice steamy, BDSM, sort-of-mystery.
So Joaquin is a barista-by-day-drag-queen-by-night. He's sort of timid, when he's 'himself', but he'This book is a nice steamy, BDSM, sort-of-mystery.
So Joaquin is a barista-by-day-drag-queen-by-night. He's sort of timid, when he's 'himself', but he's a NICE guy, no thanks to his family though. One night his ex-brother-in-law (Gerald) seeks him out and blackmails J. into performing at a 'drag-night' in a Gentleman's Club. Let us just agree that what J. is promised will happen at the club, is NOT what happens. Luckily Kalen saves J. from an almost-rape, and helps him away from the club. Kalen is a obstetrician, an all-around nice guy too, and he's gay. He's a Dom and visits the club 'Steel Door' every weekend. He has a nice ex-wife and two great girls. No evil women or family in Kalen's periphery! Beware though, Joaquin's family is another story. [image] A remark from Kalen on that fateful night brings Joaquin to 'Steel Door' a few weeks later, where Kalen finds him wide-eyed and alone. Kalen and Joaquin begin a sort-of-relationship, both with dates and with 'scenes'. And some of their scenes were HOT, J. definitely has a thing for CBT! (One of their other kinks: "milk" in each other's coffee, wasn't for me, but it didn't take away from the story, I just skipped those scenes.)
While they are trying to figure out their relationship and introducing J. to BDSM, J's family is plotting in the wings. We meet J's "lovely" sister, and slowly, but surely J. starts opening up about his family to Kalen. I was quite impressed with the solutions to the family-problems (which was the 'drama' of the book, and took up maybe the last 40-50%.) First of all I respect that Kalen was not made into a SUPER-human, and that they didn't choose the 'easy' solution when J. had to be 'rescued'. Also I am FREAKING happy that J. did not forgive his family for the HELL they put him through! I thought it was great, that J. instead focused on Kalen and the supporting characters we meet here.
This book was nice, with some hot scenes, a wee bit of 'action' and a great introduction to this series. I think I've used the word nice a few times in this review, which is also why it's not a higher rating for me. It wasn't a bad book at all, the smex was HOT, the characters were nice, the development nicely paced, it just didn't grab me by the balls and squeezed the air out of me. But I was entertained, and I will definitely read the next one, hopefully it will be Cory's story *crossing my fingers*... [image]...more
This book is going straight to my: low-angst-high-cozyness-shelf! I really needed a fantastic read and this was it!
So Jake is a veteran in the basebalThis book is going straight to my: low-angst-high-cozyness-shelf! I really needed a fantastic read and this was it!
So Jake is a veteran in the baseball-league, and he is going through the motions, just to finish up his contract, so he can retire. He is gay, but hiding it, and after ruining his friendship with his BFF, he has not really given a shit about anything. When he is traded to a new club, he is... Resigned, to just get on with it. That is until he sees Nico. They knew each other years ago, since Jake was friends with Nico's older brother, but when Jake was traded, they lost contact. Nico is this REALLY 'uptight' MC. Hid dad is a POS character (IMO), and Nico is struggling to live up to his father's and brother's accomplishments. The biggest pressure though comes from Nico, he has an array of things he takes on his shoulders, that almost broke my heart. This dude is so high-strung. [image]
Jake promises himself that he just needs to finish his career, and not be involved with anyone, BUT when Nico's brat-tendencies come out in full force, Jake lets his 'hobby-Dom' shine through. (I have a quick side-note here; there is NO negotiation or anything for the first spanking, and it is done in anger so beware if you have a hard time accepting this.) After this they start a tentitative relationship. There is some angst and back-and-forth, but it made sense for these two MCs. I liked this story, I liked that both Jake and Nico had some closure to their 'issues' and history, and I loved the way they were together. [image] During the book these two grow individually and together, and they learn from each other. This book is the story of Jake waking up and 'getting on' with his life, while Nico learns to take a deep breath and open up about his issues. The smexy times were hot, and the humor was great.
The reason this is not a 5-star read for me, is the baseball-language and Nico's dad. The baseball-language yanked me out of the story, every time it got to the description of 'rules' and 'hits' and technicalities. I have read sports-romances before, where the MCs are in a sport I know nothing about, but still the author managed to 'explain' it during the course of the book, or they had not written pages on the technical stuff (Avon Gale is a good example of this -IMO). Nico's dad is the other reason I can't rate this book higher. This dude was an IDIOT. He may have sort of redeemed himself, during the book, but for him to KEEP saying that Nico can't act too gay! JESUS ROLLERBLADING CHRIST!!!! Where is the true support? That pissed me off something fierce!
The rest of the book was awesome, and definitely one I will read again! I've said it before, and I will say it again: this new trend with LAHC-plots and "no" crisis sround the 70-80% mark is FABULOUS! [image]...more
There are two versions of this book here at GR, I have no clue how to combine them since I am not a GR wizard, but will probably leave my review at boThere are two versions of this book here at GR, I have no clue how to combine them since I am not a GR wizard, but will probably leave my review at both versions, just because I can.
So Joaquin is a barista-by-day-drag-queen-by-night. He's sort of timid, when he's 'himself', but he's a NICE guy, no thanks to his family though. One night his ex-brother-in-law (Gerald) seeks him out and blackmails J. into performing at a 'drag-night' in a Gentleman's Club. Let us just agree that what J. is promised will happen at the club, is NOT what happens. Luckily Kalen saves J. from an almost-rape, and helps him away from the club. Kalen is a obstetrician, an all-around nice guy too, and he's gay. He's a Dom and visits the club 'Steel Door' every weekend. He has a nice ex-wife and two great girls. No evil women or family in Kalen's periphery! Beware though, Joaquin's family is another story. [image] A remark from Kalen on that fateful night brings Joaquin to 'Steel Door' a few weeks later, where Kalen finds him wide-eyed and alone. Kalen and Joaquin begin a sort-of-relationship, both with dates and with 'scenes'. And some of their scenes were HOT, J. definitely has a thing for CBT! (One of their other kinks: "milk" in each other's coffee, wasn't for me, but it didn't take away from the story, I just skipped those scenes.)
While they are trying to figure out their relationship and introducing J. to BDSM, J's family is plotting in the wings. We meet J's "lovely" sister, and slowly, but surely J. starts opening up about his family to Kalen. I was quite impressed with the solutions to the family-problems (which was the 'drama' of the book, and took up maybe the last 40-50%.) First of all I respect that Kalen was not made into a SUPER-human, and that they didn't choose the 'easy' solution when J. had to be 'rescued'. Also I am FREAKING happy that J. did not forgive his family for the HELL they put him through! I thought it was great, that J. instead focused on Kalen and the supporting characters we meet here.
This book was nice, with some hot scenes, a wee bit of 'action' and a great introduction to this series. I think I've used the word nice a few times in this review, which is also why it's not a higher rating for me. It wasn't a bad book at all, the smex was HOT, the characters were nice, the development nicely paced, it just didn't grab me by the balls and squeezed the air out of me. But I was entertained, and I will definitely read the next one, hopefully it will be Cory's story *crossing my fingers*... [image]...more
This is a HOT read. But it's not like a story with a lot of 'action', not in the plot-sense anyway *wink wink*.
So Tad looses in poker to 3 frat-boys, This is a HOT read. But it's not like a story with a lot of 'action', not in the plot-sense anyway *wink wink*.
So Tad looses in poker to 3 frat-boys, and he can either agree to a beating by them (broken arms included) or a 'beating' by the neighbourhood Dom... He -of course- chooses the Dom. The Dom is Scott and he is one nice, charismatic motherfucker. Still Scott has to 'coerce' Tad to keep playing in the first book, and that was skirting the line of dub-con (in my head), since Tad (when we meet him) isn't gay and is there under duress. Sort of the age-old line: "Let me just put my tip in. I won't go any further. Just the tip..." [image]
However Scott awakens something in Tad and book 2 and 3 is Tad being up-ended in more than one way. Tad is slowly discovering a side of himself, he didn't know. And is falling HARD for Scott. We have some angst and indecision, since Tad for all intents and purposes is straight in the beginning, but the chemistry between Tad and Scott is scorching. Also I am looking forward to Max's story, I think that will be WILD. Each book is a short intro to Tad's angst and thoughts and then Scott and Tad are getting it on. I was sort of desensitized to the smexy times in the end, since the 'scenes' were so long, but I don't think this is supposed to be a deeper book, with lots of hidden messages; it's a hot, fun read with a little personal development thrown in -and GODDAMMIT Tad just KISS him already!! [image]...more
YAY!!!!! I have been looking forward to this book, and it surpassed my expectations! Seriously T.S. McKinney is hitting her stride. I am not quite sureYAY!!!!! I have been looking forward to this book, and it surpassed my expectations! Seriously T.S. McKinney is hitting her stride. I am not quite sure if this is a 4 or 5 star read, but I will leave it at 5 for now, since it was a wee bit more fleshed-out and well-written than Overtime.
So Alexander is this 'goody two-shoes' doing everything his family wants him to do. They want him to play football, he'll do it. They want him to study law at Harvard, he'll do it. They chose his school, he didn't put up a fight. But inside... Inside Alexander is slowly suffocating. This guy wants to paint, and he wants to go to a school, where he can hone his skills. He also wants his parents to love him and acknowledge him for who he is, but these two twats are letting the grandfather rule the family in his iron grip. [image]
Lincoln owns a BDSM club (he is NOT as old as he sounds like), and comes from a family that was even worse than Alexander's. He has his best friend/driver -Marcus- and his old mentor in the BDSM world -Mason-, but not much more human contact than that. When a chance meeting at the club between Alexander and Lincoln sets Alexander's life, feelings, understanding of himself up in flames, magic is created. Seriously that first 'real' scene in the playroom between Lincoln and Alexander... Whoweeeeee, freaking fantastic, ridiculously HOT! [image] McKinney certainly changed my tune in regards to her (sometimes) watered-down smexy times in previous books!!!! ALSO Alexander is a BRILLIANT mouthy sub, making Lincoln laugh, which made their scenes even more fun, real and loving!
Alexander and Lincoln however both suffer from the age-old disease: miscommunicatitis and doubtitis. They both believe that the other, could not POSSIBLY love them, since they are so broken, and the other is perfect and beautiful. McKinney is once again true to the parameters and the origin-story she built for her MCs, but it was FREAKING annoying that they didn't open their fucking mouths and TALKED to each other, (view spoiler)[and when Lincoln is finally honest, he does not give Alexander a chance to respond... (hide spoiler)] FFS! But this was seriously my biggest complaint. We also have the ex-girlfriend-trope (Alexander's). But I thought it fit well with the story, and Alexander's inability to do anything for himself, before he met Lincoln, who opened him up in all the right ways *wink wink*.
I have one other complaint and that is Alexander's parents. These two idiots, have all these weird, "noble" ideas when the truth comes out, and I was doing a LOT of head-shaking and eye-rolling, when they fessed up. Seriously Alexander was a wee bit too forgiving of these two donuts, but okay, if that was one of my only complaints, I can overlook it, since it was such a small part of the story in the end, and the rest of the book was so much fun.
I loved Alexander and Lincoln, these two were HOT and fun and loving and great together, I cannot wait for the next book in the series!!! [image]...more
I have had this book on my Kindle forever, but have never felt the itch to read it (I think it might be the cover that put me off!? It's too bad, espeI have had this book on my Kindle forever, but have never felt the itch to read it (I think it might be the cover that put me off!? It's too bad, especially when the 'Subs Club' series, have these simple, beautiful covers.) But I have just finished the Wacky Wednesday series, and they were HUGE hits for me, so I gave this a shot, and I'm so glad I did! [image]
So Jesse Ferelit is a stage manager for a college theater production, and on his last few semesters before he graduates. Jesse is neurotic and rigid to say the least, but he LOVES his job and is seriously good at it! The show they're working on looses their light board operator and Simeck Whedon (Sim) steps in to help out. Sim is this open, chatty, fun, crazy character. He talks to everyone and is an avid hula-hooper!! I had to read that part of the story a few times, and I think that this is the first time I have come across that particular hobby... But it turns out, that it is a perfect fun-time for Sim (and later Jesse.) These two clash from the beginning; Jesse thinks Sim is an airhead and Sim thinks Jesse is a douchebag. But over late nights, work in the control booth and a picture of Martha, they bond and end up sort of seeing each other. But not in a serious way!!!! (Jesse's words.) While they are not 'seriously' seeing each other Sim teaches Jesse to hoop, Jesse cooks for Sim and they spend a lot of time at Jesses place watching Disney movies and playing with Jesse's rat, and they get it on... Boy, do they get it on! [image]
What follows is a slow discovery in kinks and likes and needs and wants between these two. And while Jesse keeps denying that they are serious (both because he can't believe that Sim would be serious with someone like him and because Jesse has plans to leave when he graduates) their relationship is truly wonderful. I loved that they were so different, but yet they FIT! And I loved that Jesse put his foot in it more than once (this guy seriously needed a brain-to-mouth-filter), but Sim sort of figures out how to handle it. As always there were some GREAT supporting characters and some really FUN SNARKY situations. This book is a definite re-read for me, but until then I will find a hula-hoop and practice! [image] N.B. Apparently it is possible to enjoy some sexy-times while hooping.... ...more
They are at it again, this time better and more communicative than ever... Or not?!
So Amon and Jayk have been together for 3 years, and they are tyingThey are at it again, this time better and more communicative than ever... Or not?!
So Amon and Jayk have been together for 3 years, and they are tying the knot (not in a shifter-way!) I loved the first book, and this one is a really solid continuation of their relationship and the issues they do have. But beware; the body-switch in this one is even more weird than in the first one. In this one they switch bodies with another couple getting married at the same place they are. This switch high-lights the problems that still are between Jayk and Amon, and between Ron and Jennifer.
One of the things that I adored the most in this one was Jayk, and the scenes with Ginspurr. I was laughing out loud a lot, with all of Jayk's antics and I have to say that he is one of my favourite brats ever - I will even go so far as to call him brat-tastic! (Original I know!) [image]
As with the first one, it's too bad that the body-switch is needed, since it seems misplaced. But the things they learn about themselves, when they are Ron and Jennifer, are important! And seriously, there are so many LOL-moments and cringy moments, that made me laugh, that I could forget about the weird magic, and just enjoy this book for what it was: Amon and Jayk loving each other, but having trouble communicating and uniting in holy matrimony. This will definitely be a re-read for me....more
J.A. Rock writes a perfect bratty sub -IMO, and this book is no exception. I have had a few issues with BDSM-themed books, and couldn't figure out why.J.A. Rock writes a perfect bratty sub -IMO, and this book is no exception. I have had a few issues with BDSM-themed books, and couldn't figure out why. It turns out that I love the DD relationships, but are having trouble seeing what a slave-like D/s relationship -where the sub caters to every whim of the Dom- gives the sub. (This is completely my ignorance and personal preference!) [image]
So in this one Jayk and Amon have been in a DD relationship for 2 years. Amon is the HR boss in a large firm and Jayk is a college-dropout, though he is back in college, thanks to Amon strongly encouraging him to re-enroll... Their relationship has been great from the beginning, though the DD-aspects of it was new to Jayk -the quintessential brat- when they got together. But after an employee quit, Amon has been working more, and his patience with Jayk has been slipping. Jayk on the other hand is struggling with college, and he's acting out but not getting the support their relationship is built on, from Amon. These two do not communicate and their relationship is suffering. One night after an argument and a DD-scene that leaves a lot to be desired (none of them get anything out of it) Amon makes a wish: I wish he knew how it was to be me... And boy do they get their wish! [image]
When they wake up the next morning they have switched bodies (this was sort of weird, but it was a fun way for the MCs to learn to communicate.) Jayk takes this news with a VERY cool head, and he sees this as his chance to be 'on-top' (brain-wise and respect-wise) for a change. He heads into Amon's job, and chaos ensues... This guy was SO much fun, but he seriously needed a keeper! Amon doesn't believe the body-switch in the beginning, but when he does, he plans to get a hold of Jayk and make him go home again! However his conscience makes him go to Jayk's class and his job.
On this 'journey' in each other's bodies they truly learn about the other, and the things they experience really underline the proverb: “Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes." I loved the characters in this one, Jayk's friends and Amon's employees were a great tapestry for the story. I loved the development in their relationship, and that they both realised that being together takes work and communication! And thank you, for making -especially- Amon apologise, he had been shirking his responsibilities in regards to the DD parts of the relationship, that he introduced. I sort of wish this book could have been written without the body-switch, because it seemed quite misplaced, since it was the ONLY thing of supernatural-hokey-pokey that was used. [image] BUT the rest of the book was fun and giving and a perfect example of 'waking up' and fighting for your relationship. This will definitely be a re-read for me....more
I think I am finally figuring out why I keep returning to BDSM, but often walk away disappointed and keep promising myself, that THIS book will be theI think I am finally figuring out why I keep returning to BDSM, but often walk away disappointed and keep promising myself, that THIS book will be the last BDSM-themed one... I have a thing for brats and I have a thing for DD-relationships, but I have a hard time swallowing the cooking/cleaning/waiting on hand and foot, some subs are expected to do in their D/s relationships. *snort* Apparently I'm practicing feminism in my own head on behalf of the subs... [image]
Right, so Tobias is this skilled Dom. He misses a sub after the last D/s relationship he had, did not work out, due to HUGE differences in wants and needs. Tobias is a vet living in an apartment in the city, and he has a farm, with a converted stable for all of his Dom-needs.
Noah is a sub with issues. (view spoiler)[His first Dom did a number on him! (hide spoiler)] and now he has quite a few problems with letting go and surrendering. But he wants to, man does he want to. Tobias and Noah have a session in the club they both frequent and after that decide that they want to give it a go.
This is where my personal issues with the D/s relationships step into play. It reads so... Static/put-on that they can enter into a sort of relationship after a contract negotiation. In my head it feels archaic and it's sort of an arranged marriage, where one hopes that they can learn to live with each other, though there is an out in D/s. Seriously, I never pegged myself as a raging feminist, but when I read what's expected of Noah, my hackles rise and I'm sitting there shouting: Why can't you make your own breakfast/lunch/dinner Tobias? And why does he have to get up before you? And that's so nice of you Tobias, to let Noah draw you a bath, and then he HAS to return to the stable, in the dark, to clean up after a scene!! [image] Man I need to calm down once in a while!
So all feminist ideas aside, this book is well-written, and I really didn't hate it! But my pea-brain prefers the brat and DD relationships a la Wacky Wednesday to these more subtle/hardcore/"slave"-like relationships. I think that Tobias and Noah have a giving relationship in regards to their needs and wants, and the work that they do and the rules they set (the safe-space was pretty awesome) works really well. I'm pretty sure I will read the second book (I just can't help myself), but it's become clear that the issues I have can be traced to the hidden feminist in me....more
Be warned this review contains spoilers AND my personal view on fucking religion, so if you're already offended I would suggest you not read this!
SERIBe warned this review contains spoilers AND my personal view on fucking religion, so if you're already offended I would suggest you not read this!
SERIOUSLY?! What the fuck did I just read? The MCs were lovely, I thought Marcus was a brilliantly flawed character and I understood AND liked Thomas' personality to some degree, but.. And let me just be clear: I do not believe in god in any form or shape, and I think it is ridiculous that we -as human beings- put so much faith in a book written 2000 years ago, after a vote on which parts to use and which parts to scratch. ALSO often you will see these so-called 'Christians' picking and choosing what they want to live their lives after, which makes me want to slap a frozen fish in their faces! You do not get to choose that homosexuality is a sin, but wearing mixed materials, sex before marriage and eating shellfish can be overlooked! [image]
So Thomas' family are these backwards, idiotic, catholic hicks in rural America. They are LITERALLY making him sick to his stomach and slowly killing his artistic spirit with their belief-nonsense.
Thomas moved to New York to take a degree in art, here he met Marcus a successful, rich gallery owner looking for talent in weird places. They were together (in a sort of D/s relationship) for 2-3 years, and then Thomas' dad had a heart attack, which meant that Thomas went back to his family. Thankfully he went back to New York after the funeral, but then his brother has an accident in a tractor, where he is left in a wheelchair and Thomas is expected to return home to the hardware/feed store and run that shit. He leaves Marcus in the middle of the night and sends Marcus his collar in the mail... The story starts around 18 months after this. Thomas is slowly killing himself and his family is berating/bullying him for his homosexual tendencies (his brother) and "luckily" praying for him to leave his homosexual tendencies behind (his mom)!!!!!!!!!!!! [image] What follows is a LONG story of Marcus and Thomas pushing and pulling to finding their way in the relationship. Marcus wants this, but he does not trust Thomas with his deepest, darkest secrets. Which turn out to be the same ridiculous family-shit and a life on the street. Thomas have this idea that being a good MAN, means taking his family's shit and giving his life up for theirs!!!!
Marcus and Thomas have a 'hard' relationship, there's a lot that needs to be said and talked about and worked on, but with their stubborn-ness AND their love for each other I have no doubt that it will be wonderful. There are a lot of aspects of D/s, but this is such a long book with a lot of focus on feelings and navel-gazing. There are smexy scenes, and they are hot, but this is not a 24-7-smex-fest!
What fucking ruined it for me, was Thomas' family and that his mother that NEVER apologised for slowly killing his spirit, and was on the way to killing HIM with her ridiculous 'BELIEFS'. ALSO she RUINED the full scale picture of Marcus' and Thomas' relationship and desires without so much as an: "I'm sorry." And when she sort of accepts that Marcus and Thomas will be in a relationship, she says: I will pray for you. Well good for you, you sanctimonious bitch! And his brother calling him faggot... Thomas was more man than 'Rory' could ever wish to be, even though he 'fucked' girls.
This does not work for me! I have previously ranted about this ridiculous need for MCs to forgive their so-called 'family', even though they have treated the MC(s) like shit, just because they 'share blood'. Seriously I skipped so many pages in the end, because I was pissed! I come from something similar, and I walked away and have been so much stronger since. You do NOT need to enable that religion-shit, or let other addictions take 'first place' over the well-being, life and love of yourself and the love of your life! [image]
I will leave this FULL quote here, hopefully some author will focus on 'water' instead of 'blood':
"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb."