OMG...hell must have frozen over because I fell a little bit in love with Cooper in this book. Who would have thought!!!
He is so far from the judgemenOMG...hell must have frozen over because I fell a little bit in love with Cooper in this book. Who would have thought!!!
He is so far from the judgemental and whiny/petty person in the first book and he also seems to have found his "profiler" qualities back. Let's face it, he didn't have any in book 1.
I definitely loved this third installment and I was glued to my seat from beginning to end.
Can't wait to see what's gonna happen next. These two are fastly climbing the ranks of my "favorite mm couples" list.
Also, I love this author's writing style ;) Gonna keep my eye out for more of Charlie's work. ...more
I have become a big fan of L.A. Cotton's work over the last 2 years. I loved the "Wicked Bay" series and the "Rixon Raiders" series. I am glad [image]
I have become a big fan of L.A. Cotton's work over the last 2 years. I loved the "Wicked Bay" series and the "Rixon Raiders" series. I am glad to report that I also really enjoyed this first book in the "Verona Legacy" series.
Part of me loving this book, has to do with the fact that "mafia" themed romances are one of my favorites. Throw in the "forbidden love" trope and I am sold!!!
Adrianne Capizola, heir of the Capizola family, and Niccolo Marchetti, son of the mafia boss ... both from very influential families... and enemies by birth. So, of course, they had to go and fall in love!!
L.A. Cotton did not hold back on this one and what started out as a sweet forbidden love story, turns into so much more. Secrets, heartbreak, war, angst ...but also lots of love will keep you on the edge of your seat... Nico really is my kind of guy ;)
The cliffy bummed me out, but the wait should not be too long ...
Ps: for those who need to know... check the triggers ;)
Well, as much as I enjoyed reading this one...and I really did... Cooper must be one of the worst agents I have ever read about. I mean come on... eveWell, as much as I enjoyed reading this one...and I really did... Cooper must be one of the worst agents I have ever read about. I mean come on... even I knew he was fucking everything up. And a profiler for the FBI?? Yeah, he couldn't even figure his head from his own ass !! Which might have something to do with the fact that he was not only clueless as shit but also a major asshole.
Thankfully Parker made a lot of things right in this book and so I never felt the need to close the book on Cooper's stupidities.
Near the end, it seemed that Cooper was finally opening his eyes a bit and so I have high hopes for his brain and personality in the second book, which I can't wait to read.
So even though Cooper made me grind my teeth from the beginning until the near end, this was a pretty great read ;)
I love reading mystery and suspense. There was a time when that was the only genre I read, but then came romance and MM romance and I was hooke[image]
I love reading mystery and suspense. There was a time when that was the only genre I read, but then came romance and MM romance and I was hooked... Layla Reyne gives me a combination of all and I really appreciate that ;)
Now let me start off by saying that this is a mystery/suspense first...all the rest takes a backseat in this story but that doesn't mean it is less important. It is not a hearts and flowers book though, so don't expect too much on the love and kisses front. Though there are kisses....
While the suspense builds, so does the sexual tension between Lincoln and Carter.
The slow build was extremely slow in this one and even with my love for all the mystery, I have to admit I could have done with a bit more romance...
Still, it kept me on the edge of my seat and I was utterly captivated...
If you are a fan of the mystery/suspense genre and you don't mind the romance taking a backseat, then you should really give this one a go.
An ARC was provided to [image] in exchange for an honest review
I am a big fan of the whole "two alpha men loving on each other" and this series has drawn my attention right from the start. I di have to s
I am a big fan of the whole "two alpha men loving on each other" and this series has drawn my attention right from the start. I di have to say that it was a bit of a wobbly start with the slow burn insta-love vibe I got ...but it turned out great least for me ;)
Sawyer and Royce are head over heels in love while also enjoying being partners on the job. They have been through plenty in a very short amount of time and I do feel that they deserve their happy ever after. But there is still some unfinished business lurking and so they will have to buckle up...
I love the combination of romance and suspense in this series and this final book definitely brought me to the edge of my seat.
I really enjoyed seeing Locke and Key getting closer and closer, but I also loved all the awesome secondary characters. I can't wait for the promised spin-off. Which of course will also give us some insight into how these two are doing ;)
An ARC was provided to [image] in exchange for an honest review
I had absolutely no idea what to expect when I signed for this one. There wasn't even a blurb yet, not that the blurb is giving anything away..[image]
I had absolutely no idea what to expect when I signed for this one. There wasn't even a blurb yet, not that the blurb is giving anything away...but still. Just knowing this was written by Ella Fields was good enough for me.
That said, I am gonna be honest and say that I got confused on more than one occasion when reading this one. I am not a huge fantasy reader, and one of the reasons I am not is because English is not my native language, and fantasy novels tend to get a bit wordy...therefor leaving me a bit confused. Of course, this is not the author's fault, this is just a personal flaw of mine :P
I could have done with a bit worldbuilding though..
Putting aside the fact that I got a bit confused at times, I still really enjoyed reading this one. If there is one thing this author is very good at, it is building up the tension. Things get revealed one piece at a time, making the reader hunger for more information.
I absolutely loved queen Audra, she really reminded me of a young version of Snowwhite's queen from the series "Once Upon a Time". Such a kickass lady ;)
Now for the shocker...this is a "love-triangle" story and we all know I am not a fan of that particular trope. Surprisingly though, I didn't mind in this setting. Maybe it had to do with the fact that this wasn't like any other fantasy book I have ever read and it certainly wasn't what I expected. Which is very refreshing for a change I must say.
I do advise everyone to jump into this one blind....don't read too many spoilers ;)
An ARC was provided to [image] in exchange for an honest review
I don't know if I liked it more than the first book... I admit to loving the mystery/suspense part in the first book more. I liked them being new partI don't know if I liked it more than the first book... I admit to loving the mystery/suspense part in the first book more. I liked them being new partners and the sexual tension... even though they did act on it within felt like a slow burn.
This second book was definitely hotter but also more lovey-dovey...
I guess that means I liked the first book a tad bit more. I also had a bit more trouble getting into this one in the beginning, but once I was full steam ahead :P
I'm gonna keep a close eye on this author because I definitely enjoyed her writing style ;)
Also... there is supposed to be another book, but I have no idea on the main characters .....more
I have been a big fan of this series since I read the first book and fell in love with God and Day... no matter Another awesome reread 4/5/2022
I have been a big fan of this series since I read the first book and fell in love with God and Day... no matter how ridiculous I found their names at the time. They grew on me though... the names, I can not imagine God having any other kind of name, it's just him.
Now what I love most in my books is some bad-ass alpha goodness and boy does this book deliver. Ex and Meridian are as bad as they come and they are about to cross paths with our favorite narcotics team!! So much alpha yumminess!!
Ex and Meridian are military trained assassins, and they have been partners since the beginning, years ago. Trained to be cold as steel and to feel no emotion, they are lethal. But imagine what happens when the devil is forced to feel... What will happen when a killer trained not to feel, is suddenly overwhelmed with emotions and not the good kind...but the destructive kind, the kind that brings you to your knees...grief.
Ex and Meridian are about to rid the streets of Atlanta of certain scum in the name of vengeance and anyone standing in their way will be dealt with. So God and his team better decide which side they are gonna be on.
The closer Ex and Meridan become the deadlier they get. Because the love they have between them makes them even more dangerous.
A man who can fight beside the one he loves doesn’t make him weaker, Ex—it makes him more dangerous.
I absolutely loved Ex and Meredian!! They were definitely my kind of men. All that cold and ruthless hotness!! And the two of them together...yowza!
Another thing I really enjoyed about this book were the multiple pov's. I loved getting back inside God and Day's head. I missed them so much and the whole team does play a big role in this book.
I think so far this might even be my favorite of the series for me...though "Here comes Trouble" makes for a close second, together with "Nothing Special V".
I can't wait to see what will be next... I think Fox and Bull are up and I hope the wait won't be too long ;)
I highly recommend this series
Just make sure you read the other books in this series before starting this one ;)
An ARC was provided to [image] in exchange for an honest review...more
Wow... I have got to say that I did not see all of this coming when I started this series.
The first book was an okay read for me, even though I had toWow... I have got to say that I did not see all of this coming when I started this series.
The first book was an okay read for me, even though I had to suspend my disbelief. There were almost no adults in sight and 17-year-olds where running the school and seemingly also the town. Still, it had the feel of a regular high school bully book... I found the lack of adult supervision a bit weird but I went with it and I had a good time reading it...
Then came the second book, which blew the previous OTT way out of the park. The heroine seemed to be on some sort of hero complex trip, but I just could not stop reading and the more I read the more intrigued I became... So many players and so many secrets. The tone of the series slowly changed from a regular high school series to something much more suspenseful... I have to say, I enjoyed it much more than the first book.
Now I have just finished the third book and I have to admit... I am impressed and I did not see this coming at all. What started out as a regular high school bully romance has turned into a suspenseful series that could rival many "mafia" themed series. So many secrets were being revealed and there were times I just sat there reading with my mouth open going "no fucking way".
So much more than a "bully" series. And I really enjoyed reading this final book about Rae and Maddoc. So much so that I can't wait for Captain and Victoria's book to release.
I can't give it 5 stars though... I still have a hard time believing that this is how 17 and 18-year-olds would act. Because this is NOT a mafia book, even though it has that kind of feel to it. I just couldn't suspend my disbelief that far. They read as 20-year-olds (at least) and that is also how they stayed in my mind.
Still given how I felt when I read book 1 and how I feel now after finishing all of them... I am highly impressed ;)
Finishing this book left me with two kinds of feelings... Sad because all the brothers are paired up now ... and satisfied as fuck because this[image]
Finishing this book left me with two kinds of feelings... Sad because all the brothers are paired up now ... and satisfied as fuck because this book absolutely rocked!!
I figured Captain's book would be the best and Royce's would disappoint me, but I am so happy to say that it blew me away instead!! This one is definitely my favorite out of all. And the two awesome main characters are the reason for that.
I loved Brielle, from the moment she stepped on-page and Royce... wow what a dick, but I couldn't help but love him. Even though Brielle took so much of his shit, it was so nice to read her thoughts and know why she was so accepting of his behavior. I think I have a girl crush going on.
Now unfortunately I can not go into the plot at all... I would spoiler everything and especially with this series, it is a big no-no. I would also advise all the sneaky spoiler readers (I am usually one of them), to just not do it. These books are so much more enjoyable, without any spoilers.
So you are all just gonna have to trust me when I say: "Read this freaking series!! Give it a go and see how you feel about it. I was intrigued with the first book, but by the second I was hooked.
Sure I had to suspend my disbelief a bit, but who freaking cares... I don't read a book for the reality of it ... I read them to escape reality ;)
I am gonna keep a close eye on Meagan Brandy and hopefully, there will be more to come... soon.
This was a nice read... very entertaining. If I don't get to read an MC book every now and then, I get really cranky and Chantal Fernando is de[image]
This was a nice read... very entertaining. If I don't get to read an MC book every now and then, I get really cranky and Chantal Fernando is definitely one of my go-to MC authors ;)
This book can be read as a stand-alone, though I find reading them in order does make the reading more pleasurable, because of all the side-characters.
This time around we get Temper's story, the president of the Knights of Fury MC. I always enjoy the president's books a tad bit more...they are just that tad bit more alpha :P
Abbie was also a wonderful character and the age gap trope was the lovely sprinkle on top.
For me, this book was the perfect blend of fun, action, suspense, and romance. I had a wonderful time reading it and I am curious to see what's next.
An ARC was provided to [image] in exchange for an honest review