JaymeO's Reviews > The Resting Place

The Resting Place by Camilla Sten
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Prosopagnosia (face blindness) is the new go to plot device in recent thrillers. This rare medical diagnosis has become popular in this genre because it sets up the perfect alibi. If you can’t recognize a face, would you be able to identify a murderer?

In The Resting Place, Eleanor finds her grandmother Vivianne brutally stabbed with a pair of scissors in her own home. She witnesses the murderer leave the scene, but cannot recognize the face. Who killed Vivianne and why?

When Eleanor receives a call from a lawyer to go through her grandmother’s things at her estate in the woods, she, her boyfriend Sebastian, and aunt Veronika make the trip in order to learn more about her family’s past. When people and important items start disappearing, Eleanor must figure out who is after her family before it’s too late.

Told in dual timelines alternating between the present and past, this Swedish mystery will have you guessing until the very end.

This is the second thriller I have read by Sten, and it’s by far my favorite. It’s creepy, atmospheric, unpredictable, and unputdownable! I listened to it in two days!

The audiobook read by Angela Dawe is fantastic. She absolutely sold the story and made it come to life. A+

4.5/5 stars rounded down
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October 30, 2021 – Shelved
May 3, 2022 – Started Reading
May 7, 2022 – Finished Reading

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Derek (I'M BACKKKK!) The mystery here sounds intriguing! Interesting that prosopagnosia keeps popping up. I was genuinely surprised by it the first time I read about it. But I may tire from it easily. We shall see. Excellent review, Jayme!

JaymeO Thank you Derek! I had never heard of it before it became the go to plot device and was surprised that it was a real diagnosis!

message 3: by Kaceey (new) - added it

Kaceey Excellent review Jayme! Sounds really good!💞

JaymeO Thank you Kaceey! I really enjoyed it!

Dutchie Fab review Jayme! I liked this one as well…second one I read and totally the fave!

JaymeO Thank you Dutchie! I am glad we agree! 😃

JaymeO Thanks Girlwiththepinkskimask! I definitely recommend trying the audiobook! It probably did make the story even better!

Christina I also thought this was unputdownable! Excellent review.

JaymeO Thank you Christina! Glad you enjoyed this one too!

message 10: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Sounds intriguing Jayme!

JaymeO Thanks Holly! It’s a good one!

message 12: by Brittany (new) - added it

Brittany McCann Interesting, I recently read Rock, Paper, Scissors with Prosopagnosia which felt a bit like a cop out hahaha

JaymeO Brittany, I think it’s more of a minor plot element than in Rock, Paper, Scissors. Both use the device similarly, but it didn’t feel inauthentic in this one.

message 14: by Jayme (new)

Jayme I love a good, atmospheric read! May have to find time for this one! Terrific review! 💕

JaymeO Jayme, definitely try the audio if you can. It’s fantastic!

message 16: by Jayme (new)

Jayme 👍🏻👍🏻

message 17: by Michael (new)

Michael David (on hiatus) Fantastic review, Jayme! Glad you enjoyed it.

JaymeO Thank you, Michael! 😃

message 19: by Allison (new) - added it

Allison Faught This one sounds good! I’ll add it! 😄 Wonderful review, Jayme!!

JaymeO Thank you, Allison! I hope you enjoy it too!

message 21: by NZLisaM (new)

NZLisaM Terrific review, Jayme.

JaymeO Thanks Lisa!

message 23: by Kay (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kay Loved the audio but it was confusing for me, great review Jayme!🥰

JaymeO Thanks Kay! I did enjoy it, but agree about the names and the timelines!

message 25: by Whitney Erwin (new)

Whitney Erwin Nice review, Jayme!

JaymeO Thank you, Whitney!

message 27: by Poppyflowerjj (new)

Poppyflowerjj Terrific review!🌻💕!!

JaymeO Thanks so much Jaymie! 😀

message 29: by Kate (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kate Love this one! The Lost Village is even better!

JaymeO Glad we agree Kate! I really enjoyed it!

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