J.R. Ward really surprised me with this book. I had no idea that I would love this book so much. I guess it’s because it’s a side-story set in the BlaJ.R. Ward really surprised me with this book. I had no idea that I would love this book so much. I guess it’s because it’s a side-story set in the Black Dagger Brotherhood world, so I was expecting it to be short read. However, I found myself immersed in this world from page one.
Interestingly, it is a holiday-themed story, which I think adds more to its charm. I loved the romance between Apex and Callum. In fact, I wouldn’t have minded if this story was part of the main series. Their romance burns slowly but brightly and I could really feel the emotions that the author put into it. It reminded me of why I love Ward’s writing so much.
Now that shifters becoming a bigger part of the vampiric world, I find that there are more possibilities now. The worldbuilding has so much more going on than what we see in this book, so I’m very excited to see how Ward will continue with this series. Needless to say, I devoured this book and can’t wait for my next BDB fix!...more
J.R. Ward has done something very unique with this prequel story. Darius is one of the most beloved and originRead this review on Fresh Fiction
J.R. Ward has done something very unique with this prequel story. Darius is one of the most beloved and original members of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. In many ways, he was what started the series out so for a character so special, Ward did something she has never done before and that is release this story as an audiobook exclusive. This means that you can only “read” through an audiobook.
Jim Frangione is the narrator and he is also someone who has been standing by this series for a long time. I’ve always loved his work with the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, but I felt like he did such a good job with this one especially. He captured all the emotions from the anguish, fear, regret and love that Darius feels. It’s definitely worth a listen even if you aren’t an audiobook listener. Frangione and Ward breathe life into these beloved characters.
As you can tell, I absolutely loved this story. Learning the details from Darius point of view made me remember everything that I loved about the series. If you’re a fan of this series, then you definitely don’t want to miss out on it. It was a joy to get to read about the parts of life before some of the other books took place.
That being said, DARIUS is another book on my keeper shelf. If you haven’t read this series yet, you are definitely missing out. Rife with action, passion, and suspenseful, these books will no doubt sink their teeth into you....more
I’m always excited about a new J.R. Ward book, but I was especially intrigued about this one because of Sahvage. We don’t really know too
I’m always excited about a new J.R. Ward book, but I was especially intrigued about this one because of Sahvage. We don’t really know too much about this hero, which was one of the reasons why I was looking forward to it.
Sahvage turned out to be more than I expected him to be. There were sides of him that I didn’t really expect but found quite attractive about him. It’s always hard to introduce a new Brother when the original ones are so loved by readers, but I think Ward did a good job of it. She brought something new to the series and did it in a familiar way, but didn’t just rely on the love of the series to make it happen. Sometimes I think people can be too harsh on these newer characters because they are so loyal to the original brothers. But Ward shows that her world can keep evolving and growing.
LOVER UNVEILED plays a pretty important part in the overall storyline. There are a lot of different points of views in this book and I’ve come to really appreciate them because they make the story feel rich. Not to mention, I think that’s what keeps Ward invested in this series because she can play around with the different characters rather than just writing from the same point of view again and again.
All in all, I really enjoyed this book as I do with all of Ward’s beautifully written stories and I can’t wait to see what will come in the future in the Brotherhood world.
One of my favorite authors, J.R. Ward, released a novella set in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. As this is one of my fa
One of my favorite authors, J.R. Ward, released a novella set in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. As this is one of my favorite series by her, I was very intrigued to see what this little treat would be like. I’ve always believed in Ward’s writing, but wondered how her writing would fare with short stories. As you know, her books tend to be on the long side, but I’m happy to note that this story definitely fulfill my BDB fan needs nicely.
This book is about Ahmare and Duran, two vampires who had had their fair share of bad luck. Ahmare’s brother has been taken from her and she must to many impossible things in order to get him back. The most challenging is to track down someone with the help of Duran.
Duran has been held captive for twenty-one years and his first chance at escape involves working with Ahmare. The two are very different in the beginning but you can definitely feel the way their love grows with for one another. I like that Ward didn’t make it about instalove, which is what you would normally see in a shorter story. But she takes her time, creating conflict and tension while also building that romance in a believable way.
I really enjoyed this story and I think if you’re a fan of Ward and the BDB series, you’ll want to read it to get your fix. Reading this book makes me excited for the next installment as Ward continues to keep readers on their toes.
With every J.R. Ward book I read, I usually have some high expectations. But actually with this one, I went in without really making observations befoWith every J.R. Ward book I read, I usually have some high expectations. But actually with this one, I went in without really making observations beforehand and still, Ward managed to impress me.
BLOOD VOW is Elise and Axe’s book. Axe is the kinkier one of the new recruits and for a moment, I worried that he was going to be Vishious 2.0 but actually he’s not anything like V at all and the BDSM aspect that I thought that might be present isn’t there at all.
I wasn’t sure I was going to like Axe as much as I did. However, after reading the book, I was fully sold on him. He has so many romantic lines in this book that it was impossible for me not to be swept away by him. And considering his earlier demeanor, that was not something I expected from him.
Elise is part of the Glymera crowd so she’s rich whereas Axe is basically dirt poor at this point. Ward explores a lot of the class dynamic in this story, which I really enjoyed reading about because it makes these vampires more human in my eyes. The issues they need to overcome are human issues, real issues that make them very relatable.
A lot of people have said that they didn’t think that their romance stood up against all the stuff that was happening with Rhage, Mary and Bitty. I think it does. Rhage’s storyline isn’t a romance. It continues where THE BEAST left off, so not only is it important for you to read THE BEAST, but you need to read BLOOD KISS as well. I personally think Elise and Axe’s romance was perfect. It’s very reminiscent of the earlier BDB books, which I think is what Ward was going for.
I was extremely happy with the Rhage, Mary and Bitty storyline because although it’s not a romantic one, it is still very emotional. Naturally, I think BDB fans will favor this storyline over Elise and Axe because we know Rhage and Mary so well already and the emotional attachment is there. But that aside, I do think Ward created a good balance between the two. Half the book is Axe and Elise and the other half is Rhage, Mary and Bitty. I don’t think it gets better than that.
There’s nothing I would change about this book. Ward’s execution is flawless and once again, she proves why she is the queen when it comes to Paranormal Romance. ...more
Angela: Yes! He certainly proved his worth and then some. It’s not a surprise who the people will pick.
Francesca: It certainly did, and in a way that I was not expecting. But Ward is so great at that. This book was magical.
Suzanne: For me…yes it did, in fact it exceeded my expectations! I wasn’t sure what another look at Wrath and Beth was going to entail, would it just be a retelling of Dark Lover? Or them bickering over phantom problems? But it turned out to be much more intense than that and it made me fall in love again, not just with Wrath and Beth, but with the whole Brotherhood.
Annie: To be honest, I went into this book trying not to expect anything. I just wanted to be there for the ride. But Ward did something that not a lot of authors can do. She was able to take a couple who already had their HEA and give them something more. Something that not only added to the series as a whole, but also created some development in the character’s lives as well. Ward writes some of the most heartwrenching and touching moments you’ll ever read in romantic fiction.
How well does this fit in with the rest of the series?
Angela: I think with the turn of events as far as the throne goes, there will be a big shift in how this world interacts with each other. But Ward will have to bring on a big conflict, perhaps in the form of the Virgin Scribe or the Omega or even Lash.
Francesca: It’s crazy that I’m saying this, but this would’ve been a great ending to the series if just some loose ends were tied. I would’ve been satisfied with where this ended. Obviously the greedy reader in me wants more and I’m so happy that we will get more. But this book touched on most of our favorite characters, gave glimpses of the lives of many. And it certainly took their world by the balls. THE KING is definitely one of Ward’s best books as of late, I think, because she wasn’t afraid to go in a different direction. To make some major changes in the world. I’m so excited to see what’s to come.
Suzanne: I thought this fitted in really well, and not just fit in, but really stood out as one of the better books in the series. It ties up some story threads, whilst continuing others and open up whole new ones, keeping the series fresh, when I believe around Tohr’s book, it was feeling a little stale.
Annie: Well, the title doesn’t fit in at all. But despite my initial freak out, I found that THE KING really showcased the “bigger picture” of the BDB world. We see the glymera and their actions towards Wrath, we see Assail and Trez and iAm getting larger roles in the book. Xcor is stepping aside onto another path that I didn’t think we’d see from him, but together, it creates for a story that has its twists and turns while still keeping the several threads of romances going strong with each of the pages in this book. How THE KING is written sticks to Ward’s signature style so there’s much to love there.
There were different storylines and POVs in The King, which was your favourite, which was your least?
Angela: Well, Xcor and Trez spiked my interest equally. Both men are not so innocent in every sense of the word and they will be paired up with women who are completely opposite of their very being. I can’t wait to see them fall to their knees. But Assail is my fave. He is one hot, very hot hero.
Francesca: Obviously my favorite was Wrath and Beth, but aside from the main couple there are many I enjoyed John Matthew because I’m always a greedy whore for him, Saxton – because he’s a male of worth and I just need a full book about him and his HEA, and surprisingly iAm! I cannot wait to see more of iAm! My least favorite was Trez. If his storyline would’ve been wrapped up nicely in this book I would’ve been satisfied. I really have no interest in reading more about him.
Suzanne: I know there are some people who don’t like the different story lines that weave through the books and instead wants it all concentrated on the main couple. But I am not one of those people. I thought the balance of the Wrath and Beth vs the other characters was perfect, there was plenty of the main couple, we didn’t need to spend 90% of the book with them, especially when there were other interesting things happening. The characters story line I thought I would find tedious was Assail and Sola’s, as I hadn’t warmed up to Assail very much…I should have known that Ward would make me do a 180 and I instead found myself looking forward to their POVs. But the POV I found myself loving the most (apart from Wrath and Beth) was Trez and iAm, especially iAm, I canont wait to see what happens with them!
Annie: Obviously Wrath and Beth were my favorite to read about. Their scenes together are so emotional that it’s hard to stay detached from their characters. You definitely feel every ounce of emotion Ward puts in her books. I enjoyed Trez and iAm a lot as well. So by process of elimination, I’ll say that Sola and Assail were my least favorite. I do like Assail, but while I admire Sola’s courage and actions, there’s still a lot of questions surrounding her and her purpose in the series. Until I know more, I can take or leave Sola.
Wrath and Beth…what are you’re thoughts on them after this book?
Angela: I think we will continue to see their progress after this. There is life after happy-ever-after, after all. Just like Z with his girls, life is always a work in progress.
Francesca: I have many thoughts. First Wrath was a major DICK! I was so pissed at him for a while because I think he could’ve handled some things better. But ultimately, I fell in love with him in a way that I didn’t think would happen. Then Beth. She started off annoying me a bit with her moods. But once she took control, she showed me a new side of herself. I can honestly say I ended this book LOVING Beth. She’s strong, she took care of her man and what needed to be done. She fought for her man. And the two of them together? Well, just refer to the sentence a bit back where it says I’m in love. Yeah, they were beautiful together. Beautiful!
Suzanne: I have always had a crazy obsessive love for Wrath, which has now been tripled, but I now have a little girl crush on Beth. Simply put she was awesome, she had an inner strength and compassion that I couldn’t help but admire. And together, they were fantastic.
Annie: IN. LOVE. Really, could you ask for a more perfect ending than that? I cheered, I cried, I panicked and I laughed my freaking ass off too. Dark Lover is my most reread book of all time, but I’m thinking with some time, THE KING will also have many rereads in the future.
In general, love or hate this book?
Angela: I loved this book. Wrath is and will always be my TOP FAVOURITE HERO. I don’t think J. R. Ward could ever do wrong when it comes to THE KING.
Francesca: LOVE! Love, love love. And the main reason why? This book breathes new life into the series. It brings a new love for all the characters. It’ll be the book that will make you fall in love ALL OVER AGAIN with your favorites, and the ones you didn’t think were that special. It showed me why I love Ward’s writing, and how it’s the simple scenes and interactions, a small dialogue maybe, that have such impact on your feelings.
Suzanne: Love, love, love. I think this is one of the best books to come out the series, although it may not have the page devotion to the hot ‘n steamy like the previous books, what it has is a an intense and emotional love story, as well as the beginnings of a few others. It also has some interesting plot development and I can’t wait to see where the story will go from here. And all told in the unique and urban-poetic voice of J.R.Ward.
Annie: I want to caress my book. Does that suffice as an answer?
Who do you think will be next in the series?
Angela: I’m hoping it will be Assail but I have a feeling it will be Xcor. I think he has very strict ties to what happens next to the Brotherhood.
Francesca: Xcor and Layla. For me, that’s the only choice. The only one I want to accept.
Suzanne: I think either, Trez and Selena or Assail and Sola. I would love it to be Layla and Xcor or iAm and whatever lucky female he shacks up with, but I don’t think their stories are quite as well set up yet as Trez and Assail.
Annie: I know Francesca and Angela said Xcor. Suz is going for Trez or Assail, but I’m gonna go for a big, big stretch here and just say Lassiter. Because who honestly wouldn’t more of that Elvis scene? It was definitely the best part of the book!
Picking up a new BDB book is like coming back home to old friends. You can’t help but smile at the familiar faces. Like everyone else, I’ve b4.5 stars
Picking up a new BDB book is like coming back home to old friends. You can’t help but smile at the familiar faces. Like everyone else, I’ve been dying for this book and knew that Ward would be facing her biggest challenge yet. Blay and Qhuinn are the Brotherhood’s most beloved members so she needed to give fans a book that would satisfy the crazy fantasies that readers have been conjuring up in their minds since LOVER ENSHRINED. I thought Ward reached a good balance and excelled with LOVER AT LAST.
For many, this would mark their first venture into M/M so Ward has the tough challenge of making Qhuinn and Blay’s romance one that wouldn’t shock people too much and also give enough so that avid M/M readers didn’t feel cheated. Ward’s talent as a writer is fully displayed with this book. Not only does she gift readers with scorching hot sex scenes that rock the chandeliers but provides enough heat and heart into the scenes so that it’s just as emotional as it is physical.
Angst is one thing that has followed Qhuinn and Blay for most of their journey so it’s not a surprise that Ward would threaten to shatter readers’ hearts once again in LOVER AT LAST. I could understand the personal barriers that Qhuinn and Blay would have to overcome on their own before they could accept their feelings for one another. It was just nice knowing that all their pain would lead to a lifetime of bliss. The epilogue is more than enough to make the romantic in me sigh with satisfaction. I was smiling from ear to ear through the entire last chapter, knowing that although this is the final chapter of their book, it is only the beginning of their time together for eternity. What a perfect ending!
That’s not all that happens in this book! At almost 600 pages, Ward covers her bases. She takes a lot of time setting up future books in the series. Readers get additional POVs from Trez, Assail, Xcor and a new character named Sola. What surprised me the most though is Layla whom I didn’t like before. Ward accomplished the impossible by making me love her. What Layla goes through in this book is crushing and in some ways, inspiring. Her strength shows and I think all women can sympathize with her. Suddenly, I find myself wanting a happily ever after for her too.
Ward exercises her writing skill by penning different POVs of the same scene, creating intricacy and depth in an already well-written series. Not many are able to weave such intricate storylines and have such memorable characters simultaneously. Only Ward can strike a balance and keep it entertaining.
LOVER AT LAST is everything that rabid BDB fans could want and more! At times, I felt like I had to take a break. LOVER AT LAST is so wholly engrossing and so brilliant that my little heart couldn’t handle it all. Ward delivers heart stopping action and a fiery romance for two fighters who are most deserving while shattering reader’s expectations and coming out on top!
As a M/M reader, I did feel like the sex scenes were glossed over a bit. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of passion and heart, but it’s definitely not as explicit as some of Ward’s other sex scenes (*ahem* bathroom scene). Also....apparently there is no lube in the Brotherhood mansion. One word: Ouch. But all in all, I did enjoy reading it. Naturally, the dirty side of me rises and I wanted MORE! More kink! More sex! Bring it all!
Layla Well shit. Here’s a revelation: I like Layla. Yup, never thought I would say those words but here they are and by the end of this book, I had a complete 360 change of opinion on her. What Layla goes through in this book is crushing and in some ways, inspiring. Her strength shows and I think all women can sympathize with her. I know a lot of readers didn’t like Layla because of her involvement with Qhuinn and I wondered how Ward would change that if she planned on writing a book about her but hell, she completely changed my mind about her. I’m eager for her book now. She needs to find happiness too.
Xcor His last scene also changed how I saw this roughened warrior. For his whole life, he has been a lonely soul. Seeing this possessive side of him brings him to life and I cannot wait to see how Ward will give him a HEA. I want to know more about him.
Also, all the politics with the king and Rehv and Assail and all that? Loved. I was really impressed by the way Ward was able to weave the individual storylines into one another. And the different POVs of the same scene just proves her genius mad skillz.
Assail I AM CLAIMING HIM FOR MY HAREM! He’s hot. As simple as that.
Sola Where did this chick come from? I love her attitude and love the way she handles herself with Assail. She’s gonna be another kickass chick for sure. I love the set up Ward did for their book! Definitely makes me want it BAD. I’m assuming it’s next?
Trez It was nice dropping into Trez head once in awhile. But I had no idea that his problem was so extreme. It’s going to be interesting to see how that spans out over the course of the next books and the fact that the Shadows have moved into the Brotherhood mansion just guarantees more fun times are bound to happen. His stuttering moment over Selena is the cutest thing ever. I’m liking this pair.
P.S. Butch and Lassiter fighting over the Red Soxs? Fucking priceless.
Check out my team review with the rest of UTC here
The Qhuinn in my head - sometimes it changes [image]
The Blay in my head - again, it changes [image]...more
Though more slow-moving than the previous novels in the series, Ward hooks readers in with her signature writing style. Her descriptions are wholly heThough more slow-moving than the previous novels in the series, Ward hooks readers in with her signature writing style. Her descriptions are wholly her own with a touch of slang and that confident swagger that fits so well with the Fallen Angels world she has created.
Ward explores the aftermath of the events in Envy as Adrian and Jim try to keep a grip on their sanity. Without the presence of Eddie, Adrian has been out of control, experiencing bouts of depression and aggressive behaviour. The team is unraveling and I think it will cause readers to sympathize with them as they read about their struggles.
Meanwhile, Ward spends some time developing Devina's character. Up to this point, readers have seen her as devious, ruthless and manipulative. However, Ward creates more layers than an onion as she expertly explores Devina's OCD tendencies to reflect a more tortured side to the demon.
I love that Ward is able to intersperse the Fallen Angels world with some details from the Black Dagger Brotherhood, her other red hot paranormal series. Recognizing familiar characters and details makes for a more enriched reading experience and creates a lot of excitement for hardcore BDB fans.
RAPTURE is another sizzling page-turner from one of the premier authors of romance. J.R. Ward never fails to deliver a spellbinding story. Brimming with danger and sexy passion, readers get lucky with a spicy taste of adventure and romance. J.R. Ward is always a must read.
There aren’t spoilers present, but I’m still warning you to read at your own risk.
Tohr - No one deserves a happily ever after more than he does. His There aren’t spoilers present, but I’m still warning you to read at your own risk.
Tohr - No one deserves a happily ever after more than he does. His grief is potent and moving, causing me to tear up as expected. I love that Ward took this one slow. It was needed for the type of distance Tohr had to travel.
No ‘One - To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from No ‘One but I have to say that I enjoyed reading about her genteel spirit and quiet strength. She has her own past to outrun so Tohr and her have that in common. While she isn’t my favorite shellan, I can say that I’ve come to accept her as the newest one.
John & Xhex - I loved reading about them even as my heart broke for them. I always thought that Xhex would make a smooth transition into the Brotherhood. Her arsenal is one that would greatly benefit the Blind King. But I didn’t think of how a bonded male would react as his female stands in the line of fire each night. That’s some tough shit to deal with. Ward takes off the rose-colored glasses and gives John and Xhex something to fight for – their love. Which I think only strengthens their bond even more.
Xcor - The leader of the B.o.B is a merciless SOB when he wants to be. But even though he is determined as ever to dethrone the main man of the vampire race, I couldn’t find myself hating him. Ward gives us glimpses of an honorable man, one who isn’t so heartless as the Bloodletter. To say the least, I am intrigued by Xcor and his merry men of mayhem, because that means the baby-powdered freaks are set aside and the real badass- ery will continue. I am sure you would agree that the band of Bastards are a much formidable opponent than the Lessening Society. Because of them, there is an urgency to the war and now, a real threat to the Brotherhood arises. I can’t wait to see what Ward has planned next.
Lassiter - To quote the angel, “Halle-fucking-lujah!” It’s about time.
I have been dying for some angel action since he first appeared in the books. Finally, Ward has given us something. I loved Lassiter’s parts in this book. Without him, I don’t think this book would be as entertaining or emotional.
Raise your hand if you want disco ball over here to have this own book, because I sure as hell do.
Assail - With his ties to Wrath and Xcor, he will be an interesting one to watch. I have yet to formulate an opinion on him. All I know is that I just want some more. Layla - *sigh* Still stupid as ever.
‘Nuff said.
Blay & Qhuinn -
Dear WARDen, Who do I need to sleep with to make this happen? I will do anything to stop the heartbreak. *starts stripping*
All kidding aside, I thought Ward handled Tohr’s story with grace. She didn’t disregard Tohr’s love for Wellsie, but instead used it as a way to show Tohr (and John) that the heart is capable of loving again. While LOVER REBORN may not be my favorite in the series, it is still a story that holds your attention. It has the same passion and heartbreak that is reminiscent of Ward’s earlier books and opens up new possibilities for our favorite characters *cough* - specifically Blay and Qhuinn. (As you can see, I won’t be dropping this anytime soon). As I always say, this series is simply to die for and like an addict experiencing withdrawals, I can’t help but beg for more.
Favorite Quotes:
"I'm an angel first and a sinner second."
"Life's meant to be lived blind - that's how you don't take shit for granted."
"It was a universal truth among males that anytime you saw a guy get it in the nuts, you experienced a shot of phantom pain in your own croquet set."
"Maybe he'd thrown a clot? A cock slot?"
"Our future has come."
"Rising between her open legs, he gripped himself and began to stroke.
"With a moan, she arched and rolled her hips. “Come all over me,” she said through gritted teeth."
**spoiler alert** Veck is back and he’s made a lasting impression on me!!
We are first introduced to homicide detective Thomas “Veck” DelVecchio Jr. in**spoiler alert** Veck is back and he’s made a lasting impression on me!!
We are first introduced to homicide detective Thomas “Veck” DelVecchio Jr. in Lover Unleashed as Jose de la Cruz’s new partner. While I wasn’t too keen on him in Lover Unleashed, I found that I loved him in Envy!
What I love about JR Ward is the fact that she’s able to create complicated running plots throughout her series. In one book, there are soo many character arcs and POVs that I’m surprised that I’m not confused by it all. But what Ward does in Lover Unleashed and then subsequently in Envy, the third instalment of the Fallen Angels series is beyond any words.
At the beginning of Envy, Veck is in deep shit. Nursing a killer headache, he finds himself overlooking a body that looks to be mauled by an animal. He calls 911 to report the incident. But when questioned later about the events, he can’t seem to remember anything at all without his head pounding like he’s been hit across the noggin by a two-by-four. But the real problem is this aching suspicion that maybe he was the attacker...
Enter Sophia Reilly, Veck’s new assigned partner from Internal Affairs. Sparks are instantaneous between these two and it’s no wonder! They have amazing chemistry and they have definitely become my favourite couple so far in the Fallen Angels series. What I loved most about Reilly was that fact that she was a straight-shooter, take-no-shit kind of woman who knows exactly what she wants. Sure, she has her confused moments where her head and her heart clash. But all in all, the girl’s got something good between her two ears.
Meanwhile, the battle between good and evil rages on. Devina won the last battle, but Jim and his boys certainly don’t back down.
I hope a certain angel returns because there is absolutely no way that’s the end! Eddie must come back! I love him! The bathroom threesome scene was hawt, but didn’t hold the usual sexiness that Ward brings. Poor Ad! I felt sorry for him before. Now, it’s just heartbreaking.
Did anyone else catch Throe’s walk-on appearance towards the end of the book? I thought that was cool. Again, I’m a sucker for cameos like that.
Annnnnd what about the tip about a future soul in question? It’s a familiar face so I’m not sure how I feel about that just yet. I’m trusting Ward though.
Colin and Nigel deserve a mention. I loved their interactions with one another. Can’t say that there’s enough of it though. I like that Ward isn’t afraid of exploring these avenues in her mainstream books. No need to hide behind novellas.
And lastly, Jim and Sissy. While I still wonder about the age difference (Sissy is 19 and Jim is 40), I thought the ending with Sissy’s mother, Susan was great. Both draining and hopeful, it brought me back to the earlier BDB times when Ward could break your heart with a few turn of events and then mend it back together with a few simple words.
I loved it.
Envy is my favourite of the Fallen Angels series so far. With a hero like Veck and an admirable heroine like Sophia, it was easy to fall in love along with them. But it’s the war between heaven and hell that’s got me jonesing for the next in the series. I can’t wait. ...more
Reading about the Black Dagger Brotherhood is like catching up with old friends. I can’t express how much I love this entire series! It’s #1 in my eyeReading about the Black Dagger Brotherhood is like catching up with old friends. I can’t express how much I love this entire series! It’s #1 in my eyes and will forever stay that way!
Lover Unleashed is Payne and Manny’s book and although I would have liked to see more romance between the two, I found that I really enjoyed both of them! Manny wasn’t exactly my favourite character in Lover Unbound only because he was competition for V, but I found myself falling for the hot doctor. He had big shoes to fill if he wanted to roll with the Brothers and I thought he handled himself well. I loved his toughness and arrogant demeanour in the OR room and his gentleness with Payne. He’s also got a bit of a smart mouth, and you know I just can’t resist that! I’ll be your bambina any day, babe!
Payne was awesome. I love the way she talks! There’s something about her that makes her seem innocent and yet not, if that makes any sense at all. And even injured and unmoving, she’s still a potent force in this book. My heart broke for her when she yelled at V for snatching away her one chance at escape. Going from her mother’s imprisonment to being a prisoner in her own body, I can understand her wish for a way out. But it still broke my heart to see it.
Then there’s V who seriously goes batshit crazy in this one. After hearing he had a twin sister after all these years, he’s seriously pissed off with Mommy Dearest right now and I don’t blame him. He hasn’t ever had a stable relationship with her so when this bomb dropped, I could understand why he had a WTF reaction.
What I love about this series is the fact that J.R. doesn’t sugar coat her relationships. There are ups and downs within each of the Brother’s relationships, just like any other relationships. I feel that the troubles V and Jane face strengthen their bond more than if they were just happy-happy-merry-merry all the time. In fact, having not been completely taken away by the romance in Lover Unbound, I felt that this book really solidified the fact that V and Jane were meant to be together. I didn’t feel it back in V’s book, but after nearly breaking everything off in this one and making amends, it works in bringing back the romance.
I liked that J.R. explored the lows in their relationship but I also thought that V’s drama stole some of the spotlight from Payne and Manny. Sometimes the balance between Manny/Payne and V/Jane were conflicting and I would have liked to see more of a focus on Manuelo and my girl, Payne. After all, it is their book!
Jane was my least favourite shellan but reading about her conflicted feelings, I grew into her more. I always saw her as this unemotional, callous one, but seeing her panic and fear at watching V stumble in injured made me realize how much she cared. And it was enough for me.
Ward covers a lot of bases in this one. Xcor (is it pronounced Cor?) and his band of bastards are introduced and I was VERY excited to read about new characters. I can see a whole new world that she can explore with these men and I really enjoyed the prologue. It was badass! And that scene with Xcor, Throe and that chick? Wow.
Then there’s Qhuinn who is still suffering from a shattered heart. With John dealing with mated life and Blay off with Sax, Qhuinn is having to deal with things on his own when he should be with his boys. I felt so bad for him. WHEN IS HIS BOOK COMING OUT!? This guy deserves a HEA the most!!
I loved this book and even though it wasn’t my favourite of the series, I can still say that I loved to read about Manny and Payne! The shit with V and Jane helped fixed the mediocre romance in Lover Unbound and QHUINN AND BLAY NEED THEIR DAMN BOOK ALREADY!! What’s a chick gotta do to get her M/M lovin?
I cannot believe how long I waited to get this book. If you're a member of J.R.'s official BDB forum, then you may be familiar with some of the piecesI cannot believe how long I waited to get this book. If you're a member of J.R.'s official BDB forum, then you may be familiar with some of the pieces in this compilation, such as the Slices of Life pieces and the Brothers on the message boards. But even if you are, that doesn't mean you should skip out on this one. There is a ton of stuff to indulge in that will satisfy your hunger of the Brothers until the next book comes out.
One of my favourite parts of this book is the deleted scenes. Ward gives us a glimpse of scenes that have been removed or altered from its book form. I think my favourites one are the ones of Cormia and Phury. God, they are just perfect for one another aren't they? That scene made me blush and the one that takes place five years later is precious.
Another one of my favourites is the questionaire that the Brothers fill out. It's kind of interesting to see their answers and bash on one other (Rhage is king when it comes to that). Cracking open the spine of this book is like diving into the mansion and experiencing the macho frat boy atmosphere along with the Brothers. You feel it, you know?
What can I say? Father Mine tore me apart. It was so beautiful and elegantly written. I felt so humble that I could experience something so personal and so important between Z and Bella. Their interactions with Nalla are what brought on the tears. With Z's guilt pushed aside and Bella there to comfort him, Nalla now as the chance to love her father as she was meant to from the beginning. So, so touching.
Speaking of heartbreaking moments, another one is the interview with Tohr and Wellsie. My God, they are beautiful, aren't they? Their chemistry is as potent as ever and I am saddened to know the future outcome for them. Though that does not take away the validity of their love. They belong to one another. Forever. Period.
And what a cool thing to add: helpful tips for aspiring writers. Being one myself, I was totally and completely entranced by this section. To be honest, I want to be J.R., as stalker-ish as that sounds. It's the honest truth. So the fact that she is willing to share her tips and successes with fans is great.
Bottom Line? If you're dying for more Brothers, this one is a no-brainer....more
Alright BDB fans...Before you read this review, put aside your love for the Brothers just for a minute because I know everyone is dying for their nextAlright BDB fans...Before you read this review, put aside your love for the Brothers just for a minute because I know everyone is dying for their next Brother fix. Once you’ve done that, pick up your copy of Crave if you haven’t already and just read.
Don’t flip to the back to read the Lover Unleashed excerpt and don’t read Crave simply to spot Brother cameos. Read it because you love J.R. Ward’s writing style and you want to support her.
Now, where do I even start? I thought Covet was a great read. It had interesting and complex characters, steamy love scenes, and some good old heart n’ soul mixed into it. But Crave seems to be my favourite out of the two.
Crave is a lot more gritty and darker than the first book. Danger seems to be lurking in all corners this time and it’s interesting to see how Jim and his boys will handle Devina the second time around.
J.R. Ward is a genius at plotting so there are a few unexpected twists that are sure to remind readers that she’s got talent. Things pick up quick in the beginning and Ward’s storytelling grips you until the very end. Also, we get the answers to some of the questions that were raised in Covet.
One of my favourite things about this book is Ward’s writing style. It’s raw and gritty, but there’s so much heart in this little book. Ward is able to pull on your heart strings and make you feel sympathy for everyone, even the bad guys. Not to mention, there are a few great quotes in there that are sure to make you laugh out loud.
And the romance between Grier and Isaac is so explosive, it’s hard to believe that Isaac is a stone-cold killer and she is a sympathetic attorney trying to save his ass. The little ways in which Isaac slowly opens his heart to her is so sweet and beautiful. It rivals the sort of love you see in the BDB series.
So if you’ve read Covet and thought, “Meh, the BDB series is better”, give Crave a shot because not only has Ward stepped up her game, but she has proven that she’s able to write more than just about her sexy vamps. If Crave is any indication of how the Fallen Angels series will turn out, then Jim, Adrian and Eddie sure as hell need to be ready for a whole lot of fan-girlies coming their way. Because The Fallen Angels have arrived... ...more
Damn, J.R. Ward. This women is a damn genuis. I must admit, I was a little skeptical to start reading this series becausDifferent, but damn good too.
Damn, J.R. Ward. This women is a damn genuis. I must admit, I was a little skeptical to start reading this series because I just love love lover the BDB series. I felt like I was cheating on the Brothers or something. But hell, fallen angels need some lovin too!
The beginning took a while to start up, after all it is an entirely new series and it requires time to set things up correctly. J.R.'s fallen angels aren't like the typical angels you think of. They're a little more laid-back, out-spoken and snarky, and hella sexy!
Vin is also a leading man in this book. I liked his character from the very beginning, even as a driven business man. His transformation throughout this book is remarkable. So is Marie-Terese's. They're perfect for one another.
One thing I loved about this book is the cameos of the Brothers. Phury makes a wonderful appearance when MT literally bumps in to him after her confessional. Butch also makes an apperance as he is described as a guy in a red sox ball cap at the back of the church. Apparently, Jim's place is formerly Bella's farmhouse since there is reference that his landlord is no other than my man Fritz! Detective De La Cruz is there and Mich Rhodes from the short story Story of Son makes an apperance as Vin's lawyer.
I am dying to know what happened between Devina and Adrian while all the other shit was going down. It's unlike J.R. to leave something as important as that out of a book. After all, we loved hating Lash in the BDB series. I will bet my ass that J.R. will reveal this Devina/Adrian thing soon. Perhaps in Crave?
I will be eagerly waiting for the next book coming out this October.... And I really thought my Ward addiction phase was over. sigh. ...more
Oh John Matthew. This man takes me away. Though he has many demons that follow him every minute of his life, JM is a male of worth. And Xhex, her storOh John Matthew. This man takes me away. Though he has many demons that follow him every minute of his life, JM is a male of worth. And Xhex, her story is beautiful. I love her strength and her brute force, but I also love how she allows JM into her world. In Lover Mine, we get a look into her past and we also experience her love for John as she falls hard for him. I've been rooting for this couple since the very beginning and I loved every moment of it.
There was one bit where I was a little confused. Greg's story threw me off for a bit. I found his story a little annoying because I was so absorbed by Xhex and JM's story. I thought it broke up the story a little bit, until the very end where we get a glimpse of who the ghost is. It was interesting, but I wished it was shorter so there would be more JM.
Favourite Quote: "I've fired up the mhis," V said. "And what a fucking asshole. That ride is too flashy to be in this part of town." "Ride?" Rhage snorted. "Please . That thing is a sewing machine with an air damn taped to it. My GTO could dust the fucker in fourth gear from a dead stop." When there was an odd sound from behind, John looked back. So did the three Brothers. "What." Xhex bristled and crossed her arms over her chest. " I can laugh, you know. And that's... pretty damn funny." Rhage beamed. " I knew I liked you." Lover Mine, p. 371 ...more
Damn, the BDB series just keeps getting better and better. I really liked Ehlena and Rehv in this book. They are absolutely perfect for one another. IDamn, the BDB series just keeps getting better and better. I really liked Ehlena and Rehv in this book. They are absolutely perfect for one another. I also loved that we got to see a bit more of Wrath and Beth. And of course, Xhex and John, although it is quite sad what happens to them in the book.
The plot again is crazy! There are so many twists and turns that I swear my head would fall off. The writing is incredible. Ward makes me so envious! I seriously cannot wait to find out what happens to John Matthew and Xhex in Lover Mine. John may possibly be my favourite Brother. I. cannot. wait.
Favourite Quote: The staircase that was revealed was lit with a soft red glow. "I feel like I'm walking down into a porn movie," V muttered as they took the steps with care. "Wouldn't that require more black candles for you," Zsadist cracked. At the bottom of the landing, they looked left and right down a corridor carved out of stone, seeing row after row of...black candles with ruby color flames. "I take that back," Z said, eyeing the display. "We start hearing chick-a-wow-wow shit," V cut in, "Can I start calling you Z-packed?" "Not if you want to keep breathing."