FourStars A very well written book, written in such a way you were transported back in time and felt you were living the with the characters.
With the uFourStars A very well written book, written in such a way you were transported back in time and felt you were living the with the characters.
With the use of topical events and society gossip of the time the author regaled a tale of life as a single woman in her quest for love, respect and belief in her work.
Evangeline's life was accurately documented through true historical events and the authors clever use of diction and obvious research. The ending like the novel was as complex as it was natural.
Quite a unique with a very distinctive twist. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more
FiveStars This is a wonderful collection of stories about first summertime romances. The stories are about young adult characters, but they will resonaFiveStars This is a wonderful collection of stories about first summertime romances. The stories are about young adult characters, but they will resonate with anyone who has ever enjoyed or dreamed of a summer romance. Bonfires, beaches and summer jobs form the backdrop to stories about first glances, first kisses and first touches.
Unlike many anthologies, the content here is cohesive and the writing is consistently excellent. I was surprised by the stories I was most drawn to. I loved Ella J. Ash’s story, Surface Tension, about a summer camp romance. Naomi Tajedler’s story, What the Heart Wants, about a young girl’s sexual awakening in art class, is a beautiful, emotionally honest piece. I also loved Rachel Blackburn’s On the Shore, a sweetly exuberant story of a beach romance. I found The Most Handsome by SJ Martin, the story of a transexual boy’s first romance, to be compelling and beguiling.
This is such a great collection. I think it will make young LGBTQ readers feel hopeful while it makes the rest of us nostalgic. A wonderful summer read.
I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads.
ThreeStar A lovely imaginative tale. A very strong, powerful and charismatic lead. A women fighting against the injustices she feels women have to succThreeStar A lovely imaginative tale. A very strong, powerful and charismatic lead. A women fighting against the injustices she feels women have to succumb to. Aurelia is entrancing with a dangerous side that only adds to her appeal.
At times I did find the plot a little disorganized and at other times I would have liked to see more details given, but it is an enjoyable tale and I am sure we will hear more from this burgeoning author.
I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more
ThreeandHalfStars This was an interesting read. It's not my usual fare, but the premise looked interesting. It ended up being different than I expectedThreeandHalfStars This was an interesting read. It's not my usual fare, but the premise looked interesting. It ended up being different than I expected.
For the most part, I found it more informative than romantic or sensual. I don't mind stories like that, but this one didn't otherwise seem to have a whole lot of plot. It was mostly educating readers about the dynamics of certain D/s relationships. I was hoping we might see more of the characters making an emotional connection, but the story seemed more concerned with explanations and teaching. There was virtually no conflict or tension.
I was also a bit put off by the way Lucy, the Domme, was an upperclass, cultured woman who had to "educate" Danny, who was clearly blue collar. That made me uncomfortable. Maybe that relationship dynamic will be explored further (and better) in future stories.
Overall, the writing style was good, and the premise was appealing, but the story fell flat for me. This is not any fault of the authors; it's all personal preference. I'm sure there are other readers who would love it.
I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads.
FourStars A very factual novel about life in the Army and how it affects not only your professional life but your personal life too.
This novel certainFourStars A very factual novel about life in the Army and how it affects not only your professional life but your personal life too.
This novel certainly made me think about some preconceptions I might hold about army life and how new recruits are trained. Although not necessarily changing my opinion it did make me more aware of why recruits are treated in certain way and what such treatment hopes to, and does obviously achieve in many cases.
The novel also showed very accurately, and emotionally demonstrated, how being a lesbian in the army, at the time the novel takes place, was so unjust and impinged so dramatically on every aspect of a lesbians life.
I felt the novel was a book of two parts, the first giving the reader a very descriptive account of life in the army while the second part concentrated more on the lives of Annie and Gray.
The very emotional conclusion drawing a sad parallel between how lesbians are treated in the army and how they are treated by some parts of society.
I found this book very moving and realistic and poignant. It was well written and a book I would certainly recommend reading. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more
FiveStars This is one of the most interesting, exciting and captivating books I have read in a long time. The readers interest is captivated from the vFiveStars This is one of the most interesting, exciting and captivating books I have read in a long time. The readers interest is captivated from the very beginning. The main characters are fascinating and with the introduction of Demons and Angels the book just goes from strength to strength.
Just as you begin to question what is happening, is it real? Is it imaginary? Mr Cannon answers your question in the most interesting and dramatic way.
The book was also full of humour and superb one liners, I particularly liked the line comparing Shakespeare as "pop culture."
I also like the way the book was presented, almost like a set of novels, each with a beginning and an end, but each one leaving you wanting to read the following one.
The end was as dramatic as it was unpredictable. I hope Mr Cannon is planning further books in this series.
A truly exceptional read. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more
FourStars For me this book is really a good read with all the media attention going on with a certain someone handling life as he changes to who he's aFourStars For me this book is really a good read with all the media attention going on with a certain someone handling life as he changes to who he's always been.... a woman.
I really liked reading about the challenges of dating again after going through such a big life change and what it feels like to connect to someone again on a human level.
Melody really clicked with Derrick on their first meeting and their first date and I agree with her opening up to him so early on as I think that it would be something someone would want to know, however, I think if the book had been longer, it would've been nice to have the relationship drawn out a bit so there was more of a connection there before such life/relationship altering news was shared.
It was a cute little story without much grit or suspense to it. I think it could've been much more touching and moving if we'd heard a bit more about what the transition was like and why her daughter was such a strong supporter, but all in all a sweet romantic little story. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Renee
ThreeandHalfStars I thought this short story was really cute and sweet, and I was happy to see an m/f trans romance, especially with a straight love interest. I liked both Melody and her daughter Kristin. I had a hard time connecting to Derrick, but I think that might be because the story was so short.
I admit I was confused about a number of things in the story. Kristin seemed far younger than 15, and I also had difficulty understanding Melody's age. I was puzzled by calling her car purchase a "midlife crisis," since she couldn't have been older than 34. I was also a bit confused by the timeline, since Melody claimed to only just be going out as a woman, yet she's already had gender reassignment surgery--and it appeared to have been a very short time since her divorce. The end seemed a bit forced as well.
That aside, it was still a sweet story, and I would have enjoyed learning more about the characters. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Amy...more
FourStars I loved all of the short stories as they were well written, quick reads. And every one of them something different. Bandaged Soul I love how thFourStars I loved all of the short stories as they were well written, quick reads. And every one of them something different. Bandaged Soul I love how this short story touches on things that most books won't, the darker sadder areas of life that unfortunately are a reality to a lot of people The Spaces Between Even thou Sci Fi isn't exactly "my thing" I absolutely loved this! It pulled me in and kept my attention. Love untold Short, sweet, and beautifully written. I love that once again this is something a lot of people can relate to. You never know how things Will turn out if you Dont give them a chance Timeless Love Another unique , sweet, quick read. I love how every short story in this book is completely different and can still keep me turning pages. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads.
FiveStars Wow! This book is so beautifully crafted and so full of love and hope it is awe-inspiring. When I first started reading I thought it was goinFiveStars Wow! This book is so beautifully crafted and so full of love and hope it is awe-inspiring. When I first started reading I thought it was going to be a poignant love story, how wrong I was. The main character's portrayed traits both of great courage and human vulnerability. They supported each other whenever the other needed, with love, encouragement and consolation. The supporting characters each played a pivotal role in this well researched emotional novel.
Although I was brought to tears with this impassioned novel they were tears of respect, hope and reflection of what true love can achieve.
A very positive and beautifully told story about love, commitment and respect not just between two people but also between, friends, family,life and death.
I can thoroughly recommend this superbly written and heart-stirring novel. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more
ThreeStar I quite liked the humour in this novel and the allegories made by Nicole were amusing. I did get a little frustrated in the continual misconcThreeStar I quite liked the humour in this novel and the allegories made by Nicole were amusing. I did get a little frustrated in the continual misconceptions and errors made by both women and thought this went on a little too long. Would have liked more than just one misunderstanding after another.
A happy easy to read book that appeals when you want to escape reality for a short while and know you will finish the book on a happy ending.
I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more
FourStars A really exciting and conceivable novel. This book in the series, although it is a stand alone novel, concentrates on the heightening tensionFourStars A really exciting and conceivable novel. This book in the series, although it is a stand alone novel, concentrates on the heightening tensions between the canidae and the hunters. The canidae, the shiftshapers who transform into wolves, really are credible and this can only be explained by the brilliant way the author presents this intriguing novel.
Although part are a little deja vu, there is enough new information added to keep the interest of the previous readers of this series, while explaining situations to new readers.
I also enjoyed the continuing loving relationship between Ari and Dale while welcoming more information about Ari's family, which proved both fascinating and thought-provoking.
The only point I would question was when Dale and Ari were separated Dale switched off her mobile as the battery was running low only to switch it back on again in the evening to see if there was any news from Ari, then left it on all night to see if Ari called her back. Did she misjudge the battery life?
Mr Cannon is the master of leaving the reader wanting more and I for one can not wait until his next novel appears. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris
FourStars Another well written book in this series! I enjoy the fact you can read these books as stand alones or out of order yet they always leave you wanting more. Dale and Ari are at it again and there is never a shortage of drama, twist, and suspense when these two come together. I truly enjoy reading this series and recommend it to anyone who enjoys shifter novels. Although its not your typical shifter it is much more believable. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Amber...more
FourStars A really captivating novel almost a hybrid of Red Dwarf meets Alien. I particularly like the format, starting as a newspaper report and then FourStars A really captivating novel almost a hybrid of Red Dwarf meets Alien. I particularly like the format, starting as a newspaper report and then continuing as a diary.
The unexpected and unique ending was extremely well thought out and executed. The last sentence of the novel could have been lifted from a really cheesy sci-fi comic, "but it worked"!!! (11 letters).
This novel keeps you entertained from beginning to end, so, if you are looking for a novel to take you out of this world for a few hours, then you won't be disappointed with 47. Ms Peach has written a really impressive, easy to read yet satisfying and refreshing novel which I for one thoroughly enjoyed and would recommend.
I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more
FourStars A deeply thought provoking and original novel that deals with a very difficult subject, the murder of ones spouse. This novel certainly made FourStars A deeply thought provoking and original novel that deals with a very difficult subject, the murder of ones spouse. This novel certainly made me think, the way the author dealt with the murder of Meredith's husband was extremely emotive.
I particularly liked the way the murder was not explained until we were made aware of Meredith's character, her home life and her Christian beliefs. The fact that religion was brought into this novel emphasised the turmoil being faced by Meredith, this also impacted on her growing feelings for Natalya.
I found it quite a dark novel but written in such a unique way this didn't detract from the novel it only enhanced it. The women had to tackle seemingly insurmountable problems and as they dealt with each obstacle another one arose. Although they managed to deal with every problem the answer was never sugar coated or overly sentimental, in fact it was very realistic and believable.
I was a little concerned about the way some of the language was used, calling a family "dark" and a church "black" when describing colour. However nothing could detract from this outstanding novel.
I gave this novel 4 stars because it made me think and question how I would cope under such circumstances, not many novel make you question yourself the way this ones does, I thoroughly recommend this superb book. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more
fourstars Quite a dark brooding novel. The main character portraying almost the role of an anti hero. Grace has nearly as many flaws in her character afourstars Quite a dark brooding novel. The main character portraying almost the role of an anti hero. Grace has nearly as many flaws in her character as she has commendable traits. These flaws make Grace a very believable person, one you know you can trust yet fear equally.
This novel certainly brings home the difficulties and heart breaks of being a police officer at the same time as being a compelling novel. The first few chapters do not appear to flow together seemingly disjointed, however as the novel proceeds you see that the chapters represent how Grace is feeling. As the plot continues to unfold the consistency become apparent.
The dark unknown fear of what is happening to police officers is kept in the background. This makes this novel quite unique, the mystery appearing secondary to life on the police force and the evolution of Grace.
Sections of the book are quite spiritual and although relevant do at times seem a little excessive.
The ending was so apt and in keeping with the rest of this novel,it certainly leaves the reading hoping for more. A thoroughly engrossing novel that can be enjoyed by those seeking mystery, suspense and life like characters.
I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more
I was sent this book by Inked Rainbow Reads in exchange for an honest review.
A truly dark, psychological and totally captivating novel. I had difficulI was sent this book by Inked Rainbow Reads in exchange for an honest review.
A truly dark, psychological and totally captivating novel. I had difficulty putting this book down until I reached the inevitable but unpredictable ending.
A real cutting-edge novel where the leading female is almost an anti hero. Really breaking new ground having such a cold dispassionate lead and her protégé being equally ruthless and hard hearted. Their growing attraction for each other only emphasised the cruelty and lack of empathy they displayed to everyone else.
I totally recommend this book if you are looking for something out of the ordinary, it is so well written and unique it holds your interest, even, if at times giving you moments of absolute disquiet.
The only reason I did not give 5 stars was because I felt Joss would not have allowed what happened at the end. Chris...more
FiveStars This book was different then any paranormal book that I have read before. So much creepy paranormal action that kept me glued to it as I turnFiveStars This book was different then any paranormal book that I have read before. So much creepy paranormal action that kept me glued to it as I turned the page. The women in this book go through so many things in such a short period of time. The train tracks were creepy, and I'm not sure I would go sit my car on them like they did that is for sure!
I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads.
FourStars I was sent this book by Inked Rainbow Reads in exchange for an honest review.
An amazing and totally original and unique novel. Such a strongFourStars I was sent this book by Inked Rainbow Reads in exchange for an honest review.
An amazing and totally original and unique novel. Such a strong range of female characters are depicted, courageous, brave, cunning, deadly, deceitful a complete gambit of credible and totally believable women.
Ms Justice has certainly done her research and this is evident in this convincing tale. Countries are travelled, religions explained, rituals rationalized all this while a relationship between two dominant females unfolds.
For me this novel was a learning experience in conjunction with a sensational story line. If you are looking for a novel to pique your historic interest while keeping you transfixed with an audacious narrative then this book will not disappoint.
The only reason I did not award this 5 stars was my slight disappointment with the rather conventional ending. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. ~Chris...more
fourstars I receive this book from Inked.Rainbow Reads in return for an honest review.
A very enjoyable well written book. Exciting situations, strong fourstars I receive this book from Inked.Rainbow Reads in return for an honest review.
A very enjoyable well written book. Exciting situations, strong female leads and believable plots and sub plots.
Blood family relations at their worst, friend family relations at their most powerful and inspirational.
A novel that has both leading women with commendable traits and beliefs while still possessing human failings. In a time when sexuality between couples depended on breeding, valour, bravery, honour and in this case love rather on gender.
Both women have very different personalities and upbringing, however, both have their own strengths and each compliments the others mettle as well as combatting and protecting each others weaknesses.
A novel that shows strength of family does not necessarily come those we are related too but a novel which emphasis the potency and ultimately the effectiveness of true love.
Anyone wanting a rich love story combined with devious subterfuge, a little light comedy, and ultimately a richly deserved happy ending should enjoy this book. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. ~Chris...more
ThreeStar The opening page of this novel pulls the reader in (despite a spelling mistake), it's written in an original way almost in the first person. ThreeStar The opening page of this novel pulls the reader in (despite a spelling mistake), it's written in an original way almost in the first person. Unfortunately after a brilliant start it seems to become too focused on explaining who all the other "non straights" are. Despite having read Mr Schubach's other two Bridge books, I did find this over complicated in its explanations and would have preferred to learn about the Shadow Bounds etc as they became involved in the story line. This distracts from the plot and only recovers about a quarter of the way through.
The plot does develops in an exciting and enthralling way, the characters become alive and believable. I particularly liked the references made to previous character from The Bridge collection and enjoyed how they fitted into this novel.
As the climax approaches all the characters are successfully brought together and although one of the main protagonists could be predicted the way the author handled the situation was gripping. I did feel that it was unnecessary to vindicate Storms actions as the wave she behaved was true to her character.
I enjoyed the conclusion and how whole essence of this fantasy world was brought together and loose ends that could be explained were.
Throughout the novel the author successfully left clues to not quite fully explained situations, questionable characters and of course the wonderful relationship developing between Storm and Maggie. All these clues left me asking questions, wondering, hoping for a sequel. I was therefore very disappointed with the epilogue finding it rather condescending to the reader. The novel was well enough written not to have everything further explained in the epilogue and came across more as an advert for the next book than an informative addition to an otherwise interesting novel. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more
FourStars This book will grab your attention and hold it! It has plenty of twist and turns and is a must read for all crime/ mystery lovers. There were FourStars This book will grab your attention and hold it! It has plenty of twist and turns and is a must read for all crime/ mystery lovers. There were a few times I had to reread paragraphs or pages because, I was confused about who was doing what. Overall I loved this book and cannot wait to start the next one! I love that a small town sheriff broke the whole thing open (on one side at least). I love that she is determined to stay with it until the end regardless of the risk or what others think of her abilities. I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Amber
ThreeStar A very detailed and intricate novel. Differs from other books in the way each chapter is alternatively told by the two leading females.
One of the strengths of this book is the methodical and systematic way the mystery unravels.
If you enjoy uncovering the relative clues and piecing together quite a complex plot then this is the novel for you. However I did find, at times, the novel was getting lost in over particular details. Despite this I found myself hooked on needing to know just how all the clues fitted together.
The ending although appropriate did not explain everything that had occurred. There were so many questions and clues still unanswered. This first novel is obviously just part of the jig saw that fits into a bigger even more complex plot. I for one look forward to reading further novel in The Moreville Mysteries.
The author shows a very professional and exciting way of how a novel should be concluded, and, leaving the reader wanting to know more and read further books in the series.
I was given this in return for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads. Chris...more