Paul Bryant's Reviews > Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: novels

Oliver Twist THE BOOK is crap and has NO songs in it, I couldn't believe it. So I googled and get this, it turns out they put those in the movie and Dickens had nothing to do with it! But since they were the best bit of the film, you can understand my horror and bereft sense of disappointment when I finally came to pick up the book.

How could Dickens NOT have thought of having little Oliver sing Where Is Love when chucked into the cellar or Who Will Buy This Loverly Morning when he wakes up in his posh house...I mean yeah he was supposed to be good wasn't he? And please note the edition I read was not a Readers Digest Condensed Edition. When you DON'T have Fagin capering about warbling "In this life one thing counts/ In the bank, large amounts/I'm afraid these don't grow on trees/You got to pick a pocket or two" with that pederastic twinkle in his eyes as he surveys his small boys then alas I'm sorry to say that what you're left with is a bit of an antisemitic caricature lashed to a morality tale whose immoral moral appears to be that rich is good, poor is bad, and you better get yourself a deus ex machina in the form of a very unlikely sugardaddy to magic you out of the poorhouse or the rats will eat your bollocks, your bones will turn to dust and be blown away and no one will ever hire cute kids to pretend to be you on stage or screen and melt our hearts and win Oscars and Tonys. Which I think we all knew.

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September 27, 2007 – Shelved
December 16, 2007 – Shelved as: novels

Comments Showing 251-300 of 349 (349 new)

message 251: by Dave (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dave Schaafsma More straightforward education for you, Paul. Will you never listen?

message 252: by Ryan.A (new)

Ryan.A I would say the,well in the film I like the song um papa and Consider yourself. But I defintely like the movie.

message 253: by Ryan.A (new)

Ryan.A tattttttgttttttttttttggttggygtgtgt tytytyytututuutututut

message 254: by Cheryl (new) - rated it 5 stars

Cheryl Truly funny review. Love it. lol it’s always good to have a sense of humour

Carl Sagstad I really hope this review is satire...

message 256: by Patrick (new)

Patrick Powell Carl Sagstad wrote: "I really hope this review is satire..."

I think you can be rest assured it is.

CATHAN &WARREN Ihaven't read the book yet but your descripion of it is very bad

message 258: by lucymollitt (new)

lucymollitt Omg I love this review

message 259: by prayag (new) - rated it 5 stars

prayag I like ot

message 260: by prayag (new) - rated it 5 stars

prayag are you madwhy did you keep that comment the book is good

message 261: by Jojo (new)

Jojo Sinson this comment make me so angry that some ignorant person is complaining that there are no songs, IN A CLASSIC BOOK!!!!!!

message 262: by Patrick (new)

Patrick Powell Jojo wrote: "this comment make me so angry that some ignorant person is complaining that there are no songs, IN A CLASSIC BOOK!!!!!!"

He is joking, though you have missed that.

message 263: by Norman (new) - rated it 3 stars

Norman You are aware since it was a musical adaptation of Oliver Twist, if it wasn't for that crap book you'd never have your masterpiece movie. Can honestly not believe you're calling the book crap for not having songs?

message 264: by Lars (new) - rated it 4 stars

Lars Dradrach 13 year after he wrote, it this review still provokes (totally bonkers) comments, must be some kind of a record.
P.S. I still find the review hilarious

Historical Dolls Alice I can’t this is too funny! Dickens wrote about his depression not about musicals

message 266: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant Can you explain this more?

message 267: by Annagrace (new)

Annagrace Ha! One of your best, Paul.

message 268: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant thanks!

message 269: by Lara (new) - added it

Lara Omg 😱 how dare he!

message 270: by Elies (new) - added it

Elies I HATE it when I can't hear songs from a book. Charles Dickens should be ASHAMED of himself. You have enlightened me, good sir. /s

message 271: by Joan (new) - rated it 4 stars

Joan K Maybe you should have purchased the movie soundtrack, if music is what you’re after

message 272: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant I thought this was the book of the movie. I was so disappointed.

message 273: by Lealea ❤️ (new)

Lealea ❤️ On fire Paul! You not the book. 😂

message 274: by Sana (new) - rated it 2 stars

Sana Belwal Nothing good happens. It is very sad. I found you are buying the book remember that you are wasting your time and money .

Michael You are an idiot

message 276: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant On what do you base this insight? Have we met?

message 277: by Cecily (last edited Nov 10, 2020 11:50AM) (new)

Cecily This review and comment thread is the gift that keeps on giving - this, and Gulliver's Travels.

message 278: by Patrick (new)

Patrick Powell Michael wrote: "You are an idiot"

No, he doesn't have a sense of humour (he's from Canada).

message 279: by Ollie (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ollie It's all kicking off.

message 280: by Patrick (new)

Patrick Powell Ollie wrote: "It's all kicking off."

Well, it will be a bloody relief from sodding Trump v sodding Biden.

message 281: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant Cecily, don't forget Of Mice and Men! I am keeping a log of how many helpful people tell me it's quotation from a famous poem.

message 282: by Michael (new)

Michael Hi

message 283: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Whitehouse I have to agree how can the book ever live up to the musical 🎶😂

message 284: by Suzy (new) - rated it 3 stars

Suzy Espersen Love it. 😄

message 285: by Dave (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dave Schaafsma Periodically I return to this review to be able to laugh aloud, thanks, Paul. But as much for the comments from (humans) calling you an idiot and trying to teach you about the difference between a novel and a movie.

message 286: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant yeah it's fun.... same thing happened with Gulliver's Travels!

message 287: by Sarah (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sarah Objection. While the rest of your review is opinion and you are totally entitled to it, I would point out that, in Nancy, good triumphs and her actions do a lot of good. So it's not "rich is good, poor is bad".

message 288: by Patrick (new)

Patrick Powell Bella McDermott wrote: "Of course there aren't any songs in the book. Have you every read a book with songs? And I cannot understand your horror and bereft sense of disappointment as you should have been expecting songs a..."

You do realise his tongue if firmly in his cheek. He's not being serious at all. It's a joke.

Bella McDermott Of course there are no songs in the book. The book came first. And I cannot understand your horror and disappointment as it is a great book and anyone with sense wouldn't have been expecting songs.

message 290: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant well, i see now that i was wrong to expect songs in the book, but i still think it should clearly say so on the cover. It is very misleading not to say.

message 291: by Ray (last edited May 12, 2021 04:30AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ray I would caution you not to read Les Miserables.

Its almost like Hugo was ignorant of the musical - though he might have just been upset that he didn't get a credit from The Stranglers for Toiler on the Sea

message 292: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant i can't think he didn't know, that musical is so famous, it's on th side of buses and everything

message 293: by Ray (new) - rated it 2 stars

Ray Paul wrote: "i can't think he didn't know, that musical is so famous, it's on th side of buses and everything"

If it was on the side of a bus he probably ignored it - it is usually a sign that someone is telling porkies

message 294: by Jessie (new) - added it

Jessie If you ask me, Shakespeare’s rip-off of The Lion King was the worst. Not a single chord from ‘The Circle of Life’ graces those pages. Thoroughly disappointed. In fact, I’m sure it counts as whitewashing, changing Simba from African to Danish...

Bravo, this review and thread has amused me no end this morning. May the comments keep coming!

Mary-Therese P. I actually am reading the book and am really loving it. But I agree with you on the movie. Jack Wild as the Artful Dodger was pure comedic genius

message 296: by Mahsa (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mahsa Songs?😂😂😂 Were you really expecting it in the book?

message 297: by Venni (new) - rated it 5 stars

Venni good book

message 298: by Venni (new) - rated it 5 stars

Venni :)

message 299: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant you know what, I rather think it wasn't an entirely serious review.

Peacejanz Ouch! I am going to go back and read it. I did not think it was that bad when I read it before. Dickens wrote for the masses and his observations are still valid today. We treat the poor so badly, money means you have a dwelling to live in-sleep in - get away from the cold. Health, class, money, the horrible court system - you name it, he nailed it and we still have a horrible court system. After I re-read it with a clear head, I will take you on. Save your notes. His stuff has lasted loner than Donald Trump will and people still praise him. Have entire college courses about him. Did you ever read - Our Mutual Friend? Many Dickens scholars consider it his best. I am not a Dickens scholar, I am a scholar of business/organizational systems. And Dickens never included a real song. Maybe a line or two here or there from a character in the book. My copy of your review does not have a date. Perhaps you wrote it before you finished grade school? Paul, I usually love your reviews but you missed it this time. peace, janz

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