There can be great pleasure derived from an old style history book such as this. The author has a certain period of time that he wants to analyze and There can be great pleasure derived from an old style history book such as this. The author has a certain period of time that he wants to analyze and he gives a very readable overview. The author has his agenda and bias, left-wing but not militantly so, but in an era of increasing, sometimes absurd specialization in the field of history, it's nice to have the big picture sometimes....more
For anyone interested in the development of the world's major language systems this book will be very rewarding. The author details the rise and develFor anyone interested in the development of the world's major language systems this book will be very rewarding. The author details the rise and development of major languages such as Persian, Arabic, Chinese, English, Sanskrit and shows their evolution over time. The author also does of good job of showing how the the language of a people provides the framework and the limitations for the culture and thought of the various people studied....more
This book details various financial disasters brought about by the human propensity to think "This time it's different!" Since the formation of modernThis book details various financial disasters brought about by the human propensity to think "This time it's different!" Since the formation of modern capitalist economies starting in the Netherlands in the 1600s we've experienced a series of spectacular economic crashes brought about by hubris, greed and stupidity. It's hard to tell whether what is happening to our economy today is tragedy or farce when it is simply the latest in a long line of examples of how humans never learn their lesson....more
Very interesting overview of (mostly) Mexican history since the time of Cortes. The book examines the impact on the indigenous Indian culture of MexicVery interesting overview of (mostly) Mexican history since the time of Cortes. The book examines the impact on the indigenous Indian culture of Mexico ways of being and thinking imported from Spain and traces how the modern day country of Mexico precariously balances between those two inheritances....more
This is an extremely funny and gripping book. The story is told from multiple perspectives and all overlap to give a very diverting overview of the eaThis is an extremely funny and gripping book. The story is told from multiple perspectives and all overlap to give a very diverting overview of the early history of Tasmania and the political, social, and scientific underpinnings of early 19th century European colonialism. The book's characters are wonderfully drawn, the sailors from the Isle of Man are some of the funniest I've seen in fiction. Highly recommended....more
As someone who works in the field of refugee resettlement, this book about the tribulations of a Sudanese boy and his eventual resettlement in the UniAs someone who works in the field of refugee resettlement, this book about the tribulations of a Sudanese boy and his eventual resettlement in the United States was bound to be an affecting experience. Achak Deng is a remarkable survivor and his story is both moving and horrifying. My only problem is with the way that Dave Eggers' voice as the "ghostwriter" sometimes overwhelms Ackak's telling of his own story. But overall a good book about an often forgotten part of the world....more
Sebald has become something of an obsession. His books take a hold of you in a way that can't be properly explained. They catch you off guard and it'sSebald has become something of an obsession. His books take a hold of you in a way that can't be properly explained. They catch you off guard and it's impossible to not be fascinated by the way that he writes and by the topics that he decides to focus on. This book deals with a walking tour that the narrator (Sebald) makes around Norfolk and Suffolk on the North Sea coast of England. This area of England had its peak of importance many hundreds of years ago when the wool trade with the Continent was the main source of revenue for the country and Norfolk ports were the richest and busiest in England. The area has experienced a long slow decline since the Middle Ages and Sebald describes it as an unreal place, fallen out of step with the rest of the world and as being almost removed from Time. His journey around the coast is a description of human history and the impossibility of really knowing our world and and how our lives and death fit into it. It's very hard to do justice to the character of his writing and of the way that his books take over your mind when you are reading them. I hope I don't sound completely ridiculous with this review. But this book is fantastic and compelling and completely necessary, pretty much an essential book. ...more