lulu's Reviews > Binding 13

Binding 13 by Chloe Walsh
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worst $6 i have ever spent in my mf life. reading this book was the equivalent to ripping out each individual hair follicle on my head.

i actually can't believe i avoided every spoiler on this book like the mf plague thinking this series was gonna be a banger. all that hard work for nothing. wattpad, i'm so sorry for ever comparing this book to you. i've read books on wattpad a million times better than whatever the fuck i just read.

alright lets begin.

the length. the length of this book is enough to make me go dizzy. 626 pages in the copy i had, but other copies have over 800 pages. what is going on here? chloe walsh, may i introduce you to an editor perhaps? this book did not need to be as long as it was. and i genuinely thought since it was so long there would actually be shit happening in the book. i was mistaken. the book had absolutely nothing going on for about 99% of it, and that's me being generous.

chloe walsh must have thought she was saving the environment the way she recycled every single conversation and plot overnovernovernover again. basically just johnny driving shannon home every day and them having the same conversations. didn't realize he was signing up to be her chauffeur.

why in the fucking hell did i need to hear how small shannon like the river is every 5 seconds? there is absolutely no reason for me to be reading about how small she is the number of times i did. WE FUCKING GET IT. i was tired of it by the second page. yes, the second page. you read that correctly. it had already been mentioned at least 5 times by then. and then a million more times afterwards. shannon like the river and her tiny bone structure. she's so small and unable to do anything for herself. she needs literally anyone else to help her do the most basic human tasks.

the way this character is infantilized and then sexualized is disturbing. they constantly remind us of how tiny she is and how she acts like a child. she legitimately cannot do anything without needing help from someone else. you would think she would have some sort of development by the end of the book but she remains unchanged. her whole home life plot is explored so little you could literally forget its a factor. the book had more than enough pages to delve into that plot. but all we're supposed to care about is this girl's constant loop of a relationship with the popular rugby player. not the reason why she is literally emotionally and physically stunted. she acts like a child but we're told she's actually "mature" lol okay. and then they love to mention her body every 5 seconds and how hot johnny and other boys find her.

genuinely thought his name was josh the entire first half of the book. i hate this kid. all he did was talk about his dick for half the book, and how hot and tiny shannon like the river is and everything he wanted to do to her. being inside his head was the most painful experience of my life. the repetitive nonstop inner monologues really made me homicidal. pure torture it was putting myself through this. i could skip pages and still wind up back in the same spot.

he loved to create problems for him and shannon like the river out of thin air. one of the dumbest characters i've read about in a while. it was fun laughing at him sometimes though so at least there's that.

where was the love? the chemistry? the connection? there was over 600 pages and somehow nothing to convince me these two were made for each other. johnny needs to get his ass back to dublin and shannon like the river needs years of therapy and a stable household.

anyways see below the big josh and tiny shannon. how lovely!


he barely was in this book but he is the only good thing in it. carried the book. there is no way i would enjoy any other book in this series, but this man is a gem. i will appreciate his character from afar but i truly do love him so much.

i brought the review back bc fuck the bullies yall can stay mad.


when the plan to br finally makes it out the dms 🤭 iqra lets hope we love it or hate it together <3
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Reading Progress

November 20, 2022 – Shelved
May 27, 2023 – Started Reading
May 27, 2023 –
1.0% "if i hear how small she is one more time 😃 giving me tutoring the player flashbacks rn"
May 27, 2023 –
4.0% "”Christ, she really was a tiny little thing.”

like a toddler right"
May 27, 2023 –
5.0% "I looked down at the tiny little female under my arm.
Who could attack her?
She was so small.
And frail.

im not even joking the amount of times they mention how small she is is driving me insane i have the ick. is it satire or smth??"
May 28, 2023 –
22.0% "im confused…is anything actually gonna happen in this book?"
May 31, 2023 –
30.0% "that was the stupidest fight gn"
May 31, 2023 –
37.0% "not joey carrying this book on his mf back"
May 31, 2023 –
45.0% "you could skip 100 pages of this book and still know exactly whats happening bc they just go around in the same circles 😐"
May 31, 2023 –
55.0% "she couldnt reach the stool so he had to lift her up onto it how cute 🙂"
May 31, 2023 –
67.0% "”Oh, that’s good,” my mother breathed. “You’re a good boy.”
A good boy?
Was I a bleeding dog?
There was
nothing good about what I wanted to do with Shannon Lynch.

💀💀 sit down boi"
May 31, 2023 –
73.0% "every day this girl crashes into a wall of muscle. this book is so wattpad coded its not even funny"
June 1, 2023 –
75.0% "”I’m doing the math here, Shannon, and two plus two equals a bad bitch.”

this is the most unserious shit 😭 bc the way mans says this randomly in the middle of an argument 💀"
June 1, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 101-150 of 592 (592 new)

krys ~♡~ (scarlett's version) PLEASE THIS REVIEW HAS ME ROTFL RNN 😭😭🤚🏼 THE LEVEL OF SARCASM AND SASS I CANT EVEN RN. Also l feel like Shannon is kinda small 💀

message 102: by Hoda (new) - rated it 1 star

Hoda Lilyya wrote: "@Gamar- some of their friends and them! but it’s not their first round calling people with the c-word and r-word. anyway, the side effect of reading a lot of dArK rOmAnCe🤪, i guess.."

ewww that's disgusting they should go to therapy fr

autumn ✶ omg lulu I've read that review too this so stupid we love you here 💗💗 imagine deleting you review to write a hate letter 💀

message 104: by Cara (new)

Cara Great review, my Lulu angel💓!!!!!! I'm so sorry this book didn't work out for you, but kudos to you and my girl Iqra for taking one for the team😘😭!!!!!!!!!

Ayesha (in a book slump) Okay but, that image is literally me compared to every other fictional character that's "not a river" 😭😭😭

message 106: by lila ⋆ (new) - added it

lila ⋆ why do i think shannon's a lil smol though 🥺🤨

message 107: by lila ⋆ (new) - added it

lila ⋆ i was legitimately expecting this though and im not surprised or upset surprisingly i alr knew this was gonna happen 😭😭 this review just sent me to tears so thank you for that (the picture was a lovely touch 💀)

Lyra (Cardan's tail's version) WHO CAME AFTER MY LULU I’LL FIGHT THEM😤😤
Your reviews are AMAZING. And even if I loved the book I would still support you ml<3
But omg BABES.
The rant.
The picture.
Thank you for making sure I will never read this.
I can’t believe this is like 800 pages wtf the recycling must have been doing some heavy lifting istg.

message 109: by Iqra (new) - rated it 5 stars

Iqra Girl even tho we had the completely opposite opinions on this book, our BR was so fucking fun. I’m so glad I shared this one with you even if you hated it bc that made the jokes extra hilarious lmao. The way we both have different perspectives and justify them as well is so funny to me lmao I love that for us 🤭
You came out this book free as a bee and now I’m shackled to the series 😭😭 get out it’s not fair.
Also your review ATE bbyg. The way I’m cryinglaughing at how you’re so annoyed by the Shannon ‘like the river’ getting mentioned every three pages 💀😭🤣🤣
You can’t even lie tho- johnnys one liners were top notch (except *that* one hahah lemme erase that from my memory rq 🏃‍♀️ )

message 110: by Emma (new) - rated it 5 stars

Emma Skapetis Great review. I'm sort of scared to start reading this again now lol. I'm sorry it was such a disappointment for you, Lulu and I hope you love your next read.

message 111: by marwah (last edited Jun 01, 2023 05:55PM) (new) - added it

marwah girl ngl the rating and review hurt my soul even though you made some valid points😭🥲 but I respect your opinion and love the rant <3 and i love how you reposted your review🫡haters are motivators :) <3

message 112: by rae ✿ (new)

rae ✿ 🐜🐜im here with my ants squad to attack those ugly bullies🐜🐜 i love this review sm im glad you finally finished and be done with this book now onto a better book! ily babe💕💕

♡Gabi♡ [life & work is chaotic hiatus] so sad you didn’t love this one at all, but I knew it was coming(💔) and you are a trooper for sticking it through to the end!! that was so real of you😭🫡 speak your truth bae, as you should!!🗣️
I hope your next read is beyond enjoyable and thank you for giving Johnnyshannon a shot either way.🥹❤️‍🩹

p.s I won’t even lie, the laugh I laughed at you thinking Johnny’s name was JOSH the first half of the book… ahskskj PLSS💀🤣

message 114: by SK (new) - rated it 5 stars

SK Oh no. This sounds absolutely horrible, but gathered that from your updates as well. Thanks for taking one for the team hun. You won't see me touching this book 😂🩷

message 115: by ikram (new) - rated it 5 stars

ikram okay this review has me officially coming out of my goodreads hibernation THE FACT THAT YOU THOUGHT HIS NAME WAS JOSH 😭😭 i’m actually in tears you’re a survivor for sticking it out and finishing it though (i’m now genuinely questioning my sanity for rereading the book an unhealthy amount of times 🤡🤡)

Gamar ❤ UR telling me it wasnt just me ?? why did i think his name was josh too??? istg i saw one of my kindle notes saying josh

THATS WHAT IM SAYINGGGG it wasnt a slow burn , it was JUST SLOW . bwahaha chaffeur fr
I think shannon had potential honestly , she could have been a good character if they just explored her more outside of the whole shes like a child and demure and sad :( i liked it when she got angry at the way she was being treated . I would have liked to see her THINK more abt what shes going thru and grow etc etc

Jonny- didnt see any chemistry between them too and why was he always fighting ppl like plz . GROW UP . i liked him high tho 👀 when he was open ...

and yes joey is such a good bro , ppl have been enocuraging me to read his book but i dont know if i can take any more or ms walsh

message 117: by Leonie (new)

Leonie Oh yikes, hope your next read will be better! <3

message 118: by sid (new) - rated it 5 stars

sid As much as I loved the book, Johnny mentioning how small Shannon was did my head in.

Sorry to hear about the bullying 😞

message 119: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu maya, LMAO ILYSM hdhchsjshhsaj honestly i now understand why you were taking offence to the wattpad comparisons bc 💀 and nah ur right the pages wasted on this book are a detriment to the environment smh. bitch same i never again do i wanna be inside josh’s head that was painful :/

message 120: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu sarah, stopp tysm 😭

message 121: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu jenna, YESS IM GLAD WE AGREEE <3

message 122: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu hoda, ikk i just have a hard time dnfing books and i really wanted to understand the hype for this book for myself and while i still dont understand it fully, reading it w iqra as she was reading it kinda gave me some perspective on the parts that she was connecting w yk? i still hated it tho but im glad its worked for you and so many others!! 💗

message 123: by Sherry (new) - added it

Sherry Bice ... Remove from shelf


message 124: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu anmol, like the river was cute the first few times but then it kept happening 😃 omg yes joey needs all our love fr but from afar for sure bc putting ourselves thru these books was painful enough

message 125: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu deema, LMAOO THANK U DEEMS 💗💗 yeah i was rlly disappointed by the way her character was written. her home life should have been explored way more than it was. yeah omg girl that made me uncomfortable too the whole way through 😭 omg yes any scene w joey was amazing tbh. and me and iqra really did laugh a lot even tho we disagreed on pretty much everything it was so funny 😭

message 126: by Emma Griffioen (new)

Emma Griffioen omg okay so i wont be reading this one LMAO!!🫢😭 the fact that you were avoiding spoilers!!!! im sorry it didnt live up to the hype:(((

message 127: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu lils, “shitty pr work” fr 💀 embarrazzing. yeah joey was in the book for 2.5 seconds and he carried 😌 thank u sm monmoni mwah 💗

message 128: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu amina, UR COMMENT TOOK ME OUT 😭 its fine babe we’re all delulu at times and i love that u can overlook the negatives bc that be me w all my favs too 🤭🤭 and girl the pic is legit them NOT THE CRICKS THO JDJCHJSJS but yea ppl need to chill out fr this is a review site not every reviews gna be 5 stars smh. “poojas” has me crying tho

message 129: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu eli, RIGHTT and like can we just be more subtle about it?? why do i need to hear on every page shes so tiny. the writing in this book is a mess fr 😭 hehe thank u 😌💗

message 130: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu autumn, im sorryyy i rly tried but its just not my typa book. honestly im so happy you loved it tho and i think many ppl had that experience where it was an emotional read for them and books that make u cry always stay w u. i do see ur point on it kinda feeling like “everyday conversation” but idk i couldnt vibe w any of the dialogue or inner monologues :// n i need to rlly start getting more comfortable w dnfing books 😪

also omg u saying gibsie is even more obsessed w johnny’s dick than he is is the realest shit i ever read 💀 the way he always wanted to talk about it omds jdhcjsjsjsjd “a child plus shannon would still not be a johnny” BYE UR TAKING ME OUT 😭 im glad it didnt bother u tho but i kept having this disturbing image in my mind 💀

message 131: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu alayla, honestly i would be so curious to see what u think of this book 🌚 girl they never let me forget it. and yeah the pic traumatized me too we all going thru this together 😌

message 132: by lulu (last edited Jun 02, 2023 07:20AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu madi, LMAOO yeah twas not a great reading experience for sure :/ but a lot of ppl love the book so you might rlly enjoy it as well

message 133: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu aliki, period! you said it best n thats why its back <3 thank u sm babes 💗

[̲̅K̲̅][̲̅a̲̅][̲̅t̲̅][̲̅i̲̅][̲̅e̲̅] Ohmygod. This review is everything! Love your enthusiasm and your honesty and now I'm about to take this off my tbr lol.

message 135: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu gamar, LMAO yeah the pic makes it all worse but thats fr what i was imagining since it was emphasized to that extent. lmaoo that was serious fan behaviour 🚨 love u gamar babes 💘

OMG U THOUGHT HIS NAME WAS JOSH TOO?? girl his name keeps autocorrecting in my head to josh so im just sticking w it. hes josh to me. and seriously just slow no burn ://

EXACTLY that is what i wanted from shannons character. but shes such a one dimensional character it’s disappointing. i wouldve loved to see her think more about what was going on w her as well rather than it just being “shannon is small, sad and lonely” the end.

yeah theres no way im going anywhere near joeys books even tho i rlly love him. cw writing is not for me but many others love it so ima let them enjoy

message 136: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu rebecca, omg rebecca ur such an angel babes 😭💗💗 i love u sm. and reading ur comment honestly means the world to me i appreciate it sm omg 🥹

message 137: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu tasnia, dw its back 💅

message 138: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu huda, thank u ily babes 🥹💗

message 139: by annie (new) - added it

annie shannon LIKE THE RIVER omg 😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣

message 140: by annie (new) - added it

annie also I wanted to read this book but To be honest, 600 pages are WAYYY TOO MUCH! 😵‍💫

message 141: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu scar, LMAOO IM GLADD 🤭 and hmm yeah i think it might have been mentioned once or twice??

message 142: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu cara, thank u ml!! and yes unfortunately it didnt work for me butttt iqra actually loveddd the book so much!! maybe give it a try and see what side you fall on? 💞

message 143: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu ayesha, LMAO not a river 💀

message 144: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu lila, im so happy it didnt upset u tbh 😭 i gave u plenty of signs 🤣 LMAOO i love that even tho u love the book u can laugh about it. and the picture was the image that was in my mind the whole time w the descriptions 💀

message 145: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu lyra, I LOVE UU LYRA BABES 🥹💗 but no they arent even worth it
LMAOO yes the recycling of content was insaneeee omg im so glad im done it tho ouf never gotta touch another of her books again now 😭 thank uuu ur amazing 💘

message 146: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu iqra, no seriously i was sad at first that our opinions were so different but by the end we honestly had so much fun with it im so so happy we read it together and had fun laughing at ourselves n the book n the br 🤣💗
no fr im so free and cant be more happy about it and look at you running to book 2 AND ADDING THEM TO UR BIO 🫢 but i acc love that for u jdjcjsjjsjajs
bye why did shannon like the river need to get mentioned every 5 seconds fr 😃
NO IQRAA his lines had me laughing at him not with him 😭💀 and now im laughing remembering the line ur tryna forget LMAO 💀

message 147: by riri (new) - added it

riri 1 STAR LET'S GOOOO great review ml, so glad i dnfed the book 😭

message 148: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu emma, thank uuu! ahh i hope u end up enjoying it more than i did! iqra loved it 💞

message 149: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu marwah, ikk sorry babesss 💔 thank uu sm <33 honestly i respect anyone that can handle critique on their fav books without losing their mind bc why are u on a book review site if u cant 💀

message 150: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu rae, THE ANT SQUAD 💀 dont run into any walls 😔 omg same im so glad my torture is over ilym raeraeee 💘

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