lulu's Reviews > Binding 13

Binding 13 by Chloe Walsh
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worst $6 i have ever spent in my mf life. reading this book was the equivalent to ripping out each individual hair follicle on my head.

i actually can't believe i avoided every spoiler on this book like the mf plague thinking this series was gonna be a banger. all that hard work for nothing. wattpad, i'm so sorry for ever comparing this book to you. i've read books on wattpad a million times better than whatever the fuck i just read.

alright lets begin.

the length. the length of this book is enough to make me go dizzy. 626 pages in the copy i had, but other copies have over 800 pages. what is going on here? chloe walsh, may i introduce you to an editor perhaps? this book did not need to be as long as it was. and i genuinely thought since it was so long there would actually be shit happening in the book. i was mistaken. the book had absolutely nothing going on for about 99% of it, and that's me being generous.

chloe walsh must have thought she was saving the environment the way she recycled every single conversation and plot overnovernovernover again. basically just johnny driving shannon home every day and them having the same conversations. didn't realize he was signing up to be her chauffeur.

why in the fucking hell did i need to hear how small shannon like the river is every 5 seconds? there is absolutely no reason for me to be reading about how small she is the number of times i did. WE FUCKING GET IT. i was tired of it by the second page. yes, the second page. you read that correctly. it had already been mentioned at least 5 times by then. and then a million more times afterwards. shannon like the river and her tiny bone structure. she's so small and unable to do anything for herself. she needs literally anyone else to help her do the most basic human tasks.

the way this character is infantilized and then sexualized is disturbing. they constantly remind us of how tiny she is and how she acts like a child. she legitimately cannot do anything without needing help from someone else. you would think she would have some sort of development by the end of the book but she remains unchanged. her whole home life plot is explored so little you could literally forget its a factor. the book had more than enough pages to delve into that plot. but all we're supposed to care about is this girl's constant loop of a relationship with the popular rugby player. not the reason why she is literally emotionally and physically stunted. she acts like a child but we're told she's actually "mature" lol okay. and then they love to mention her body every 5 seconds and how hot johnny and other boys find her.

genuinely thought his name was josh the entire first half of the book. i hate this kid. all he did was talk about his dick for half the book, and how hot and tiny shannon like the river is and everything he wanted to do to her. being inside his head was the most painful experience of my life. the repetitive nonstop inner monologues really made me homicidal. pure torture it was putting myself through this. i could skip pages and still wind up back in the same spot.

he loved to create problems for him and shannon like the river out of thin air. one of the dumbest characters i've read about in a while. it was fun laughing at him sometimes though so at least there's that.

where was the love? the chemistry? the connection? there was over 600 pages and somehow nothing to convince me these two were made for each other. johnny needs to get his ass back to dublin and shannon like the river needs years of therapy and a stable household.

anyways see below the big josh and tiny shannon. how lovely!


he barely was in this book but he is the only good thing in it. carried the book. there is no way i would enjoy any other book in this series, but this man is a gem. i will appreciate his character from afar but i truly do love him so much.

i brought the review back bc fuck the bullies yall can stay mad.


when the plan to br finally makes it out the dms 🤭 iqra lets hope we love it or hate it together <3
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Reading Progress

November 20, 2022 – Shelved
May 27, 2023 – Started Reading
May 27, 2023 –
1.0% "if i hear how small she is one more time 😃 giving me tutoring the player flashbacks rn"
May 27, 2023 –
4.0% "”Christ, she really was a tiny little thing.”

like a toddler right"
May 27, 2023 –
5.0% "I looked down at the tiny little female under my arm.
Who could attack her?
She was so small.
And frail.

im not even joking the amount of times they mention how small she is is driving me insane i have the ick. is it satire or smth??"
May 28, 2023 –
22.0% "im confused…is anything actually gonna happen in this book?"
May 31, 2023 –
30.0% "that was the stupidest fight gn"
May 31, 2023 –
37.0% "not joey carrying this book on his mf back"
May 31, 2023 –
45.0% "you could skip 100 pages of this book and still know exactly whats happening bc they just go around in the same circles 😐"
May 31, 2023 –
55.0% "she couldnt reach the stool so he had to lift her up onto it how cute 🙂"
May 31, 2023 –
67.0% "”Oh, that’s good,” my mother breathed. “You’re a good boy.”
A good boy?
Was I a bleeding dog?
There was
nothing good about what I wanted to do with Shannon Lynch.

💀💀 sit down boi"
May 31, 2023 –
73.0% "every day this girl crashes into a wall of muscle. this book is so wattpad coded its not even funny"
June 1, 2023 –
75.0% "”I’m doing the math here, Shannon, and two plus two equals a bad bitch.”

this is the most unserious shit 😭 bc the way mans says this randomly in the middle of an argument 💀"
June 1, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 201-250 of 592 (592 new)

message 201: by mara (new) - rated it 1 star

mara omg

message 202: by mara (new) - rated it 1 star

mara scared to read this but gna read it anyway 🫣 ur right tho fs the length was tm and omg the small thing would probs piss me off sm now too idk i think i overlooked it before cus i knew she wasnt eating n all that but ya i do remember it being mentioned more than needed looool. anyway tho im not gonna read the whole thing cus my heart is breaking 💔 but i agree with most of what u said, sorry u didnt like it tho babe < /3 im never rereading this book LMSOAOA

dani (semi-hiatus) the saving the environment bit and the picture please 😭 this review has me screaming. everyone and their mothers seem to love this book but after reading all that i don’t think i will pick it up any time soon lmao

message 204: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu tia, oh yeah i wouldn’t rush to read this one 😭 i would go in w lower expectations if i were you and hopefully then it would be better for u 😭

message 205: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu em, babes yeah i dont blame you for not reading the review 🤣 you gotta keep them rose tinted glasses on frrr 😭 yeah i feel you tho i have so many books like that that i know if i read today i’d be like what in the cringe but i love u agreeing still u a real one 🥹❤️‍🩹

message 206: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu dani, LMAOO i had to 😭 but mayas right bc then she went on to destroy the environment w the number of useless pages 🤧 girl thats why i was so excited ugh just go in w lower expectations i hope its better for you !!

Ansruta(Adulting wont let me read) Reading the first few lines of your review after the hype around this book made my brain so confused but i was feeling so guilty for not reading this yet but you put my mind to ease thank you😭🙏

message 208: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu ansruta, i feel you sis 😭 honestly i wouldn’t rush to read it but you may love it like everyone else does im defff in the minority here but i gotchu its really not anything special or smth you gotta feel pressured to read asap


message 210: by Lilyya (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lilyya ♡ omg this masterpiece

message 211: by Noa (new) - added it

Noa "genuinely thought his name was josh the entire first half of the book" my favorite line honestly!! I'm so sorry you didn't like this one love 💗💗 Hopefully next read is better 🤞🤞

message 212: by annie (new) - added it

annie bae 😭 I choked! This review was too good and I'm so sorry it was a freaking disappointment!

message 213: by jlhoca (new) - rated it 1 star

tô rindo horrores

message 214: by a (new) - rated it 1 star

a EVERY BIT OF THIS REVIEW IS SO SPOT ON. what was the point of 700+ pages? and why did we need constant reminders of shannon’s size? anyways, glad to see i’m not the only one to give it a one star

message 215: by Symone (new)

Symone Your review had me dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

message 216: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu milo, u laughing this entire comment has me cryinggg 🤣🤣 listen they said it SFM in the book i wanted to bang my head against the wall EVERY TIME

message 217: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu lils, what a time what a time what a time

message 218: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu noa, i still call him josh honestly is that not his name 😃 haha thanks babe i hated the journey but its fun to laugh at 😭

message 219: by jess (new)

jess i think you’ve saved me from putting myself through hell 🫂 my stomach hurts from laughing so much tho 😭 i love this review

message 220: by par ♡ (new)

par ♡ this is why i love reading reviews on goodreads. sometimes you find such good ones

message 221: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu anum, looool thank you girlie 🤭 and we’re good ive read amazing books since this atrocity 💘

message 222: by em &#x1f3f9; (new)

em &#x1f3f9; thank you for this i thought i was going crazy

message 223: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu julia, hehe i love this 🤭😭

message 224: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu a, yess im glad to see others agreeing!! this book drove me INSANE 😭 the answer to your question: there was no point 😃

message 225: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu symone, hehe im glad 🤭

message 226: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu jess, purr as i should thats what friends are for 🫂 lmaooo you can tell hm i hate this i was fr going through hell reading this 😭☠️

message 227: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu par, this is so sweet omg 🥹 glad you loved reading it haha

message 228: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu em, bestie the book prob did drive us insane 💘 but no i gotchu bc the way everyone loves this series i was like where are the other 1 stars i cant be alone 🫢

message 229: by Nicole (new) - added it

Nicole C i haven’t read but this review was too funny 😭😭😭

message 230: by Mini (new) - added it

Mini This is literally exactly how I felt!! The entire 800 and so on pages for me were BRUTAL TORTURE!!! There was absolutely no plot and I only stuck around thinking something really juicy might be coming...... but now, I was sorely mistaken.

Pretty much the entire book was about Johnny letting his ex torment him, Shannon getting too overwhelmed by anything, having a fragile tantrum and rushing out of school early only for Johnny to give her a ride, them having awkward af conversations the entire time and thinking their conversation flow was amazing. Which newsflash to them it was almost unbearable to read through. Johnny wanting her but not wanting to ruin his plans for the future that were pretty much already ruined, him skipping training to hang out with the 'thing he's supposed to be avoiding', complains about it, him talking about his bits, him being a moody fuck as well as ungreatul to Gibsie including holding his responsible and telling him off for letting him bulldoze with Shannon yet every time Gibsie was trying to help his friend keep his promise to keep him away from Shannon, Johnny goes all agro and doesn't let anyone get in his way, then and him obsessing of tiny little Shannon like the river, and how small she is but what brutal sexual things he wanted to do to a girl he thought of as a small child. Shannon getting abused and doing nothing about it, obsessing over Johnny, talks about how she's so unattractive yet it's mentioned numerously how so many guys are after her. Other than this repetitive crab that cycles through the entire book, there is like nothing. And I'm so glad I'm not the only one who felt this way.
Also it was super annoying how Johnny was all obsessed with Shannon yet wouldn't be with her, but denied her the right of being with other guys by threatening all the guys to stay away from her or he'd kill them. Like it's super controlling, he either wants her or not. Being her "friend" but secretly in love with her, doesn't give him the right to own her and not let her be with others.

Shannon and Johnny individually were just dumb af. And together they had absolutely no chemistry.
The whole book was wayyyy to long and needed an actual plot, the 'drama' was weak. Important potentially interesting information was touched upon VERY briefly with no detail, yet there was also scenes that dragged on for pages with LITERALLY no purpose or anything actually going on.
Just pure boring, torture, pain, and a waste of time and potential.

Tina Oh man, I’m listening to it and only a few hours in. Both books combined and it’s over 24 hours. I don’t think I can do it. I’m neck deep in the cat fiasco at the friends house. It’s going on forever. Why? Is the author writing about every little thing that is happening? I do love the premise of the story but it’s really dragging with too much filler.

message 232: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu nicole, LMAOO 🤭 save yourself dont read it 😭

leyla ✿ i love reading harsh reviews lmao you can just feel the anger seeping out of the words 😭😭

message 234: by Violet (new)

Violet i love this review

message 235: by nikki (new) - rated it 5 stars

nikki i’m loving the book and don’t particularly agree with your review (not my problem that’s ur opinion) but i’m wondering where in the hell did you get a book for $6?!?!?!?

message 236: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu mini, im so glad you agree!! torture is exactly what going through this book felt like. i genuinely cried out of pure frustration. everything about it was bothering me so much. i hated every character. the writing was atrocious. i also kept waiting for something good to happen but nope. only the last chapter finally had something happening. but by then it was far too late.

omg don’t even get me started on the ex storyline lmfao. and then shannon constantly going through the same thing 93847378237 times as if that doesn’t get tiring. thank you. it was so unbearable sitting through their awkward conversations. and then expecting us to believe they’ve fallen in love ⁉️⁉️ EXACTLY OMG shes literally described as looking like a child and he sits there and talks about how “tiny” she is and how attracted he is to her. and how desired she is by every other boy. its so disturbing. the way you described everything so perfectly has me crying. that’s basically the entire plot 😃 such a wonderful 600+ pages to go through.

honestly the book is just filled with terrible characters and an even worse plot. this could have been SO good if handled well. this story had so much potential and thats the most disappointing part. i agree about how important topics were just briefly touched on but then the most useless shit would go on endlessly. this is why this is genuinely the worst book i’ve ever read it has no redeeming qualities.

janele ⋆。°✩ i wanted to read this so bad but after reading this amazing review, absolutely not 😔😔. i hope ur next read is a 5 star one!! u deserve it <33!!!

Samantha Bravo Thank you for this !! Couldn’t agree more

message 239: by alisa (new) - rated it 1 star

alisa (๑◡๑) you took the words right out of my mouth. and then some.

message 240: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu tina, girlll get out while you still can its torture 🤧 its so long for absolutely no reason. LMAOO every irrelevant scene gets dragged on for pages and pages its not normal 😭 the premise of the book is so good but she ruined it and it made me wanna die ://

message 241: by tanveer ⋆。✧ (new)

tanveer ⋆。✧ omggg this review is chef's kiss 😭🤞🏼 also that picture 👹 i didn't see a single bad review about this one and was planning to read it bc everyone love it!💀 your review convinced me to never look at it again! 🫶🏼🥰

message 242: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu leyla, LMAOO LEYLA im so glad you could feel it throughout the review 😭😭 it was a very passionate one

message 243: by Rowan (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rowan So sorry this happened to you love 🫶🏻😭

message 244: by Rowan (new) - rated it 3 stars

Rowan These books are soooo loved I have them and now I’m scared 💀

message 245: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu violet, thank you 🤭

message 246: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu niqueda, haha i bought it on my kindle thats why. but also you can get books this cheap if you find it like used or thrift it. i find lots of super cheap used books

message 247: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu karol, i wish someone saved me too ☹️ but i also understand reading it bc the hype since sm ppl love it its totally possible you might as well. but if you find issues w the things i’ve mentioned this will probably not be the book for you because it honestly drove me crazy. thank you so much!! 💗

message 248: by alyssa (new)

alyssa The image of the height difference got me 😭

message 249: by Areeba (new)

Areeba Didnt read the book, nor am i planning to (im a fantasy gal) but the review was lowkey funny

message 250: by [deleted user] (new)

You’re doing a public service with this review 🙏 I read two chapters and was so shook at how god awful it was. Glad I stuck with the DNF 🥲

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