Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader)'s Reviews > The Man Who Died Twice

The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: mystery

I gave the Thursday Murder Club another chance but now I know this series is just not for me!! It was a great bedtime read because it put me to sleep very quickly :D.

What's your favourite cosy mystery? Not sure if it's just this series or the genre that's not for me

What I enjoyed

• Compared to the first one, the pace was faster and there was more happening. The first 30% kept me interested as there were gradual reveals.

• I liked how the different subplots intertwined in the end.

What I didn't enjoy

• There wasn’t enough setting around the Coopers Chase retirement home and the Thursday Murder Club gathering like there was in book 1. The characters Ron, Ibrahim, Elizabeth and Joyce sounded similar, if their dialogue was mixed up I wouldn’t notice.

• Why does it switch between third person to first person Joyce’s diary? A shift in writing style makes me expect some sort of development or reveal. However her chapters were incredibly boring and there wasn’t anything new to learn. But for people who enjoy the charm of these characters then Joyce’s chapters would be entertaining.

• There was a lot of meandering and tangents that I kept on losing focus. Beyond the 30% mark or so, the investigation and reveals were light and didn’t hook me in.

Overall I would recommend this if you enjoy light mysteries with humour, don’t take themselves too seriously and don’t mind some tangents. If you liked book 1 then I think you'll likely enjoy this too! :)

Many thanks to Penguin General UK and NetGally for the ARC
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Reading Progress

September 4, 2021 – Started Reading
September 4, 2021 – Shelved
September 9, 2021 – Shelved as: mystery
September 9, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 54 (54 new)

Darla So sorry to hear that this was a miss for you. I am just about to read the second one and will decide if I want to stick with it for more of the series.

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thanks Darla! Keen to hear your thoughts. I think if you liked the first one then you'll also like the second one, maybe more. I cannot read anymore haha!

Terrie  Robinson Sorry this was a miss for you, Joanna. Hopefully your next one will be a winning read for you!🌻

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thanks Terrie! I'm still deciding what to read! I see this series is on your TBR, keen to hear your thoughts. Hope you enjoy it :)

Kat I'm sorry this wasn't a fun one for you, Joanna. I appreciate your honest and thoughtful review!

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thanks Kat! I think you'll enjoy this one sinced you rated the first one highly. Looking forward to your thoughts! :)

Lisa of Troy Yikes! Hopefully you will find a better book soon. Two duds so close together is :(

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Haha!! Thanks Lisa. I'm still deciding what to read and I need to pick carefully!! I'm thinking about A Slow Fire Burning but I'm just concerned I might lose patience in the fast half since I read your review.

message 9: by Yun (new) - rated it 4 stars

Yun Oh no! Well that settles it... this series is definitely not for you, Joanna! Great review, nonetheless! :)

Holly  B (slower pace!) I'm surprised you read book two! I'm guessing no book 3?! Hope you love your next Joanna!

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thanks Yun - haha I gave it a go.

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) @Holly - I actually got the ARC for book 2 first and hence why I read both haha! No book 3, I can't handle more, I'm at your limit hahah.

I'm currently reading Thirteen and it is amazing so far!!

message 13: by Ellie (new) - added it

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus) Thank you so much for this wonderful and honest review Joanna! I’m so sorry that these books weren’t for you, I’ve been wanting to read these for a while but just haven’t felt the desire to pick them up yet! I really hope you enjoy your next read more🥰

message 14: by Jen (new)

Jen Great bedtime reading... 🤣

Sorry Joanna, but you definitely gave this series more than a fair shot. I don't think Cozies are really my thing either (Miss Marple excluded), though I did really enjoy The Maid.

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thanks Ellie! Light hearted mysteries just aren't for me! Looking forward to your thoughts when you get to it.

message 16: by Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) (last edited Sep 12, 2021 04:22AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thanks Jen! Haha I could not stay awake for long when I read it at night!

I will check those out! The Maid sounds interesting, on my TBR :D.

message 17: by Kay (new)

Kay Terrific review Joanna. The first book was 3 stars for me, but I think I'll pass on this...too many series to read already.😊

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Sorry this didn't work for you, Joanna. I have this to read soon and I am hoping to have a better time than you, lol! Fabulous honest review!

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thanks Kay! Life is too short for 3 star books haha, there are too many other books out there!

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thanks Meredith! Looking forward to your thoughts! Haha I also hope you enjoy this one more than me, this just wasn't for me.

Sandysbookaday Sorry this didn't work for you Joanna. We can't like everything. ❤📚

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thanks Sandy and agreed! Not all books will suit everyone :)

message 23: by Alistair (new) - added it

Alistair I just finished it. Didn't like it either. The comedy was overkill. Yes, some of it was really funny, and some of it was just plain stupid. I felt the mystery took a back seat to all the farce. I like my mysteries serious, propulsive, atmospheric and very suspensful. There was none of that in this book. There are too many terrific crime books out there and I cannot waste more time reading another Osman novel. Didn't read the first one and won't. I believe this series appeals to mostly older readers, aged 60 and above.

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) I love the same type of mysteries, darker the better so this one was definitely not for me!! I'm not a huge fan of books in which mystery is only on the side.

I read book 1 because I got the ARC for this. After I read it I realised this was a mistake haha and book 2 is better lol!

message 25: by Lisa (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lisa Sorry this wasn’t for you Joanna! hope you love your next book. 💕

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thank you so much Lisa :)

message 27: by Gildas (new)

Gildas Maybe cozies aren't your thing...

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) @Gildas - They most definitely are not! I got the ARC for this book so I wanted to read book 1 first.

Sarah Great review! Sorry this one was disappointing for you, though I admire your ability to write a review still showcasing what other readers may like about the book even though it ended up not being your thing.

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thank you so much Sarah that means a lot!!! Everyone has different tastes in book so even if I didn't enjoy it, someone else might :).

message 31: by Chantel (new)

Chantel Awesome review, Joanna :) Sorry this wasn't great - I felt the same! Good on you for giving both books a fair shot! Better luck with your next read!!

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Thanks so much Chantel, much appreciated :). I'll be giving cosy mysteries a miss!

MarilynW Sorry it didn't work for you, Joanna. I think Joyce is talking to their dead friend, Penny (she died in the first book and was part of the club) in her diary, at least part of the time. Great review!

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Aah thanks for explaining Marilyn! I guess I was too bored I missed that detail hahaha.

message 35: by Stef (new) - rated it 4 stars

Stef O'connor What is the difference between retirees and middle aged people? Do you see retirees as boring, old, semi invalided ppl living in aged care homes? I am interested in your perception . . .

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Hi Stef. To be honest I didn't expect this interpretation of my review and not what I was trying to imply. To me they're different stages in life. I see retirees as someone who is enjoying life and not such a thrill seeker continuing to risk their lives whereas a middle aged person is still working and could be beliveable. Glad to see you really enjoyed this one!

message 37: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Haven't tried this series. I keep thinking it's not for me either. At least you got more sleep thanks to this book 😄.

message 38: by Cara (new)

Cara sometimes the hype of a series is great, but when you finally read it, it's just not the greatest. I hope your next read is way better, great review Joanna👍💚!!!

message 39: by len ❀ (new)

len ❀ lol love the line of how it was a great read because it put you to sleep. 😂 sorry it was a miss overall, though. i know this series is loved by many so i’m still not used to seeing lower ratings. hopefully your next read is much better, and one that doesn’t put you to sleep. great review, joanna! 💕

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) @Lucy - HAHA! Issue is when I tried to read it during the day I'm just so bored. Since then I've been staying away from humerous, light mysteries haha.

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) @Cara - Thank you so much!! This just wasn't for me.

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) @Elena - Thank you so much! Yes I am very much in the minority in this one. I guess I love my dark and intense mystery thrillers.

message 43: by Barbara (new)

Barbara too bad Joanna!

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) @Barbara - thats ok! Not all books will be winners for everyone.

all_day_dream_about_books What I liked about this series is humor and wit. I understand, this series has mixed reviews and first one wasn’t fast paced. But somehow I enjoyed both, second being more fast paced

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) Im glad you loved it!! This was my first lighthearted mystery with humour in it so I think I just prefer the darker ones!

Pierre Wertheimer Not for me! Put me to sleep quickly which was the main benefit. Stopped after 100 pages.

message 48: by Arun (new) - rated it 3 stars

Arun Unni I can’t understand the hype behind this book/series. I’ve read the first two books and that’s enough to make me NOT want to read the third. There is so much meandering in the book around themes not relevant to the plot. The investigation /reveal in totally unconvincing and very “convenient”. I’d give this book a 2.5, but I’ll round up to 3.

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) @Pierre - sorry I completely missed your message. Agreed! I wish I could stop but this was an ARC for me!

Joanna Chu (The ChuseyReader) @Arun - To be honest I knew I was in trouble when I read book 1 haha. I only read book 1 and 2 because book 2 was an ARC else I would have stopped!!

Agreed I felt like there was a lot of meandering I just kept on losing focus.

Fair review and rating!

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