I really liked this one - started off a bit slow but the chemistry really picked up between the two heroes. One hero is SUPER grumpy. 46/28 ages - worI really liked this one - started off a bit slow but the chemistry really picked up between the two heroes. One hero is SUPER grumpy. 46/28 ages - worked well for me.
Also very holiday spirited!! You don't always get the xmasy feel in "holiday" romance books.
I liked both the guys and all the suspense stuff - but the romance really takes a back seat. There is no courtship or anything. That bummed me out. I I liked both the guys and all the suspense stuff - but the romance really takes a back seat. There is no courtship or anything. That bummed me out. I also was confused at first with all of the characters and who was who. I didn't read the previous series (this is a spin-off) so maybe that was part of it.
Although there are some darker subject matters in this book, I still found it to be a very sweet, and feel good book. And with that being said, I alsoAlthough there are some darker subject matters in this book, I still found it to be a very sweet, and feel good book. And with that being said, I also found it a little hard to get totally engaged - as everything was just too predictable...and well...a little too sweet. (Am I a jaded and bitter reader????)
Miles is a sous chef with an obsessive, stalker ex-boyfriend. This ex, Dallas, not only roughly manhandled Miles, but Miles is certain he was drugged one night and raped. He broke things off, but Dallas continues to lurk around his work and apartment. When Miles's friend urges him to take a new chef position at Clean Slate Ranch, Miles thinks this might be the perfect opportunity to further his career, and hide safely away from Dallas
Reyes becomes Miles's roommate at the ranch. They have mutual friends and know one another - and both have a great attraction to the other that they try to keep in check. Reyes is a former firefighter who had a tragic experience on the job, and those dark memories still linger with him. He is older than Miles, and has a "knight in shining armor" complex. He will do anything to keep Miles safe, and basically wants to murder Dallas with his bare hands for causing Miles pain. Miles doesn't want Reyes to always feel this burden, as he tries to play it off that everything is okay.
As they get to know one another more, and work together, a natural progression to romance develops - but it's slow. Miles isn't ready for physical romance, still recovering from the trauma that Dallas put him through. Reyes is more than willing to wait and take things as slow as Miles needs.
It's a very sweet romance. Both are very supportive of the other and Reyes getting growly over Dallas and keeping a keen eye on Miles' welfare made me smile. But, as I mentioned earlier, it was just a little slow and predictable. We see a lot of the ranch and get some interactions from characters I assume appeared in previous books. It read well as a standalone.
This book hooked me right from the beginning, and while it may have slowed down a bit in the middle, I still enjoyed it.
Set not too far into the futurThis book hooked me right from the beginning, and while it may have slowed down a bit in the middle, I still enjoyed it.
Set not too far into the future, there are people in the world called runners, who can walk into this dark, vast, unknown space they call The Nowhere (maybe think of it a little like the Upside Down from Stranger Things). Runners can be anywhere, and in a snap of their fingers, they are in darkness and can travel anywhere they want in a matter of seconds. They describe it as swimming through the air - and as long as they know the coordinates or if they've been to the place before, they can get there.
Kit, one of our heroes, is a runner. They are far and few between, and no one knows why they have this ability. Kit makes a living by running errands for people. For example, he starts the book by taking a dog from one state to another, through the Nowhere. Traveling through the Nowhere makes runners tired and extremely hungry, so Kit is always eating to boost his energy. This is how the other hero, describes Kit when he first meets him:
The person in question—short and slender, purple-haired, tan-skinned—was young and androgynous. Unconscious, but alive and seemingly unharmed, as long as Emil didn’t count that eye-searing combination of color in the outfit as a form of violence. Logic told Emil this was the runner Quint Services had hired to take him back to QSF17.
The runner certainly didn’t look like anyone else who worked at Quint Services Headquarters, given the hair, the tight black jeans, and the t-shirt with orange slashes across the chest. Come to think of it, the runner didn’t look like anyone else Emil had ever seen. Emil studied the angle of the cheekbones and the small, rounded point of the nose as if they might offer clues. The runner had a nice face, but one that resisted categorization.
He gets asked to take a person from Earth to a faraway station in outer space - and it's for a really large sum of money so he goes for it. When he arrives to get the person, who happens to be our other hero, Emil has been sedated and is unconscious. Kit feels weird about transporting a person who doesn't give consent, but he can't pass up the huge amount of money.
Emil has been working on a team at a place called Quint Services Facility 17, a base hidden in an asteroid. His team is researching the Nowhere and trying to breach it, without being a runner. Recently, there was a large explosion at the facility, which injured Emil and he has been down to Earth to be questioned about why the explosion occurred. The explosion not only partially destroyed the main scientist's lab, but the scientist is missing and strange things are happening in his lab now.
Kit goes to take Emil back to his asteroid, but in the Nowhere, a strange lighted object attacks Kit and sends both Kit and Emil to a strange land. Together, they have to figure out how to get back to a place they recognize and figure out what is inside the Nowhere that is after Kit. Oh, and along the way they fall in love.
There are many things I liked about this book. First of all, it's diverse. There are people of color, gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and people of all sizes. The world felt very well represented.
Kit and Emil are really sweet guys with flaws, that they overcome to love each other. There is a pretty intense attraction between them, and their chemistry and sexual tension are done well. Emil is more the strong protector type, who looks at Kit, who always seems to be fighting for his life in the Nowhere, and gets spit out tired and starving, and he takes care of him. Kit is more scrappy - orphaned at a young age, he has had to fight to survive. His fight continues at Emil's facility, where Kit hides out to try to figure out what is happening in the Nowhere. He meets Emil's entire team, and while it took me a bit to figure out everyone and settle down on who is who, the team plays a big part in this book.
It does slow down a bit in the middle - but overall there is a lot of action and a nice romance journey. There will be a book two with the same cast, but there is a solid HEA in this one. A nice sci-fi read - I like this author's voice a lot.
Guys - I've never read Annabeth Albert. What the heck, self??? I think a publicist reached out about this book asking for a guest post, and when I reaGuys - I've never read Annabeth Albert. What the heck, self??? I think a publicist reached out about this book asking for a guest post, and when I read the blurb I thought - ooooh, I'll give this one a try. And I ended up really enjoying this author's voice. She gives us Isaiah, biracial, and younger than Mark. And Mark, a Navy SEAL who working out his identity.
Mark, who has been deployed for many months gets the news that his sister, Danielle and brother-in-law, Cal have died in a car accident, he rushes home to care for his two nieces and nephew - but someone has already taken over. Isaiah, Cal's cousin, has stepped in as temporary guardian of a five-year old, three-year-ish, and a baby under the age of one.
Isaiah and Mark know each other, and at Mark's sister wedding, ten years ago, Isaiah, a fresh-faced eighteen year old, even tried to make out with Mark, who was already a SEAL at that point. Isaiah had the hots for Mark - big time. When he put the moves on Mark that night, Mark somewhat reluctantly pushed him away - and then got deployed and they lost touch.
Isaiah has had a little less direction in his life than Mark. Changing his majors, not sure the path he wanted to take, he recently got a landscaping certificate and has decided that is what he wants to do with his life. But then Danielle and Cal dies, and he steps in (as there is no local family) as a guardian, and while it's exhausting, it has never felt more right. When Mark arrives home, he assumes Isaiah will flake out and want to go back to his partying, younger life. But Isaiah wants to be there for the kids, and as him and Mark work out custody (along with the courts) they cohabited, and start a romance.
First let me say, there are three kids in this book, as they are the catalyst for bringing Mark and Isaiah together. These kids are well written, thank the book gods (or maybe thank you Annabeth Albert). They are written age appropriate. The five-year old is not handing out relationship advice! And while the kids are in the book a lot, they didn't annoy me one bit. (Although I do think the grief could have been examined a little more closely with the five-year old but I'm not here to judge! Maybe just a little!)
What also stands out in this story is that Mark admits to Isaiah, once he feels safe enough, about his sexuality:
“Like naked pictures don’t usually do it for me. I’m the only guy in the world for whom porn doesn’t work.”
“Hardly. I’ve known others. What does do it for you, though?”
“Words. Like someone’s voice. Or a glancing contact.” Mark thought about that morning, Isaiah’s long fingers on his waist. Or how Isaiah’s laugh just always worked for him on some deeper level. “Like I’ll know someone a long time, and then they’ll say something nice or do something for me, and all of a sudden I’ll realize I’m turned on. But I have to… I don’t know… feel a connection or something. It’s rare and never happens with strangers.”
“Words and voices can be fucking sexy.” Isaiah’s voice was reassuring. “All genders?”
“Gender doesn’t seem to really matter. It’s more how much I like someone, if that makes sense. More often it’s with guys, but I’ve felt it a few times with women too. My body’s just wired strange—”
“Quit saying that about yourself.” Isaiah punched him lightly on the arm. “It sounds like you’re ace, but maybe you’re more gray ace or demisexual, where you only get turned on after an emotional bond with people.”
Mark initially thinks this will be a point against him when it comes to Isaiah, who is known for his playboy and sleeping around habits. But Isaiah, who still holds that crush on Mark from all those years ago, is very open and patient and accepting of who Mark is. It's so sweet and mature, and they have open and honest conversations about it - ongoing too! They just don't talk about it once and it's done. They talk bring it up as their relationship progresses and it made their relationship feel full and romantic. Mark still struggles with publicly admitting he is falling in love with a man, and that is addressed well too.
Conflict is brought in when the courts have to clear Mark and Isaiah for guardianship. There were two wills, and they conflicted a bit, and Mark, with his SEAL organization and precision, tries to take the reins and be in charge, inadvertently hurting Isaiah in the process. The communication surrounding this could have been handled better and it was a little predictable.
The grief over losing a sister and best friend are there, there is a slow-burning, sexy romance. Two really good guys, an interracial couple and lots of chest muscles.
And guys - most of all - the way Mark, Mr. Navy SEAL, mops a floor or cleans a bathroom - until they are absolutely spotless - had both Isaiah and myself swooning off our chairs.
This spin-off series of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, is still BDB....just with a new crew of warriors. But the veterans are still roaming the halls, This spin-off series of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, is still BDB....just with a new crew of warriors. But the veterans are still roaming the halls, and making appearances.
Blood Fury gives us two romances - Peyton and Novo, two trainees in the brotherhood fighting program, who start off the book more as enemies, and it takes a bit for them to move past hate sex to --oh wait, I love you. Peyton had very intense, romantic feelings towards another trainee, Paradise, but if you have read this series, you know she got a HEA with another male. Peyton is still in love with her and has a hard time working with her on a daily basis. Novo is trying to prove herself as a fighter in this male dominated field, and when she gets injured, she feels like she has to prove herself even more. Peyton is always lurking in the background, and they start this hate/sex/lustful thing until their feelings turn much more romantic.
The other couple, and the reason I really anticipated this book, is Saxton and Ruhn. Saxton is Wrath's solicitor, once lover of Blay, and has had a hard time moving past that break-up. Ruhn is Bitty's uncle. Readers of this series will remember Bitty, who is Rhage and Mary's adopted daughter. Ruhn moved into the brotherhood compound with Bitty, and has stayed around. He feels like he isn't doing enough to earn his keep (although the brotherhood expects nothing from him, and considers him family).
When there is a land dispute, Saxton has to make a lot of trips out to a house to try to get some paperwork in order, and Wrath sends Ruhn as Saxton's bodyguard in case danger breaks out. As these two spend time together, they realize they have feelings for each other, something that really surprises Ruhn, as he has only had feelings for women in the past. Ruhn has a dark, tortuous past, and that angsty torture still looms around him. He is super quiet and always down on himself. I really enjoyed his pairing with Saxton.
In lieu of a reply, Ruhn walked forward...and it was about when he was halfway across the distance that separated them that Saxton realized...
The male was aroused.
Ruhn had not come here for a never-again, but rather for some more.
Saxton's body responded instantly, his blood rushing, his cock hardening, his annoyance, frustration, and exhaustion instantly evaporating.
As the other male came to a halt with mere inches between their faces, Saxton had to smile a little."I guess I read this wrong, huh."
"Yes," came the growl. "You did."
Holy from-out-of-nowhere.
Ruhn took hold of Saxton by either side of the throat and yanked him forward, the male's kiss nothing tentative or shy, nothing experimental.
Ward splits page time pretty evenly for these two couples, and best of all, there are no other storylines to take away from these romances. While Sax and Ruhn are fighting a land dispute, and Peyton and Novo are dealing with an injury, most of the page time is devoted to building up their romance and relationship. V, Rhage and Wrath all make brief appearances (yay!) but no other distractions take away from the two HEAs.
This is just a really fun addition to the series. Super sexy, a few laughs and two couples that I really enjoyed. We even heard the distant screams of Assail down the corridor a few times. A sure sign that he is still suffering until his book comes out this spring.
Not a fan of this one. The antics of the olympic athletes on this team were ridiculous. And then there was a hacking scheme?? And over-the-top parentsNot a fan of this one. The antics of the olympic athletes on this team were ridiculous. And then there was a hacking scheme?? And over-the-top parents...meanwhile the romance gets lost.
this one was super sweet - too sweet for me. I feel like there were darker issues that should have been addressed more. And I wanted sniper action andthis one was super sweet - too sweet for me. I feel like there were darker issues that should have been addressed more. And I wanted sniper action and we don't really get it.
A contemporary, male/male, marriage of convenience book?? It’s my candy! Isaiah is a NFL football player, who lost his husband three years prior to thA contemporary, male/male, marriage of convenience book?? It’s my candy! Isaiah is a NFL football player, who lost his husband three years prior to the book starting. His late husband was quiet, and serious and together they never made any drama – which is how the big guns at the top of the NFL chain like to keep it when it comes to handling gay players. They adopted a bi-racial son, who is also gay, and both Isiah and his son are still grieving this loss.
Isaiah’s agent introduces him to a Russian ballet dancer named Victor, visiting from Russia to perform in the states. Victor wears make-up and is much more flamboyant than Isaiah – and has also become somewhat of an activist – as gay people are treated horribly – even sentence to death, back in Russia.Victor has become so outspoken over this, that he is seeking asylum in the United States. He meets Isaiah when Isaiah’s son wanted an autograph, and there is an instant attraction. So much so, they have a very hot and heavy make out session shortly after their first meeting. When Victor’s plea for asylum is denied, he is terrified of going back to Russia. Isaiah offers to marry him so he can stay in the states, and their marriage can just be more for friendship, not an actual relationship. But these two have a hard time keeping it in their pants – and staying just friends.
I enjoyed both Isaiah and Victor. Isaiah is trying to raise his son, and not make a lot of waves with the people in the NFL. He tells himself over and over again that he has already experienced a love of a lifetime, and doesn’t want to head down that path again. Sure, he will enjoy a physical release with Victor, but no feelings are to become involved. Especially with a loud, more vibrant ballet dancer.
Victor falls for Isaiah hard, and with the pressures he is facing back in Russia, he wears his heart more on his sleeve in this one. When I received the request for this review, the blurb described Victor as “gender fluid” – but now that I look at the blurb on Goodreads, it’s been edited out. So, I’m not sure what that means, but I was going to put in this review that I didn’t feel as if Victor was gender fluid. But we don’t get to know him that well. I think we could have really used a more deep look into Victor’s life – while I enjoyed him, there is so much that we miss out on – his life back in Russia, how he was raised – basically we only get the main highlights of his past. I also think Isaiah could have been any profession – he didn’t really feel like a football player. And I wish we had had more ballet in the book as well.
I liked the two main guys, but everything else felt rushed and a bit glossed over. I needed more depth.
This one didn't grab me like the first book. It was a little slower and the stuff happening in the world fell flat for me. Maybe the romance a little This one didn't grab me like the first book. It was a little slower and the stuff happening in the world fell flat for me. Maybe the romance a little too.
I've really enjoyed Annika Martin's (also writes as Carolyn Crane) romantic suspense books. She writes action-filled, black ops type books with super I've really enjoyed Annika Martin's (also writes as Carolyn Crane) romantic suspense books. She writes action-filled, black ops type books with super sexy heroes and good banter. This book had a very similar feel, if you are familiar with her work. I was not familiar with Joanna Chambers, so I was happy to try out this book and get a taste of them together. I ended up liking both heroes quite a bit.
Will is on a mission to kill a bad Russian guy named Polzin. Years ago, Polzin was responsible for killing Will's Army buddies, and Will wants revenge - badly. On top of that, Polzin is just a horrible, violent, disgusting human being. The CIA also wants him dead, as he has access to a file with some very interesting information in it. Will offers himself as the assassin, and the CIA accepts his help. He travels to a fancy party Polzin is attending to do the dirty deed there.
Our other hero is Kit, and he is Polzin's bodyguard and tasked with keeping him alive. Don't fret! Kit isn't on the wrong side - he too wants Polzin dead, as Polzin has a file on Kit's deceased parents that he doesn't want out in the open. Kit is playing the long game, waiting for Polzin to make a mistake, so Kit can obtain the information and then he can kill him.
It's a grim mission, protecting Polzin: killer, arms trader, blackmailer extraordinaire. He thinks I'm the best bodyguard money can buy. Well, I am the best. I'll continue to be the best till I retrieve the Roc file.
Nobody gets to kill Polzin until I have that file in my hands.
On that glorious day, I'll end the slimy bastard myself.
But it's been two years, and Kit is still waiting for his chance. He has become Polzin's trusted bodyguard - as he has foiled many attempts on Polzin' s life. Kit's secret? He dresses as a gorgeous, self-absorbed woman. Long blonde hair, gorgeous dresses that catch the eye of many men. No one expects him to be a deadly...man.
When Will sees Polzin at this party, with "Kate" draped on his arm (aka Kit!) Will finds Kate very attractive. Will is bisexual, and although she catches his eye, his main goal is getting Polzin alone. Just when he attempts to do that - Kate/Kit shows up. There is such a deep, instant lust/attraction between them, they don't immediately try to kill each other. And after a series of events...Will ends up on his knees...in front of "Kate."
I stare at her for what feels like forever, but is probably only a second or two.
"What?" I say stupidly.
She - he - looks at me with those bird-of-prey eyes - so fucking fierce - and yanks up the fancy white dress.
Underneath, he's wearing white, silky panties with lacy bits, but they're covering a very male bulge.
And I can't breathe.
Oh, Christ.
I stare at that bulge. My mouth goes dry. My heart hammers. My cock is an iron bar in my pants.
To Kit's surprise, Will goes to town, and then escapes.
These enemies fight back and forth, until they realize they have the same end-goal...and that they are also falling in love.
I love their first meeting where Kit is dressed as a woman and Will is attracted to both "Kate" and Kit. In the long run, Kit doesn't get off in dressing as a woman. He does in mostly because Polzin's enemies don't expect a woman to come in for the kill when they are trying to attack Polzin. He also does it because it weirdly amuses Polzin and he has to keep him happy. Kit is tall, lithe, sharp features, where Will is built more like a tank. Where Kit can come in silently and wait for hours to make one move, Will just rushes in and knocks everything over, hoping to get the bad guys in the process. They both think the other's technique is inferior and the push/pull is fun in this one.
There is one scene where Will is trying to kill Polzin for the second time and Kit interrupts him - and the instead of pursing Polzin, he ends up making out with Kit. Will seemed SO intent on killing Polzin, I didn't really believe that he would give up that chance so easily. Especially when another CIA agent was involved...waiting on Will to do his part. Instead he is humping Kit and letting Polzin get away. That scene didn't quite seem believable to me.
And maybe...just maybe I would have liked a little more solid HEA at the end. These two were definitely in love but I wanted to see them together more outside of the crazy action that drove them together. Like - having a picnic without the threat of death.
But this is a fun action spy book. It's super sexy and I loved both Kit and Will and how their personalities clash, yet work so well together in the end.
This is the first time I have read this author - I didn't know I was missing out on a m/m hockey series! What I liked about this book is that it takesThis is the first time I have read this author - I didn't know I was missing out on a m/m hockey series! What I liked about this book is that it takes place in the minor league of the NHL. The author includes a note at the beginning, briefly explaining the minor league system for the NHL and I appreciated that. I enjoyed seeing a minor league team and the struggles some of them face.
That all being said, it took me a bit to get into this one. I kind of felt like the dialogue was forced or just didn't flow well at the beginning, but it greatly improved for me as I got more into the story. This book features one hero who is the coach of the Asheville Ravens, and a player who is done playing in the major leagues, but isn't quite ready to be done playing hockey all together.
Troy is the coach, who is out as gay but was blackmailed when he was in the NHL, forcing his retirement. But he is now a minor league coach and really likes it. He is also super grumpy and taking over a team that does not have a good reputation. This team was led by a really bad coach who put this team into a very bad place. They had silent locker rooms, they bullied other teams and their own players. Troy has a big challenge ahead of him and he is just the guy to take it all on. He comes in with very strict rules, but they are all there to lead the team back to working together. When he hears the GM signs Shane North - Troy is worried this player, with a history of bad hits and a bad attitude, will bring chaos back to his team.
Shane's NHL career never did much but he loves the game. He agrees to sign a one-year contract in the minors so he can keep playing. While he has had a history of suspensions for bad hits, he only wants the best for his new team. Right from the start, Shane and Troy butt heads. Shane is respectful of Troy, but at the same time, as a veteran player, thinks he knows what is best to help team morale. After some grumbles and growls, they each figure out their place on the team and together really start to help these young guys get off on the right skate.
Shane is not out, but Troy soon realizes he is gay and they have that "I hate you but I secretly am in lust with you" thing going on.
"Why does it turn me on when you talk to me like an asshole?" Shane's fingers slipped deftly inside the sweats Troy had changed into for the long ride back to Asheville.
"Because you've got a goddamn screw loose, North. That's why." Troy gave up and rested his head back against the seat as Shane wrapped his rough, calloused fingers tightly around his cock and stroked. "Do it fast."
There are soon angry kisses and blow jobs in the locker room. They are very physical and Troy, being his coach a little older, likes to boss him around. I enjoyed their chemistry a lot. And the sex is intense and dirty. They may turn to blow jobs every time they have a conflict with each other, but it works in this book. Although their relationship is heavy on the physical sex, I also felt them fall in love and come to care for one another.
"I want you to stick around. And not just so we can get caught fucking in my office either."
"This is the most romantic moment in my whole life," said Shane. Then he made a face. "Jesus Christ, I think I actually mean that."
There is an outside conflict that comes into play when another discovers this secret love affair and tries to blackmail Shane to outing himself. This doesn't overshadow that romance or the hockey atmosphere, which is done well by the author. When I read hockey romance, I like to feel the hockey aspect.
Overall a sexy book - I'd like to go back and catch up on the first four.
Favorite Quote: "You - are the worst man - I have ever met."
Lazarus's teeth scraped his shoulder. "And yet here you are, under me...."
Guys, there is hFavorite Quote: "You - are the worst man - I have ever met."
Lazarus's teeth scraped his shoulder. "And yet here you are, under me...."
Guys, there is hot hate sex in this book. Do I need to say more?
The Seer of London, Justin Lazarus, makes a living calling spirits from beyond the veil, gladly taking people's money to tell them what they want to hear from their deceased loved ones. Can he really talk to spirits? No, but he doesn't feel bad about making a living deceiving people. Justin grew up poor, only recently having enough money to sleep in a clean bed all by himself. With the help of some few trusted staff, he puts on quite the show to convince people he is the real deal.
Nathaniel Roy is a journalist determined to expose this fraud. Once a lawyer, Nathaniel had his sights set on figuring out just how Justin puts out the candle flames without a breeze and makes instruments play and the table shake. After attending one of his spiritual readings, and after Justin exposes Nathaniel's deepest secrets, he is even more determined to bring this guy down. Nathaniel lost the love of his life after a ceiling tile fell on him. For years Nathaniel has been grieving and lonely. Although he has some friends who have supported him, it's been hard for Nathaniel to move on. But then he meets Justin, and hates him, yet is attracted to him.
Enemies to lovers - yum, yum, yum.
Justin Lazarus was without question a disgraceful fraud, but as his lips moved in silent prayer, Nathaniel could not help the thought that he looked like a glorious fuck. The bad kind, of course; the kind that left a man feeling dirty and ashamed and degraded in his own eyes. The kind Nathaniel had never had in practice, and wouldn't have admitted to imagining, but could see all too clearly. Bending the medium over his own table, holding him down. You want the furniture to move, Mr. Lazarus? That can be arranged.
You go get yourself some hot hate sex Nathaniel! Nathaniel is an atheist, so he doesn't believe in the after life or anything spiritual. Besides his editor wanting this story, once Justin secretly digs into Nathaniel's past, and then brings up his dead lover, this enrages Nathaniel to no end. But a problem comes up that makes them work together. If you read book one, there is an associate of Nathaniel's who is entangled in an inheritance problem and may have a relation who is a possible bigamist. This guy hires Nathaniel for some legal advice and Justin gets pulled into it as he has some secret proof that could get Nathaniel's client justice. You don't have to read book one necessarily (especially to follow along with the romance) but you may be a tiny bit lost with the mystery/conflict portion of the book.
But who cares about inheritances, and bigamists when we have scenes like this:
"Bloody liar," Nathaniel told him hoarsely.
Lazarus bent, biting at his ear and neck, making Nathaniel writhe. "You self-righteous piece of shit."
Nathaniel grabbed his hair. "Just admit it."
"I will if you will." Lazarus's hips ground against his. "Prick." He plunged his tongue between Nathaniel's lips again, making rasping, incoherent noises as Nathaniel clawed at his back, not caring if he left scratches, wrapping his legs around Lazarus's hips. They were rutting like animals, still half clothed, every bit as much fight as fuck.
Their romance goes from heated enemies to friends to lovers with a nice HEA. I really loved these two together. A fun read.
I read the first book in this series recently (both stand alones) and I liked it but the romance was pretty rushed. More Than Luck worked sooo much beI read the first book in this series recently (both stand alones) and I liked it but the romance was pretty rushed. More Than Luck worked sooo much better for me. I enjoyed it so much.
This series is centered around a very popular card game called Legendary Pairs. It’s very LBGTQ friendly, there are very big and small tournaments and some people make a living going professional and playing at the very big tournaments. Drey is forty years old and works for the company that makes the cards. He is the art director, making the design on the cards come to life. He considers himself bi, as he was married and has a sixteen year old daughter – but now his tastes run more towards men. His marriage ended when he kissed his male best friend. This has left his ex-wife very bitter and Drey feels guilty over it (but not guilty about being bi). Drey is a bit of a grump, stoic, and takes things pretty seriously.
Which leads us to our other hero, Lucas. At twenty-four years old, Lucas is a celebrity in the Legendary Pairs world. Winning championships and the hearts of all. The past few years has been hard on him though – he hasn’t actually played in many tournaments. His drinking and partying is out of control but he is able to keep his sponsors as his life is spiraling downwards. Underneath his issues, he is a really good guy – he is great with kids who want to learn to play the card game and he is genuinely a nice person. But he is estranged from his parents and alcohol has become his crutch – and he puts on a cocky face to hide his demons.
Drey’s company is hosting a big conference for the card game, and Lucas is one of the main highlights of the event. Knowing he is a bit out of control, they ask Drey to be Lucas’s guide during the conference, making sure he gets out of bed and to his events on time. Drey does NOT have time for this, but grudgingly accepts.
Let’s just say, Lucas is not shy when it comes to flirting with Drey, leaving Drey hot, bothered and confused.
And why the hell did Drey still want him, anyway? On a purely physical level, yes, Lucas was gorgeous – but he was also immature, abrasive, cocky, and utterly infuriating when he didn’t get his way. Still, there was a strange electric energy to him, a spark that drew the eye and made Drey’s thoughts catch.
Drey feels like he is way too old for Lucas (who refers to him as “angry daddy”) and tries to ignore his boner every time Lucas says something pervy or winks at him. But after a while, he can’t help himself and they hook up. I loved their chemistry in this one so much. The author writes Lucas in so much hidden pain so well. I like that sex doesn’t magically cure Lucas of his issues. It might be a quick relief, but he still plunges into the darkness time and time again. Drey truly comes to care about him, and sees just how smart and genuine he is….if he could just let his demons go. It’s a really well done romance.
While the card game itself is not described much (unlike in book one) the atmosphere in this book is nicely done. I didn’t feel like I was missing anything by not understanding the card game.
And the sex is hot.
An instant later Lucas found himself shirtless and being shoved roughly onto the bed, and goddamn, was this working for him. He’d never been particularly submissive in bed, but the way Drey manhandled him made him ache for more. He wanted to be pushed around, held down, put in his place.
Big, strong hands pulled at the button on his pants, working them open and dragging them right down Lucas’s legs. God, this guy wasn’t wasting any time, and Lucas has zero complaints.
I love a May/December romance and this one delivers.