Amy Estridh's Reviews > Shadow Princess

Shadow Princess by Caroline Peckham
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Dearest fellow ZA readers, I hate and love you for recommending this series to me ♡

Well, this was fun!
If you like when the world is against you and ripping your heart in half at least.
Nah I'm just kidding, let's talk about the fun parts
Geraldine being a BADASS. I can't stand the way she talks, but the way she's treating Max makes up for absolutely everything. The satisfaction of sucking the air out of someone who has the confidence of a balloon is just peachy. "I'm afraid the scallywag will just have to accept I hit it and quit it. No need to go riding the same horse again, there are plenty more fillies to break in." YOU GO GIRL

⌏ 1. Tory being forced to join the cheerleading squad. Imagine how Maeve from Sex education would handle that and there you have it. 2. Tory writing bite me on her ass and flipping Kylie and the gang off 🍑

⌏ Tory being unapologetically rude, decisive, and confident. I really appreciate that she's so unlikeable at times because her resentfulness and gift of holding a grudge are so relatable. Which is why I can't exactly blame her for her choice at the end, but I'll get back to that later

⌏ Darius soon having wrinkles as a 19/20 something-year-old because of his permanent scowling 🥰

⌏ Xavier having (albeit too few) happy moments. Made my heart warm and I'm shipping him and Sofia even if they haven't met yet

⌏ The twins getting closer to accept their heritage and wanting to take the throne once and for all. Love this. Just stomp on everyone else and take it.

So maybe it was time we stopped denying our birthright. Because the Vegas had been born to rule. And I was sick of being forced to bow."

⌏ I love Darcy and Orion to the moon and back, but don't let us forget Tory and Orion's newfound friendship? My cup of tea. Their banter is just 🙏🏻

What is it with you and cutting people's balls off?" Orion's brows pulled together. "Just go for the jugular, you savage."

Now let's switch to the disappointing stuff 🥰
⌏ Look, I was under the impression that we would have an antishadow cult consisting of my four favorite characters. We got to see them meet once??

⌏ My hypocrite ass was so annoyed when Tory let Caleb play with her again while giving the silent treatment to Darius after their latest bully attempt

⌏ How can four people be so smart, and still so stupid? Literally, everything we learn about the shadows and the most important aspect of them is to STAY THE FUCK AWAY. And they forget everything, having no suspicion at all about Clara?? I get that Orion is a bit blinded (although he's the one with the greatest knowledge so still), but the others? aoskpvertg

BIG spoilers here
Because now I'm gonna dedicate a whole lot of opinions about Darius and Tory
We're starting off with some decent hate, picking up at the ending of the third book. Tory has a lot to say and remind him of.

"Oh, I don't know," I replied sarcastically. "We're in a bathroom after all, maybe you're going to try and drown me again? Or choke me?

Darius's answer is, as always, to switch between scowling and biting back even worse, and to look at her with sad and misunderstood eyes.
The thing is, he is absolutely confident that he knows exactly who Tory is and what she feels. He's not cutting short of pointing that out to her either:

"Because we're the same you and me. Botch fucked up, broken pieces on a game board that's bigger than we can cope with."

Every girl likes a man who tells her who she is and what she feels 🥰

The love/hate attraction is finally meeting its culmination and the pair can't longer stay away from each other. There are biting and ripping and pushing and really, really hot scenes. Friends with benefits? Bitch please, Enemies with benefits is the new!

After a while, something shifts for both of them in ways of feelings, but mostly Darius. Oh I forgot to mention, they kinda did an awful thing to the twins again, which didn't exactly work in Darius's favor of getting Tory to worship him. The result? Darius pining after Tory while she's spitting on his footsteps.

Then THE THING happens, which I had suspected since I knew it would be something awful Tory would do to Darius. I really wanted to be wrong, but here I am.

So instead of looking at me like I'm the one who is denying fate and stealing your one true chance at happiness from you, then why don't you look at yourself?"

Now, I have 2 things to say about this.

1. I really, really understand Tory and can't blame her for rejecting him. Will she regret it? iiii'm pretty sure yes. But from her perspective: she's basically a walking poster of being stubborn and prideful, and now someone she despises begs her to let fate decide her eternal love? She doesn't want anyone to make decisions for her, and I can see how she wouldn't want a guy who only wants her because they're "fated to be together".
Is my heart still hurting? Do I absolutely hate this? YES FFS

2. If they can't reverse this and be mates anyway, I'll lose a helluva lot of interest in this series. Tory and Darius are too much of a foundation for me and I'm not that forgiving

I think I'm done ranting now, I really doubt anyone will have the energy to read all this rambling shit, but I needed to ventilate so, have a happy Tuesday and take care, don't do drugs and be nice, Peace
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Reading Progress

October 11, 2021 – Shelved
October 11, 2021 –
page 60
8.29% ""I'm afraid the scallywag will just have to accept I hit it and quit it. No need to go riding the same horse again, there are plenty more fillies to break in."

Geraldine is really growing on me"
October 11, 2021 –
page 240
33.15% "Okay but if they can at least kiss or smth and then go back to hating each other I’d be perfectly fine"
October 12, 2021 – Started Reading
October 12, 2021 –
page 538
74.31% "and imagine I thought Seth was a cute puppy just a while ago"
October 12, 2021 –
98.0% "Haha omg I just knew Tory would do this to Darius, I’ve been thinking about all possible scenarios and I was right, GOOD TIMES"
October 12, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Antonella I understood Tory's decision too but still, I was mad...

message 2: by Amy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Amy Estridh Antonella wrote: "I understood Tory's decision too but still, I was mad..."

oh yeah definitely, still hurt af 😂

Musi ✨Vegacrux’s first child✨ the last 2 points- YUP YUP. so authors really give us regarding them two in the upcoming books. you'll be happy w them in the 5th book even tho there's so much pain between them but they're my #1 in the series so they have to be salvaged somehow.

message 4: by Amy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Amy Estridh Musi wrote: "the last 2 points- YUP YUP. so authors really give us regarding them two in the upcoming books. you'll be happy w them in the 5th book even tho there's so much pain between them but they're my #1 i..."

ooh i changed a bit in this review but i read the book a while ago!! I've read the 5th as well but took a break and wanted to wait with the 6th until the latest is out heeh. but tbh i don't even care what happens as long as darius and tory gets their ending ahahah

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